Present: Jewett, P., Chairman
    Arrott, A. S.
    Absent: Baird, D. A.
    Barlow, J. S.
    Croll, J. R.
    Birch, D. R.
    Cunningham, A. B.
    Bitle, D. E.
    Diamond, J.
    Bitle, G.
    Doherty, P. M.
    Blaney, J. P.
    Hackney, J. W.
    Buitenhujs, P.
    Hindle, L.
    Calvert, T. W.
    Kazepides, A.
    Carlson, R. L.
    Knight, D. E.
    Chapman, A. E.
    Mackauer, J.P.M.
    Clayman, B. P., representing J.Wheatley McClaren, M.
    Cunningham, F.
    Palmer, B.J.F.
    Ghozali, R. M.
    Walkley, J.
    Hobson, R. F.
    Webb, M. J.
    Hoiweg, B.
    Wilson, B. G.
    Hoyt, G. C.
    Hutchinson, J. F.
    Ivany, J.W.G.
    In attendance: Bouton, C. P.
    Keltner, A. A.
    Bowman, N. L.
    Kemp, C. L.
    Cole, D. L.
    Lal, H.
    Garcia, J.
    Latham, L.
    Kirkpatrick, D. G.
    McGuire, G. T.
    Melody, W. H.
    Mulholland, E. B.
    Newton, B. E.
    Munro, J. M.
    Quo, F. Q.
    Okuda, K.
    Somjee, A. H.
    Overholt, M. J.
    Whitworth, J. N.
    Powell, R. D.
    Richards, Jr., W. D.
    Resnick, L.
    Rieckhoff, K. E.
    Thomas, S.
    Webster, J. M.
    Weinberg, H.
    Wells, E. J.
    Wyatt, J. D.
    Evans, H. M., Secretary
    Nagel, H. D.
    Norsworthy, R., Recording Secretary

    - 2
    The agenda was approved as circulated.
    C. Kemp noted that the title of BISC 105-3 had been incorrectly
    published on page 7, and asked that it be changed to "Biology and the
    Human Species." C. Bitle referred to the election to the Senate Library
    Committee, recorded on page 3, and pointed out that the election was for
    a regular, rather than alternate, member, with H. Lal being elected by
    acclamation to replace E. Ryan for balance term of office.The minutes
    of the Open Session of November 7, 1977 were then approved as amended.
    There was no business arising from the minutes.
    i) ?p er
    S.77-137 -structure of the Presidential Search Committee
    Moved by K. Rieckhoff, and duly seconded,
    "That Senate approve the structure established
    by the Board of Governors, as set forth in S.77-137,
    for the Presidential Search Committee:
    Two members of the Board plus the Chairman, or a
    member of the Board designated by the Chairman,
    with the Chairman or his designate serving as
    Chairman of the Committee
    Three faculty members at large, elected by the
    Three Deans selected by the Deans, after the faculty
    members at large have been elected
    Two undergraduate students at large, elected by the
    undergraduate student body;
    One graduate student at large, elected by the
    graduate student body
    The President of the Student Society
    The President of the Faculty Association
    The President of the Alumni Association
    One person elected by and from the full-time
    employees of the University who are not faculty

    - 3 -
    S.M. 5/12/77
    The Chairman stated that section a) would be clearer in the intent
    if it read "Two members of the Board plus the Chairman or in the place
    of the Chairman a member of the Board designated by the Chairman," and
    that section b) was intended to specify that the three faculty members at
    large are elected by faculty members and paralleled the footnote pertain-
    ing to students.
    A. Arrott confirmed that the Chairman of the Presidential Search
    Committee, whether he be the Chairman of the Board oR, a designated
    Chairman, would hold that position and that it was not intended to
    alternate or change. J. Hutchinson clarified that for this committee
    deans would be excluded from candidacy in the election of faculty members.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Moved by J. Hutchinson, seconded by P. Buitenhuls,
    "That Senate requests the Board to give its early
    attention to the establishment of procedures for
    the selection of the other senior academic adminis-
    trators in accordance with Section 28(e) of the
    Universities Act."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.77-138 - Interior Programming, Distance Education
    The Chaiman noted that Paper S.77-138 had been provided for infor-
    mation and indicated that the Board of Governors had endorsed the concepts
    of the Interior Programming Committee and the various requests for the
    Distance Education components. She added that a decision regarding the
    mode to be followed would likely be made within the next few days.
    Referring to a paper circulated by R. Powell at the previous meeting
    of Senate, D. Birch provided information to the effect that representatives
    of practicum courses would be meeting very soon to examine procedures
    governing withdrawal and appeal, following which further information would
    be available.
    i) Senate Committee on Academic Planning
    a) Paper S.77-139 - Computing Science - Proposal for Change. in Status
    Moved by T. Calvert, seconded by A. Chapman,
    "That Senate approve and recommend approval to the

