    Strand, K.T.
    Boland, L.A.
    Branca, A.E.
    Burstein, A.R.
    Collins, N.
    Dampier, J.L.
    D'Aoust, B.
    Funt, B.L.
    Ilacring, R.R.
    Harper, R.J.C.
    Hutchinson, J.F.
    Korbin, D.
    MacKinnon, A.R.
    Frock, L.
    Ricckhoff, K.
    Sperling, G.V.
    Shrum, C. N.
    Stratton, S.
    Sullivan, D.
    Tuck, D.C.
    Wa].kley, J.
    Wong, S.
    Williams, W. E.
    Evans, 11. M.
    Smèdiey, J.
    Absent: Baird, D.A.
    Baker, R.J.
    Ellis, A.J.
    Gibson, E.M.
    Hamilton, W .N.
    Ilean, A.F.C,
    Koerner, Mrs. Otto
    Lett, Mrs. Sherwood
    • McLean, C.H.
    Perry, G.N.
    Vidaver, W.
    o/': J)'i
    Recording' Secretary
    Mrs. Lett expressed regrets that she was not able to attend.

    Attention was drawn to the new Agenda format which provides for report by
    the Chairman of Senate, reports of Committees, and reports of Faculties.
    The Chairman noted that the Agenda had been structured by him and the
    Acting Academic Vice-President, and R. Hacring commented that he had noted
    that routine business of Senate seemed to be interrupted by motions from
    the floor and that the intent of the new format was to ensure the handling
    • S
    of routine business but to still provide opportunity for Notices of Motion
    .to be dealt with under a later item on the Agenda.
    Comment was made by a number of members that items which had been submitted
    through Notice of Notion or with Request for Inclusion on Agenda had not:
    always been so included and clarification was requested. The Chairman
    indicated that he would comment further on these matters when making his
    .report later on the Agenda.
    Question was raised as to whether or not Motions from the floor could he
    accepted or whether Notice of Notion would be required. It was noted
    that motions from the floor could indeed be entertained on pertinent
    items under discussion and that such motions might be dealt with immediately
    or that Senate might wish to defer a motion to a later point on the Agenda.
    K. Rieckhoff observed that Senate had approved the order of business at its
    meeting on April. 4, 1966.
    Moved by K. Rieckhoff, seconded by L. Dampier,
    "that the Agenda be approved".
    (a) Minutes of Open Session December
    ].968 - continued through
    S.Foulds had submitted written request that the minutes of December
    page 8, line 23, be amended to read as follows
    , '!D. Sullivan noted th1:
    not a student cnmmttee but a Senate committee. Foulds agreed
    that this was indeed not a student committee but insofar as Senate
    had delegated the responsibility to the Simon Fraser Student Society
    to find a student representative that the President of the Student's
    Council was a bonafide student representative. In view of the fact
    that Senate has formally recognized (Sept. -Oct., 1965) the President
    of the Student Council as representative of the student body and
    that under the Simon Fraser Student Society constitution it takes
    two weeks for an election to take place, Foulds said that he was
    disappointed that the Dean slioiild qLestion the validity f Mr. walsh's
    position in that he took
    responsibility for this position in order to
    exuedite the urgent business which Was before the Senate Admissions
    and Standings Appeals Committee."
    were no further changes the minutes were ruled approved with
    amendment as noted.

