    Present: Jewett, P., Chairman
    Barlow, J. S.
    Blaney, J. P.
    Davison, A. J.
    Diamond, J.
    Doherty, P. M.
    Harrison, S.
    Hindle, L.
    Holmes, R. A.
    Jones, C.H.W.
    Martel, A. C.
    McCoy, C. G.
    McCoy, S. G.
    Morin, S.
    Pate, B. D.
    Rieckhoff, K. E.
    Shillo.w, M.
    Sterling, T. D.
    Wallbauin, D. C.
    Allen, D. I.
    Aronoff, S.
    Baird, D. A.
    Birch, D. R.
    Brown, R. C.
    Bultenhuis, P.
    Calvert, T. W.
    Carlson, R. L.
    Catalano, J. A.
    Cunningham, F.
    Curzon, A. E.
    Debo, R. K.
    Dorsel, M. M.
    Ellis, J. F.
    Emery, B. E.
    Erickson, D. A.
    Fattah, E. A.
    Finlayson, T.
    Hutchinson, J. F.
    Ironside, R. A.
    Knight, D. E.
    Latham, L.
    Mackauer, J.P.M.
    McClaren, M.
    McWhinney, E.
    Overholt, M. J.
    Schiffer, R.
    Smith, W.A.S.
    Thomas, S.
    Walkley, J.
    Wheatley, J.
    Wilson, B. C.
    In attendance:
    Alderson, E. W.
    Evans, H. M. Secretary
    Nagel, H. D.
    Norsworthy, R., Recording Secretary

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    S.M. 2/2/76
    The agenda was approved as distributed.
    The minutes of the Open Session of January 12, 1976 were approved
    as circulated.
    There was no business arising from the minutes.
    The Chairman reported that a deluge of complaints from those sensi-
    tive to pollution had prompted her to set an example of refraining from
    smoking during a Senate session, and she asked for cooperation from the
    membership to either follow her lead or separate themselves into a
    smoking group.
    1) Senate Nominating Committee
    Paper S.76-20 - Elections - Senate Committee on Academic Planning!
    Senate Committee on University Budget
    Ballots were distributed to elect a replacement for T. D. Sterling,
    who had resigned, on the Senate Committee on Academic Planning, which
    would also provide a seat on the Senate Committee on University Budget.
    Following balloting, the Secretary announced that D. I. Allen had polled
    the highest number of votes and was declared elected for balance term of
    office, from date of election to September 30, 1976.
    R. Schiffer asked for details of the procedures which would be fol-
    lowed to fill the Senate seats vacated by two students, and the Secretary
    responded that only one written resignation had been received to date al-
    though a telephone call had been received from a second student who had
    indicated that a formal request for replacement would be mailed. He
    pointed out that Senate Rules specify that no election may be called
    unless there are at least four months remaining in the unexpired term at
    the time of call for nominations and that a suspension of rules would be
    helpful to permit election call.
    Moved by E. Mcwhinney, seconded by L. Latham,
    "That Senate suspend its rule which prevents
    an election at this time.
    R. Schiffer asked if an election could be arranged to ensure that
    those elected In the by-election stand for the balance term of office and
    the following annual term. The Chairman indicated doubt but that the point
    would be looked at for the election call.

