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OCTOBER 18, 1974
Subject ...... ......
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Date ... ?
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"That for the regular November meeting to permit of
discussion and adoption of items pertaining to elections
under Paper S.74-132, Senate suspend the 'Rule VIII -
Method of Amending - Alteration of these Rules of Senate
shall require written notice at a regular meeting of
Senate prior to the meeting at which a vote on the
proposed alteration is taken, which vote shall require
an affirmative vote by two-thirds of the voting members
present to carry."
"That Senate approve, as set forth in Paper S.74-132,
the Rules of Senate under Rule IV. ELECTIONS."
(To be made if there is appropriate action on Motion 2)
"That the Rules of Senate now approved under IV.
ELECTIONS be effective immediately to supersede the
previous rules on elections covered herein."

0 ?
To ?
OCTOBER 18, 1974
At recent meetings of Senate attention has been given to the
requirement for Rules of Senate to be adjusted to permit of elections
to the Board of Governors and to Senate under the new Universities Act.
At the October meeting of Senate there was extensive discussion of
Paper S.74-120 - "New Universities Act - Elections to the Board of
Governors, Elections to Senate, Nominations, Elections and Voting."
The purpose was to identify the principles and practices which Senate
wishes to adopt in connection with e1ectiors to Senate and to the
Board of Governors and related topics.
It was identified that on the basis of those discussions rules
would be written up consistent with the form of the other rules of
Senate, with the desire to place these before Senate at its November
meeting for adoption. It was identified that such action would require
a suspension of rules and the particular rules were described. Alter-
natively, if there were not suspension the proposed rules would be
before Senate at the November meeting as notice of motion with adoption
• ?
to take place at the December meeting.
Members are reminded of "Rule IX. Suspension of the Rules - A
motion to suspend these rules of Senate shall require an affirmative
vote by two-thirds of the voting members present to carry."
In view of the extensive discussion at the October meeting
the Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules recommends as follows:
That for the regular November meeting to permit of
discussion and adoption of items pertaining to
elections under Paper 5.74-132, Senate suspend the
"Rules VIII - Method of Amending - Alteration of
these Rules of Senate shall require written notice
at a regular meeting of Senate prior to the meeting
at which a vote on the proposed alteration is taken,
which vote shall require an affirmative vote by two-
thirds of the voting members present to carry."
Members are reminded that under the Rules of Senate number IV
has been identified for elections. The paper provided follows the rule
style and is headedIV. ELECTIONS.
In the event that items are adopted with appropriate consistency
• ?
and likely capability of being followed legally, the Senate Committee on
Agenda and Rules at the close of action will recommend as follows:

MOTION 3 (To be made if there is appropriate action on Motion 2)
That the Rules of Senate now approved under
IV. ELECTIONS be effective immediately to
supersede the previous rules on elections
covered herein.
In view of the extensive discussion at the October meeting,
for discussion and approval of the present paper the Committee recom-
mends that there be formal motion to approve all the rules set forth.
If there be any proposed rule for which a member considers a change
must be made he should make formal motion to divide the question,
separating out the rule or rules to be further considered. A seconder
would be required
It is to be noted that certain wordings herein are designed
to keep the rules acceptable under current legislation with the under-
standing that if changes to legislation are made it would be intended
then to bring forward to Senate any appropriate changes to the rules.
That Senate approve, as set forth in Paper
S.74-132, the rules of Senate under Rule IV.
Explanatory Note: Items D. 6, 7, 8 - Nominations, have been added. D. 6
and D. 7 reflect conditions of the Act. D. 8 represents
a clause previously applicable for student elections to
Senate now expanded to include the Board and availability
of the principle to all candidates. Item G. 3 (j) was
suggested for inclusion at the last meeting. A number of
items from the previous meeting have been consolidated
and renumbered.