    (h) Minutes of ¶pen Session
    December. 9, 1968
    The uame of W Hamilton is to he included in the list of 0t110se
    D. Sullivan indicated the necessity of a change on page 10 of the
    minutes, paragraph 6, in that the previous question had been put
    but there was not indication of the results of the vote on the
    question. The Secretary was instructed to make the necessary
    As there were no further changes the minutes of December 9, 1968,
    (Calendar meeting) with change as noted were declared approved.
    (a) From Minutes of December 2-9,
    B. D'AOUSt noted that further data on deferred grades was to be
    provided and the Secretary indicated that a paper prepared by
    D. Meyers would be made available to Senate at the next meeting.
    (b) From Minutes of December
    9, 1968
    B. Punt drew attention to his Notice of Motion,
    that in future
    Senate adjourn on the day the Senate meeting commences", and the
    Chairman indicated this would be considered at a later point in the'
    (a) Interim Council Rcomm ndations, Paper S-184
    The Chairman indicated that in compliance with the request of I. Poland,
    Acting Chairmin.of Joint Faculty, he had forwarded items D
    - DXII
    inclusive of the Joint Faculty Referendum on the report of Interim
    Council to the Senate Committee on the Method of Appointment, Tenure,
    and Functions of Deans and Heads of Departments.
    (b) EaSttlty
    In accordance with report made to Senate the Chairman convened a
    meeting on Friday, December 20, 1,968, of the outgoing and incoming
    members of Faculty Council in order that the incoming members would be
    apprised of past policies of Faculty Council. The history of Faculty
    Council attempts to formulate policy were reviewed and it was agreed,
    (1) that a historical survey would be prepared, and
    that the
    first item before the incoming Faculty Council would be the preparation
    of' a policy statement. No other action was then taken.

    4 -
    J1 /j
    (c) Ap pea ls. Committee
    / I
    The Chairman reported that the Appeals Coumiittee had requested that
    name a Faculty Senator as an alternate on the colrLaittee as the
    present structure would prevent operation of the Committee through
    lack of
    quorum if any one of the members were absent. lie reported
    that the students had provided an alternate and in view of the
    circumstances he had named L. Boland as an alternate Faculty Senator.
    Noveçl by D. Sullivan, seconded by J. Walkley,
    "that L. Boland be named, the Alternate Faculty Senator
    for the Appeals Committee".
    Senate Agenda Committee
    The Chairman made reference to earlier comments, noted that working
    conjunction with the- Academic Vice-President he had attempted to
    move to a fixed Agenda and ' that the Academic Vice-President had
    already commented on the intent to ensure that routine business of
    Senate was disposed of as expeditiously as possible. The Chairman
    further commented that the Agenda Committee procedure had not functio uc
    as well as he had hoped and that in his view it was desirable that a
    number of procedural questions b immediately reviewed and that some
    committee of Senate go through the past records of Senate to identify
    procedures and bring forward recommendations which would expedite
    the business of Senate. lie suggested that the Senate Agenda Committee
    Vor some other committee of Senate he assigned this task.
    Discussion followed with concurrence that procedures required review,
    general concurrence that the Agenda Committee operation was not fully
    successful, and that steps be undertaken for a review of procedures
    Informal vote :as taken on the suggestion that the Senate Agenda
    Committee be assigned the task and the suggestion was defeated.
    Moved by' D. Sullivan, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "that Senate appoint a committee of three to review
    the vatious procedures of Senate and bring forward
    recommendations to Senate and include appropriate
    codification of procedures".
    Informal vote was then taken on the suggestion that the Committee be
    appointed at the current meeting of Senate and the suggestion carried.
    Moved by D. Sullivan, seconded by J. Walkley,
    "that Senat:e suspend its rules on nominating and
    17 in favour
    3 opposed

