From: Ronald Heath
Secretary of Senate
Subject: Draft Minutes - Senate Meeting of
Date: October 16, 1992
July 6, 1992
At the Senate meeting on September 21, 1992, in the consideration of the draft minutes of
the meeting held on July 6, 1992, it was pointed out that the following sentence from Page
5 reporting discussions relating to S.92-45 was at variance with the transcript of the
"It was noted that negotiations are underway with the Ministry of Advanced
Education, Training and Technology with regard to special funding for the
SCES/SFU program."
The point is correct in that the statement was not made during the discussions at Senate,
but it was taken from the following statement which appears on page 5 of paper S.92-45:
"At the present time, the V.P., Academic and the Dean of Arts are involved in
negotiations with the Ministry of Advanced Education, and SCES representatives
with the Ministry of Indian Affairs, with regard to special funding for the
educational program in Kamloops."
The report from Senate to the Board on matters requiring Board approval was being
prepared coincidentally with the draft minutes of Senate. The report to the Board
routinely contains information for the Board relating to funding and this particular
notation was inadvertently transposed from the report to the Board into the draft minutes
of Senate.
Accordingly, the draft minutes have been revised with the offending sentence removed
apologize to Senate for this unintentional error in reporting.
It was also requested that the first sentence of paragraph 2 be revised from:
"In response to inquiries about funding, Senate was advised that the resources,
including those required for the Library, are basically in place to start the Minor in
Kamloops in the Fall, but additional staff and space resources would be required to
support the on-campus offering.",
"In response to inquiries about funding, Senate was advised that the resources,
including those required for the Library, are basically in place to start the Minor in
Kamloops in the Fall, and that when the program is mounted on-campus, Library
funding for the on-campus program will be provided."

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