    Presents ?
    Strand, K.
    Aronoff, S.
    Baird, D. A.
    Beirne, B. P..
    Birch, D. R.
    Bradley, R. D.
    Brown, R. C.
    Copes, P.
    Cot, P. T,
    Dawson, A. J.
    Doherty, P. M.
    Ellis, J. F.
    Eliot Hurst, M. E.
    Emmott, A. H.
    Gilbert, K. L.
    Hollibaugh, A. L.,
    Jamieson, D. H.
    Kissner, R. F.
    Lardner, R. W.
    MacPherson, A. M.
    Munro, J. M.
    Nair, K. K.
    O'Connell, M. 'S.
    Rleckhoff, K. E.
    Seager, J. W.
    Swangard, E. M.
    Weinberg, H.
    Wheatley, J.
    Williams. W. E.
    Wilson, B. G.
    Evans, H. M.
    Meyers, D. A.
    Norsworthy, R.
    Recording Secretary
    Caple, K. P.
    Reid, W. D.
    Robinson, N.
    Salter, J. W.
    Sullivan, D. H.
    Sutherland, G. A.
    In attendance: ?
    I. Mugridge

    - 2 -
    S.M. 8/1/73
    As requested by the Chairman, the Secretary of Senate announced
    the result of a recent election to Senate, wherein J. F. Ellis had
    been elected by acclamation by the Faculty of Education to replace
    D. I. Allen from date of election to May 31, 1974.
    It was moved and seconded that J. F. Ellis be seated on Senate.
    P. Doherty sought advice from the Chair as to the possibility of
    adding to the agenda an item involving security in the Science Complex,
    and the Chair suggested that the matter was not appropriate for Senate
    discussion at this time.
    The agenda was then approved as distributed.
    The minutes of the Open Session of December 4, 1972 were approved
    as circulated.
    There was no business arising from the minutes.
    1. Paper S.73-1 - Financial Statement
    A. MacPherson questioned the lack of detailed information in the
    Financial Statements which were distributed for information, and the
    Chairman assured him that the audited annual report had been prepared
    in accordance with the requirements of the Universities Act. A.
    MacPherson added that, although the Universities Act specifies that the
    annual report shall be transmitted to Senate, Senators had not received
    copies prior to the meeting. The Chairman agreed that if it was the
    wish of Senators to receive copies of the report, these would be in-
    cluded in the Senate material mailings in future. Copies were distributed
    at this point to those in attendance.
    Wilson then advised Senate that at the December Board of Governors
    meeting approval had been given to the establishment of an Institute of
    Public Policy Analysis, the Communication Studies proposal, and the estab-
    lishment of the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies.
    1. Academic Planning Committee
    1. Paper S.73-2 - Communication Studies Degree Title
    Moved by R. Bradley, seconded by K. Gilbert,

    - 3 - ?
    S.M. 8/1/73
    "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-2,
    that the degree title associated with the
    Communication Studies Program be Bachelor of
    Arts (Communication Studies)."
    R. Bradley stated that the Committee had reached its decision
    after reviewing various possibilities of degree title and information
    prepared for it by the Academic Planner.
    Amendment was moved by A. MacPherson, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "That the degree title be Bachelor of Arts."
    A. MacPherson stated that proliferation of degree titles is un-
    desirable and noted that there is a possibility of many new programs
    being developed within the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies. A
    precedent should not be set in permitting a special title for
    Communication Studies. He noted that a precedent had alre
    idy been
    established for Kinesiology, but this had been a program involving
    very special circumstances. W. Williams enquired as to why the
    Faculty of Arts degree title should be applied to another Faculty and
    believed it appropriate that there be some term for the new Faculty.
    S. Aronoff wished to know whether or not the use of the title of
    Bachelor of Arts would necessitate the development of requirements for
    the degree from the Faculty of Arts or in some other fashion. K.
    Strand indicated that the use of such title would not in any way
    involve the Faculty of Arts in establishing requirements for the degree
    but that this would rest within the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies
    and Senate. K. Rieckhoff was of the opinion that undergraduate degrees
    should bear the preliminary title of Bachelor and should be kept simple
    as the necessary useful details could only appear through utilization
    of transcripts and not merely degree parchments. B. Wilson noted that
    the new Faculty already has two Departments, three area studies, and
    some courses in Computing Science, and felt that proliferation of
    degrees was unnecessary.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    20 in favor?
    5 opposed
    Question was called on the main motion as amended, and a vote taken.
    26 in favor?
    3 opposed