    - 4 -
    S.M. 5/12/77
    Board of Governors that the status of Computing
    Science be changed from a Program to a Department."
    An amendment was moved by A. Arrott, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "That the words, 'once a permanent faculty home
    is found.' be added to the motion."
    A. Arrott stated that when the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies
    had been established it was to be a spawning ground for the development
    of programs in advance of assignment to a permanent Faculty. R. Hobson
    spoke against the amendment, stating that the current departments within
    the Faculty had no desire to change Faculty.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    Question was called on the main motion, and a vote taken.
    ii) Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    The Chairman proposed time-saving in that one broad motion by
    mover and seconder would be taken as putting sections ii) a) to h) of
    the agenda on the floor, to be considered one at a time, and that votes
    would be taken as appropriate on the individual sections. This was
    a) Paper S.77-140 - Changes - Economics and Cqjmnerce
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Munro,
    "That the following changes, as set forth in S.77-140,
    be approved and recommended to the Board for approval:
    Change of Description - ECON 201-3
    Change of Prerequisites, all Upper Division
    Economics and Commerce Courses (except COMM
    477-3 and COMM 478-3)
    Change of Prerequisites - COMM 222-3
    Change of Prerequisites - COMM 321-3
    Change of Prerequisites - COMM 387-3."
    J. Munro stated that inasmuch as COMM 403-3 currently has a pre-
    requisite of 90 credit hours, it should be deleted from the list covered
    by section ii) of the motion. As there was no objection, the course was
    deleted from the list.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

    - 5 -
    S.77-141 - Changes
    - Geography
    by D.
    Birch, seconded
    J. Munro,
    "That the change in Upper Division Course
    Requirements, Division Structure, Division A,
    as set forth in S.77-141, be approved and
    recommended to the Board for approval."
    Note: GEOG 342 has been deleted from the Department's course offerings
    and the calendar entry will be revised accordingly.
    D. Birch asked that the word'ociologica1" in the last line of the
    rationale statement be corrected to "social."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.77-142 - Changes - History
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Munro,
    "That the new courses,
    HIST 104-3 - History of the Americas to 163
    HIST 201-3 - History of Western Canada
    HIST 219-3 - Byzantium and the Barbarian West from
    the Fourth to Twelfth Centuries;
    change of title and description for
    HIST 220-3 - Europe from the 12th to the Mid-16th
    HIST 224-3 - Europe from the French Revolution to the
    First World War
    HIST 225-3 - 20th Century Europe;
    and change of title, description and prerequisite
    comments for
    HIST 223-3 - Europe from the Mid-16th Century to the
    French Revolution,
    as set forth in S.77-142, be approved and recommended
    to the Board for approval."
    Note: The History Department has provided a clear rationale for the
    introduction of each of the three new courses based on departmental
    strengths, faculty, and student interest. SCUS was informed that
    specific existing courses will be offered less frequently in order
    to accommodate the three new courses.
    D. Cole, resource person from the Department of History, was invited
    to join the assembly to respond to questions.
    R. Carlson asked for a definition of "evaluation" in the course descrip-
    tion of HIST 104 and D. Cole agreed that "examination" would be a better
    word choice, and this change was made. F. Cunningham expressed interest in
    possible additional costs for mounting the new courses and information was

    - 6 -
    S.M. 5/12/77
    provided to the effect that the library resources for HIST 419 would require
    a modest expenditure of between $200 and $300; no new faculty hirings were
    contemplated; less frequent offerings of existing Latin American courses
    would follow the offering of HIST 104 which was expected to encourage in-
    creased enrolment in the Latin American Studies program. G. McGuire
    indicated that in future where less frequency of offerings of some courses
    is being proposed to accommodate new courses, that there be data showing
    courses affected. The Chairman stated that this would be drawn to the
    attention of SCUS.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    d) Paper S.77-143A, B, C - Changes in Modern Languages, including
    an Honors Program in Linguistics
    S. 77-143A
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Munro,
    Motion 1. "That the Linguistics Honors program as out-
    lined in Paper S.77-143A be approved and
    recommended to the Board for approval."
    Note: There
    are currently
    Many such
    and could well qualify for the Honors program. Only one addi-'
    t:Lonal course, 490-3 (Honors Essay) is being proposed in order
    to accommodate such students.
    Since the Linguistics Honors program is a new program, Senate
    requires a recommendation from the Senate Committee on Academic
    Planning. That Committee considered the Linguistics Honors
    program at its meeting of November 16, 1977, and approved the
    following motion: "That SCAP approves the new Linguistics Honors
    program and notes that commitment to additional resources is not
    implied by this approval." The proposed
    . Honors program will
    provide students with an opportunity to specialize slightly more
    in a particular field of study within Linguistics and improve
    their eligibility for graduate school.
    Motion 2. "That the proposal to increase lower division
    requirements for a major or a minor in Linguistics
    by the addition of LING 222-3, as proposed in
    S.77-143A, be approved and recommended to the
    Board for approval."
    Motion 3. "That the change of title and description for
    LING 412-3 (English as a Second Language), as
    set forth in S.77-143A, be approved and recom-
    mended to the Board for approval."
    Note: The proposal is to change the title from "The Teaching of English
    as .a Second Language" to "English as a Second Language" and to

