1. j?tk4 q.'j.

I Strand )
,Baird, D.A.
Boland, L.A.
Burstein, K.R.
1Coniay, J.
D'Aoust, B.
Funt, B. L.
Haeriag, R.R.
/ Hamilton, W.N.
Harper, R.J.C.
Hean, A.F.C.
'Hutchinson, J.
Koerner, Mrs.Otto
,Lachlan, A.H.
,Korbin, D.G.
'MacKinnon, A. R.
Okuda, K.
Rieckhoff, K.E.
,Sperling, C.B.
Prock, Mrs.L.
,Stratton, S.
,Sullivan, D.
STuck> D.G.
Vidaver, W.
iWong, S.
Williams, W.E.
,Evans, H.M.
,Perriment, B.
Recording Secretary
ABSENT: -Branca, A.E.
- Collins, N.
Dampier, J.L.
' Ellis, A.J.
,Lett, Mrs.Sherwood
McLean. C.H.
• Perry, G.N.
'Shrum, G.M.
Waikley, J.
As difficulties had occurred because of the entry of individuals to the
Senate Chamber without passes, And with overflow beyond the seating capacity
available, the Chairman requested thac those who had entered without passes
please leave but there was no response. The Chairman indicated tha he would
attempt to continue the meeting of
but that if this proved to be
unsuccessful it would he necessary that the meeting be terminated.

. In. the election for a student representative to Senate to replace S.. Foulds
for a term of office to May 31, 1969, J. Conway polled the highst number or
votes and was declared elected.
Moved by B.D'Aoust, seconded by D.Korbin,
"that J.Conway be seated on Senate."
In the election by Joint Faculty of a replacement for R.J.Baker, A.H.Lachlan
polled the highest number of votes and was declared elected.
Moved by S.Wong, seconded by B.D'Aoust,
"that A.H.Lachlan be seated on Senate."
On a motion by K.Rieckhoff, seconded by B.D'Aoust, the Agenda was approved.
S.Wong noted that Paper S-209, 209A had not been reviewed by the Senate
Agenda Committee and questioned its inclusion on the Agenda. Explanation
was made by R.Haering and Ii.Evans covering the inclusion and inclusion was
J.Conway indicated that he wished to raise two points of privilege in that
it was his desire to make a statement to Senate and also that he had wished
to move an amendment to the motion to approve the Agenda but that events
had moved too quickly. He made enquiry as to the..method whereby notices
of motion could be placed before Senate and the Chairman indicated that this
could be done under Item 7A where previous papers had beqn presented or
under Item 7C - Other Items. Following discussion the Chairman indicated
that notice of motion would be accepted under Item 7C.
J.Conway requested permission to give a maiden speech and the Chairman ruled
that he could so do. K.Burstein challenged theuling of the Chair, vote
was taken with 9 in favour of the Chair and 11 opposed, with the decision of
the Chair being overruled by the assembly. D.Korbin Indicated that he
believed it unfair to make the student audience wait for a protracted time
for such statement, but in view of the ruling of the assembly Senate
proceeded to the next order of business.
S.Wong indicated that on Page 5 Item B
following the carrying of the motion
there should be inserted the sentence "the above motion is to be drawn to
the attention of Senate".
S.Wong referred to the section of the Minutes pertaining to separation of
archaeology studies from the Department of Political
Sociology and
Anthropology with request for changes in wording but with opposition from.

