SCUP O5-059
TO: Glynn Nicholls, Secretary
Senate Committee on University
Planning (SCUP)
RE: Centre for Innovation in
Management - Schedule A
FROM: B. Mario Pinto
Vice-President, Research
DATE: October
Attached is a memo dated October 3, 2005 from Dr. Ernie Love, Dean, Facult
Business Administration recommending that the Centre for Innovation in Manage
be dissolved.
Accordingly, the Governing Committee for Centres and Institutes recommends that the
Centre be granted approval to dissolve. If approved by SCUP, the recommendation
would be forwarded to Senate, followed by submission to the Board of Governors.
Dr. B. Mario Pinto
Vice-President, Research
John Ii.\Vterhous
Vice-President, Academic and Provost
Ernie Love, Dean, Faculty of Business Administration
Ann Svendser, Collaborative Learning and Innovation Group
Mark Roseland, Director CSCD
Simon Fraser University
October 3, 2005
Dr Mario Pinto
Vice-President, Research
Ernie Love
Dean, Faculty of Business Administration
Centre for Innovation in Management
Dear Mario,
In accordance with SFU Policy 40.01, 1 am providing a report on the Centre for
Innovation in Management.
Please note that this report covers the period from April 1, 2004 to February 1,
of February 1, 2005, the Centre was shut down and the activities were moved to a newly
established Scheduled A Centre for Sustainable Community Development.
The attachments describe briefly the operation of CIM up to February 1, 2005 including a
statement of financial position as of that time, the rationale for the shutdown and a
document describing how the activities of CIM will operate under a "Collaborative
Learning Innovative Group" under CSCD. Since CIM no longer operated as of February
1, 2005, any ongoing activities they are pursuing will presumably be described under the
annual reports of CSCD.
Mark Roseland, Director CSCD
Ann Svendsen, Collaborative Learning and Innovation Group.
Simon Fraser Universiy
Annual Report of Centres and Instintes - Schedule
Reporting Period: April I, 2004 - February 1, 2005
Pursuant to S.F.U. Policy R40.91, the Director of each Schedule A Centre or Institute (hereafter -
referred to as "the Centre") is required to pro'ide the Faculty Dean with an annual report on the
activities, contractual obligations and finances of the Centre. The Facult
Dean then reports to the
Governing Committee on Centre, which then reports to the President and the S.F.U. Board of
Governors. The following form is intended to provide guidance to Directors of Centres for the
timely production of useful annual rcpor:s. There is no requirement to use the form, but annual
reports must include all of the information requested on the form
order to he acceptable. For
n e
ce, the form is available on request from the Office of th Vice-President, Research in a
variety of popular word-processing formats. Once he form is completed by the Director of the
Centre, it should be forward to the Faculty Dean, no later than June 30th•
Name of the Centre: Centre for Innovation in Management
Executive Director of the Centre:
Name:. Ann Svendscn
Phone Number: 60-4-437-6112
Director's Academic Credentials: adjunct
Fax Number
Expiry date of Term as Director: Feb 1, 2005
Director's Email: S'endscnsfua
Office Location: Virtual
Please note that as of February 1, 2005 the Centre for Innovation in Management ceased to
operate. The activities of CIM, were moved over to operate as a group entitled the
"Collaborative Learning and Innovation Group" as part of an newly established centre
"The Centre for Sustainable Community Development" (CSCD). CSCD was established by
Senate in 2005.
The proposal dissolution of CIM to CSCD is described in the attached memo dated August
The proposal to move the activities of CIM to CSCD is described in the attached memo
dated October 27th, 2004. The activities of CIM are now pursued as the "Collaborative
Learning and Innovation Group" of CSCD. Future reporting of any activities will fall under
CSCD and reported therein.
Membership of the Centre: As the Centre is now disbanded, such Centre membership no
longer exits. However, a copy of the Centre's annual report is attached indicatin
previous membership when the Centre was active up to Feb 1, 2005.
from April 1, 2004 to Feb 1, 2005. It is seen that an opening balance of S22,670.I I was
reported. For the period until February 1, 2005, the funds were utilized in running several
workshops on stakeholder relations. which has been an ongoing activity of CIM. As of
February 1. 2005 the final balance is reported as SSO.91
As of Februar y
1. 2005 this balance of $80.91 was transferred over to CSCD under account
# 2 1-291346, as noted in the attached memo of September 30, 2005.
6. Contractual Obli
ations of the Centre: List all such obligations that were in place during
the year covered by this report. Only contracts entered into by the Centre itself— as distinct
from the members as individuals - should be included.
CIM is no longer in operation, as of February 1, 2005 any ongoing contractual
obligations must be reported through CSCD, in their next annual report.
Financial Statements of the Centre: For each S.F.U. account under the direct control of the
Centre itself— as distinct from the accounts under the control of individual members -
please provide a summary for the fiscal year covered by this report.
Centre financial operations managed under S.F.U. Account Number 21-291293
Opening Balance (April 1104): $22,670.1 1 Closing Balance (Feb 1105): S8091
Please identify the university resources, if any, provided to your Centre
Outlook for the future and other comments, by the Director of the Centre:
In the annual report ending March 31, 2004, it was reported that CIM would be shut down
on November 1, 2004 and will move to operate independently of SFU. It was subsequently
decided to move CIM over to operate under CSCD which has now occulTed.