    - 7 -
    S.M. 5/12/77
    lessen the stress on specific methods, materials, aids, observation
    and practice teaching. The Department of Modem Languages proposed
    to Increase its stress on the application of Linguistics to the
    teaching of English as a second language and the Faculty of Education
    has Indicated its interest in the creation of a new course designed
    to focus on the implementation of teaching strategies. It is antici-
    pated that the two courses could be offered together thereby enhancing
    their respective value, particularly for teachers and prospective
    teachers of English as a second language.
    Motion 4. "That the new course LING 490-3 (Honors Essay),
    as set forth In S.77-143A, be approved and recom-
    mended to the Board for approval."
    D. Birch explained that Paper S.77-143A proposed only one new course
    and a number of changes in requirements.
    MOTIONS 1, 2, 3, 4 OF
    S.77-143A CARRIED
    S. 77-143B
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Muriro,
    Motion 1. "That the proposed changes in title for RUSS
    340-3 (Russian Literature in Translation I)
    and RUSS 341-3 (Russian Literature in Trans-
    lation II), as set forth in S.77-143B, be
    approved and recommended to the Board for
    Note: These survey courses are presently taught in English and the
    Department of Modern Languages would prefer that fact to be clear
    to students from the calendar.
    Motion 2. "That the changes in course description for
    RUSS 301-3 - Advanced Russian - Composition I
    RUSS 140-3 - Russian Civilization
    RUSS 450-3 - Russian Literature from its Beginning
    Through the Eighteenth Century
    RUSS 451-3 - Russian Literature of the First Half
    of the Nineteenth Century
    RUSS 452-3 - Russian Literature of the Second Half
    of the Nineteenth Century
    RUSS 453-3 - Russian Literature of the Twentieth
    RUSS 454-3 - Seminar on Individual Russian Writers
    RUSS 455-3 - Studies in Twentieth Century Writers,
    as set forth in Paper S.77-143B, be approved and
    recommended to the Board for approval."
    Note: The change in description for RUSS 301-3 and 140-3 is intended to
    bring the descriptions in line with what is actually covered in

    8 -
    S.M. 5/12/77
    those courses. The changes in description for the series of
    courses, RUSS 450-3 through 455-3, is intended to clarify the
    fact that these courses are conducted entirely in English for
    non-major and non-minor students.
    Lengthy discussion ensued on the lack of prerequisites generally
    for the 400"courses and particularly for RUSS 455, and C Bouton,
    J. Garcia and B. Newton were invited to explain the Department's.
    philosophy. It was revealed that the survey courses were designed to
    meet the needs of students and as instruction for non-majors and non-
    minors was conducted through lectures in English a knowledge of the
    Russian language was not required, although it was expected those
    registering for a 300 division course would have gained sufficient
    maturity through earlier university exposure. To a considerable degree
    an adequate self-selection process would occur. A. Arrott questioned
    the numbering of RUSS 455 and suggested it be renumbered at the 300
    division. J. Hutchinson referred to RUSS 140 and noted that the Depart-
    ment no longer proposed covering the history of the Russian people in a
    four lecture introductory survey course, and C. Bouton gave assurance
    that the necessary coordination would be undertaken to initiate student
    Moved by H. Lal, seconded by A. Arrott,
    "That Motion 2 of Paper S.77-143B be referred
    back to the Senate Committee on Undergraduate
    Studies for reconsideration."
    Question was called on the motion to refer, and a vote taken.
    (MOTION 1 OF S.77-143B
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Munro,
    Motion 1.. "That the change of title and prerequisite
    comment for SPAN 104-8 (Intensive Introductory
    Spanish), as set forth in S.77-143C, be approved
    and recommended to the Board for approval."
    Note: The purpose and description of this course remain unchanged and
    the title is being changed only so that it will more accurately
    reflect the nature of the course which is "intensive" but not
    Motion 2. "That the change in course description for
    SPAN 351-3 (Introduction to Poetry), as set
    forth in S.77-143C, be approved and recommended
    to the Board for approval."
    Note: This constitutes a little more than an editorial change since it