a e
D.Sullivan as to the nature of debate and wording at the previous
D.Sullivan referred to the difficulty of the secretariat in situations of
this type and suggested the need for transcripts through tapes.
Following further discussion it was agreed that decision would be held in
abeyance until check was made of the recording secretary's minutes with
discussion to be held by S.Wong, D.Sullivan and the secretary.
Error was noted to the motion at the top of Page 8 in that it was moved
by D.Korbin and seconded by S.Wong.
Similarly, on Page 10 Line 5 the first Sentence requires change to read
"Challenge on ruling was made by S.Wong, seconded by L.Boland, with
referenceto Page 144 of Robert's Rules of Order".
S.Wong requested that addition be made at the top of Page 12 following the
amendment, with inclusion of the following:
"S.Wong argued that since all members are regarded as equal,
students and lay members should be eligible to serve on this
committee. He said that since lay members felt able to
decide on such academic questions as the administrative
separation of archaeology from P.S.A., they should be quite
capable to implement these decisions".
This statement is to appear between the amendment and the results of the
D.Suliivan gave notice of motion that in future the secretary arrange for
the procedures of Senate to be taped.
Change was required on Page 13 second to last motion with replacement of
the word "by" with the word "be".
D.Korbin indicated that on Page 11 Line 12 there was needed insertion of
the word "utterly" before the word "mobile".
With the exception of the item involving disagreement between S.Wong and
D.Sullivan which still required resolution, the Chairman ruled the Minuas
of February 3 approved including the corrections noted above.
(a) Notice of Motion of B.D'Aoust - "N" and "DEF" Grades - Pa
p er S.208
Moved by B.D'Aoust, seconded by G
. Sperling,
"Whereas there is no direction by Senate to the Registrar
regarding the handling of
and "DEF" grades for purposes
of calculating either cumulative or semester grade point
averages, and
Whereas the present practice (1) may penalize the student -
he may not get a bursary or scholarship for which he is
qualified by his other marks - and (2) since the computin
an average which includes an "N" or "DEF" grade carrying a

zero value in fact results
of a student's achievement
involved in re-progranun:Lng
averages accurately is eas
of the information printed
in an erroneous reflection
and (3) since the trouble
the computer to calculate
ily offset by the reliability
Moved, (1) that where grades of "N" and "DEF" are awarded
by an instructor, these be left intact on the student's
record unless changed according to present University
policy, and (2) that in calculating grade point averages,
computation be based only on passing or failing grade
awarded by instructors.
Comment - Motion No.1 intends to record academic evaluation
of a student's performance more accurately, Motion No.2 is
intended to arrive at averages on the basis of academic
rather than administrative judgments."
Discussion was undertaken. Amendment to Part 2 of the motion was made
by K.Okuda, seconded by D.Tuck,
"that in calculating grade point averages, computation be
based only on "N", passing or failing grades awarded by
Debate on the amendment was undertaken and the Chair ruled the amendment
in order. G.Sperling and D.Korbin challenged the ruling. Vote on the
ruling was undertaken and the Chair was upheld.
Discussion continued with individuals speaking for and against the motion
and amendment. D.Sullivari suggested that all "F" and "N" grades
off a student's transcript and only passing grades shown. K.Burstein
suggested that use be made of the notations "withdrawing passing",
"withdrawing failing", and "withdrew".
Moved by J.Conway, seconded by K.Burstein,
"that the previous question now be put."
Vote was then taken on the amendment.
7 in favour
14 opposed.
1 abstained
Discussion on the main motion continued. J.Conway spoke against the main
motion in terms of the whole grading system and was opposed by K.Burstein
on a point of order that the motion pertained to "N" and "DEF" grades only.
The Chairman indicated that he accepted the argument of K.Burstein and
ruled the comments of J.Conway not in order. The ruling of the Chair was
challenged by D.Sullivan, seconded by G.Sperling. Vote on the ruling of

