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: ?
February 26,
Dr. X. George Pedersen,
President,, ?
Fraser U!Y,
Deer Kr. PreaidSnt,
that ata
ting O!tbe Universities
Council held today the Sithon Fraser University proposal
for a School of Resource Management was not approved.
•Among the many issues considered by Council were the
.the development of this school by a university
lacking the üécesaary professional infrastructure; the question
of eaployabilit
of graduates; the professional qualification
of the school's graduates; the requirement of approximately
One million dollars annually, and. the stated preference for
permanent buildings for a
pilot project.
may I point out that Council generally, felt that it.
should support, in the Interior, something more viable than
that-proposed. Council appreciates the effort which Simon
Fraser University has expended in fashioning this proposal,
and regrets that its decision has to be unfavorable.
Your s
ce rely,
W. C. Gibson, M.D., F.R.C.P.
C.d. Ministry of Education
U.C.B.C. Members
of British Columbia, Ste. 500, 805 West Broadway, Vancouver,
B.C. V5Z
1K1 (604) 872-0245

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Chronology of S.F.U. Interior Program Involvement
1970 - Beginning
of operation of Faculty of Education Professional
Development Program at Interior locations.
Fall 1974 - Upper division credit courses offered in Prince George, Kamloops
and Kelowna with "innovative program' funds supplied by the
Department of Education.
Spring 1975 - Feasibility study carried out by S.F.U., with the permission
of the Minster of Education, to explore means of determining
how best to serve Interior needs for university programs.
Fall 1975 - Initiation of degree completion program
Psychology and
Biological Sciences In collaboration with Okanagan College
at Kelowna for three-year experimental period.
May 5. 1976 - Commission on University Programs
Non-Metropolitan Areas
(Winegard Commission) established by Dr. McGeer to 'advise
the Minister on all matters related to the delivery of academic
and professional programs outside of the Vancouver and Victoria
metropolitan areas and academic transfer programs and their
y. 17, 1976- Wlnegard Commission discussiOn paper ('A Series of Proposals')
Issued. The paper outlined various alternatives in providing
University programs In the Interior and stated that "the provision
of Senior academic programs in the Interior Is a pre requisite
to greater equality of academic opportunity and an important
decentralizing the province's urban and econom
ic growth".
During the Sunnier of 1976 the Commissioner and an advisory
panel held public meetings across the province.
Septon*er 2
1976 Wlnegard Commission report issued. Its recommendations
included the following:
) "The bAg-term recóninendation Is that a multi-campus
university be established to serve the non-metropolitan
areas Of British Columbia."
(2)"The. new university should begin as a separately funded
division Of Simon Fraser University charged with the responsl-
bility of providing a comprehenSiVe outreach degree credit
(3)Simon Fraser University Shuid be
to December 1976
to accept or reject the proposal. Should the proposal be
rejected, it is reconrendéd that a new university be established
Fall 1976 - Consideration of Wiflegard Re
p or t
within Simon
Fraser University by Faculties, Senate Committee .on Academic
planning,and Senate.
Preparation of the "Beirne Report"
reviewing implications for present and continuing academic and
administrative operation of Simon Fraser.
Noventer 29, 1.976 - Senate motion passed: "that Simon Fraser University Is
willing to accept in principle responsibility for offering
university programs in non-metropolitan areas and is prepared

to appoint a Director and appropriate staff to develop specific
plans by December 1977, provided that funds for such development
will be made available by the government. Any program implementa-
tion by Simon Fraser University
would require prior approval by
the Universit
Senate and Board of Governors, together with
assurance of an appropriate level of funding".
December 14 1976 - Similar motion to the above passed by Board of Governors
with replacement of "offering" in second line by "planning".
It was noted that this change did not indicate any lack of
Interest on the University's part as far as Interior programing
Was concerned.
February. 1977 - Meetings between S.F.U. officials and Dr. Hardwick on
February.- 14th and 25th
at which he
stated that.
would have a major
degree completion programs
the interior. This responsibility
to involve the offerin
of prografl leading to B.A., B.Sc. and
• ?
together with "new" professio
programs -
pro9re3fl in
.eources management" was specifically mentioned**
Mardi, 1977 - Universities
allocates $120,000 to Simon Fraser University
for Interior program plaflfliflg . Establishment of S.F.U. Interior
Programs Planning Committee.
May, 1977 - Interior University
Programs Board established to coordinate
development of Interior programing by all the universities.
$y, 1977 - Simon Fraser University discussion paper "A Model for the
Development of Degree-Completion PrograO in Non-MetrOP
Areas" prepared following initial meetings with officials of
Interior community colleges. This dISCUSSIOfl paper, outlined
in general terms the concepts of regional universit
distance educations and university centers. It was widely
distributed in the Interior and generally within the academic
in British Columbia..
a series of
Siaer, 1977 -After a series of sixteen meetings in the Interior,
Working papers "Draft proposals for Interior Programs - July
1977") was prepared and distributed. During July and August,
further meetings be
members of the Interior Programs
Planning Committee and groups in the Interior were held.
Representatives of U.B.C. and U.VIC. were invited to
d to discuss their proposals.
these meetIngS an
September 15, 1977 - "Report of the planning Committee on Interior programing"
issued. The overall plan
involved an integrated c
Regional University Schools and high quality distance education.
Tentative budgets and examples of possible curricular themes
for Regional University Schools were presented
. These included
School of Resource Management.
* There are no minutes from these meetings; however, there are letters on
file written by Brian Wilson to Dr. Hardwick that were designed to serve
as aide_memoires