    - 4 -
    S.M. 8/1/73
    2. Senate Graduate Studies Committee
    1. Paper S.73-3 - Revised General Regulations - Graduate Studies
    Moved by J. Wheatley, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    1. ?
    "That Senate approve, as set forth in Paper
    S.73-3, the proposed graduate regulations."
    J. Wheatley explained that the intention of the proposal was to
    alter the wording for clarification and to apply uniform regulations
    for all graduate degrees.
    Amendment was moved by J. Munro, seconded by P. Copes,
    "That the following words be added to the
    motion: : 'with the exception of the MBA
    J. Munro said that he and his colleagues were concerned about
    the workability in the MBA program of some Of the new restrictions
    as they pertain to supervisory committees, oral examinations and
    research report requirements in relation to that degree, K.
    Rieckhoff responded that there had been opportunity during the drafting
    . ? of the document for departmental input, noted that some of the new
    regulations would make it easier for the operation of the MBA program,
    but that the drafting committee had been seriously concerned with the
    situation where a large number of individuals are shown as working
    under the same supervisors on varying projects for the degree. Emphasis
    must be maintained on standards and if there are staffing or other
    problems requiring solution in order to ensure standards, these must be
    faced. P. Copes indicated that there would be considerable difficulty
    in meeting requirements for supervisory committees and conducting oral
    examinations given the number of candidates and the shortage of qualified
    faculty. He said that he would be pleased to see oral examinations but
    that additional faculty would be needed if the regulations were to be
    fully imposed this year. J. Wheatley pointed out that technically the
    same oral examining committee could be utilized for every candidate, but
    that this would not be a suitable long term solution.
    J. Munro also indicated that the early establishment of supervisory
    committees would seem to lead to an unnecessary increase in paper work.
    J. Wheatley noted that under the new regulations there is an easing of
    the time for appointment, but that this aspect of the regulations would
    apply to this program.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    .3 in favor
    18 opposed

    - 5 -
    S.M. 8/1/73
    B. Beirne enquired as to the difference between theses, projects
    and extended essays, and J. Wheatley indicated that the drafting
    committee had been unable to define sharply some of the distinctions.
    P. Copes indicated that the extended essay was used for the M.A. in
    Economics and Commerce, but the projects were used for the MBA program.
    II. Weinberg asked for the rationale for the elimination of the concept
    of the thesis and introduction of essays or projects. J. Wheatley
    replied that there were variations across departments that have been
    approved by Senate permitting these various components in a number of
    ways and that with the integrity of faculty standards could be main-
    tamed. An amendment was moved by H. Weinberg, seconded by K. Gilbert,
    "That there be a minimum of 20 hours course work and a thesis."
    Comment was made that acceptance of such an amendment would have far
    reaching effects on regulations already approved by Senate, and that
    it would be beyond the intent of the scope of the present paper. The
    Chairman ruled that the amendment would not be in order, the ruling was
    challenged, and a vote was taken, and the ruling of the Chair was
    In reply to a question by A. Dawson, J. Wheatley responded that
    there was not an appeals committee at the graduate level in the same
    manner as there was at the undergraduate level.
    Question was called on Motion 1, and a vote taken.
    Moved by J. Wheatley, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "That these new regulations take effect as of
    February 1, 1973 with the following two exceptions
    No students accepted under the old regulations
    shall be penalized by the change-over to the
    new regulations.
    No students who have already applied on the
    basis of the old regulations shall be seriously
    penalized by the change in regulations."
    Amendment was moved by A. Hollibaugh, seconded by P. Doherty,
    "That the word 'seriously' be deleted."
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    Amendment was moved by B. Wilson, seconded by K. Rleckhoff,
    "That Section b) of Motion 2 be deleted."