c 1
1 ,
the Chair was undertaken with 1.2 voting n favour of the ruling, 7
opposed to the ruling and 5 abstained. The ruling of the Chair was
,( ?
Debate continued. Amendment was moved by J.Conway, seconded by D.Korbin,
"that Senate in principle adopt the abolition of the present
grading system and introduce a pass/fail grading system."
The Chairman ruled the motion out of order.
Discussion was held and J.Conway, seconded by D.Korbin, challenged the
ruling of the Chair. Vote on the ruling was undertaken with 19 in favour
of the Chair and 3 opposed. The ruling of the Chair was upheld.
Debate continued with individuals speaking for and against the main motion.
K.Rieckhoff opposed the motion on the ground that the utilization of
gradings of "N" and "DEF" are useful and clear so long as definitions are
K.Burstein stated that if B.D'Aoust would withdraw his motion he would
introduce a notice of motion to the effect "that the following letter
grades be added to the present grading system:- W - Withdrew, WP -
Withdrew Passing, WF - Withdrew Failing".
I MM — Iby B.D'Aoust, seconded by K.Burstein,
"that the motion be tabled."
19 in favour
3 opposed
(b) Notice of Motion of W.Williarns - Grade Changes -Paper S.203
W.Williams indicated that he wished to change the notice of motion
previously given and it was agreed that this could be done.
Moved by W.Williams, seconded by G.Sperling,
"that the time for conversion of deferred grades to letter
grades be extended until the end of the seventh week in the
semester following the awarding of the grade."
Debate was undertaken with a number of individuals speaking for and
against the motion. K.Rieckhoff indicated opposition in that the
• system proposed would provide unfair privileges for some but not for
others. J.Conway spoke in favour of the motion as he believed that it
• would be in the interests of students as a welfare motion relieving
pressures and tensions on students. K.Okuda expressed opposition and
supported the present "DEF". system. A number of
individuals spoke for
and against the motion.
Amendment to the motion
was moved by D.Korbin,
students be
given a deferred grade
at their own request."

( ;
44 '
D.Korbin stated that the purpose of the motion was to
students to manipulate the grading system in their favour rather .J
•••than to have the system manipulate them.
Vote on the amendment was undertaken.
5 in
17 opposed
Debate on the main motion continued. Ruled by K.Okuda, seconded by
"that debate on the motion be postponed until the next
meeting of Senate and that the Registrar be requested
to prepare data on the number of deferred grades given
and by which department and the time necessary for the
conversion of these grades."
Discussion was undertaken. D.Korbin requested that record be made in
the Minutes that the Chairman is quick to cut off points of order
raised by students but not so quick to cut off administrators and others
fcr whom the Senate exists. Further discussion was held. Vote on the
motion to postpone was undertaken.
3 in favour
18 opposed
3 abstained
Debate on the main motion resumed. S.Wong indicated that he was in
favour of the motion but for reasons other than those which had already
been expressed.He draw attention to Paper S.208,the cornmerLts of the
Registrar and the summary statement emphasizing that if such change be
made there would indeed be major impact, but that he felt that passage
of the motion would help to erode current difficulties. A number of
Senators continued the debate speaking for and against the motion.
Vote on the main motion was undertaken.
8 in favour
15 opposed
2 abstained
Enquiry was made as to whether there were other items arising from the
Minutes. S.Wong asked the Dean of Arts how the administrative separation
of archaeology from the P.S.A. Department will appear in the next
calendar, and the Dean replied that in the next calendar there would be
no change but that following that it would appear in the same fashion as
the Reading and Study section now appears under the Faculty f Arts.
L.Boiand requested that the Chairman present a paper to Sena
±e on what
to do with inter-departmental matters of the P.S.A. separation type so
that when other cases come before Senate. there will be guidance as to how
to deal with the matter.

- 7 -
.4.(wl (
J.Conway gave notice of motion that regarding the separatinot
archaeology from the P.S.A. Department that the matter be put
the student plenum of the P.S.A. Department and that it be subjt
to their ratification or rejection.
The Chairman ruled that the motion would be out of order. The ruling
of the Chair was challenged by S.Wong, seconded by D.Korbin. Vote on
the ruling was undertaken with 18 in favour of the Chair, and 4 opposed.
The ruling of the Chair was upheld.
K.Strand reported that E.Gibson had resigned from Senate and that
replacement election was being held.
The Chairman indicated that consideration was being given the matter
of academic planning, and that he hoped to have a paper for the next
Senate Agenda Committee Meeting and then potentially for the next Senate
meeting. Consideration was being given priorities, including physical,
budget and academic, with the conclusion that academic priorities should
be first considered. He referred to a number of problems and difficulties
which arose from the present situation.
G.Sperling requested that a report be made on the growing malaise
of the Centre for the Communications and the Arts and referred to certain
materials. The Chairman indicated that if this proved to be appropriate
he would include comments.
• D.Korbin requested that the paper be made available in the Library and
available to students before the Senate meeting so that students cai
know the contents and respond appropriately. The Chairman indicated
that the paper would be referred to the Senate Agenda Committee if ready,
and decision as to whether it would then go before Senate would depend
upon recommendation of the Senate Agenda Committee and that he could not
comment further.
J.Conway asked the Chairman to include in the report how the P.S.A. split
can be taken care of in academic planning, the part the students can play,
and detail as to how implementation can be carried .out.
(a) Report of Senate Nominating C
mittee - Paper S207
D.G.Tuck referred to Paper S.207 Section 1 pertaining to the Committee
on Examination Gradings and Practices, and requested that Senate move to a
Moved by D.G.Tuck, seconded by K.Rieckhoff,
"that Senate rules on nominations and voting be suspended."
17 in favour
5 opposed
1 abstained