Signature of the Director of the Centre:
Comments on the report and its adequacy, by the Faculty Dean:
The report (is)/'(is not) adequate, for the reasons stated below.
The report is accurate in detailing the closing of CIM and moving its activities over to
Signature of the Faculty Dean:
After completion by the Faculty Dean, a hard copy of the report should be forwarded to the
Office of the Vice-President Research. Submission by
is required.
Proposed Dissolution of the Centre for Innovation in
Management (CI-11)
August 9, 2004
In 1998, the Centre for innovat
on in Mana
ement was formally created as a Schedule
Centre within SFV Business. The mandate of CIM was to "serve as a leading edge source
of ideas and learning opportunities for business leaders and academics in North America
in the area of stakeholder responsive and responsible management". The centre was
established to:
"conduct research aimed at understanding when, how and why a stakeholder
orientation leads to business success and at the same time Supports sustainable
create opportunities for dialogue and learning
business leaders, managers and
academics on emerging ideas about stakeholder-oriented mana
ement, and
stimulte new thinking about the social and economic impact of stakeholder-
oriented management throu
h the collection, synthesis, publication and
dissemination of cross-disciplinary research and best practice case studies."
CUM Programs and Activities
Over the past five years CIM has undertaken a variety of research projects related to:
• social capital and business,
• measurement of corporate social performance.
• stakeholder engagement.
Collaborative Learning and Dialogue
CIM has created opportunities for dialogue and learning for business, government and
community leaders on emerging issues related to sustainability including:
• globalization and stakeholder issues
• corporate governance and ethics
• societal learning and change
3. Di
ssemination of Knowledge
GM has stimulated new thinking and changes in mana
ementpractices through:
• executive education on siakeholder en
a g
ement and dialogue,
Annual Report of Centres and Institutes (2000)
• development of case studies for university graduate programs in
• keynote presentations at international conferences, publication of research
reports and artic!es in popular and academic journals.
Evolving Focus On
Multi-Stakeholder Engagement and Sustainability
Over the past three years, CIM has also moved away from a business-centric model in its
research and executive programs towards a model that is intentionally inclusive. Most of
CIM's programs now include all three sectors -- business, government and civic society.
With less emphasis on business issues and more on sustainability-related issues, CIM has
built an international reputation in stakeholder engaacment and dialoQue. Currently, CIM
offers executive programs in the area of engagement and dialogue, develops tools and
resources, and is contributing to the development of an international community of
practice in this arena.
In line with this evolving emphasis on stakeholder engagement and sustainabilit
Executive Director has been involved in discussions with faculty from SFU Business and
other departments about creating a lar
er and more integrated focus on sustainability at
SFU. It was hoped that CIM could play a key role in that initiative. Various proposals
were developed including the option of creating a Centre for Sustainable Enterprise
within SFU Business. However, there does not appear to be the necessary funding or
commitment to move forward with this initiative at the present time.
Proposed Relocation of CIM
It is proposed that the Centre for Innovation in Management be dissolved and
stakeholder engagement and dialogue initiatives of CIM be incorporated within the
Centre for Sustainable Community Development (CSCD).
Given CIM's changing focus, the option of integrating CIM within the expanded and
renamed CSCD appears to offer significant potential benefits and synergies for both CIM
and CSCD.
Potential Focus within the CSCD
The stakeholder engagement and dialogue executive programs formerly developed by
CIM will continue to be offerred within the CSCD. Former members and associates of
CIM will also continue to build capacity in stakeholder engagement amongst business,
civic society and government leaders. Over the next six months, a strategic plan for
academic and non-academic pro
rams as well as research and outreach will be developed
for this new division of CSCL) in consultation with the director of CSCD and other
potential partners.
Collaborative Lea ruing and I ri flovatio C roup
The Centre for Sustainable Communit
October 27, 2004
it is proposed that a new Collaborative Learning and Innovation Group (CLI) be created
at the Centre for Sustainable Community Development (CSCD) to catalyze and support
collaboi-atje action on sustainability issues. This document provides an initial
descri p
tion of the purpose of the CLI group as well as its po
ential offerings.
The world today is smaller and more interconnected. We are facing interdependent
systems of problems that no one organization or sector can address unilaterally. To build
sustainable communities, diverse networks of business leaders, citizens and government
decision-makers must develop new skills and capacities for working across
organizational and cultural boundaries.
While there is a growing body of academic and practical knowledge about consensus
building and conflict resolution, our understanding of how to foster and support
collaborative learning and innovation by networks or 'hole communities is more limited.
We believe that there is a need for a group within the CSCD to spearhead this work.
The CLI group will work with business, government and civic society leaders to build
capabilities that are necessary for productive multi-stakeholder collaboration, learning
and whole system innovation. Specific offerings could include the following:
Executive/professional development courses and workshops
2) Research
Process design and facilitation services
Conferences and forums
5) Clearin g
house for Process-Related Tools and Resources
It is proposed that the CLI group be officially created by the end of December 2004. As
discussed, the resources (ie. client lists, courses,website, research reports) from the
Centre for Innovation in Management would be transferred over at that time. In addition,
we would encourage CIM members (SFU faculty and external experts in the field) to be
involved in the CLI group as it develops. To that end, we propose to work with the
director and others at CSCD, as well as
members to develop a strategic plan for the
CLI group by March 31, 2005.