    - 9 -
    S.M. 5/12/77
    is merely a deletion of a statement about the frequency of course
    Motion 3. "That the proposed new courses, SPAN 352-3
    (Colonial and XIX Century Latin American
    Literature), 453-4 (Latin American Short
    Story), and 454-4 (Latin American Theatre),
    as set forth in Paper S.77-143C, be approved
    and recommended to the Board for approval."
    Note': These courses are proposed in order to provide greater coverage
    of Latin American literature within Spanish literature offerings.
    The Library has indicated the need to purchase additional materials
    for each of the three courses and has stated that
    the 1978/79 allo-
    cation for Modern Languages will be adequate for the incorporation
    of this particular need. The Librarian has indicated that eight
    months' lead time is required to obtain the materials and the
    Department of Modern Languages has identified the Fall Semester
    1978 as the first semester in which any of these courses would be
    offered. There has been no request for a waiver of the normal two
    semester time lag requirement.
    Finally, these courses are seen as a useful complement to existing
    courses in the Latin American Studies Program.
    Motion 4. "That the proposal for the discontinuation
    and deletion from the calendar of SPAN 414-3
    (History of the Spanish Language II) be
    approved and recommended to the Board for
    Formal question was called on the following motions (with the excep-
    tion of Motion 2 of Paper S.77-143B) and a vote taken:- 1, 2, 3 of S.77-143A;
    1 of S.77-143B; 1, 2, 3, 4 of S.77-143C.
    e) Paper S.77-144 - Changes - Philosophy
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Munro,
    "That the following changes, as set forth in
    S.77-144, be approved and recommended to the
    Board for approval:
    .1) Seminars and Special Topics Courses
    ii) Deletion of Certain Individual Prerequisite
    Statements - PHIL 331-3, 360-5, 435-5, 467-5,
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

    - 10 -
    S.M. 5/12/77
    f) Paper S.77-145A, B - Changes - Political Science
    S. 77-145A
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Munro,
    "That the proposed change in requirements for
    Honours in Political Science, as set forth in
    S.77-145A, be approved and recommended to the
    Board for approval."
    On a motion by J. Hutchinson, seconded by R. Powell, to divide the
    question contained in S.77-145A from that set forth in S.77-145B, a
    vote was taken.
    F. Quo, Chairman of the Department of Political Science, and A.
    Somjee, Professor of Political Theory, were in attendance to respond
    to queries.
    It was ascertained that the specific requirement of a GPA of 3.5
    applied to Political Science courses on the records of students applying
    for admission to the Honors Program and that the standard University
    regulations were effective for continuation and graduation.
    R. Powell suggested concerning the strategy of improving the quality
    of courses by increasing the GPA that, without addressing the basic evalua-
    tion of courses, the result could be grade-inflationary.
    Question was called on the motion in S.77-145A, and a vote taken.
    S. 77-l45B
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by-J. Munro,
    Motion 1. "That POL. 413-3 (History of Socialist Thought)
    be discontinued and deleted from the calendar."
    Note: This course is being deleted because of unnecessary overlap in
    the content of POL. 412-3 (Marxist Political Theory), because
    socialism forms part of the content of POL. 212-3 (Political
    Ideologies), and because many questions about socialism are
    questions of practical politics in socialist countries and these
    questions are best raised in courses in comparative studies of
    various countries.
    Motion 2. "That the title, description and prerequisite
    changes set forth in S.77-145B for
    POL. 251-3 - Introduction to Canadian Public
    POL. 356-3 - Public Administration - Public
    Sector Management

    - 11 -
    S.M. 5/12/77
    POL. 451-3 - Public Policy Analysis, and
    POL. 452-3 - Government Regulation
    be approved and recommended to the Board
    for approval."
    Note: The proposed title and course description revisions are intended
    to enhance the Canadian content of the courses offered and to
    integrate the courses into a systematic curriculum sequence in
    the Public Administration sub-field.
    J. Hutchinson spoke against the proposal to discontinue POL. 413-3,
    stating that the rationale was weak in that the approved course outlines
    for POL. 412 and POL. 413 specify different subject matters and reading
    Moved by H. Lal, seconded by J. Hutchinson,
    "That the motions be divided to consider POL.
    413 separately."
    Question was called on the motion to divide, and a vote taken.
    F. Quo defended the proposed deletion on the grounds that there was
    no apparent cause for offering the course in the foreseeable future when
    comparative studies were available. A. Arrott questioned that the study
    of socialist thought since Marx requires consultation with Marxist theory,
    and A. Somjee responded that socialism requires socialist thought with
    liberal structure and liberal institutions.
    J. Munro asked the Secretary to outline the procedures for the
    deletion of courses, and Senate was reminded that any course not offered
    within a six semester period would be deleted from the calendar unless
    adequate justification for retaining the course is presented to the Senate
    Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Senate, and that SCUS is charged
    with reviewing course offerings under the ruling and reporting to Senate
    on an annual basis.
    Question was called on Motion 1 of S.77-145B, and the vote was tied.
    14 in favor
    14 opposed
    Question was called on Motion2of S.77-145B, and a vote taken.
    g) Paper S.77-146 - Changes - Psychology
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Munro,
    Motion 1. "That the change in requirements for the
    Psychology Honors program, as set forth in