    S.N. 2/2/76
    Question was called on the motion, and a vote taken.
    (Greater than 2/3)
    ii) Senate Committee on Academic Planning
    a) Paper S.76-21 - A Credit Program in the Arts Development
    Report - Stage Two
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by F. Cunningham,
    "That Senate approve the following principles
    contained in Paper S.76-21 (SCAP 76-1) regarding
    the further development of an Arts program:
    Minor programs in Dance, Film and Theatre should
    be developed together (i.e. in relationship to
    each other).
    The programs should utilize the strengths and
    resources of workshops in the Centre for
    Communications and the Arts.
    The minor programs should establish requirements
    balanced between courses that emphasize the craft
    of the arts and courses that emphasize the analytic
    understanding of them. On the one hand, the minors
    should be directed toward giving capable students a
    strong introduction to the practice of an art form;
    on the other, each student should have significant
    exposure to the traditions of the arts generally
    and the place of that student's chosen art within
    Credit should be available in special instances for
    intensive training periods under the guidance of
    visiting artists.
    A limited number of arts courses not directly part
    of the minor structure should be introduced over
    time, both to supplement offerings in certain areas
    build toward fuller developments in other arts.
    The non-credit workshops of the Centre for Communica-
    tions and the
    Arts and the credit activities of the
    Arts program be amalgamated into a new organization
    called the Centre for the Arts reporting to the Dean
    of Interdisciplinary Studies."
    1) The effect of acceptance of this motion by Senate and
    the Board of Governors will be dissolution of the Centre
    for Communications and the Arts.

    - 4
    S.M. 2/2/76
    The administrative concerns, e.g. facilities management,
    ticket office, etc., relating to the amalgamation of
    these activites will be taken up subsequently. Recog-
    nizing that resolution of these administrative concerns
    rests with the University administration and the Board
    of Governors, the Senate Committee on Academic Planning
    has asked that the actions proposed to be taken be con-
    veyed to that committee for information only.
    Arrangements will be made for a continuing administrative
    overview of the public events and community extension
    activities associated with the present Centre for Communi-
    cations and the:Arts.
    Moved by J. Walkley, seconded by D. Erickson,
    "That the motion be divided to separate
    Item 6."
    J. Walkley stated that the University had been acclaimed for its
    public events and he would prefer that Item 6 be discussed when those
    actively concerned with the section of the activities are available to
    present a more detailed overview of the Centre for Communications and
    the Arts.
    E. Alderson was invited to join the assembly and he explained that
    the use of workshops and resources from the Centre for Communications
    and the Arts entails the close organization liaison set out in -Item 6.
    B. Wilson confirmed that many of the courses represented for credit
    would utilize, resources of current workshops and that work now non-credit
    would represent the base for much of the proposed credit offerings.
    Question was called on the motion to divide, and a vote taken.
    6 in favor
    In response to a request for elaboration of Note 3, E. Alderson
    referred to the proposal for a President's committee to provide counter-
    balancing between the
    academic credit and public relations offerings.
    P. Jewett confirmed that the subject of public events is currently under
    review by the administration which was concerned that the activities of
    the Centre for Comimmications and the
    Arts be retained.
    R. Brown pointed out province-wide budget constraints and the need
    for integrated planning to develop
    a Fine Arts program with primary em-
    phasis on education for students. M. McClaren expressed his concern that
    a decision on the role of the University as a patron of the arts would be
    de-emphasized to create a first class credit program in the Arts, and he
    felt there was not sufficient protection in the proposal but he would vote
    in favor. D. Erickson concurred with the reservations and he would oppose,
    stating that he was worried that the character of the University could be
    changed. B. Wilson commented that the shift will not eliminate the contri-
    butions of people who are not students on campus and that' the long term

    5 -
    S.M.. 2/2/76
    future of the public events program rests within an enlightened adminis-
    tration of the University.
    R. Brown noted that the process being followed was similar to that
    used in bringing forward Computing Science and Criminology and that trust
    Is essential. Approval in principle is required to permit further develop-
    ment work.
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    26 in favor
    2 opposed
    iii) Senate Library Committee
    a) Paper S.76-22- Librarians' Status
    Moved by D. Baird, seconded by D. Knight,
    "That Senate approve under Section.l - Inter-
    pretation of the Universities Act pertaining
    to 'faculty member' that for the purposes of
    nominations, elections and voting the positions
    held by professional librarians be designated
    by Senate as equivalent positions."
    D. Baird stated that the morale of the librarians had dropped
    considerably when their status was transferred to the 'Professional,
    Administrative and Support Staff' category, and the support of the
    Faculty Association had encouraged them to ask Senateto designate
    their positions as equivalent to those of faculty members for purposes
    of nominations, elections and voting. A. Curzon spoke against the
    motion on the basis that there are other groups with professional
    status which could also be considered for Senate membership under the
    terms of the Universities Act. He noted that the documentation goes
    further than the motion but the motion (with notes) is that being
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by J. Ellis,
    "That the motion be referred to the Senate
    Committee on Agenda and Rules to consi4er
    the general question of other professional
    people who contribute to the teaching and
    academic processes of the University."
    R. Brown opposed the motion to refer as the question had been
    seen by the Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules to be within the
    propriety of Senate. H. Mackauer favored the motion to refer but
    suggested legal advice be sought on the term "or equivalent position"
    contained in Item l.of the Universities Act. The Chairman responded
    that Senate is empowered to designate any position as