- 8
Nominations from the floor were considered in addition to the names of
those provided by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee
• had suggested that the committee have five members, and the nominees of
the Nominating Committee were J.F.Cochran, J.F.Hutchinson
L.M.Kendall, L.Prock, P.L.Wagner, J.N.Webster. From the floor names
were added: S.Wong, D.Korbin, L.Boland.
D.Korbin requested that all present be asked to address the meeting
regarding their perspective on examination and grading practices, but
the discussion was ruled out of order.
Moved by D.Tuck, seconded by D.Suliivan,
"that nominations close."
Moved by D.Tuck, seconded by K.Rieckhoff,
"that the committee consist of five members."
Amendment to the motion was made by G.Sperling, seconded by D.Korbin,
"that the committee consist of five members to be composed
of three faculty and two students."
It was noted that nominations had been made prior to determination of
the numbers of members and the nature of the members of the committee
and it was therefore decided to set aside the nominations which had
already been made and to reconsider as the first item the composition
of the committee.
Moved by D.Tuck, seconded by K.Rieckhoff,
"that the committee consist of five members elected by Senate
at large."
Amendment to the motion was moved by G.Sperling, seconded by D.Korbin,
"that the sizeofthe committee be increased to six members
composed of three faculty members and three students to
be elected by the student society by whatever manner they
Discussion was undertaken and the Chair ruled the amendment in order.
Reference was made to Pages 143 and 144 of Robert's Rules of Order.
W.Vidaver, seconded by L.Boland, challenged the ruling of the Chair.
Vote on the ruling was undertaken with 12 in favour of the ruling, 8
opposed to the ruling and 2 abstained. The ruling of the Chair was
Amendment to the amendment was moved by J.Conway, seconded by D.Korbin,
"that the amendment include the specific manner in which the

- -
three faculty members will be chosen, namely that. the
three faculty members be elected in a manner to be
determined by Joint Faculty and the three student members
to be elected in a manner decided by the student society."
Discussion was undertaken with disagreement.
Moved by R.Haering, seconded by K.Okuda,
"that the question of the composition and constitution of
the committee be referred back to the Senate Nominating
Debate was undertaken on the motion to refer with some individuals
speaking for and against the motion.
Moved by K.Burstein, seconded by D.Tuck,
"that the previous question now be put."
19 in favour
2 opposed
1 abstained
Vote was then undertaken on the motion to refer.
12 in favour
10 opposed
2 abstained
Senate then considered Paper S.207 Item 2 pertaining to a vacany in the
Senate Agenda Committee.
Moved by D.Tuck, seconded by K.Rieckhoff,
"that Senate elect W.Vidaver to the vacancy existing on the
Senate Agenda committee."
Nominations from the floor were then accepted and L.Boland was nominated.
Moved by K.Burstein, seconded by D.Baird,
"that nominations close."
Ballot vote was then taken to elect one member to the Senate Agenda Committee,
replacing E.Gibson,with the candidates being L.Boland and W.Vidaver.
Following balloting, W.Vidaver was declared elected.
(b) Report of Senate Library Committee - Paper S.206
Moved by S.Stratton, seconded by A.Hean,