    Nominations were declared open and the following were nominat: i:
    D. Sullivan, K. Rieckhoff, S. Wong, A. MacKinnon, L . nolaudi/'
    J. Walkicy, E. Gibson. Ballot vote was then under taken and
    A. MacKinnon, K. Rieckhoff, D. Sullivan, were decl ared elected
    with K. Rieckhoff to convene the first meeting of the Committee.
    K. Rieckhoff stated that if any Senators wished to submit recommendations
    for the Committee they should be made directly to him, in writing
    with reasons.
    K. Burstein stated that when approval of the current Agenda was
    under discussion indication had been given that further comment
    would he made under Item 4 of the Agenda and he again wished to
    as to the function of the Senate Agenda Committee, with
    reference to comments that had been made previously concerning
    difficulty of gettin
    items through the Agenda Committee on to the
    Agenda. The Chairman responded that the function of the Agenda
    Committee was to advise him on the preparation of the Agenda with
    recommendations on items to be included on any given Agenda end
    he proposed to continue to have the Agenda Committee so advise
    him. He noted that the standing procedures of Senate called for fte
    distribution of the Agenda and supporting papers to members of Senate
    ten days in advance of the Senate meeting but that for a number of
    reasons it had not been possible to enforce such procedures during
    the Fall Semester but that he intended to enforce these procedures
    until new procedures might he brought forward by the Committee just
    elected. K. Burstein requested that the Senate Agenda Committee
    publish its criteria for selecting papers and items for the Agenda
    that alternatively all. items submitted appear on the Agenda.
    S. Wong suggested that the members of the Senate Agenda Ceranittec
    would b willin
    to prepare such a statement for the guidance of Scnae
    members in submitting items for the Agenda.
    J. Hutchinson re
    uested further consideration of paper S-1$4 and tFi.
    Joint Faculty Referendum on the report of Interim Council of Joint
    Faculty noting that disposition had been made only of items DI -
    DXII to a Senate Committee but that disposal, had not been undertaken
    of other items.
    Moved by J. Hutchinson, seconded by K. Burstein,
    "that Senate proceed through paper S-184, disposing
    of the items ad seriatim".
    Considerable debate ensued and the Chairman was requested to give
    assurance that disposal of the items to appropriate bodies ould be
    undertaken within 45 hours. The Chairman indicated that he could not
    give assurance of disposal within that time period.
    Debate continued with disagreement as to whether the items could he
    adequately considered and disposed of immediately.
    Following l.eng-thy discussion the mover and seconder withdrew the
    motion on the understanding that the item would he considered later
    the Agenda.

    Question was raised
    to wliet lc.L or not thi. e Would be
    a ruc.L
    Senate .
    20, 1969,
    andfollowing d3scuSsa.011 it was.
    agreed that this item would be considered later in the Agenda.
    _qr,^^IuaLe Calendar
    1Iaering reported that the Senate Committee on Graduate Studies
    on December 19, 1968, and drew attention to paper S-189 with
    supporting documents.
    Moved by R. Macring, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    Senate accept:--a change in terms of the
    elected members of the Senate Committee on
    Graduate Studies from one year
    two years".
    On this basis the elected, R. Rogow, N. Robinson and I.N.
    Srivastava, would have terms of office extending to
    September 30, 1970.
    Executive Committee of the Senate ConuiitLec on Graduat:e Studies:
    attention was drawn to item 2 of pap-or S-189 concerning the
    estahlishLmnt of an Executive Committee of the Senate
    on Graduate Studies. This was presented for information only.
    • (iii)
    Graduate Calendar (precis of major changes provided)
    Attention was drawn
    to paper S-ISO
    with supporting documents.
    Macring indicated that the department of Philosophy was
    drawing its submission on graduate studies. He made reference
    also to changes in Physics courses at the graduate level commenting
    changes in course numbering.
    Moved by K. Fiaeri.ng, seconded by J. Hutchinson,
    "that Senate approve the Graduate Calendar changes
    noted, subject to any further
    changes which may be
    approved at a later meeting".
    K. Okuda inquired concerning the graduate program in Mathematics
    and L. Funt, Dean of Science, provided data..

    It was noted that election was required for .a number of Senate
    Committees and the Senate Nominating Committee was prepared to
    present nominations.
    Moved by D. Sullivan, seconded by K. Rieckhoff,
    "that Senate suspend the rules concerning nominations
    and election".
    1.7 in favour
    1 opposed
    D. Korbin requested that his negative vote he recorded.
    Senate LiyCommittce
    The Nominating Committee put forth the names of S. Stratton
    and S. Wong and as there were no further nominations S. Stratton
    and S. Wong were declared elected to replace B. D'Aôust and
    S. Foulds respectively.
    Senate Nominating Committee
    The Nominating Committee put forth the names of K. Okuda
    and K. Rieckhoff. The name of C. Sperling was added by nomination
    from the floor.
    Following balloting, K. Okuda was declared elected.
    Three members are required and the nominating committee. put
    forth the names of C.L. Hamilton, C. Rheumer, L.H. Palmer,
    J. Borden, A.G. Sherwood, N. McLaren. The names of N. Bentson,
    J. Zaslove, and J. Mills were added from the floor.
    Following balloting J. Borden, C.L. Hamilton, and L. Hunt Palmer
    were declared elected.
    (c) Senate U
    Attention was drawn to Paper S-188 submitted on behalf of the Senate
    Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Standings.
    Discussion was undertaken on Item 1 and S. Wong questioned the item
    on his understanding that a student is permitted to use the provisions
    of the Calendar which is to his greatest advantage and the Registrar
    was asked to comment. .11. Evans indicated that there were two aspects
    of the problem and that in terms of fulfilling requirement for
    graduation the student is permitted to have the benefit of the Calendar
    regulations which are to his advantage but in terms of decisions on
    admissions the policy which is followed by the Committee is that
    . applicable at the time of admission. U. Williams corrueritcd that the
    Appeals Committee follows the same practice as student admitted some
    semesters ago usually were undet less stringent admission requirements
    and this was advantageous and more logical. Dicussion continued with