    - 12 -
    S.M. 5/12/77
    S.77-146, be approved and recommended to
    the Board for approval."
    Motion 2. "That the proposal for the discontinuance
    and deletion from the calendar of PSYC 150-3
    (Psychological Factors in Performance) and
    PSYC 330-3 (Situation Perception), as set
    forth in S.77-146, be approved and recommended
    to the Board for approval."
    Note: These courses have not been offered for any stated period of time.
    They are not central to the curriculum of the department and, after
    careful review the department has recommended that they be discon-
    Motion 3. "That the change of description and title
    proposed for PSYC 325-3 (Memory) be approved
    and recommended to the Board for approval."
    Motion 4. "That the proposed new courses, PSYC 326-3
    (Psychology of Consciousness) and PSYC 373-3
    (Behaviour Therapies), as set forth in
    S.77-146, be approved and recommended to the
    Board for approval."
    Motion 5. "That the proposed change of prerequisite for
    PSYC 456-5 (Psychology of Adulthood and Aging),
    as set forth in S.77-146, be approved and
    recommended to the Board for approval."
    The Chairman of the Department of Psychology was seated to supply
    any information requested in connection with the proposal.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    h) Paper S.77-147 - Changes - Sociology/Anthropology
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Munro,
    Motion 1. "That the proposed change in lower division
    requirements, as set forth in S.77-147, be
    approved and recommended to the Board for
    Note: There is in fact no change in requirements per se, merely the
    addition of a sentence providing guidance for students who are
    asked to note that many of the 200 division courses are pre-
    requisites for upper division courses.
    Motion 2. "That the change in requirements for Joint
    Honors in Sociology and Anthropology, as set
    :Forth in S.77-147, be approved and recommended
    to the Board for approval."

    - 13 -
    S.M. 5/12/77
    Note: The only substantive change is the deletion of S.A. 498 (Honors
    Semester) since it is proposed that course be discontinued.
    Motion 3. "That the change in prerequisites for S.A. 255-4,
    280-4, 290-4, 300-4, 304-4, 320-4, 331-4, 363-4,
    370-4, 374-4, 386-4, 391-4, 393-4, 394-4, 396-4,
    401-4, 405-4, 409-4, 416-4, 427-4, 463-4, 464-4,
    467-4, 468-4, 477-4, 480-4, 486-4, 495-4, as set
    forth in S.77-147, be approved and recommended
    to the Board for approval."
    Motion 4. "That the proposal to discontinue and delete from
    the calendar S.A. 498-12 (Honors Semester) be ap-
    proved and recommended to the Board for approval."
    Motion 5. "That the proposed additional paragraph related
    to change in lower division requirements, as set
    forth in S.77-147, be approved and recommended
    to the Board for approval."
    Note: Since the department has proposed extensive revision of prerequisites,
    students are directed to earlier calendars in the event they wish to
    be governed by earlier prerequisite requirements.
    J. Whitworth was in attendance to support the proposal. C. McGuire
    noted that credit was available for only one of S.A. 496 and S.A. 497
    and it was explained that the Department is authorized to waive regulations
    which would permit a Joint Major to gain credit for both courses if so
    A. Arrott asked for informationon the general practice in the
    Faculty of Arts regarding prerequisites, and J. Munro responded to the
    effect that as some departments have few or no 300 division courses and
    some have no 400 division courses, there is no strict meaning to courses
    at either division.
    T. Calvert drew attention to the title of S.A. 486, and it was sug-
    gested that the Department would be consulted to clarify the intent and
    adjust the title accordingly. (Note: Following consultation with the
    Department change was made to ".... Indians of the Pacific Northwest.")
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    i) Paper S.77-148A, B - New Kinesiology Courses and Kinesiology
    Proposal and Faculty of Education Changes to the Minor in
    Elementary School Physical Education and further information
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by T. Calvert,
    Motion 1. "That the new Kinesiology courses and Kinesiology
    proposal, as set forth in S.77-148A, be approved
    and recommended to the Board for approval."

    - 14 -
    S.M. 5/12/77
    Note: This action had formerly been taken by SCUS; the courses and pro-
    posal had been forwarded to Senate and had been referred back to
    SCUS for further information and consultation with the Faculties
    involved. The primary concern in Senate at that time related to
    the lack of evidence that the Kinesiology proposal was in fact a
    response to needs identified by the Faculty of Education and
    whether it had the support of that Faculty. That question is now
    clearly resolved and members of SCUS expressed no reservation about
    forwarding the proposal once again to Senate for approval.
    Motion 2. "That the changes to the minor in elementary school
    Physical Education and information for those planning
    to obtain a Kinesiology minor or a Kinesiology major
    in preparation for teaching Physical Education at the
    secondary school level, as set forth in S.77-148B, be
    approved and recommended to the Board for approval."
    Note: The Minor in Elementary School Physical Education proposed changes
    include a technical change of the former KIN. 144-3 to FPA. 120-3
    (a change occasioned by the transfer of dance courses), the addi-
    tion of KIN. 220-3 (Human Food and Nutrition), plus provision for
    selection from six of the seven new courses proposed by the Depart-
    ment of Kinesiology.
    The Faculty of Education has specified the requirements for students
    who intend to use a Kinesiology minor or a Kinesiology major as
    preparation for teaching Physical Education at the secondary level.
    This has been done so that the combination of work undertaken for
    the minor or major and work undertaken in the Professional Develop-
    ment Program will ensure an adequate, and possibly superior, prepara-
    tion for teaching. The distinction between the student with a minor
    and the one with the major is that the former would be teaching
    Physical Education as a second subject whereas the latter would be
    regarded as a Physical Education specialist. In either case, the
    specification of requirements is intended to ensure reasonable
    competence. SCUS noted that the requirements for the minor exceed
    the norm and those specified for the major leave a student with less
    flexibility than he/she might otherwise have in his/her program.
    However, it was agreed that the scale of requirements was appropriate
    to the academic and professional objective desired.
    Registrar's Note: Papers S.77-148A and S.77-148B are interrelated.
    S.77-148A includes the following: New Kinesiology
    courses -
    KIN. 343-3 - Fitness Appraisal and Guidance
    KIN. 367-3 - Psychology of Motor Performance and
    Skill Acquisition
    KIN. 370-3 - Biomechanics in Motor Learning
    KIN. 375-3 - Physiological and Developmental
    Basis of Motor Performance
    KIN. 467-3 - The Components of Skilled Performance
    KIN. 470-2 - Motor Activities Laboratory I
    KIN. 471-2 - Motor Activities Laboratory II
    and the discontinuance of KIN. 366-3 and KIN. 466-3.