    - 6 -
    S.M. 8/1/73
    40 ?
    B. Wilson noted that Senate has a commitment to permit students
    to complete requirements under the regulations in effect at the time
    of admission, but J. Wheatley gave assurance that applicants admitted
    under the old regulations could not be penalized by the new regulations.
    J. Munro enquired as to whether the institution of oral examinations
    or the application of extended essays could be considered a penalty
    and J. Wheatley indicated that it was a difficult question. He felt
    that people currently enrolled in the MBA program go under current
    Question was called on the amendment to delete, and a vote taken.
    11 in favor
    14 opposed
    Amendment was moved by A. Hollibaugh, seconded by J. Seager,
    "That Section b) be deleted and the following
    substituted therefor:
    'b) No students whose applications are currently
    pending shall be penalized by the change in
    the regulations.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    Question was then called on Motion 2 as amended, and a vote taken.
    J. Seager asked for clarification of degrees offered with particu-
    lar reference to the M.A. (Communication Studies) as related to Senate's
    earlier action in specifying the title for the undergraduate degree, and
    was informed that Senate had already approved the Master of Arts (Communi-
    cation Studies) degree to be offered by the Department of Communication
    Studies. Following brief discussion it was agreed no change would be made.
    2. Paper S.73-4 - Graduate Course Proposal - Archaeology 883-5
    Moved by J. Wheatley, seconded by H. Weinberg,
    "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-4,
    the new graduate course proposal, Archaeology
    0 ?
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

    New Courses
    Discontinue eff.
    August 31, 1973
    Geog. 111-3 - Physical Geography ?
    Geog. 211-3
    Geog. 112-3 - Introductory Geology ? -
    Geog. 121-3 - Economic Geography
    Geog. 221-3
    Geog. 141-3 - Social Geography ?
    Geog. 241-3
    Geog. 201-3
    Geog. 212-3
    Geog. 222-3
    Geog. 242-3
    ')1 ?
    Development of Geographic
    Geography of Natural Hazards
    Issues in Economic Geography
    Social Space
    - Methods in Spatial Analysis ?
    Geog. 262-3 - Canada
    Geog. 162-3
    Geog. 263-3 - Selected Regions ?
    Geog. 161-3
    Geog. 349-3 - Human Microgeography ? -
    Geog. 431-5 - The Landscape in Science, 2V,
    Music and Literature ?
    S.M. 8/1/73
    3. Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    1. Paper S.73-5 - Faculty of Arts - New Course Proposal
    Archaeology 439-3
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by M. Eliot Hurst,
    "That Senate approve the new course proposal,
    as set forth in S.73-5, for Archaeology 439-3
    - Early Man and Environments in North America."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    2. Paper S.73-6 - Faculty of Arts - Department of Geography
    Changes in Courses and Requirements
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by A. Hollibaugh,
    "That Senate approve the changes proposed in
    courses and requirements for the Department
    of Geography, as set forth in S.73-6, including
    the following:
    Note: If the above courses are approved, it is
    understood that the normal two semester time
    lag requirement is being waived in order
    that the courses may first be offered in the
    Fall semester 73-3.
    Lower Level Course Requirements.
    3. Lower Level Course Work Sequence.
    4. Individual Program."