    a number of members speaking in support of Item I
    sorie speakiig
    f• )
    Comment was made that. the Appczlls Committee does not make policies
    but that its function is to ensure that existing r1.ici.es
    were properly
    and equitably applied. A number of members supported this view but
    some were opposed. Discussion continued with some consideration of
    Item 2 and continued debate on Item 1.
    Moved by D. Tuck, secondccl by K. Okuda,
    "that paper S-188 be tabled".
    15 in favour
    5 against
    Further discussion followed.
    Moved by R. Harper, seconded by K. Burstein,
    "that paper S-188 he referred back to the Senate Committee
    on Undergraduate Admissions and Standings and that that
    Committee and the Appeals Committee meet and review the
    paper with any necessary revisions for resubmission to
    (a) Undergraduate Calendar
    Attention was drawn to paper S-186.
    Moved by D. Sullivan, seconded by K. Okuda,
    "that paper S-186 be accepted and imp l.emented".
    Debate was undertaken and G. Sperling requested that his
    question be recorded as to when the referendum was taken,
    whether or not the matter was brought up at a Faculty of Arts
    meeting, and whether it went through the Faculty of Arts.
    Further debate was undertaken and the questions were ruled
    out of order. The ruling of the Chair was challenged. Vote
    on the ruling was undertaken and the Chair
    Vote on the main motion was then undertaken.
    C. Sperling requested that his negative vote be recorded.

    .' >.aa14
    It was noted that the limitation of course load on lion
    students had been included in the Calendar changes for 1969/70
    but that the
    current approval would introduce the limitation
    on course load effective with the Spring Semester 1969 and all
    following semesters.
    (b) The Dean of the Faculty of Arts reported on a number of items
    which had been considered at the Calendar meeting on December 9,
    1968. In Economics and Commerce a review of courses with
    inter-relationship in Mathematics courses was being undertaken.
    English 300 was renumbered to become English
    250-3 and with
    expectation that it would be. offered in the Fall Semester, 69-3.
    Further consideration was being undertaken by the Department of
    Psychology; the Department of Modern Languages was completely
    reviewing its programs with expectation of a submission by
    February 1, 1969.
    Education - no further report was submitted.
    Science - R. Flooring drew attention to paper S-1.85 concerning
    Mathematics undergraduate calendar submissions and comuentcd
    that there was minimum expansion in the program except: in the
    area of pure mathematics at the 400 level. L. Punt,
    Science, expressed the belief that the programs as outlined
    were fully justified. D. Sullivan referred to the minutes of
    December 9, 1968, and noted that documentation was to be pro'ided.
    L. Punt ,
    referred to documentation which had been prepared within
    the Faculty of Science and Mathematics Department for releas
    to Senate but the document:ation had not reached Senate members.
    Debate continued.
    Moved by D. Tuck, seconded by J. Walkicy,
    "that the Mathematics Undergraduate Calendar
    submission be approved".
    D. Sullivan requested .
    that the supporting papers to which L.
    had made reference become a part of the submission and be
    distributed to Senate.
    (a) Notices of Motion received from individual,s
    Opportunity was given for Notices of Notion to be presented. A Notice
    of Motion from K. Ricckhoff, D. Tuck, was wi.thclrawd without presentatio:1
    to the membership.
    A Notice of Motion which had been presented earlier at Senate by
    K. Burstein was distributed.

