    Jewett, P., Chairman
    Barlow, J. S.
    Diamond, J.
    Arrott, A.
    Doherty, P. M.
    Baird, D. A.
    Ellis, J.
    Birch, D. R.
    Erickson, D. A.
    Bide, D. E.
    Hindle, L.
    Blaney, J. P.
    Hindley, M. P.
    Brown, R. C.
    Knight, D. E.
    Buitenhuis, P.
    Mackauer, J.P.M.
    Calvert, T. W.
    Martel, A. G.
    Carlson, R. L.
    Webster, J. M.
    Catalano, J. A.
    Clayman, B. P., representing J. Wheatley
    Cunningham, A. B.
    D'Auria, J. N.
    Davison, A. J.
    Dawson, A. J.
    Debo, R. K.
    Emery, B. E.
    Fattah, E. A.
    Finlayson, T.
    Glas, T.
    Hutchinson, J. F.
    Ironside, R. A.
    Johl, R.
    Jones, C.H.W.
    Kazepides, A.
    Latham, L.
    McGuire, G. T.
    Munro, J. M.
    Okuda, K.
    Overholt, M. J.
    Severy, L.
    Sterling, T. D.
    Thomas, S.
    Walker, R. E.
    Wemyss, I. D.
    Wilson, B. G.
    In attendance: A. C. McMillan
    Evans, H. M., Secretary
    Nagel, H. D.
    Norsworthy, R., Recording Secretary

    - 2 -
    S.M. 4/4/77
    The agenda was approved as distributed.
    Prior to approving the minutes of the Open Session of March 7,
    1977, the following adjustments were made:
    Page 8, paragraph 3.
    "P. Buitenhuis remarked that passing the motion involved a
    commitment as a large number of instructors might be required to
    teach English as a second language, and he was concerned that adequate
    financial support would not be available within the budget constraints."
    Page 10, paragraph 2.
    "J. Munro explained that the motion was designed to eliminate
    referenda on minor matters which are not of general interest."
    Page 12, paragraph 3.
    "She stated that she felt part of the motion was out of order as
    the matter was under the jurisdiction of the Board of Governors and the
    most Senate could do was to express its concern of the effect of a
    . ?
    tuition fee increase, not take opposition in principle."
    There was no business arising from the minutes.
    The Chairman stated that it was her intention for the May 9, 1977
    meeting of Senate to invite newly elected Senators, who would be com-
    mencing their
    terms of office on June 1, to dinner and the Open Session.
    of Senate and a reception in the President's residence thereafter. It
    was agreed that the Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules would use its
    discretion to determine whether it would be advisable to reverse the
    order of sessions to facilitate consideration of confidential matters
    in Closed Session at 4:00 p.m. rather than following the Open Session.
    In response to a question posed by a Senator, the Chairman stated
    that the Senate Committee on Academic Planning had met only once this
    semester but was awaiting receipt of several matters which were under
    consideration in other areas. It was anticipated that the Committee
    would be fully active in the very near future.
    The Vice-President, Academic outlined developments since Senate
    had approved in principle involvement in the planning of post-secondary
    education for the Interior. As a result of discussions with the
    Universities Council and the Department of Education, modest extensions

    - 3 -
    S.M. 4/4/77
    to course offerings in Kelowna were proposed plus the addition of two
    or three more off-campus centres for PDP. Funding, in the amount of
    $120,000, had .been received and concentration would be in planning for
    a system of Arts and Science programs. He added that UBC had received
    $50,000 for law, medicine and perhaps commerce programs, while U-Vic
    had $30,000 which would be directed towards interests on Vancouver
    Island and rural communities. B. Wilson deferred his further comments
    to the Closed. Session of Senate.
    K. Okuda, Chairman of the Senate Committee on University Budget,
    was asked to apprise Senate of a recommendation of his Committee in
    connection with possible tuition fee increases. He stated that SCUB
    supports the President's recommendation for an undergraduate and graduate
    fee increase of approximately 25% effective September 1, 1977 as an
    emergency recommendation for 1977 and that the entire motion read as
    "The Committee supports the President's recommendation to the
    Board of Governors for an undergraduate and graduate tuition
    fee increase of approximately 25 per cent effective September .1,
    1977. We recognize this as an emergency measure for 1977/78
    but do not accept that increases in student tuition should be
    viewed in the future as a means of meeting shortfalls in funding
    requirements. Further, we request that this recommendation be
    conveyed to the Universities Council and appropriate Provincial
    Government representatives."
    He added that another motion of the Committee would be of interest
    to Senate:
    "That the President be encouraged to facilitate and co-
    ordinate a very active program of conveying to the communities
    which the University serves the effects of the serious deficits
    facing the University in this and subsequent years."
    The Chairman of SCUB noted that for the immediately foreseeable
    future it appeared that the university would face financial constraints
    and further increases in tuition fees could not be ruled out.
    1) Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules
    a) Paper S.77-33 - Provision for Questions at Senate
    The Chairman noted that the second page of Paper S.77-33 outlined
    the procedures to accommodate an informal question period, and it was
    determined that responses to questions would be given in either the
    Open or Closed Session at the discretion of the Chair. The procedures
    will be followed.

