Present: Jewett, P., Chairman
    Arrott, A. ?
    In Attendance: ?
    Alderson, E. W.
    Birch, D. ?
    McMillan, A.
    Blaney, J.
    Wilson, J.
    Brown, R. C.
    Calvert, T. W.
    Carlson, R. L.
    Cott, P. T.
    Absent: ?
    Douglas-Crampton, D.
    Dawson, A. J.
    A. ?
    Frydenlund, D.
    Dobb, T. C.
    Geen, G. H.
    Doherty, P.
    Gingerich, J. C.
    Hindle, L.
    Harrison, J.
    Keitner, A.
    Hauka, D. P.
    Latham, L.
    Hobson, R. F.
    Overholt, M.
    Hoyt, G. ?
    Resnick, L.
    Ivany, J.W.G.
    Tuintnan, J.
    Jones, C.H.W.
    Walkley, J.
    Kemp, C. L.
    Wyatt, J. D.
    Lachlan, A. H.
    Luetzen, S.
    Mackauer, J.P.M.
    McMillan, D. B.
    Moffatt, D.
    Reilly, N. R.
    Rieckhoff, K. E.
    Thomas, L. E.
    Timberlake, A. J.
    Wagner, P. L.
    Webster, J. N.
    Weinberg, H.
    Weinkam, J. J.
    Wells, E.
    Wheatley, J.
    Young, J. 0.
    Evans, H. N., Secretary
    Nagel, H. D.
    Norsworthy, R., Recording Secretary

    - 2 -
    S.N. 11/9/78
    The Chairman announced the resignation from Senate of two students,
    D. G. Home, effective August 1, 1978, and D. Cort, effective September 1,
    1978, and stated that a call for nominations and election for replacements
    and for a representative of the Faculty of Education would be issued shortly.
    (Secretary's Note: J. B. Toor will be absent for a year and a by-election
    will be held at Senate for temporary replacement to August 31, 197.)
    The agenda was approved as circulated.
    The minutes of the Open Session of June 5, 1978 were approved as
    There was no business arising from the minutes.
    The President stated that inasmuch as she had been nominated as a
    candidate for the New Democratic Party's federal riding of New Westminster-
    Coquitlam, it was her intention to utilize accumulated vacation entitlement
    commencing October 9, 1978 and that her term of office would be formally
    terminated on December 31, 1978. Dr. D. Birch, Acting Academic Vice-
    President, will be Acting President until the presidency is assumed by Dr.
    George Pedersen on January 1, 1979. If a federal election is held before
    December 31 and she is elected, Dr. Jewett would terminate her leave and
    the presidency forthwith.
    Senate was advised of other administrative changes in that N. R. Reilly
    has been appointed Acting Associate Vice-President, Academic for term of
    office from September 1, 1978 to August 31, 1979, and J. M. Munro has been
    named Director of the Kelowna School of Resource Management. B. G. Wilson,
    who is currently on leave until December 31, 1978, has agreed to assist in
    any special assignments and is involved with D. Birch in connection with the
    budget for Interior Programming.
    With regard to the Open Learning Institute, the Chairman reported that
    its highest priority would be directed toward developing distance education
    to meet adult education basic needs. She noted that if OLI eventually
    offers upper level degree programs in the Arts and Sciences this University
    would be cooperating.
    i) Paper S.78-79 - Search Committee for a Vice-President, Academic
    Moved by K. Rieckhoff, seconded by R. Brown,
    "That a Search Committee for a Vice-President,
    Academic be established consisting of:

    - 3 -
    S.M. 11/9/78
    . ?
    (a) the President as Chairman
    (b) the Vice-President, Administration
    two Deans selected by the Deans
    four faculty members elected by and from
    faculty members (one from each Faculty)
    one undergraduate student elected by and
    from the undergraduate student body
    one' graduate student elected by and from
    the graduate student body
    the President of the Faculty Association
    the President of the Student Forum
    (i) the President-elect to serve as an ex-
    officio non-voting member.
    The Search Committee will establish Its operating
    Responding to a question raised by J. Young, the Chairman stated
    that in the event the presidency of the Student Forum is vacant the
    Acting President could be named to the Search Committee.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    ii) Paper S.78-80 - a) Search Committee for Dean of Faculty;
    b) Search Committee for Dean of Graduate Studies
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by H. Weinberg,
    1. ?
    "That the membership of a Dean's Search
    Committee (Faculty Dean) be as follows:
    Academic Vice-President, Chairman;
    all Deans, except the incumbent Dean of
    the Faculty and any Dean who himself is
    a candidate for the position;
    four faculty members holding regular full-
    time appointments, at least two of whom must
    be at the rank of Associate Professor or above,
    elected by and from the Faculty involved;
    two student members (
    from the Faculty in-
    volved) selected by the Student Society."
    Reference was made to the supporting paper wherein it was stated
    that there was no intention to change the terms of reference earlier
    approved and that these would be retained, but the motion would have
    the effect only of reducing the number of Deans and faculty members.
    An amendment was moved by T. Arrott, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    . "That the section starting 'all Deans' be
    changed to read, 'three Deans of which at
    least two shall be Faculty Deans excluding
    the incumbent Dean of Faculty and any Dean
    who is a candidate for the position."

    - 4 -
    S.N. 11/9/78
    T. Arrott commented that the rationale for the amendment was the?
    fact that large committees are unwieldy and a Dean's time is at a premium.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    26 in favor
    5 opposed
    Question was called on the motion as amended, and a vote taken.
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by D. Frydenlund,
    "That the membership of a Dean's Search
    Committee (Graduate Studies) be asfo11pws:
    ( ?
    i1Academic Vice-President, Chairman;
    all Dans, except the incumbent Dean of
    't ?
    Icthe_FacifE and any Dean who himself is
    a candidate for the position;
    four faculty members holding regular full-
    appointments, at least
    of whom
    be at the rank of Associate Professor?
    or above, elected by and from the Faculty
    ' ?
    student members (from the Faculty
    involved )
    selected by the Student Society."
    c)r m
    r ?
    was moved by J. Wheatley, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    That after four faculty members holding
    full-time appointments,
    there be added
    who have sat at least one semester on the
    Senate Graduate Studies Committee."
    J. Wheatley was of the opinion that the committee membership should
    include faculty members who had had experience with the Graduate Studies
    Committee and were familiar with the managing of graduate studies. D.
    Birch did not favor legislating limiting the source of candidates in this
    way and he was supported by J. Webster. K. Rieckhoff urged that the prece-
    dent be accepted as specific knowledge and expertise in graduate studies is
    an essential ingredient for such a selection committee.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    Amendment was moved by N. Mackauer, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "That the specification for membership of Deans
    be altered to read, 'three Deans, of which at

    - 5 -
    S.M. 11/9/78
    sleast two shall be Faculty Deans, excluding the
    incumbent Dean of Graduate Studies and any Dean
    who is a candidate for the position."
    R. Brown and D. Birch spoke in opposition to the amendment inasmuch
    as Faculty Deans have a responsibility for overseeing the graduate pro-
    grains of their departments.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    17 in favor
    13 opposed
    Question was called on the motion as amended, and a vote taken.
    The Chairman stated that the revised document would be referred to
    the Board of Governors for its consideration and if approved the election
    and selection procedures will commence.
    i) Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    0 ?
    a) Paper S.78-81 - Department of Geography - New Course Proposal:
    GEOG 445-5 - Rural Planning
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by D. Frydenlund,
    "That Senate approve, and recommend approval to
    the Board of Governors, as set forth in S.78-81,
    the new course GEOG 445-5 - Rural Planning."
    Note: Subject to the approval by Senate and the Board of this course, the
    Senate 'Committee on Undergraduate Studies has approved waiver of
    the time lag requirement in order that this course may be offered
    in the Spring semester 79-1.
    The Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies was satisfied concern-
    ing the availability of library and other resources as a set of
    "hand-outs" has-been prepared by the instructor and meets the earlier
    concerns of the library.
    J. Wilson, resource person from the Department of Geography, was in
    attendance to respond to questions.
    L. Kemp enquired which courses in the Department would be offered
    frequently if the new course were to be approved, and it was explained that
    the question was difficult to answer as patterns are constantly shifting.
    E. Wells expressed concern regarding the introduction of afive unit course
    and the vagueness' of the prerequisite statement. , R. Brown explained that a
    high degree of variability exists between the number of contact hours and
    the number of credits', but the general Faculty of Arts policy is that the

