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TO: All Members of Senate
' L
q e.
S- 177 (a)
H.M. Evans,
Secretary of Senate and
December 2, 1968.
1. ?
At its meeting on October 7, 1968, Senate passed motions as
"that (1)
the First Class Honors Degree a Grade Point
Average of
be required and that the 3.5 Grade Point
Average be calculated from the Cumulative Grade Point Average
based on the entire 132 semester hours required for the
degree or on the 60 semester hours of 300 and 400 level courses
included in the degree requirements, whichever is the higher
Grade Point and (2) that the same procedure be followed for
calculating the Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0
required for an Honors Degree as pertains in calculating the
3.5 Grade Point Average for
First Class Honors Degree."
(b) "that there be no distinction in the General Degree between
different classifications"
It was noted that the result of this vote would provide for the
First Class Honors Degree, an Honours Degree 1
arid a General Degree which
would not carry indication of any classification of First Class Standing..
2. ?
The question was raised at the meeting of November 12th, by
D. Sullivan, Dean of Arts, concerning the method of calculating the Grade
Point Average referred to in item (1) above. Extract from the minutes
of November 12th follows:
"D. Sullivan referred to the last item on page 6 of the
minutes of the Open Session of October 7 stating that there was
some misunderstanding and disagreement concerning the interpretation
of the statements pertaining to the calculation of averages
required for the First Class Honors Degree and for the Honors
Degree. Question concerned grades of 'N' and 'F' as to whether
these were to be dropped in the calculation of the averages as
outlined on page 6 or whether they,were to be-included, and
asked the Secretary to comment.

Th.e Secretary indicated that it was his interpretation that the
average would be calculated on the courses "used for credit
towards the degree" and that on this basis the grades of 'N'
and 'F' would not be included in the particular calculation for
the average to which reference was being made. He explained.
that there would be available to departments and faculty a
semester Grade Point Average which would include such gradings,
that there would be available also a Cumulative Grade Point
Average which would be based on all courses undertaken thereby
including grades of 'N' and 'F', and that there would be an
additional calculation which would not include such gradings
but which would be in keeping with the intent of the motion
of page 6
under interpretations as made by the Registrar's
The Secretary noted that at present the minimum requirement
for graduation on the General Program is a grade point average
of 2.0 computed on the courses used for the degree and
enquired whether it was proposed to continue with this regulation
based solely on the 120 semester hours or whether an alternative
average could be utilized calculated on the 60 semester hours
taken in the upper years; of which 45 must be upper division
courses number 300 or above.
3. ?
Attention is drawn to Page 47 of the 1968-9 Calendar as follows:
General Degree
The minimum requirement for graduation on the General pronm
isa Grade Point Average of 2.0, computed on the courses used for credit
towards the degree.
Honors Degrcc
Faculty of Arts: For graduation on the honors program a student will
normally be expected to achieve a cumulative Grade Point Average of
not less than 3.0 at all levels in the honors field
acumulative Grade
Point Avera
e of not less than 3.0 in all courses covering the 72 hours of
upper level work.
Faculty of Education: For graduation on the Honors program a stu-
dent will normally be expected to meet the requirements as specified by
the Faculties of Arts and Science and in addition obtain a cumulative
Grade Point Average of not less than 3.0 in the Professional Develop-
ment Program.
Faculty of Science: For graduation on the honors program a student
will be expected to achieve
cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0.
Honors First Class Degr
Faculty of Arts: For the award of the Honors First Class degree the
Grade Point Average should normally be not less than 3.5. Some de-
rtnients may set greater emphasis on the Honors essay.
Faculty of Education: For the award of the Honors First Class degree
a student will normally be expected to meet the requirements as
by the Faculties of Arts and Science and in addition obtain a cumulatEve
Grade Point Average of not less than 3.5 in the Professional Develop-
ment Prozram.

:09 rA
Faculty of Science: For the award of the Honors First Class degree a
minimum Grade Point Average of 3.5 is required.
Each candidate for a degree must make formal application for gradua-
tion at least seven weeks before the end of the semester in which he will
complete the requirements for the degree. Special forms for this purpose
by the Registrar's Office. Final dates for submission of
applications are shown on the Academic Calendar of Events (pages 9
to 12).
The list of successful candidates will be
released upon
approval by the
Page 63 of the 1968-69 Calendar for the B.A. Degree indicates
that for the General Program "a total of 120 semester hours of credit is
required"and that for the Honors program "a total of 132 semester hours
of credit is required". It further indicates "for the award of the
Honors First Class Degree the Grade Point Average should normally not be
less than 3.5. Some Departments may set greater emphasis on the Honors
The credit requirements for the B.A. Degree are outlined on Page
65 as follows:
Credit Requirements for the B.A. Degree
I ?
General and Honors Program
Sixty semester hours of which no more than 15 may be'
First ?
in courses numbered 300 and above.
I. Pre-requisites to majors are included in this total.
Four ?
2. No more than 24 hours may be required by any de-
Levels 3. No student may register for courses for credit total-
ling more than 16 hours without permission of the
Dean of Arts.
General Program
Last ?
At least 60 semester hours of which at least 45 must be
in courses numbered 300 and above.
Four ?
1. At least 30 hours must be in one subject.
2. No student may register for courses for credit total-
ling more than 18 hours without permissiofl of the
Dean of Arts.
Honors Program
At least 72 semester hours of which at least 60 must be
Four ?
in courses numbered 300 and above.
1. At least 50 hours must be in one subject.
Course Requirements
• In the interest of assuring that students in the Faculty of Arts have a
reasonably well rounded program of courses, the disciplines in this and
other Faculties have, for advisement purposes, been divided into four
A - Departments of English
Modern Languages