    S.M. 4/4/77
    R. Ironside asked that it be recorded that Paper S.77-33 surpassed
    appropriately the intent of his original request for the establishment
    of a question period.
    ii) Senate Nominating Committee
    a) Paper S.77-34 - Senate Elections
    The Secretary advised that R. Johi had declined nomination to the
    Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, and G. T. McGuire was declared
    elected to replace B. L. MacDonald as student Senator alternate for no
    specified term of office.
    Ballots were distributed for the election of one student Senator to
    the Senate Undergraduate. Admissions Board to replace B. L. MacDonald for
    balance term of office from date of election to September 30, 1977. Re-
    suits follow:
    Ballots Cast:
    Ballots Spoiled:
    Individual totals ?
    Bitle 15
    Glas ?
    T. Glas was declared elected.
    • ?
    iii) Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    a) Paper S.77-35 - Change of Vector: ENGL 010-3
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Catalano,
    "That Senate approve the .changes for ENGL 010-3,
    as set forth in Paper S.77-35."
    Note: Technically the change in vector may be approved at the depart-
    mental level, however, because ENGL 010-3 is a high-enrolment
    service course the proposed change has been forwarded for Senate
    consideration. Approval will be permissive rather than prescrip-
    tive and reorganization of the course may be contingent on the
    limitation of enrolment or an increase in resources. The proposed
    change from a lecture/tutorial format to a tutorial only format
    has been proposed (and was considered by SCUS) primarily on its
    educational merits.
    D. Birch explained that the larger question of the organization and
    cost implication pertaining to writing and composition in English would
    be considered by the Senate Committee on Academic Planning at its next
    meeting and any implementation would be dependent on analysis of the cost
    implications and appropriate allocations. R. Brown was of the opinion
    that it was inappropriate for the proposal to be considered by SCAP as it
    was his understanding that if funds are not found the Department of English
    • ?
    would continue the offering under the current vector arrangement. J. Munro
    ascertained that the vector change could be determined by the department
    for a given semester on the basis of available funds.

    - 5 -
    S.M. 4/4/77
    Moved byR. Walker, seconded by J. Catalano,
    "That Paper S.77-35 be referred to the Senate
    Committee on Academic Planning."
    R. Brown was of the opinion that the matter should not go to SCAP
    but would be an administrative decision on funds.. The vector appro-
    priately had been at SCUS. B. Wilson believed Senate must not look at
    budget each time it looks at acourse and that the Senate concern should
    be on the academic questions.
    R. Walker stated that Senate could not consider the proposal on its
    educational merits as it was part of a larger plan which includes English
    composition as a whole Involving budgetary and space requirements. He
    was supported by a number of speakers.
    Question was called on the motion to refer, and a vote taken.
    20 in favor
    b) Paper S.77-36 - New Course Proposal and Program Changes:
    Department of Modern Languages - Linguistics
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by A. Kazepides,
    "That the changes to LING 221-3, the new course
    LING 222-3, changes to Major and Minor, change
    in prerequisites for LING 404-3 and 405-3, as
    set forth in Paper S.77-36, be approved and recom-
    mended to the Board of Governors for approval."
    Note: Should, the new course, LING 222-3, be approved, SCUS has
    approved a waiver of the two semester time lag requirements
    In order that it be offered in the Fall semester 1977.
    G. McGuire asked that it be recorded in the minutes that LING 222
    is a necessity to facilitate the requirements of students in the Linguis-
    tics Division. S. Thomas confirmed that library resources were adequate
    for Linguistics offerings.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    c) Paper S.77-37 - Change in Program Regulations - Political
    Moved by D. Birch, seconded by J. Catalano,
    "That the changes in Upper Division course require-
    ments, change for Minor in Political Science, change
    in Major in Political Science, and changes In pre-
    requisites for Upper Division courses, as set forth

