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To: AL
From: U. M. Evans
Secretary of Senate
and Registrar
Date: June 27, 1969
Attention is drawn to Paper S.245 - "Reorganization of Graduate Studies"
submitted to Senate by the Senate Committee on Graduate Studies.
I have been instructed to provide general background information for members
of Senate.
1) At a meeting of the Senate Committee on Graduate Studies held on May 23, 1968,
an Ad Hoc Committee was established to examine the present organization of
Graduate Studies and to prepare a report for the Senate Committee. Dr. R. J. C.
Harper was Chairman.
In October 1968 the "Report of Ad Hoc Committee on Reorganization of Graduate
Studies" (Harper Report) was submitted to the Senate Committee on Graduate
Studies and considered at a meeting of that body on October 25, 1968.
At the meeting of the Senate Committee on Graduate Studies held October 25,
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1968, it was agreed that further consideration need be given the report
instructions were issued to issue a copy of the Harper Report, with copy of
all papers to which reference was made thereIn, to be sent to the Heads!
Chairmen of all Academic Departments, to the Deans of Faculty, and to members
of the Senate Committee on Graduate. Studies.
Distribution was made on October 31, 1968, with covering memorandum, providing
a supply of copies of the Harper Report such that each member of faculty of
each department could be provided with the report through the department con•-
cerned. Copies of all of the papers to which reference was made in the Harper
Report were not provided to all members of faculty, but indication was given
that copies would he provided of any of the papers on the request of a
department chairman.
The covering memorandum indicated that the report was being circulated "to the
Heads/Chairmen of Departments for full consideration and discussion where
necessary in preparation for the next meeting" of the Senate Committee on
Graduate Studies (the Senate Committee on Graduate Studies provides for member--
ship on the committee through the Head/Chairman of each department or his
A number of submissions were made and these were considered at meetings of
the Senate Committee on Graduate Studies, and the Executive Committee of the
Senate Committee on Graduate Studies, at the latter part of 1968 and through
the Spring of 1969. A major submission was made through the Faculty of Science
following discussion in that body, and through the Faculty of Education.
Paper S.245 represents the final recommendations of the Executive Committee of
the Senate Committee on Graduate Studies as approved by the Senate Committee on

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Graduate Studies with its recommendation to Senate for action.
4) Should any Senator wish to review the Harper Report, the supporting
papers pertaining thereto and the other submissions considered in the
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preparation of the recommendations now provided from the Senate Conunittee
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on Graduate Studies, a file is available in the Office of the Registrar
for this purpose.
H.. M. Evans

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