    - 8 - ?
    S.M. 8/1/73
    B. Wilson stated that the proposal included the provisions noted
    by the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies and
    in particular with reference to Geog. 431-5 - The Landscape in Science,
    Music and Literature, where it is recommended that the course be
    offered once and reviewed thereafter and that, if a Department of Fine
    and Performing Arts is established, consideration be given to locating
    it within that Department; also that the Committee reserved the right
    to consider the whole question of course allocations and overlap on a
    University-wide basis.
    K. Rieckhoff questioned the vector description of Geology 112-3
    which indicated 1 hour lecture and 2 hours lab, and was advised by
    M. Eliot Hurst that there had been a typographical error and the vector
    should be altered to read 2-0-3. The Chairman suggested that if there
    was no objection that change would be made, but it was
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by K. Nair,
    "That Geog. 112-3 - Introductory Geology -
    be referred back to the Senate Committee on
    Undergraduate Studies."
    B. Wilson stated that the Committee is charged to investigate all.
    aspects of course proposals and added that he was interested in knowing
    • how a typographical error had escaped detection by a sequence of screen-
    ing committees. K. Rieckhoff objected to delaying implementation of the
    course on the basis of investigation of a typographical error.
    Question was called on the motion to refer, and a vote taken. On a
    tie vote of 11
    favor, 11 opposed, the Chairman cast the deciding vote
    and declared the motion lost.
    B. Wilson then accepted the change in the vector description of
    Geog. 112-3, and it was accordingly changed to 2-0-3.
    P. Doherty asked for clarification of the last paragraph of the
    Chairman's statement forming part of Paper S.73-6, and I. Mugridge
    explained that the Committee was dissatisfied with questions of course
    overlap but it felt unjustified in holding up a large revision to the
    Geography Department program to resolve the question, and later when
    the question of overlap in general is dealt with and a report is brought
    to Senate, it will then examine this and other courses in that context.
    J. Ellis then queried the vector description of Geog. 111-3 -
    Physical Geography, and M. Eliot Hurst advised that the description
    should be altered from 2-0-1 to 2-1-1, but called on the Chairman of
    the Departmental Undergraduate Studies Committee to comment. A.
    MacPherson informed Senate that Geog. 111 replaces Geog. 211, which is
    described by the vector 2-1-0, but in practice it has been extended by
    labs. Amendment was proposed by M. Eliot Hurst, seconded by A. Hollibaugh,
    "That the vector description of Geog. 111-3 be changed to 2-1-1." In
    response to the Chairman's enquiry as to whether there was objection to

    9 -
    S.M. 8/1/73
    this change, there being no objection, the change was made.
    (Secretary's Note: Further clarification of vectors was obtained
    following the Senate meeting and the following
    editorial changes made:
    Geog. 212-3 - vector changed from 2-0-1 to 2-1-0
    Geog. 222-3 - vector changed from 1-2-0 to 2-2-0)
    J. Munro questioned the accuracy of the statement in the course
    proposal forms which indicates that there are no budgetary implications
    in the mounting of nine new courses, and the Chairman of SCUS responded
    that the Department has sufficient faculty to cover the extra courses
    and the library holdings, space and other forms
    support are adequate
    so that there will be no additional budgetary implications. N. Eliot
    Hurst added that some of the existing courses will be offered less
    Question was called on the motion as amended, and a vote taken.
    3. Paper S.73-7 - Faculty of Arts - New Undergraduate Course Proposal
    - Philosophy 001-3
    0 ?
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by R. Brown,
    1. "That Senate approve the new undergraduate
    course proposal, as set forth in S.73-7, for
    Philosophy 001-3 - In Pursuit of Truth."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by R. Brown,
    "That Senate waive the normal two semester time
    lag requirement in order that Philosophy 001-3
    may first be offered in the Fall semester 73-3."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    4. Paper S.73-8 - Faculty of Arts - Philosophy 300-3 Review
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by A. Hollibaugh,
    "That Senate approve the recommendation of
    . ?
    the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
    that Philosophy 300-3 be continued in the
    calendar for one more year, and that it be
    further reviewed after being offered for a

    - 10 - ?
    S.M. 8/1/73
    second time in Spring 1973 and before it is
    offered again."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.73-9 - Division of General Studies - New Course
    Proposals - Latin American Studies 200-3, Kinesiology 366-3
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by R. Brown,
    "That Senate approve the new course proposal,
    as set forth in S.73-9 for Latin American
    Studies 200-3 - Introduction to Latin American
    Studies, with discontinuation of Latin American
    Studies 100-3 effective August 31, 1973."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by R. Brown,
    "That Senate waive the normal two semester time
    lag requirement in order that Latin American
    Studies 200-3 may first be offered in the Fall
    semester 73-3."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by R. Brown,
    "That Senate approve the new course proposal,
    as set forth in S.73-9, for Kinesiology 366-3
    - Components of Skilled Performance."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by R. Brown,
    "That Senate waive the normal two semester time
    lag requirement in order that Kinesiology 366-3
    may first be offered in the Summer semester 73-2."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.