    - 6 -
    S.M. 4/4/77
    in S.77-37, be approved and recommended to the Board
    of Governors for approval."
    Note: The proposed changes are designed to bring the regulations of
    the Political Science program in line with the general Faculty
    of Arts regulations.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    iv) Senate Undergraduate Admissions Board
    a) Paper S.77-38 - British Columbia College-University Credit
    Transfer Guidelines
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by J. Catalano,
    "That Senate approve in principle the report on
    transfer credit guidelines, as set forth in 5.77-38,
    together with the attached recommendations and
    comments (in italics) that are necessary for clarifi-
    cation of current policies at Simon Fraser University
    and are considered to be appropriate to the document."
    A. McMillan, Director of Admissions and Secretary of the Senate
    Undergraduate Admissions Board, was seated to respond to questions.
    A. Kazepides asked for an explanation of "in principle" approval.
    He was informed that because of the nature in which the proposal came
    to the university and ultimately to SUAB, the post-secondary coordinating
    committee had requested that each of the fourteen colleges and three
    universities respond to the guidelines on the understanding that once
    the responses had been received they would be consolidated for a final
    statement on transfer guidelines. J. Munro referred to Guideline 1,
    which had undergone a strengthening evolution from the original sub-
    mission, and A. McMillan said that the strengthening was a result of
    sixteen responses from chairmen of undergraduate curriculum committees,.
    faculties and departments which had been considered by SUAB.
    Amendment was moved by A. Kazepides, seconded by I. Wemyss,
    "That the words 'in principle' be deleted
    from the motion."
    A. Kazepides felt the term was redundant and inappropriate. The
    Secretary of Senate wished to ensure that deletion would not affect
    understanding that the exact wording of the final statement on guide-
    lines would be formulated on the basis of the overall considerations,
    and there was not opposition.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    0 ?

    - 7 -
    S.M. 4/4/77
    It was confirmed that if the document underwent significant change
    . ?
    in detail it would be brought back to Senate for confluent.
    R. Carlson objected to the recommendation in Guideline I for the
    exclusion of screening of names and qualifications of instructors.
    An amendment was moved by J. Munro, seconded by R. Carlson,
    "That the third recommendation in Guideline I,,
    page 3, be deleted."
    J. Munro expressed the opinion that an opportunity should be avail-
    able to examine qualifications of instructors of courses accepted for
    transfer credit. A number of members spoke in opposition.
    Following considerable debate, question was called, and a vote
    An amendment on the same section was moved by R. Carlson, seconded
    by A. Cunningham,
    "That the words 'with the exception of review at
    the time a new program is established,' be added
    to Recommendation. 3 of Guideline I, page 3."
    R. Carlson stated that the amendment reflected the agreement of the
    articulation committee of his group.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    20 in favor
    15 opposed
    In response to a question from R. Carlson, A. McMillan confirmed
    that no changes to existing responsibilities and current procedures are
    intended for SFU and the Secretary drew attention to the footnote on
    the blue motion sheet.
    Attention was drawn to Guideline 3, and an amendment was moved by
    J. D'Auria, seconded by B. Wilson, which after considerable discussion
    was altered to
    "That the recommendation in Guideline 3, page 3,
    read 'No comment,' and that the first comment on
    page 2 following Preamble 3 be deleted."
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    28 in favor
    1 opposed

    S.M. 4/4/77
    • ?
    An amendment was moved by J. Hutchinson, seconded by J. Catalano,
    "That the second comment on the recommendation
    related to Guideline 8, page 5, be deleted."
    J. Hutchinson stated that the deletion was necessary if Senate's
    recommendations were to be taken seriously.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    An amendment was moved by R. Carlson, seconded by J. Catalano,
    "That 'No comment' replace the recommendation following Preamble 2."
    Following discussion it was agreed that the amendment would be,
    "That the recommendation following Preamble 2
    be deleted."
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    Question was called on the motion as amended, and a vote taken.
    0 ?
    There were no reports from faculties.
    There was no other business.
    1) Paper S.77-39 - Student Tuition Fees (T. Glas)
    Moved by T. Glas, seconded by J. Catalano,
    "That Senate recommend to the Board of Governors
    that there be no change in student tuition fees
    for 1977-78. Further, be it moved that this
    motion be placed before the Board of Governors
    at its meeting of April 5, 1977."
    T. Glas reiterated his opposition to fee increases on the basis
    of the effect on the academic future of many students who are faced
    with reductions In financial aid and little possibility of employment,
    and he urged that the matter be discussed in depth by the academic
    government of the institution. T. Arrott added that there appeared
    . ?
    to be a political decision which required consideration by the people
    of the province. J. D'Auria felt insufficient information had been
    provided to permit Senate to vote rationally. R. Walker commented