I ?
Subject: New Universities Act - Elections to the Board of Governors;
sElections to Senate; Nominations, Elections and Voting.
A. ?
Elections for the New Board and New Senate
1. That, subject to approval of appropriate rules covering nominations,
elections, and voting:
The nomination and election of members to the Board of Governors
under the new Universities Act be undertaken in the Spring semester
1975, and completed by the end of April.
The nomination and election of members to the Senate under the
new Universities Act be undertaken in the Spring semester 1975, and
completed by teiitif April l'
Hereafter the normal date of assumption of office in the regular
elections to the Board and to Senate shall be June 1st.
Subject to elections to the Board under a) above and to Senate
under b) above, request be made to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council
. ?
to fix the date for the current composition of the Board and of the
Senate as provided in the former Act to be until midnight May 31, 1975.
B. ?
Time in Office: Continuit y on Senate
1. In the first elections of faculty members to Senate under the new
legislation, members shall be elected for such periods as shall
ensure that thereafter the terms of office of approximately one-third
of these memberships shall terminate each year.
C. ?
Membership on Senate - Dean of Graduate Studies
1. Pursuant to the provision of Section 35(1) the Dean of Graduate
Studies shall hold membership on Senate, with such membership adding
two to the faculty members to be elected, and one to the student
members to be elected.
D. ?
1. All nominations of candidates for membership.on the Senate or on
the Board as faculty members shall be signed by not less than five
members entitled to vote in the particular election.
2. All nominations of candidates for membership on the Senate or on
the Board as students shall be signed by not less than five students
entitled to vote in the particular election.

All nominations of candidates for membership on the Senate who
are to be elected by and from the Convocation shall be signed by not
less than five members entitled to vote in the election. Faculty
members may sign nomination papers, may vote, but cannot be candi-
All nominations of candidates for membership on the Board being
elected by and from full-time employees of the University who are
not faculty members shall be signed by not less than five members
entitled to vote in the particular election.
All nominations of candidates through the Alumni Association
with two to be appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall
be signed by not less than five members of the Alumni Association
entitled to make nominations.
All nominations of candidates for Chancellor shall be signed by
not less than seven persons entitled to vote in the election of the
With the exception of nominations through the Alumni Association,
the nomination paper must be signed by the candidate who shall state
that he is willing to permit his name to stand In the election, or
on written enquiry from the Registrar the candidate must indicate he
is willing to stand.
a) Each candidate for election to the Board or to the Senate
shall be requested to provide to the Registrar information res-
pecting his degrees, the dates thereof, his occupation, offices
held by him at a university or in any other organization, his
other professional or business interests and his publications.
b) Each candidate for election to the Senate is permitted to
Include along with or in lieu of a curriculum vitae a statement
not to exceed 250 words on the candidate's views on academic and
related matters rightfullyfalling under the jurisdiction of
Senate as laid down by the Universities Act. Similarly each
candidate for election to the Board of Governors may include such
a statement on related matters falling under the jurisdiction of
the Board.
Alumni Association
1. For the purposes of making nominations 'Graduate' shall be deemed
to refer to those who have completed requirements for a degree from
Simon Fraser University or those who have completed the Professional
Development Program at SFU or those who complete such other programs
at SFU as Senate may in future designate.
Students; Student Association
1. For the purposes of nominations and voting in the elections of
students to the Senate and to the Board:

'Student' means a person who is presently enrolled at a university
in a credit course or who is designated by resolution of the Senate
as a student; for the purposes of these elections for undergraduate
students it includes
1) Those registered in a credit course or courses in the semester
in which nominations are due, or
ii) Those in good standing who were registered in a credit course
or courses in the immediately previous semester who certify that
they intend to register again at Simon Fraser University before
missing two consecutive registrations.
For the purposes of these elections for graduate students It includes
any student duly registered as a graduate student other than one who
currently is designated with "on leave" status.
'Student Association' means all full-time students who are members of
the alma mater society or the graduate student society of a university:-
for the purposes of the elections to Board and to Senate it shall be
deemed to consist of those students defined above.
2. A candidate's eligibility to continue to hold office as a repre-
sentative of students on the Board of Governors or on Senate requires
the following:
I) Must not miss more than one registration during the one year term
of office.
ii) Must not withdraw from the University or be required to withdraw
from the University.
G. ?
Faculty Members. Full-time Employees who are Not Faculty Members
For the purposes of nominations and elections to the Senate and
to the Board of Governors all persons holding positions whether as
faculty members or as professional administrative and support staff
shall be entitled to be candidates and to vote in the pertinent
elections only if the employment position held is likely to be of a
continuing engagement nature.
For the purposes of nominations and elections to the Senate and
to the Board of Governors by and from faculty members, only faculty
members employed in a manner deemed to be of a continuing engagement
nature shall be entitled to stand as candidates and to vote In the
pertinent faculty member elections to Senate and to the Board.
This shall include those with appointments as described holding
the rank of instructor, lecturer, assistant professor, associate
professor, professor.
It shall not include teaching assistants or associates, associates
of the centres, graduate associates.