    Moved by K. Burstein, Seconded by J. Waikicy,
    "that Senate establish a Conatittec to make recommendations
    on a procedure. for the approval of regulations and
    policies having unversLy-wide application, with special
    attention to the relative roles, in this procedure, of
    Senate and Joini: Faculty".
    Debate was undertaken.
    Moved by S. Hong, seconded by N. Williams,
    "that this matter be postponed until a paper is prepared
    by the mover".
    Further debate was undertaken and it was noted that the Committee
    elected to consider Senate Procedures could
    consideration to
    this matter. K. Burstein and J. Walkley withdrew the motion.
    (b) jL
    te of Next Meeting
    Consideration was given the date of the next meeting and D. Sullivan
    indicated that following earlier
    it had been artScipate.d
    a meeting would be held on January 20, 1969. A number of graduands
    the Faculty of Arts whose records ha not been presented because
    of technical difficulties required approval of Senate. Consideration
    was given methods whereby these cases could be considered by Senate
    without formal meeting and it was agreed that the names of
    individuals, together with the degree for which recoamendat
    ion was
    being made by the Faculty of Arts would he circulated to members of
    Senate by mail for approval, following the usual checking in the
    Office of the Registrar, and the results later formally reported to
    Moved by C. Sperling, seconded by R. Harper,
    "that the next regular meeting of Seiiate be held on
    Monday, February 3."
    (c)Other Items
    (i) Referendum of Joint Faculty - Interim Council Report of Joint
    Moved by J. Hutchinson, seconded by L. Boland,
    "that Senate dispose of paper S-184 as follows: -
    Items A-3, A-C, be refcrrcd for comment to the
    Committee on Student Representation on Senate;
    Item A--7 be referred for comment to the Committee
    on Procedures;
    Items A-2, A-5, B-i, C-1 - C-7 inclusive he
    referred to t:he Ad Hoc: Committee on Senate Board
    Working Rein (: ion s''

    Debate was unucr taken.
    Motion was made by 1). Korbin, secondc1 by S. Wong, that
    should take illtc) consideration the Student
    Implementation Report but it was noted that the report had
    not yet: been accepted by the St:udcnt Society and the
    suggestion was ruled out of order.
    Debate continued wfth members speaking for and against the
    Vote was then undertaken.
    17 in favour
    3 opposed
    (ii)Joint Senate Board Working,Re
    It was noted that a number of members of the Committee were
    off campus and it was agreed that replacements would be required
    The three members of the Board on the Committee are A. Eyre,
    A. Hean and R. Lester; the three nierahers of Senate were N. Ba•ytrer.
    Baker and L. Funt:. Replacements for N. }3awtree and K. Baker
    were redluired.
    Moved by K. Rieckhoff, seconded by D. Sullivan,
    "that Senate suspend its rules on nominations and
    • •
    Nominations from the floor were received on behalf of the
    following: R. Haering, J. Walkley, R. Harper, C. Sperling,
    Wong, L. Boland, E. Gibson, J. Hutchinson. Following
    balloting R. Haering and J. Hutchinson were declared elected.
    L. Funt continues to sit on the Committee from Senate.
    S. Wong wished to draw the attention of the Chairman and the
    Registrar to the necessity of arranging for election of Chancellor,
    the election to fill the term of office of S. Foul.ds who had
    resigned, and referred to reports concerning actions being
    undertaken to attempt to continue with placement of a telescope
    on Mount Kobnu.
    The Chairman indicated that arrangements for calling of nominations
    and for election of Chancellor were in hand and that he would
    write a letter to Dean Okulitch
    the telescope.
    H. Evans indicated that in terms of the election for replacement
    of S. Foulds that a nominating period of approximately 15 days
    would be provided, and a voting period of approximately 15 days.
    He further indicated that advertisement would appear in The Peal:
    and notices would be posted on campus. He requested approval of
    Senate for those procedures and Senate so approved
    , .cL

    concurrence of R. Walsh, President of the Student Society.
    (ci) Confidential Mat:tcrs
    Recess was commenced at 1.1:00 P.M. prior to entering Closed Session.
    H. N. Evans

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