    6. Paper
    S.73-10 -
    Division of General Studies - Changes in Latin
    American Studies Program
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by R. Brown,
    "That Senate approve changes in the Latin
    American Studies program, as set forth in
    as follows:
    Change in language requirements:
    Spanish - change from Series A Span. 102, 103, 201
    Series B Span. 110, 111, 301
    to ?
    Series A Span. 102, 103
    Series B Span. 110, 111
    French - change from Series A Fr. 102, 103, 201
    Series B Fr. 110, 111, 301
    Series A Fr. 100, 101
    Series B Fr. 110, 111
    b) Lower division courses
    - change from 'A total of 9 credit hours
    including Latin American Studies
    • ?
    to 'A total of 9 credit hours in-
    cluding Latin American Studies
    Upper division courses
    - change from 'A minimum of 14 credit hours
    including one of...'
    to ?
    'A minimum of 14 credit hours
    including at least one of, but
    not more than two of...'
    Addition of courses:
    Courses with exclusive Latin American content
    Add Spanish 140-4 - Hispanic Literature
    Courses with partial Latin American content
    Add History 293-3 - Cultural and Intellectual History
    History 294-3 - Religion and Science
    History 296-3 - Social and Economic History
    History 297-3 - Political and Administrative History
    History 298-3 - International Relations
    History 299-3 - Problems in History
    History 480-5 - Studies in History I
    History 481-5 - Studies in History II
    History 482-5 - Studies in History III
    History 483-5 - Studies in History IV
    History 484-5 - Studies in History V
    These may be used toward the satisfaction of LAS
    degree requirements only when the Program Director
    has determined that they have Latin American content."

    - 12 --
    S.M. 8/1/73
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.73-11 - Faculty of Science - Department of Biological
    Sciences - Change in Course Description - Bisc 417-3
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "That Senate approve the change in course
    description, as set forth in S.73-11, for
    Bisc 417-3 -- Entomology."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    Paper S.73-12 - Faculty of Science - Department
    - Changes in Courses and Requirements
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "That Senate approve changes in courses and
    requirements for the Department of Chemistry,
    as set forth in S.73-12, including the
    Add provision for Minors in Chemistry:
    For a minor in Chemistry, 14-18 hours of upper
    division credit in Chemistry is required, to-
    gether with their prerequisites. Typical pro-
    grams in various subdisciplines are available
    on request to the Department.
    Chan_gein the core program, with reference to
    Physics course:
    Change from: Physics 101-3 (with B Grade) or
    201-2; then 202-2, 203-2, 204-2, 206-2 plus 4
    or 5 hours of laboratory work - 15 hours
    to: Physics 205-2 and 206-2 and their
    prerequisites plus a minimum of 2 hours physics
    laboratory credit: minimum 15 hours.
    Change In prerequisite for Chemistry 101-3 -
    Introductory Chemistry:
    Change from: No previous training in Chemistry
    is required for this course. Mathematics 151-3
    should ordinarily precede or be taken concurrently;
    Chemistry 106-2 is ordinarily taken concurrently
    by students intending to proceed to 200 level
    courses in Chemistry.
    No previous training in Chemistry
    is required for this course. Grade 12 Mathematics