    - 6 -
    S.M. 11/9/78
    contact and credit hours match. He added that Professor Wilson had been
    hired to introduce a stream of planning courses for student interest in
    that orientation. J. Wilson added that an attempt was being made to
    accommodate diverse principles for development of a variety of planning.
    P. Wagner stated the role of planning was a selection of a base to work
    the academic learning in a variety of contexts and the work done by the
    students cannot be summarized by hours of personal contact.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    b) Paper S.78-82 - Department of History - Title and Description
    Change; New Course Proposals
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by D. Frydenlund,
    "That the title and description change for HIST
    226-3, as set forth in S.78-82, be approved and
    recommended to the Board for approval."
    J. Young expressed his approval of the broadening of the History
    curriculum and stated that there likely would be more courses available
    on European nation states.
    Question was called on Motion 1, and a vote taken.
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by P. Cot
    "That the proposed new course for HIST 227-3 -
    Russia Since 1762, as set forth in S.78-82, be
    approved and recommended to the Board for approval."
    "That the proposed new course for HIST 228-3 -
    Germany Since 1740, as set forth in S.78-82, be
    approved and recommended to the Board for approval."
    "That the proposed new course, HIST 229-3 -
    France Since 1763, as set forth in S.78-82, be
    approved and recommended to the Board for approval."
    Question was called on Motions 2, 3, and 4, and a vote taken.
    MOTIONS 2, 3 and 4 CARRIED
    c) Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
    1) Paper S.78-83 - FREN 341-3 - Title and Description Change
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by P. Hauka,
    "That the proposed new title and course description
    for FREN 341-3, as set forth in S.78-83, be approved

    - 7 -
    S.M. 11/9/78
    . ?
    and recommended to the Board for approval."
    Note: If the course is approved, SCUS has approved that it be added
    to the list of courses with total Canadian content for use on
    the Canadian Studies Minor.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by D. Frydenlund,
    "That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of
    Governors the practice of late transfer from in-
    tensive language courses to lower language courses."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    2) Paper S.78-84 - Russian Title and Description Changes
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by J. Gingerich,
    "That Senate approve, and recommend approval to
    the Board of Governors, as set forth in S.78-84,
    the title and description changes for the
    following courses:
    RUSS 140-3
    RUSS 450-3
    RUSS 453-3
    RUSS 455-3
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    d) Centre for the Arts
    1) Paper S.78-85 - Minor Program in Visual Art, including
    Changes to Courses; New Courses
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by T. Calvert,
    1. ?
    Senate approve,
    and recommend
    of Governors, as
    set forth in