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    H. Weinberg referred to KIN. 367 and asked if it had been referred
    to the Department of Psychology for consideration of overlap with a
    Seminar in Physiological Psychology (PSYC 380 and PSYC 480). D. Birch
    confirmed that course proposals are circulated to the undergraduate cur-
    riculum committees of each of the Faculties, but it was possible that
    the original statement of no undesirable overlap was now outdated as the
    proposal was before Senate for a
    second time. T. Calvert and A. Chapman
    provided information relating to available laboratory space.
    Moved by H. Weinberg, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "That KIN. 367 (and 467) be referred back to
    SCUS for consultation with the Department of
    Psychology to determine any undesirable over-
    H. Weinberg stated that the Psychology Department is in the process
    of re-examining its courses and if KIN. 367 had been transmitted to
    Psychology recently the overlap would have been considered. T. Calvert
    countered that the proposed KIN. 367 was a rearrangement of the content
    of KIN. 366 which was to be discontinued, and that the subject matter was
    not physiological psychology. R. Carlson was of the opinion that it is
    expected there will be some duplication at the 300 division in the univer-
    sity. K. Rieckhoff suggested the interests of both the Department of
    Kinesiology and the Department of Psychology could be satisfied in one
    course without deteriorating the intent of the program. It was identi-
    fied that the motion appropriately would refer to both KIN. 367 and 467.
    Question was called on the motion to refer, and a vote taken.
    R. Powell raised questions in connection with the additional costs
    associated with the program and expressed concern in connection with
    trade-offs in terms of the development of the University as a whole.
    D. Birch stated there was no obligation for funding and the program would
    rely on reallocation of funds when budget priorities are established.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    j) Paper S.77-149 - Change in Requirements for a Major, Kinesiology
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by T. Calvert,
    "That Senate approve, and recommend approval
    to the Board of Governors, the proposed change
    in the wording of requirements for a Major in
    Kinesiology from:
    • 'For Major students, the Science Core Program
    specifies that the following courses be taken
    during the first four levels (semesters):'
    'For Major students, the Science Core Program

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    S.M. 5/12/77
    specifies that the following courses must
    be taken, and will normally be taken during
    the first four levels (semesters):'"
    Note: Although a student must fulfil all requirements of the Science
    Core Program, he/she will not be penalized for completing those
    requirements later than his/her fourth level. The timing will
    become a matter of clear advice rather than requirement. (P.
    Buitenhuis noted the need for a comma after the first "taken.")
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    k) Paper S.77-150 - Addition of Courses to Canadian Studies Program
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by T. Calvert,
    "That the addition of courses to the Canadian
    Studies Program, as set forth in S.77-150, be
    approved and recommended to the Board for
    Note: A question was raised about the appropriateness of the expression
    "total Canadian content" and the Committee noted that courses are
    recognized as fulfilling that requirement only when they are taught
    by a faculty member named as associated with the Program. The term
    "total" is no doubt too strong but is used when the primary focus
    of a course involves Canadian content.
    L. Resnick criticized the note as unclear and J. Munro requested that
    Area Studies update this material. The Chairman stated that the Secretary
    had recorded the suggestions made and they would be available to the
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    1) Paper S.77-151 -.1. Change in Biophysics Honors Program; 2. Physics
    Prerequisite Changes
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Webster,
    Motion 1. "That the change in the Biophysics Honours
    Program requirements, as set forth in S.77-151,
    'be approved and recommended to the Board for
    Motion 2. "That the Physics prerequisite changes for
    I'HYS 121-3, as set forth in S.77-151, be
    approved and recommended to the Board for
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