It shall not include post-doctoral fellows, or those employed
full-time funded from external grants.
It shall not include Sessional lecturers.
It shall not include research associates.
It shall not include short-term lecturers in Continuing Education.
It shall not include demonstrators or senior demonstrators.
It shall not include those Associates in the Faculty of Education
(Faculty Associates) appointed by the Board of Governors on recommenda-
tion of the President under Academic Policy 20 3 d further described
in4b and 5b.
1) It shall not include those Associates in the Faculty of Education
(Faculty Associates) under Academic Policy 20, other than under 3 d
further described under 4 b and
3. For the purposes of nominations and elections to the Board of
Governors by and from full-time employees of the University who are
not faculty members, all persons holding employment as professional
administrative and support staff or non-academic staff shall be
entitled to be candidates and to vote in the pertinent elections
. ?
only if the employment position held is likely to be of a continuing
engagement nature.
It shall include research associates. (See current Policy AC 9)
It shall include demonstrators or senior demonstrators.
It shall include those Associates in the Faculty of Education
(Faculty Associates) appointed by the Board of Governors on recom-
mendation of the President under. Academic Policy 20 3 d further
described in 4 b and 5 b.
It shall not include those associates in the Faculty of Education
(Faculty Associates) under Academic Policy 20, other than under 3 d
further described under 4 b and 5 b.
It shall not include visiting instructors, visiting lecturers,
visiting assistant professors, visiting associate professors,
visiting professors.
It shall not include teaching assistants or associates, associates
of the centres, graduate associates.
It shall not include post' doctoral fellows, or those employed
full-time funded from external grants.

It shall not include sessional lecturers.
It shall not include short-term lecturers in Continuing Education.
An employee, who has been a full-time employee of the University
other than a faculty member for more than three consecutive semesters
but who does not have any other entitlement to vote for a member for
the Board of Governors may request in writing from the Registrar that
he/she be permitted to be a candidate and/or to vote in the election
to the Board by and from members of staff who are not faculty members.
Such request shall be authorized provided service is continuing and
has remained continuous over not less than the three previous consecu-
tive semesters.
H. ?
Election of Faculty Members to the Board of Governors or to Senate
By and From Faculties Jointjy
1. In the election of faculty members by and from Faculties jointly,
candidates receiving the highest numbers of votes among the candidates
shall be declared elected.
To be eligible as .a candidate or to vote the individual must be a
faculty member.
I. ?
Election of Faculty Members to Senate By and From an Individual Faculty
In the election of faculty members by and from the Faculty of Arts
to Senate, in order to be declared elected a candidate must receive a
majority of votes (at least 50% plus 1) with use of the alternative
vote as defined in the election regulations of that Faculty as approved
by Senate, and winners will be determined as outlined therein.
In the election of faculty members by and from any other individual
Faculty, the candidates receiving the highest numbers of votes among
the candidates will be declared elected.
J. ?
General Regulations Covering Nominations and Voting in the Elections
to Senate and the Board and of the Chancellor
The due date for nominations shall be not earlier than ten days
and not later than fifteen days following the date of the call for
nominations in the case of elections by and from the faculty members,
by and from the students, and by and from members of staff who are not
faculty members. It shall be not earlier than twenty days and not
later than twenty-eight days In the case of the elections by Convoca-
tion to Senate and of the Chancellor.
The 'date of election' shall be interpreted to mean the last date
on which valid ballots are due.
3. The period for the casting of ballots shall be not less than ten days
nor longer than fifteen days in the case of elections by and from the