    - 8 -
    S.M. 11/9/78
    posed changes in title and description for the
    following courses:
    FPA. 160-3
    FPA. 260-3
    FPA. 261-3
    E. Alderson joined the assembly to respond to questions.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by T. Calvert,
    "That Senate approve, and recommend approval to
    the Board of Governors, as set forth in S.78-85,
    the proposed new courses:
    FPA. 161-3 - Introductory Studio in Visual Art II
    FPA. 360-3 - Studio in Visual Art III
    FPA. 361-3 - Studio in Visual Art IV
    FPA. 366-3 - Problems in Visual Art I
    FPA. 367-3 - Problems in Visual Art II
    FPA. 469-5 - Directed Project in Visual Art."
    Note: Subject to the approval by Senate and the Board of the course,
    the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies has approved waiver
    of the time lag requirement in order that FPA. 161-3 may be offered
    in Spring semester 79-1.
    E. Wells questioned the vector descriptions of 0-0-8 and 0-0-10 and
    E. Alderson noted that for FPA. 469 no vector should have been shown as the
    course was directed studies. With regard to the general studio work, he
    explained that studio access would be available depending on the type of
    work involved.
    H. Weinberg asked for an indication of the final structure of the
    programs in Fine and Performing Arts, and E. Alderson explained that the
    third stage of development has been approved in principle and involves a
    Major in Theatre, a Major in Dance, and a Minor in Visual Art as new
    programs to accompany the Minors in Film, Theatre and Dance. The next
    phase is to build two minors into major programs, and the Visual Art Minor
    has been conceived around the idea it is part of a larger structure which
    will support and stimulate other areas.
    Question was called on Motion 2, and a vote taken.
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by T. Calvert,
    "That Senate approve and recommend approval to the
    Board of Governors, as set forth in S.78-85, the
    proposed Minor Program in Visual Art."

    S.M. 11/9/78
    Note: Senate has earlier approved in principle the establishment of a
    . ?
    Minor Program in Visual Art and the current cubmlssions are con-
    sistent with the earlier proposals approved in principle.
    D. Frydenlund expressed concern regarding the comparison between
    the requirements of 38 credit hours for the Visual Art Minor and the
    36 hours stipulated for an Archaeology Major. E. Alderson explained
    that it was necessary to intensify the amount of study at the lower
    division to accommodate serious study in the Fine Arts for the kind of
    preparatory work necessary to provide adequate university training and
    permit the proposed minor in conjunction with majors in other subjects.
    D. Birch confirmed that a common pattern in the Faculties of Education
    and Interdisciplinary Studies Is a degree com
    rised of two minors in
    related disciplines wherein much of' the lower division requirements can
    count towards both, minors.
    Question was called, and a vote 'taken.
    2) Paper
    S.78-86 - New Course Proposal - FPA. 176-3 -
    Photography as an Art Form
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by T. Calvert,
    "That Senate approve and recommend approval to the
    Board of Governors, as set forth in S.78-86, the
    new course FPA. 176-3 - Photography as an Art Form."
    Note: Subject to the approval by Senate and the Board of this course,
    the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies has approved waiver
    of the time lag requirement in order that this course may be
    offered in the Spring semester 79-1.
    In discussion at the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    the question was raised as to whether the course was one primarily
    on techniques but the Committee was satisfied that the course
    properly falls in the visual art area with different orientation
    from that which pertained when earlier versions were offered
    through Communication Studies, with different program goals.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    e) Paper S.78-87 - Practicura Courses in Computing Science
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by T. Calvert,
    "That Senate approve, and recommend approval to the
    Board of Governors, as set forth in .78-•87, proposals
    for the following courses:

    - 10 -
    S.M. 11/9/78
    CMPT 426-0 - Practicum I
    cT 427-0 - Practicum II
    CMPT 428-0 - Practicum III
    CMPT 429-0 - Practicuin IV
    and that with the introduction of these courses
    MPT 411,
    412 and CMPT 413 be discontinued."
    Note: Subject to the approval by Senate and the Board of these courses,
    the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies has approved waiver
    of the time lag requirement in order that these courses may be
    offered in the Spring semester 79-1.
    These changes move the practicum courses in Computing Science
    from credit courses to zero-credit courses for Co-operative
    Education Program purposes and are consistent with the principles
    earlier approved by Senate.
    J. Weinkam stated that the work-study programs require a tight
    schedule and it was necessary to discontinue the former credit elective
    as two programs cannot exist simultaneously.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    f) Paper S.78-88 - Practicum Courses in Kinesiology
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by T. Calvert,
    "That Senate approve, and recommend approval to the
    Board of Governors, as set forth in S.78-88, the
    following new courses:
    KIN. 351-0
    - Practicum
    - Practicum
    - Practicum
    - Practicum
    and that with the introduction of these new courses
    KIN. 450-5 be discontinued."
    Note Subject to the approval by Senate and the Board of these courses
    the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies has approved waiver
    of the time lag requirement in order that these courses may be
    offered in the Spring semester 79-1.
    These changes establish four zero credit practicum courses in
    Kinesiology, and discontinue a practicum credit course, for Co-
    operative Education Program purposes and are consistent with the
    principles earlier approved by Senate.

    S.M. 11/9/78
    T. Calvert confirmed that it is difficult to retain parallel credit
    and non-credit programs and that either is a tremendous drain on the
    resources of the department. A student who previously might have elected
    a 5 credit practicum will be required to seek other offerings to meet the
    requirements for a major.
    called, and a vote taken.
    g) Paper S.78-89 - Department of Mathematics - Changes to
    Mathematics Minor Requirements
    Moved by R. Brown, seconded by I. Calvert,
    "That Senate approve and recommend approval to the
    Board of Governors, as set forth in S.78-89, changes
    in requirements for the Minor Program in Mathematics."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    ii) Senate Undergraduate Admissions Board/Senate Committee on Agenda
    and Rules
    a) Paper S.78-90 - New Admission Requirements for B.C. Secondary
    School Graduates - For Informal Discussion Only
    It was proposed that the recommendations outlined in Paper S.78-90
    be considered ad seriatum and that a summary of the discussion be for-
    warded to a joint meeting of the Senate Committee on Academic Planning
    and representatives of the Senate Undergraduate Admissions Board scheduled
    to be convened on Wednesday, September 13, 1978.
    Birch apologized for late distribution of a number of tables
    and brief comments in connection with the SUAB proposals. He suggested
    the analysis, produced by Analytical Studies, would speak for itself
    but pointed out that calculations based on four separate methods for
    ascertaining eligibility for university admission produced very similar
    results despite contentions that there were advantages to the student
    when the calculation was concentrated on three Grade 12 subjects rather
    than a large selection of courses.
    Wells, pro tern Chairman of SUAB, commented that following the
    discontinuation of compulsory Provincial examinations, UBC and UVIc had
    recommended increasing the level of their admission requirements to take
    effect in 1981. Simon Fraser now followed their iniative with intention
    to increase requirements and lay more emphasis on the academic aspects
    of qualifications for entry to post-secondary education.
    A. McMillan was invited to join the assembly to provide any required
    additional information relating to the proposals.

    12 -
    S.M. 11/9/78
    That secondary school applicants be required to present a
    Grade 11 physical, or life, science (i.e. Geology 11,
    Physics 11, Chemistry 11, or Earth Science 11) in addition
    to Algebra 11.
    J. Young felt that such requirements were not necessarily compatible
    to the interests of individuals who planned, for example, on Fine Arts
    programs. H. Weinberg countered that the admission standards are inten-
    ded to identify those students who can operate at a university level.
    K. Rieckhoff welcomed the proposal, stating that with the expansion of
    the college system and the open learning institute the opportunities
    would be greater for an already matured student to progress through post-
    secondary education. He regretted the distressing rate of withdrawal of
    students unable to meet established performance standards. J. Gingerich
    agreed that SFU admission standards should follow a provincial guideline
    but a student should not be precluded from entry on the basis of a diversi-
    fied background.
    That secondary school applicants be required to present French 11,
    or a foreign language 11, for admission.
    Note: A student may be allowed to present fluency in a native language,
    or another foreign language (not presently on the Ministry of
    Education Arts and Science list). Any student wishing to take
    advantage of this option should contact the Office of Admissions
    for further details.
    J. Harrison suggested that a student should be given the choice of
    either Science 11 or French 11 as individuals in one field may not find
    an advantage in dual study. The Chairman noted that IJBC will require both
    subjects whereas. UVic's requirements are for either. Several Senators
    expressed the opinion that a language requirement provides greater depth
    of learning.
    That B.C. Secondary School students be required to present
    four academic 12-level subjects (including English 12) for
    It was noted that English 11 and Social Studies 11 are standard
    requirements in secondary shool programs and that UBC and UVic calculate
    averages over both Grade 11 and Grade 12 achievements.
    That, normally, students must present an overallaverage of
    C+, or 2.5, on the four (4) academic 12-level subjects
    (including English 12).