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    m) Paper S.77-152A, B - Program Changes - BioSciences, and New
    Course Proposals, Marine Science
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Webster,
    Motion 1. "That the proposed changes in course descriptions
    And prerequisites, as set forth in S.77-152A, be
    approved and recommended to the Board for approval.
    These changes are specifically as follows:
    Change in Description - BISC 305-3
    Change in Description and Prerequisites - BISC 316-3
    Change in Description and Prerequisite - BISC 346-3
    Change in Description and Prerequisites - BISC 347-3
    Change in Description - BISC 403-3
    Change in Description and Prerequisites - BISC 447-3."
    Motion 2. "That the proposed new courses - MASC 401-6
    (Special Topics in Marine Biology) and
    MASC 402-3 (Special Topics in Marine Biology),
    as set forth in Paper S.77-152B, be approved
    and recommended to the Board for approval."
    Note: Simon Fraser University is a member of the Western Canadian.
    Universities Marine Biology Society (WCUMBS) which operates
    the Bamfield Marine Station. As a result the MASC entries
    in the SFU calendar are consistent with the entries in the
    calendars of other member universities. These two courses
    were somehow omitted from the SFU calendar and are being
    brought forward to rectify that oversight and to bring them
    to the attention of SFTJ students. Topics covered in recent
    offerings include: Biology of Marine Mammals
    Biology of Molluscs
    Biology of Marine Birds
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    n) Paper S.77-153 - Department of Chemistry: Course and
    Program Changes
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Webster,
    "That the changes in Chemistry, as set forth
    in S.77-153, be approved and recommended to
    the Board for approval. This motion includes
    the following specific actions:
    CHEN 003, 004, 005 - Change in prerequisite statement
    CHEM 104, 105, 357 - Change in course description
    CHM 432, 437 - Deletion of corequisites, change in
    prerequisite statement for the latter

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    S.M. 5/12/77
    4. Modification of MATH requirements for CHEM majors."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.77-154 - Changes in Admission Requirements
    Prerequisites - Chemistry
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Webster,
    "That the proposed prerequisite changes for
    CHEM 481-5 (Undergraduate Research), CHEM
    482-3 (Directed Study in Advanced Topics of
    Chemistry) and CHEN 483-15 (Individual Study
    Semester), as set forth in S.77-154, be approved
    and recommended to the Board for approval."
    Note: The statements added for CHEM 481 and 482 are not in fact new
    prerequisites but rather an attempt to place previously approved
    requirements in the calendar so that students will be fully
    informed. The proposed reduction from 23 to 20 hours of upper
    division Chemistry as a prerequisite to CHEM 483 is intended to
    facilitate enrolment in CHEM 483 during the Summer semester when
    no other upper level Chemistry courses are offered.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.77-155 - Department of Mathematics Changes
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Webster,
    Motion 1. "That the proposed changes in description,
    prerequisite, title and syllabi, as set forth
    in S.77-155, be approved and recommended to
    the Board for approval. These changes are
    specifically as follows:
    Changes in Description - MATH 154-3, MATH 155-3
    Prerequisite Changes - MATH 161-3, 343-3, 443-4
    Title Change - MATH 371-3
    Change in Description, Title, Syllabus - MATH 489-4
    Change in Title, Description, Prerequisites and
    Syllabus - MATH 490-4."
    Motion 2. "That the proposed new courses, MATH 404-3
    (Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments)
    and MATH 480-3(Non Parametric Statistics), as
    set forth in S.77-155, be approved and recom-
    mended to the Board for approval."

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    Note: The first of these courses, MATH 404, is intended as a "service
    course" for students requiring statistical tools for use in re-
    search. The second, MATH 480, is designed for the student
    specializing in statistics as a field of mathematics. The non-
    specialist will be admitted provided he/she has an adequate
    mat ematical background.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.77-157 - B.Sc. Program in Geography - Additional
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Webster,
    "That Senate approve and recommend approval to
    the Board of Governors, the addition of three
    existing courses to the listing of Geography
    courses in the proposed B.Sc. Program in
    Geography, as follows:
    B. Required Geography Courses - 400 Division
    Two of:
    GEOG 416-5 - Pleistocene Geography
    GEOG 419-5 - Selected Topics in Physical Geography
    One of:
    GEOG 470-5 - The Geography of Western Canada."
    Note: These courses were omitted in error from the list of courses
    accompanying the proposal for a B.Sc. Program in Geography.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.77-158 - Latin American Studies Changes
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by T. Calvert,
    "That the proposed addition of SPAN 453-4
    (Latin American Short Story Course), SPAN
    454-4 (Latin American Theatre), and SPAN
    352-3 (Colonial and Nineteenth Century Latin
    American Literature) to the calendar entry
    listing courses with exclusive Latin American
    content, as set forth in S.77-158, be approved
    and recommended to the Board for approval."
    D. Birch stated that the motion was merely to list those courses
    approved earlier as fulfilling the requirements for the Latin American
    Studies Program.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