    - 9 - ?
    S.M. 4/4/77
    • ?
    that, although faculty was the heart of the university in guiding its
    programs, students make the university by just being there, and he
    suggested the question should be debated in an open forum instead of
    using students to offset a deficit budget.
    An amendment proposed by T. Arrott, seconded by J. Catalano,
    "That the words, 'that there be no change ?
    be struck, and the words,
    'be increased by the AIB auideline of 8%' added, following the word
    'fees," was accepted by the Chair, T. Arrott claiming the amendment
    was intended to maintain the status quo of student fees in terms of
    real dollars. R. Brown challenged the ruling of the Chair, on the
    basis that the amendment was contrary to the intent of the original
    motion, and a vote was taken. The ruling .of the Chair was not sus-
    tained, and the amendment was declared out of order.
    The debate which continued at length revealed Information that the
    budgetary deficit of $1,700,000 for the current year could be reduced
    by $800,000 to $900,000 by cutting faculty and staff appointments and
    library allocations without seriously affecting the present services,
    but without the proposed tuition fee increase $700,000 in proposed
    expenditures would require elimination. The Chairman noted that
    projected salary adjustments for faculty and support staff are well
    below the AIB guidelines.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    . ?
    9 in favor
    21 opposed
    L. Severy, J. D'Auria, S. Dawson, T. Sterling, R. Walker, A. Davison
    and A. Kazepides asked that their abstaining votes be recorded.
    Moved by R. Walker, seconded by L. Severy,
    "That Senate approve the motion that SCUB
    recommended to the President regarding
    tuition fees for this year."
    In compliance with a request from J. Munro, the Chairman read the
    SCUB motion:
    "The Senate Committee on University Budget supports
    the President's recommendation to the Board of
    Governors for an undergraduate and graduate tuition
    fee increase of approximately 25 per cent effective
    September 1, 1977. We recognize this as an emergency
    measure for 1977/78 but do not accept that increases
    in student tuition should be viewed in the future
    as a means of meeting shortfalls in funding require-
    ments. Further, we request that this recommendation
    be conveyed to the Universities Council and appropriate
    Provincial Government representatives."

    - 10 -
    S.M. 4/4/77
    R. Walker noted that the motion indicates disapproval of continu-
    ing fee increases in the future and this opposition is supported by
    the students.
    An amendment proposed by B. Emery to delete all reference to
    SCUB's support was not accepted by the Chair.
    T. Arrott contended that an Increase in tuition fees was not
    forced by economic considerations but encouraged by an example set
    by Eastern universities. R. Debo suggested that it would be in order
    to take up an earlier suggestion by G. McGuire that a committee be
    struck to formulate a strong recommendation representing the opinion
    of the assembly on the question.
    Question was called on the motion to approve the SCUB motion,
    and a vote taken.
    21 in favor
    11 opposed
    B. Emery and J. Catalano asked that their votes in opposition
    be recorded.
    T. Glas urged that a committee be struck to prepare a suitable
    motion for consideration by Senate which would express the consensus
    of the assembly. As there was no objection, a recess was called at
    S ?
    9:32 p.m. and the Vice-President, Academic and a number of student
    Senators retired to draft a motion for presentation.
    The meeting was re-convened at 9:40 p.m.
    Moved by I. Wemyss, seconded by J. Catalano,
    "That Senate deplore the actions of the
    Government of British Columbia in not
    meeting the real financial needs of the
    universities as outlined and presented
    by the Universities Council last October,
    with resulting serious implications for
    accessibility to university and for the
    maintenance of academic standards."
    An amendment was moved by T. Arrott, seconded by J. Catalano,
    "That Senate disapprove of the ad hoc
    manipulation of student fees without full
    consideration by the provincial government
    of the criteria for the establishment of a
    rational basis for fixing the relative
    sharing of the burden between the student
    and the society, both of which benefit
    from his education."
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.

    - 11 -
    S.M. 4/4/77
    Question was called on the main motion, and a vote taken.
    1 abstention
    It was noted that the next meeting of Senate is scheduled for
    Monday, May 9, 1977, at 7:00 p.m., with a decision yet to be deterine,
    on the basis of agenda items, for reordering of Sessions and convening
    at 4:00 p.m.
    The Open Session was declared adjourned at 9:49 p.m. and the
    assembly moved immdiately into Closed Session.
    H. M. Evans

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