42e 2-
-4 — ? /
Similar types of statements appear for the Bachelor of Education
Degree and for the Bachelor of Science Degree.
I am assurred that insofar as the office of the Registrar is
concerned the average which has been used in determing the student's
average for graduation purposes has been that based on the passing
grades of the courses used for credit towards the degree, as outlined on
Page 47 of the Calendar with reference to the General Degree. The same
procedure has been utilized insofar as the Registrar's Office is
concerned in calculating the average for the Honours Degree and for
Honours First Class -- namely the average based on courses needed to
complete graduation requirements. In those instances where a student
has failed a course, or passed a course and the course is later taken
and passed, the highest passing grade has been utilized in calculating
the Grade Point Average for graduation purposes.
In order to graduate a student must have fulfilled the appropriate
Majors or Honours requirements and elective requirements and the
courses needed for these purposes only would be used in determining
whether or not requirements for graduation, for Honours graduation or
for first class Honours graduation have been fulfilled.
I am further informed that the previous Registrar had Data Processing
runs completed to give information based on the Grade Point Average only
on courses passed and that these were discussed where necessary with
Departments. Apparently there were but few persons graduating at that time.
Information has also been provided that such a Data Processing
run was not prepared in the Spring Semester 1968. Reference has been made
to a case from one of the faculties specifically referred to Senate
wherein the Cumulative Grade Point Average based on all courses undertaken,
whether passed or failed, was significantly less than 2.0 but that the
candidate on the basis of the minimum 120 semester hours needed for the
degree did achieve a Grade Point Average of 2.0 or higher. Graduation
was awarded.
Under the interpretations of the Calendar as has been applied by
the Registrar's Office a student who has taken 120 semester hours of
work or more, with passes in the necessary subjects needed to fulfil
major and elective requirements who obtains a Grade Point Average of 2.0
or higher counting only courses passed would fulfil graduation requirements.
Similarly a student who undertook 132 semester hours or more of
on Honors program , who completed the necessary Honours courses and
electives and who achieved a Grade Point Average of 3.0 or higher would be
considered as having fulfilled the requirements for Honours standing.
A similar process pertains to Honours first class standing.

Under these conditions Grades of 'F' and 'N' would not be
included in determining whether or not graduation requirements had
been completed, unless certain special courses needed for graduation
had not been. passed.
The alternative suggestion and interpretation to which reference
was made at the Senate Meeting of October 7th apparently would be based
on a cumulative Grade Point Average based on all courses undertaken,
whether or not such courses might be extra to the minimum requirements
of the Degree.
A further alternative could be suggested which would consider only the
minimum courses needed for the degree but in the event a course were used and
a student had failed the course but later passed it, both the failure grade
and the passing grade would be included in calculating the Grade Point
Average or alternatively, if a student passeda course with a relatively
low grading and later raised the grading both gradings would be utilized
in calculating the Grade Point Average for Graduation or Honours or
Honours First Class purposes.
This would/be in keeping with the intepretation and practice which
I have been assurred has been followed within the Registrar's Office. It
seems possible that it may have been followed within certain Departments
but full data is not currently available.
It will be noted with the utilization of a cumulative grade Point
Average including 'F's' and 'N'S' and lower passing gradings,where higher
gradings later have been achieved), would reduce the Grade Point Average obtained
by a student if compared with the Grade Point Average based soley on
passing inarks(or higher passing marks)in the minimum subjects needed to
fulfil graduation requirements 4 or Honors
or First Class Honours requiremeqts -
in the case of any single student.
A number of universities utilize the interpretation as applied by
the Registrar's Office to the Simon Fraser University Calendars -- and
a number of universities elsewhere utilize the cumulative Grade Point
Average including passes and failures based on courses undertaken.
Clear decision is required of the interpretation to be used.
13. ?
Attention is again drawn to Page 47 of the University Calendar
"General Degree -- the Minimum requirement for graduation on the General
Program Is a Grade Point Average of 2.0 computed on the courses used for
credit towards the degree". The principle established for General
graduation in calculating averages has been followed through in calculating
averages for Honours standing or for First Class Honours standing -- using
the gradings obtained on courses needed to fulfil minimum requirements for
the particular degree.

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