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"That Senate approve the category, 'Special
Audit Student."
"That Senate rescind the policy which denies
audit students the opportunity of applying for
Course Challenge in a course which has previously
been audited."

At its meeting of August 7, the Senate Undergraduate
Admissions Board discussed the proposal to revise the course
audit policy which had been referred back to it from the July
meeting of Senate.
The attached proposal for further revisions to the
existing policy is the product of the Board's discussion and
of the recommendations of the Dean of Continuing Studies and
the Director of Admissions.
This new proposal is now forwarded to Senate for its

To .................. SENATE
From .......
Subject .........
.................................. ..............
That Senate approve the category "Special Audit
That Senate rescind the policy which denies
audit students the opportunity of applying for
Course Challenge in a course which has previously
been audited.
Rationale relating to Motion 1
At the present time audit students must be admissible to
the University under the general admission regulations, thus pre-
venting many members of the community access to courses as auditors.
The approval of the category, "Special Audit Student" will over-
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come this problem and thus better serve the needs of the community.
Requirements relating to Motion 1
Individuals wishing to attend classes as "Special Audit
Students" must Identify themselves to the Department of Continuing
Studies. The student will be given a "Special Audit Student" form
which must be presented to the instructor and department for approval.
Students registered for credit purposes shall be given priority over
individuals seeking "Special Audit Student" status. For this reason
the instructor and department will have the authority to approve re-
quests to attend classes.as
a "Special Audit Student."
A student who has been given permission to attend under
this category, following payment of the appropriate audit fee to the
Cashiers Office, may attend as a "Special Audit Student." A student
who has been given permission to attend under this category will not
write the final examination, nor be given degree credit for the
course. Such students will receive no record of attendance or state-
ments of standing from the Office of the Registrar.
The fee structure for "Special Audit Students" will be the
same as that for Audit students, i.e. at present $8.00 per semester
A "Special Audit Student" may change attendance in one course
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to another during the normal course change period. The student may
not change attendance as a "Special Audit Student" to registration as
an "Audit" or "Credit" student. Before "Special Audit Students" may
register for credit courses they must make formal application and

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submit all appropriate documentation to the Director of Admissions.
Such applicants will be required to meet the existing requirements
for regular admission to the University. Attendance as a "Special
Audit Student" will have no bearing on the decision for regular
Other considerations relating to Motion 1
That it be possible for the Department of Continuing
Studies, with the prior permission of the appropriate department
and instructor, to identify courses of torntial interest to the
community and that these courses be advertised as open on a non-
credit basis.
Rationale relating to Motion 2
The current course challenge policy prohibits those students
having audited a course(s) at Simon Fraser University the opportunity
of challenging that same course(s) for credit. The present policy,
however, does not prohibit students having audited (or for that matter
failed) a course(s) at any other institution from applying for Course
Challenge at this institution. Course Challenge is basically a
mechanism which allows students to gain degree credit for a course(s)
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in which they can demonstrate an acceptable level of knowledge and
competence. Therefore, in an attempt to resolve the inconsistency
which exists, the University should revise the Course Challenge policy
as outlined in Motion 2 above.

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