- 10 -
"that the report of the Senate Library Committee,
Paper S.206, he accepted."
J.Conway enquired as to the rationale behind the paper and further
enquired as to the income from library fines secured in the last
semester. The President agreed to obtain the data and provide it
17 in favour
2 opposed
2 abstained
(a) (i) Undergraduate Calendar Items - Facult
of Arts
Moved by D.Sullivan, seconded by K.Okuda,
"that the wording of the general requirements of
the Faculty of Arts as given in the precis be
Discussion was undertaken. S.Wong drew attention to Page 65 and
queried the requirement that for the Honors Degree 132 semester
hours would be required of which at least 72 semester hours must be
in Arts. He stated that he did not believe this to be a ruling
earlier passed. Further points were raised.
Moved by G.Sperling, seconded by S.Wong,
"that this item be referred back to the Faculty of
3 in favour
18 opposed
2 abstained
D.Sullivan gave assurance that .a thorough check would be made in the
Faculty of Arts and with the Registrar and that only those items
which had received approval would indeed appear in the next calendar.
Vote cii the main motion was undertaken.
17 in favour
2 opposed
3 abstained
Attention was drawn to the requirements of the Department of
Psychology pertaining to overall average in major subject and
D.Suilivan indicated that the wording submitted had not been approved
within the Faculty of Arts.
Moved by D.Sullivan, seconded by G.Sperling,

"that the 3.0 overall average in the major
subject required by the Department of Psychology
be deleted."
16 in favour
4 abstained
Attention was given to the submission of the Department of Modern
Languages and the Dean of Arts indicated that this was being
reworked with expectation that it would come before the next
of Senate. In view of this the old wording would appear
in the next calendar issue.
Undergraduate Calendar Items - Faculty of Education - Paper
A.NacKinnon referred to Paper S.213 and noted that Education 403
which had carried no credit would be renumbered and called Education
405-15. Further clarification was given.
Moved by A.MacKinnon, seconded by S.Stratton,
"that Paper S.213 be approved."
A.MacKinnon referred to Education 499 which had been approved to
carry 15 semster hours of credit or alternatively 13 semester hours
of credit for those undertaking Honors. It was noted that change
was needed.
Moved by A.MacKinnon, seconded by G.Sperling,
"that Senate approve the offerings of Education 499-15
and the offerings of Education 498-18 in the various
departments of the faculty."
A.MacKinnon noted that some of the departments had not previously
included Education 499 and 498 and that'it was desired that
Professional Foundations be permitted to include such offerings,
and this was accepted..
Undergraduate Calendar Items - Faculty of Science - Papers S.209,
Moved by B.Funt, seconded by K.Rieckhoff,
"that Senate approve Papers S4209, 209A."
Discussion was undertaken with a number of individuals speaking for
and against the proposal. It was noted that the proposal was a step
in the direction of specifying more items in programs and therefore

12 -
restricting the opportunity for students to choose more
broadly. Further information was provided by the Dean of
Science and by A.Lachlan.
Moved by R.Harper, seconded by S.Stratton,
"that the previous question now he put."
9 in favour
9 opposed
2 abstained
Discussion continued with many Senators speaking in support of
the proposal and many Senators speaking against the motion.
Vote on the main motion was undertaken.
11. in favur
7 opposed
1 abstained
Moved by J.Conway, seconded by C.Sperling,
"that the change be implemented only if the students
in the Department of Mathematics agree that it should
be implemented."
2 in favour
13 opposed
4 abstained
Notices of Motions (No papes received).
Date of Next Meeting
It was agreed that the .next regular meeting would be held on Tuesday,
April 8, as Monday, April 7, is Easter Monday.
Other Items
(i) TapeRecording of Senate Meetings
Moved by D.Sullivari, seconded by K.Burstein,
'that all meetings be tape-recorded in order that the
secretariat can check adequately, and that the tapes
be kept until the Minutes of the Meeting are approved."