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    s.) Paper S.77-159 - Criminology Changes
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by T. Calvert,
    "That the proposed change in prerequisites
    for CRIM 302-3 (Critical Approach to Crime
    and Deviance), CRIM 312-3 (Criminological
    Perspectives on Social Problems), and CRIM
    313-3 (Specific Types of Crimes), as set
    forth in S.77-159, be approved and recom-
    mended to the Board for approval."
    A. Arrott enquired as to why there were no requirements for 200,
    division prerequisitesfor 300 division courses, and A. Keltner stated
    he was not aware that such was a necessary procedure. He considered
    the level of complexity determines the prerequisite.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    t) Paper S.77-160 - Computing Science Changes
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by T. Calvert,
    Motion 1. "That the proposed new courses, CMPT 110-3
    (Introduction to Computation in the Humanities)
    and CMPT 380-3 (Computational Linguistics), as
    set forth in S.77-160, be approved and recom-
    mended to the Board for approval."
    Note: The two courses proposed are intended to replace CMPT 280-3
    (Computation in the Humanities I) and CMPT 380-3 (Computation
    in the Humanities II - The Computer and the Humanist). There
    has now been extensive consultation between the originator of
    the course, Professor Cercone, and Professor Roberts, repre-
    sentative of Linguistics and Chairman of the Faculty of Arts
    Curriculum Committee. This consultation focussed on making
    the courses maximally useful to students in such
    fields as
    Motion 2. "That the proposed changes in course descrip-
    tion, prerequisite, and title, as set forth in
    S.77-160, be approved and recommended to the
    Board for approval. Specific changes proposed
    are as follows:
    Change in Description - CMFT 118-3
    'Change in Prerequisite - CMPT 201-4, 240-3
    250-3, 283-3, 290-3, 291-3
    Change in Title and Description - CMPT 301-3,
    302-3, 351-3

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    Change in Description and Prerequisite -
    CMPT 400-3
    Change in Description - CMPT 401-3
    Change in Description and Prerequisite -
    NPT 410-4
    Change in Title, Description and Prerequisite
    - CMPT 411-5, 412-5, 413-5
    Change in Title and Prerequisite - CMPT 451-3
    Change in Title - CMPT 493-1
    Change in Title and Prerequisite - CMPT 494-1."
    Motion 3. "That the proposed change in Lower Division
    Requirements for Majors and Honours in Computing
    Science, as set forth in S.77-160, be approved
    and recommended to the Board for approval."
    L. Resnick proposed an editorial correction to the calendar descrip-
    tion of CMPT 110, and the Chairman stated that it would be taken into
    consideration and followed up. (Note:- Following discussion, a change
    was made.)
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    E. Wells referred to the regulation which specifies there will be
    no final exam in the last two weeks of classes, and D. Kirkpatrick
    explained that an examination along the lines of a term paper was
    expected in connection with CMPT 110. T. Calvert added that where
    projects are involved there is difficulty in completion because of the
    heavy usage of the computers.
    u) Paper S.77-161 - Communication Studies Changes
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by T. Calvert,
    Motion 1. "That the proposed change of name from
    'Department of Communication Studies' to
    'Department of Communication,' as set forth
    in S.77-161, be approved and recommended to
    the Board for approval."
    Note: The Department indicated initially that it wished to use the
    designation "CMN." for its courses. However, it has been con-
    firmed that the Department is now prepared to maintain the
    designation "CNNS".
    The reasons stated for requesting a change in name are to clearly
    distinguish the Department from area studies programs, to make
    the name consistent with similar departments in North America,
    and to eliminate what appears to be a redundancy.
    An amendment proposed by A. Arrott, seconded by K. Rieckhoff, was
    not accepted as it was considered to be a separate motion to be taken

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    as notice, reading, "That the department be encouraged to continue the
    reassessment of all previous courses, eliminating where necessary and
    rewriting the calendar descriptions of those retained."
    In response to a question raised by P. Buitenhuis, W. Melody stated
    that in the literature in the field both Communications and Communication
    has been used, and it was proposed to use the single Communication to
    indicate communication processes.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by T. Calvert,
    Motion 2. "That the proposed revision to requirements
    for a Major in Communication, as set forth
    in S.77-161, be approved and recommended to
    the Board for approval."
    K. Rieckhoff recalled that the original proposal of the Department
    required 12 semester hours in the humanities, social and natural sciences
    and the revision reduced the necessity to two courses from Group C depart-
    ments. W. Melody responded to the effect that experience had indicated
    that requirements had been met by irrelevant courses which had no direct
    bearing on the development of the programs of students with diversified
    backgrounds. K. Rieckhoff was of the opinion a minimum background in the
    sciences was essential.
    On a point of order, M. Overholt drew attention to the fact that the
    normal adjournment hour of 10:00 p.m. had been reached.
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "That the meeting be extended for one hour."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Moved by R. Hobson, seconded by G. McGuire,
    "That following a five minute recess, the
    meeting continue without a time limit."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Moved by K. Rieckhoff, seconded by G. Ivany,
    "That the meeting be adjourned until next
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

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    The Chairman stated that the meeting of December 12, 1977 would
    be preceded by a dinner to be served in the carpeted area of the East
    Concourse Cafeteria at 6:00 p.m.
    The meeting adjourned at 10:07 p.m.
    H. M. Evans

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