    - 6 -
    S.M. 2/2/76
    J. Wheatley asked that it be recorded in the minutes that faculty
    teach for credit, librarians do not, and that lab assistants have
    degrees and responsibilities which place them closer to faculty.
    Question was called on the motion to refer, and a vote taken.
    13 in favor
    18 opposed
    R. Schiffer asked that the main motion be amended to name one of
    the Senator at large positions for a librarian, but the Secretary
    pointed out that the Universities Act stipulates the manner of election
    of faculty members, other than those elected by and from specific
    faculties, shall be determined by faculty members in joint meeting.
    S. Aronoff asked that there be included in the minutes a definition of "Professional
    S. Aronoff asked that there be included in the minutes a definition
    of "Professional Librarian" for electoral purposes in order that it
    will be available should there be question in future.
    (Secretary's Note: for the purposes of this regulation "Professional
    Librarian" shall mean an individual holding a Bachelor of Arts or
    Bachelor of Science or other approved degree from a recognized
    university, and in addition holding a Master of Library Science
    (or Bachelor of Library Science) or equivalent degree from a recognized
    university or other accepted library qualification such as the A.L.A.
    or F.L.A. of Great Britain (ie. an individual deemed qualified for
    the Certificate of Professional Librarianship of British Columbia).
    Further, the individual must hold a position in the SFU Library stip-
    ulated as requiring the qualifications of a Professional Librarian.)
    L-11taL-tne motion
    to the support material provided.
    There were no reports from faculties.
    was no other business.
    1) Paper S.76-23 - Amendment to the Rules of Senate (E.
    Notice only
    The Chairman noted that
    Paper S.76-23 would be debated at the
    March meeting of Senate.

    ii) Paper S.76-24 - Faculty of Science Requirements (R. A. Ironside)
    - For Discussion
    Moved by R. Ironside, seconded by J. Walkley,
    "That the Faculty of Science requirements l.c)
    for the B.Sc. degree, major and honors, as
    listed on pages 293 and 294 respectively of
    the 1975-76 calendar, be changed from:
    'c) a minimum of 6 semester hours of electives
    in subjects taken outside the Faculty of Science
    (excluding EDUC 401, 402 and 405).'
    'c) a minimum of 6 semester hours of electives
    in subjects taken within the Faculty of Arts."
    R. Ironside stated the motion was an effort to determine whether
    the spirit of academic objectives was behind the motion to alter the
    Faculty of Arts requirements at the previous meeting or whether it
    was merely a coincidence.
    It was generally agreed that the matter should be considered
    by the Faculty of Science.
    Moved by J. Walkley, seconded by P. Buitenhuis,
    "That the matter of alteration to the Faculty
    of Science requirements be referred to the
    Faculty of Science."
    P. Buitenhuis suggested the motion should carry a rider requesting
    that the matter be returned to Senate at its April meeting. The Chair-
    man responded that such a request would require a separate motion, but
    the Faculty would be asked to transmit its conclusion at its early con-
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    It was noted that the next meeting of Senate is scheduled for Monday,
    March I, 1976, at 7:00 p.m.
    The assembly recessed briefly at 8:56 p.m. prior to moving into
    Closed Session.
    H. M. Evans

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