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September 27, 1977 - S.F.U
program proposals
to Interior
Programs Board along with proposals from U.B.C. and
3, 1977 - Senate gives approval in principle to concepts outlined
in Interior Program Planning Committee Report.
November 1, 1977 - Board of Governors gives approval in principle to concepts
outlined in
interior Program Planning Committee Report.
December 6, 1977 - Interior University Programs Board passes following motion:
"that the interior. University
Programs Board approves in
principle the Simon Fraser University proposal to establish
a School of Resource Management as a pilot program in Kelowna".
January 23, 1978 - InteriorUfliverSitY
Programs Board passes following motion:
"that the Interior university Programs Board recommends to the
Universities Council of British Columbia that Simon Fraser
be awarded the sum of $585,320 for the fiscal year
1978-79 In
support of the School of Resource Management to
be established in Kelowna. This program should initially
operate for five years and thereafter only following a favour-
able review to
be conducted after three years".
6, 1978 -
Senate approves Kelowna School of Resource Management as
presented to Interior University
Programs Board.
February 27, 1978 - Interior University Programs Board passes following motion:
"That whereas the Interior University Programs Board has
recommended the establishment as a pilot project of the Simon
Fraser University School of Resource Management in Kelowna
as part of the Board's overall planning to provide degree
completion programs
the Interior of the
Whereas the Board has recommended that Simon Fraser University
be granted the sum of $585
320.tO develop a detailed curriculum
for the School, to appoint a Director and initial faculty, and
to offer part of the program in the Fall of 1978,
Be It resolved that the Board request that its representatives
meet with the Program Coordinating committee of the Universities
Council of British Columbia to describe the program and explain
the need for some form of approval in principle in order that
funds can be
t1OUS1Y released to meet emergent expenditures."
March 10, 1978 - Program Coordinating Committee of Universities Council rejects
I.U.P.B. reconinendatiOn.
March 17, 1978 -.Universities Council
approves following motions:
"That the Universities Council agree that the School of Resource
Management be established in the Interior and
That the matter of the development of a detailed curriculum
and the appropriate means to deliver the program be referred
back to the Program oordiflatiflg Committee in collaboration
with the interior University Programs Board. Funds will

be recommended by the Universities Council of British Columbia
for the hiring of consultants for planning purposes only, and
no permanent staff is to be hired at this time."
April 3, 1978 - Interior University Programs Board passed the following motion:
"Whereas the Universities Council of British Columbia has agreed
that a School of Resource Management be established in the
Interior of British Columbia and whereas the Interior University
Programs Board has recommen
that Simon Fraser University's
proposal to develop such a. school be funded, the Interior
University Programs Board reiterates its view that planning
should proceed for such a school at Kelowna and recommends
that Simon Fraser University be awarded $67,000 in 1978-79
(with anticipation of a similar request for 1979-80) for the
appointment for a two-year term of an Acting Director to aid
In the planning of the program with appropriate consultation
with the public universities, government and industry; with
the expectation that courses be commenced by September 1979
following appropriate program review by the Universities Council
of British Columbia".
April 14, 1978- U.C.B.C. Program Coordinating Committee recommends that
the above motion be approved.
April 21
1978 - Universities Council approves the following motion:
"that the Universities Council of British Columbia endorse
the recommendation of the Interior University Programs
Board pertaining to the establishment of the School of
Resource Management in Kelowna".
June 5, 1978 -Interior University Programs Board disbanded with formation
of British Columbia Open Learning Institute.
September 25, 1978 - Universities Council informed concerning progress In
planning for the Kelowna Schodl of Resource Management,
including membership of Advisory Committee.
November 20
1978 - S.F.U. Senate approves detailed program proposal for
Kelowna School of Resource Management.
November 28, 1978 - S.F.U. Board of Governors approves detailed program
proposal and projected budget for Kelowna School
December 8
1978 - U.C.B.C. Program Coordinating Committee passes following
motion without dissenting vote:
"That the Program Coordinating Committee reconinend to Council
that (a) the Simon Fraser University B.Sc. (Resource Management)
program of the Kelowna School of Resource Management be approved;
(b) that funding of $1,000,000 for the 1979-80 operating budget
be approved with a commitment (subject to annual review of the
budget) to incremental emergent costs through 1983-84..."

The proposal for the B.Sc. (Forest Resource Management)
program of the School was referred back to Simon Fraser
for further consultation.
December 18
1978 - Universities Council passes following motion:
"That consideration of Simon Fraser University's B.Sc. (Resource
Management) program
of the Kelowna School of Resource Management
be deferred pending a special meeting of the Universities Council
to take place on February 19, 1979."
Early January, 1979 - Universities Council engages Dr. D. A. Jameson of
Colorado State University to review Kelowna School of Resource
Management proposal.
January 15, 1919
Report received. The report favoured the
establishment of the Kelowna School of Resource Management,
but recommended some changes In the phasing of the program.
January 22, 1979 - Universities Council passes following motions:
"That Council confirms its support of the development of
a School of Resource Management at Kelowna by Simon Fraser
University as a pilot project for five years with evaluation
to take place after three years".
"That the Chainnan,Vice-ChaiflT
and Chairman of the Program
Committee be authorized to meet with Simon
Fraser University immediately in order to discuss the
content of the final
submission of the proposal for a
Kelowna School of Resource Management with respect to
both curriculum and budget".
January 31, 1979 - "Consolidated Program Proposal" submitted by Simon Fraser
University to Universities Council based on the recommendations
of the Jameson Report and advice received from Council members
at the meeting referred to in 'the above motion.
February 19, 1979 - Kelowna School of Resource Management discussed at special
meeting of Universities Council. Apparently, no decision.
February 20, 1979 - Meeting between members of Universities Council and
Director of Kelowna SchoOl of Resource Management to discuss
program proposal.
February 26, 1979 -.Letter received from Chairman of Universities Council
reporting that "Simon Fraser University proposal for a School
of Resource Management was not approved".

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