    -. 13 -
    S.M. 11/9/78
    Considerable discussion ensued with some concern being expressed
    regarding the recommendation to increase the CPA from 2.0 to 2.5 on
    four rather than three academic subjects. The statistics relating to
    Grade 11 and Grade 12 performance were reviewed and questioned as an
    accurate predictor of university level achievement. H. Weinberg sug-
    gested that increasing the grade point average could result in grade
    inflation; that standards could be established better through entrance
    examinations. J. Gingerich said the universities should be open to
    people who wish to accept the challenge but standards should not be
    reduced to accommodate them.
    That students be allowed to select their academic 12-level
    subjects from the Arts and Science list as approved by the
    Ministry of Education.
    T. Arrott noted that Western Civilization 12, which had been
    rejected by Senate as acceptable credit for purposes of admission,
    would be included in the Ministry of Education list.
    That students admitted directly from secondary school with
    a grade in English 12 below C be required to register in
    English 010 in their first semester and obtain credit in
    English 010 within the first three semesters at SFU.
    R. Brown informed Senate that the Department of English had ex-
    pressed strong objection to Recommendation VI inasmuch as ENGL 010 is
    not designed to accommodate the charge. D. Birch remarked that only
    a small proportion of those admitted on the basis of high school -
    graduation would be required to take remedial English, and J. Young
    suggested that a small number of students could be referred to Reading
    and Study for that purpose.
    That the preceding admission requirements, if approved, be
    effective for admission to the 1981 Fall semester, but not
    be applied retroactively.
    The Chairman stated that the recommendation for an effective date
    of application must be left flexible for the time being.
    For applicants graduating in 1980 that, normally, they must
    present an overall average of C+, or 2.5 on the three (3)
    academic 12-level subjects (including English 12). Applicants
    whose overall average on the three (3) academic 12-1evel
    S ?
    subjects is between C and C+ will be considered for admission
    by the Senate Undergraduate Admissions Board.
    P. Jewett suggested that the specified year might be adjusted.

    T. Arrott did not agree that advance warning of requirements for
    - 14 -
    S.M. 11/9/78
    admission necessarily need be given. P. Wagner suggested a positive
    approach with stated requirements to be considered as guarantees of
    qualification for admission.
    The Chairman confirmed that a summary of the discussion would be
    relayed to the SCAP/SUAB meeting and Senators were invited to submit
    in writing to the Chairmen of the two committees any additional comments
    they wished to be considered.
    iii) Senate Graduate Studies Committee
    a) Paper S.78
    -91 - Faculty of Education New Graduate Course
    Moved by J. Wheatley, seconded by K. Rieckhof,
    "That Senate approve the following new graduate courses
    in the Faculty of Education:
    EDTJC 826-5 - The Reading Process
    EDUC 827-5 - Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    I a
    There were no reports of faculties.
    There was no other business
    There were no notices of motion.
    It was noted that the next regular meeting of Senate is scheduled
    for Monday, October 2, 1978.
    The assembly moved immediately into Closed Session at 9:51 p.m.
    H. M. Evans

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