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"That Senate approve, for a three year period,
the admission of students who are selected
for entry to the Institute of Canadian Bankers
Program who have not otherwise met normal
admission requirements, provided they are
registering in that program and will under-
stake approved courses at this institution."

The Institute of Canadian Bankers for a number of years has had
in existence programs leading to the ICB Certificate. Discussions
have been under way for some time with the Institute concerning
desires to utilize a number of regular Senate approved courses of
this institution in fulfilment of part of the full ICB Program.
Students registered in the ICB Program undertaking the regular
approved courses at Simon Fraser University may be exempted up to
full year courses of the twelve required to complete the full
ICB Program. Such exemption would be a matter for ICB and not
fall under University jurisdiction.
Students in the ICB Program would register for credit, but during
the initial three year period would be permitted to convert to
audit at the end of the ninth week of classes in a course, but
without any fee adjustment.
The majority of persons selected for entry to the ICB Program will
have fulfilled Simon Fraser University admission requirements in
the normal fashion or through mature student regulations. Some of
the individuals selected for entry by the Institute in the past
may not have fulfilled these requirements. It is expected that
there may continue to be some such persons in the future who would
fall in this category.
That Senate approve, for a three year period, the
admission of students who are selected for entry
to the Institute of Canadian Bankers Program who
have not otherwise met normal admission require-
ments, provided they are registering in that
program and will undertake approved courses at
this institution.
Note: It is the intention to review the progress of persons so
admitted in the three year period proposed to make appro-
priate recommendations at the end of this trial period.

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