(ii) Notice of Motion -J.Cony, D.Korbin
J.Conway read notice of motion which would be seconded by D.Korbin,
indicating that the motion was not in final form but that sub-
mission would be made of final form later. He read from an
initial draft as follows: "Whereas Senate accepts in principle
the concept of a critical,open, free university, Senate approves
the following:-
(A) Policy of Open Enrolment
(1)(a) All ethnic minorities will be admitted upon application;
All high school students in the so-ca
led "non-
academic streams" will be admitted upon application;
(c) Al]. junior and regional college students will be
admitted upon application;
All those who have not completed the normal high school
program including both mature students and "drcp-outs"
will be admitted upon application;
All American political refugees will be admitted upon
All those who have met the minimum standards of high
school graduation will be admitted upon application.
Special programs will be established and developed for
the above categories of students. Participation in such
programs will imply no loss of time and credit period.
No applicant will be turned away for reasons of inadequate
(B) Senate agrees
to immediately implement the Korbi-Sperling motion
presented at the November
meeting of Senate.
(C) Whereas the grading system is an institutionalized means of
oppression and whereas it serves the needs
of corporate
channelling and not the educational needs of the students, be it
Senate commit, itself in principle to the complete abolition
of the grading system.
As an interim step Senate will immediately implement a
Pass/Fail system of gradings.
Senate immediately authorizs that non-graded full credit'
courses can begin in any department on an experimental

- 14 -
(c) Senate accept immediately the change in credits for
lower-level courses from three to five credits. The
purpose is to undercut the course fragmentation of
learning; and not to increase the academic workload
in any particular course.
(D) Whereas the most immediate barrier to universal accessibility
in the system of tuition fees and grade competition for
scholarships, bursaries and awards, be it resolved:
Senate call for the abolition of tuition fees, and for
the abolition of the present system of bursaries,
scholarships, and awards based on grades.
The present system of scholarships, bursaries, and
awards be replaced in the' interim with a system based
'upon need.
Senate call for a universal system of student stipends.
(E) Whereas Senate is concerned about the drift of
• SFU towards a
multiversity model, where knowledge is seen as a commodity and
where academic and research programs are subordinated to the
needs of the corporate system, be it resolved:
There will be no major changes in the curriculum, program
nor departmental structure; nor will there be any formation
of new entities within the university, without full and
open debate throughout the university and without the
express approval of the students and faculty in the con-,
cerned department or area.
(F) Whereas administrative and bureaucratic decisions are being
proposed and made by Senate, senior f
aculty, and administrators,
in isolation from the whole university community, which by
extension and implication are redefining' the character and
direction of SFU;
And whereas such decisions are being made without full and open
discussion, as well as without the participation and control of
the majority of students in faculty;
And whereas the character and direction of SPU in all its'asoects
should be freely, openly, and democratically determined by the
whole university community as well as representatives of the
Be it resolved that the Senate suspend all normal academic
programs for the Fall 1969. Semester, without loss of credit to
students or loss of salary to faculty, in order that wide-ranging
and full discussions can be carried out throughout each department,
each faculty, and the university as a whole concerning the
character and direction of SFU; and that such discussions include
representatives of the people
of B.C.; and that concrete --
r e-
structuring, as well as curricular, teaching methods,and
educational philosophy, proposals will be democratically arrived

- 15
at to be immediately implemented by the appropriate
J.Conway indicated further that he was giving notice of
a motion which would condemn the use of police, a notice
of motion requiring that the provision of
. data to the
police be ceased, and a notice of motion to have.files
opened only on the specific statements of students.
He indicated that appropriate documents would be filed.
Notice of Motion - R.Harper
R.Harper indicated that he was giving notice of motion "that Senate
abandon the trimester system on the grounds, that this system is
unsound academically, unworkable administratively, and financially
expensive, and that the university adopt a year system similar to that
of the University of British Columbia and the University
of Victoria."
G.Sperling noted that the University of British Columbia is giving
consideration to raising standards of admission-and wished to know
whether or not this would affect Simon Fraser University. He wished
to know if the matter was being considered and, if so, by whom. He
requested that the President include this information in the paper
he proposed to present.
(d) Confidential Matters
Moved by D.Tuck, seconded by A.Hean,
"that the Open Session of Senate now adjourn."
The Open Session was adjourned at 12:55 a'.m.
U. M. Evans

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