    - 13 -
    S.M. 8/1/73
    (or Mathematics 100-3, corequisite) or permission
    of the Department; Chemistry 106-2 is ordinarily
    taken concurrently by students intending to proceed
    to 200 level courses in Chemistry."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    9. Paper S.73-13 - Faculty of Science - Changes in Department of
    Mathematics Requirements and Courses
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-13,
    changes in the Department of Mathematics re---
    quirements and courses, including the following:
    Mathematics 106-3 - change in course description.
    Inclusion in the Mathematics Department's list of
    courses the new Computing Science courses 102-2
    with CMPT 102-2 acceptable in lieu of
    Math 106-3.
    Changes in prerequisites for Mathematics 142-2,
    241-2, 291-2, 292-3, 406-3, 412-4, 413-4.
    Changes in course descriptions for Mathematics
    101-3, 142-2, 413-4.
    Discontinuation of Mathematics 205-3."
    Question was called, and a vote taken.
    10. Paper S.73-14 - Restructuring of Senate Committee on Undergraduate
    Moved by B. Wilson, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "That Senate approve the restructuring of the
    Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies, as
    set forth in S.73-14, with membership and
    quorum requirements as follows:
    The Vice-President, Academic, or his designate, Chairman
    Registrar as non-voting Secretary
    The Academic Planner, non-voting
    The Chairmen of the Curriculum Committees for Arts,
    Science, Education, and Interdisciplinary Studies
    . ?
    The Deans of the Faculties
    Two student Senators, elected by Senate.
    Quorum: One half of the voting members of the

    - 14 -
    S.M. 8/1/73
    Committee with at least one member of each
    Faculty (which could include Deans)."
    Amendment was moved by W. Williams, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "That the position of President's Appointee
    be restored from the previous Committee
    W. Williams was of the opinion that a President's Appointee
    could provide liaison between the President and the Committee, and,
    since the Chairman of the Committee is not a formal member of
    Senate, the Appointee in his attendance at meetings of both the
    Committee and Senate could possibly circumvent severe criticism of
    proposals submitted for final approval.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote t-aken. On tie
    vote of 11 in favor, 11 opposed, the Chairman voted, declaring the
    amendment failed.
    Amendment was moved by A. MacPherson, seconded by J. Munro,
    "That the Deans of Faculties be deleted and one
    sadditional member of each Faculty Curriculum
    Committee be added."
    A. MacPherson noted that the membership was heavily administrative
    and the inclusion of Deans was not practical. R. Brown argued that it
    was important for Deans to be involved in the activities of the Committee
    in order that they might be cognizant of the full aspects of proposals
    submitted to Senate for its consideration. B. Wilson was opposed and did
    not agree there was administrative weighting.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    5 in favor
    19 opposed
    11. Weinberg proposed that the quorum consist of the Chairman and
    five voting members, but the proposal was withdrawn when I. Mugridge
    explained that the Chairman of the Committee normally does not vote
    except to break a tie.
    In reply to a question by J. Munro, I. Mugridge advised that the
    intention of the original proposal, and as understood by the Committee
    which passed it, was that Deans may not assign designates to the Senate
    Committee on Undergraduate Studies.

    - 15 - ?
    S.M. 8/1/73
    Amendment was moved by W. Williams, seconded by A. MacPherson,
    "That the Chairman be the Vice-President,
    Academic and the words 'or his designate'
    be deleted."
    W. Williams said that, in view of the importance of the Committee,
    if Deans were required to personally attend meetings of the Committee
    the Chairman was not entitled to designate a substitute. R. Brown
    countered that the basic difference was that the designates of Deans
    do not hold Senate membership, but the designate of the Vice-President,
    Academic has speaking privileges at Senate.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    7 in favor
    13 opposed
    Amendment was moved by R. Kissner, seconded by A. Hollibaugh,
    "That the two student Senators elected by
    Senate be deleted, and that there be sub-
    stituted therefor the student elected
    Education President, Arts President, and
    Science President, and that the two student
    Senators elected by Senate be alternates."
    R. Kissner stated that two student Senators, generally members of
    the Faculty of Arts, cannot be expected to represent the interests of
    students as a whole.
    Question was called on the amendment, and a vote taken.
    16 in favor
    8 opposed
    Question was called on the motion as amended, and a vote taken.
    3 opposed
    There were no reports of Faculties or Divisions.

    - 16 -
    S.M. 8/1/73
    Notice of Motion
    There were no notices of motion.
    Date of Next Meeting
    It was noted that the next meeting of Senate is scheduled for Monday,
    February 5, 1973, at 7:30 p.m.
    Other Items
    There were no other items.
    Confidential Matters
    The meeting recessed briefly at 10:15 p.m. prior to moving into
    Closed Session.
    H. M. Evans

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