f acuity members and by and from the members of staff who are not
faculty members. It shall be not less than fourteen days nor
longer than twenty-eight: days in the case of elections by and
from students and in the elections by Convocation to Senate and
of the Chancellor.
4. In the regular elections to the Senate and to the Board
balloting is to be completed not later than April 15 in any year.
K. ?
General Regulations Covering Elections to Snate and the Board
a) When elections are being held for the position of
Chancellor and for the Board of Governors, a candidate may
accept nomination to run for only one seat or office in those
elections. Similarly, when elections are being held for the
position of Chancellor and for Senate, a candidate may accept
nomination to run for only one seat or office in those
b) When elections are being held for the Board of Governors
and for Senate a qualified candidate may accept nomination to
run for office In both those elections.
a) When elections are being held for the position of Chancellor
. ?
and also for the Board of Governors or for the Senate, an
Individual holding a Board office or a Senate office which
extends into the new term shall be required to file with the
Registrat resignation from the present seat in order to be a
candidate in the new Chancellor election. Such resignation
may be effective for the normal date of change-over of office
• ?
or earlier, but must be filed not later than the last date for
receipt of nominations for the new election.
b) When elections are being held for the Board of Governors
and/or for the Senate, an Individual holding a Board office or
a Senateoffice which extends into the new term shall be required
to file with the Registrar resignation from the present Board
seat in order to be a candidate in the new Board election or
from the present Senate seat in order to be a candidate in the
new Senate election. Such resignation may be effective for the
normal date of change-over of office or earlier but must be
filed not later than the last date for receipt of nominations
for the new election.
In the election of students to the Senate, those students with
the highest number of votes shall be elected provided there is at
least one student from each Faculty.
In the election of students to the Board, the two students with
the highest number of votes shall be elected.

The Secretary shall state the names of the persons elected, and
reveal the votes recorded. The ballots may be destroyed after
announcement of the results.
After the ballots have been received by the Registrar, he shall,
at the place, day and hour fixed in the notice of election, be
responsible for the opening of the ballots, and in the presence of such
of the candidates or their representatives as officially attend, the
counting of the votes for each candidate.
L. ?
Vacancies on Senate Vacancies on the Board
Where a vacancy arises in the case of an elected faculty member
to Senate or to the Board, or an elected student member to Senate or
to the Board a by-election will be held under the same principles as
pertain to the regular election provided there is at least four
months remaining in the unexpired term at the time for call for
Where a vacancy arises in the case of an elected faculty member,
or an elected student member, or an elected full-time employee of
the University who is not a faculty member to the Board, a by-
election will be held under the same principles as pertain to the
regular election provided there is at least four months remaining
in the unexpired term at the time for call for nominations.
In the case of a vacancy of a member appointed under Section
35(j) replacement can be only under that section.
Any Senate member who plans to be away for one semester or more
shall so inform the Secretary of Senate in order that a substitute
may be elected for the period of the absence from Senate.
Where a vacancy arises in the case of a member of convocation
elected to Senate the remaining convocation senators shall consti-
tute a nominating committee to bring forward at least two names for
each such vacancy and Senate shall decide by ballot vote the
candidate or candidates selected. It shall be required that there
be at least four months remaining in the unexpired term at the time
for call for nominations.
N. ?
General Regulations for Elections' Conducted at Senate
For electoral purposes at Senate voting shall be by ballot on
appropriate forms Provided by the Secretary.
For elections conducted at Senate a ballot showing more or less
votes than the number of vacancies to be filled shall be invalid.
In elections at Senate if there is a tied vote there shall be an
• ?
additional ballot to choose between the persons concerned.
The Secretary shall state the names of the.persons elected, pre-
ferably in alphabetical order, without the number of recorded votes
being revealed. The ballots may then be destroyed.

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