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The attached proposal that the Faculty of Arts grant elective
credit to PF 451 has been approved by the Faculty of Arts.
Would you please bring this proposal before the next meeting
of Senate.
Thank you.

PF 451
On June 2, 1969, Senate passed a motion
"that those courses
which would normally fulfill the requirements for the BA
degree and which are taken as part of Education 404 should
be given credit towards the BA degi'ee with the understanding
that the motion applies to Education 404 if taken in 68-3 or
Education 404-15 is part of the Profssiona1 Development
Program which is three semesters in duration. Under
Education 404, students undertake a semester of studies in
Arts, Science, or Education. PF 451-5 is one of the seminars
which is normally a required portion of Education 404. The
Calendar description for PF 451-5 in the 70-71 Calendar is
as follows:
The nature and content of the offerings given
in this seminar vary according to student
requests and the current capabilities of the
Department of Professional Foundations. Students
may select from the programs offered under
PF 451, or may, with prior approval of the
Department, undertake a self designed program
or project.
Until the Senate ruling of June 2, 1969, courses PF 450, 451,
and 452 had not been given credit towards the Arts degree
because courses taken under EDN 404 were not allowed for Arts
credit. With the Senate ruling, however, the question was
raised as to whether PF 451-5 taken as part of Education 404,
"a course which would normally fulfill the requirements
for the BA degree".
The following excerpt from the minutes of November 13, 1969,
should also be noted:
request for approval
for cancelled PSA
in other cases
BA Honors. Some 80
1, all of them
The Committee considered the
of PF 451 both as substitute
course in. relevant cases and
acceptance as credit towards
students registered in PF 45
originally in PSA courses.
Wedi ey-Rheumer
That credit in PF 451 towards their cancelled
PSA class for those students who transferred
into PF 451 in the Fall semester of 1969 be
recognized as credit towards their BA degree.
• ?
2 abstentions, none opposed
The above ruling applied to the 69-3 semester only and was not
intended to establish the general policy on acceptance of

PF 451-5 as elective credit towards the BA degree.
. ?
The Curriculum Committee of the Faculty of Arts discussed
the matter of elective credit for PF 451 at several meetings,
and on March 24, 1970, invited the Acting Head of Professional
Foundations to provide information on this course and
Professional Foundations in general. The followingare
excerpts frdn the minutes of that meeting.
Dr. Rheumer invited Professor Wassermann to
speak about the PF 451 program. She said that
under the PF 451 title normally between 16 and
20 seminars dealing with professional problems
in education are offered. These are usually
taught by faculty from the Department of
Professional Foundations. Students have an
option to take no more than one of these PF 451
programs. Professor Wassermann said this summer
23 seminars will he offered. These will be taught
by the 12 full-time members of faculty in the
department along with one as.sistant in education.
It was pointed out that the Faculty of Science
does accept PF 451 as credit toward the Science
degree. In addition it was pointed out that there
is no statement in the Calendar to the effect
that the Faculty of Arts does not accept it. It
• ?
was the understanding, in fact, that any course
accepted for credit by Senate would be acceptable
as an elective, and what this committee was doing
now was trying to decide whether or not this policy
should be continued.
There was some objection to giving credit toward
an Arts degree for any technical or job-oriented
course. Also it was asked if PF 451 is accepted
for credit why all other Education courses would
not be accepted.
That the Faculty of Arts grant elective credit
to PF 451.
4 for, 1 against, 2 abstentions

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