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. ? - .
From. .
OCTOBER 14, 191
"That Senate's responsibility for review and..
approval of changes in prerequisites and other
regulations for admission to courses be dele-
gated to the Senate Committee on Undergraduate
Studies, with such delegation to apply to
changes for entry to courses for the forth-
coming Spring Semester 72-1 only."

Date ?
OCTOBER 8, 1971
At its meeting on December 1, 1969, Senate approved the
principle of pre-registration. The Student Society had already
passed a motion endorsing the concept of computerized pre-
registration. Considerable developmental work and money have now
been expended to develop a system of pre-registration for this
institution. The President has outlined, in recent communications,
a number of the advantages which would accrue from implementation
of this system.
There have recently been meetings between the Registrar
and Academic Planner with Deans, Chairmen and Departmental Assist-
ants together with other involved staff to provide information
about the nature of the pre-registration system and to seek co-
operation. These discussions have identified a number of problems
requiring resolution before the system can be implemented. Among
• ?
the most significant is the issue of prerequisites and other
requirements which have influence upon the admission of students
to individual courses. Let me identify three specific problems.
The accommodation of the requirement of "permission
of instructor and/or permission of the department"
within a mail pre-registration system.
Checking pre-registration forms to ensure that students
enrolled in courses have fulfilled stated prerequisites.
The accommodation of waivers for individual students
where prerequisite requirements to individual courses
have been waived by the instructor.
Continuation of the present policy wherein each department
approves the enrolment of each student into any one of its courses
would necessitate the movement of individual student documentation
from office to office for such individual approvals to be obtained.
Such a procedure is unworkable under a pre-registration system due
to time and other constraints. It was the original intention to
provide for the approval of student course elections to be given
either by the department in which a student was a fully declared
major or intended major or, where no major was declared, by the
office of the Dean of the Faculty in which the student was enrolled.
This presumes that each of the approving agencies has familiarity
. ?
with the regulations pertaining to course/subject areas across the
entire university. Objection to the proposed procedure has been
expressed both because of the complexity of regulations across the
university, particularly in their Calendar description, and the work--
load involved.

Consideration has therefore been given to alternative ap-
proaches which might provide satisfactory resolution of these
difficulties. It is my intention, therefore, to implement the
following policies:
A) ?
Throughout the pre-registration process, students will
have the opportunity to pre-register in courses of their
choice subject only to the constraints of space and the
availability of instructional staff. It will be the
responsibility of each student to ensure that he possesses
the required prerequisites for each.course which he elects
to take; there will be no subsequent check to ensure that
he has in fact completed mandatory prerequiste courses
successfully or has obtained the approval of the instructor
and/or the department, where such is stipulated in the
• B) ?
Following the pre-registration system, class lists will be
provided to each course instructor. Each student will be
instructed to bring his transcript with him on the first
date of each class so that, if instructors wish, they may
check to ensure that students have fulfilled prerequisites
for that particular course. A student who has met the
requirements of the course as stipulated in the Calendar
S ?
cannot be required to withdraw from the course by the
instructor; a student who has not met the requirements of
the course as stipulated in the Calendar may be required
to withdraw from the course by the instructor.
These policies will apply both in those instances where pre-
requisites are stated and where permission of the instructor and/or
department is required.
Because of the introduction of these policies, some depart-
ments and program committees may wish to reconsider the nature of the
requirements for their course offerings as stated in the present
Normally changes in prerequisites and other regulations for
admission to courses require Senate approval, following recommendation
through the appropriate Faculty Curriculum Committees. It is my intent
to ask Senate, for entry to the forthcoming semester only, to delegate
responsibility for its review to the Senate Committee on Undergraduate
Assuming that Senate approves this action, then subject to the
approval of the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies of. recommenda-
tions from Faculty Curriculum Committees, the following policies will
apply for the Spring semester 72-1:
A) ?
Where a course already has stated prerequisites, these may
be reduced in number or removed completely but no additional

requirements can be stipulated.
B) Where a course now requires approval of instructor and/or
approval of department, specific prerequisites may be
proposed as an alternative. In those special cases where
permission of the instructor/department is retained, a
student who has pre-registered may be required to withdraw
at the discretion of the instructor/department. Such a
student who is currently on campus may, of course, seek
approval of the instructor/department prior to the pre-
registration procedure. For students not on campus, this
provision may cause some concern with potentially adverse
results on enrolments in these particular courses.
It is essential that any modifications to cover these special
cases be submitted to me from the Deans of Faculties and Divisions as
quickly as possible and in no case later than October 26th.
For the benefit of individual students, your own department
and the general academic advising offices of the university, I regard
it as essential that course requirements be set forth with maximum
clarity. While students will be strongly urged to seek prior academic
advising in order to identify requisites, the effect of our efforts
will be considerably enhanced if we can have your cooperation in further
• ? clarifying your own course requirements.
I believe that these policies represent the most viable
solution to what is clearly a very difficult problem; I recognize that
their implementation under very real time constraints may cause some
inconvenience for departments but I hope you will bear with us as we
move towards implementation of the pre-registration system. Any
comments and suggestions will of course be carefully considered.
(B. G. Wilson)

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