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Sena.. te Comm ittee on
Academic Planning
Subject ...........
Annual Report
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Date. ?
?. 4
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Under the rules of Senate, the Senate Committee on
Academic Planning is required to submit an annual report.
Due to a misunderstanding, no SCAP annual report has ever
been submitted to Senate. Rather than attempt to encompass
SCAP's entire history, it seems more productive to limit
the time-frame encompassed by this report. Thus, it will
include only the past three years, 1977 - 1979.
Since most of the recommendations emerging from SCAP
are subsequently reviewed by Senate, this report will only highlight
the major proposals considered by the Committee and problems
and issues stemming therefrom.
In the past three years, the Senate Committee on Academic
Planning has considered the following items:
Affiliated status for Northwest Baptist Theological College -
proposal awaiting re-confirmation of request from the College
following appointment of their new President. . (October, 1979)
Review of organization of existing
Faculties - SCAP Subcommittee
appointed. Awaiting report. (January, 1980)
. ?
3. Canadian Studies Program proposals - recommendations forwarded
to Senate. (December, 1979)

Nuclear Science Minor - proposals forwarded to Senate. (October, 1979)
Proposed reorganization of the Department of Economics
and Commerce - proposals forwarded to Senate. (October, 1979)
Vancouver Academy of Music - proposal for interlocking
arrangement with Simon Fraser University for a four year
diploma program. University subcommittee appointed to
examine the implications of the proposal. Report pending. (October,1979)
Joint Major in African/Middle East Studies proposal
considered and rejected on the grounds of cost, lack of
student interest, and lack of a coherent academic program. (Feb., 1979)
Continuation of programs in Russian and German - SCAP
concurred that the programs should continue. No proposals
forwarded to Senate since no change from the status quo
proposed. (January, 1979)
Proposals for graduate degree programs in Computing Science -
proposals forwarded to Senate. (December, 1978)
Proposed new admission requirements for B.C. Secondary School
graduates - a set of recommendations were considered by both
the Senate Committee on Academic Planning and the Senate
Undergraduate Admissions Board. Recommendations were
forwarded to Senate.
(October, 1978)
Co-operative Education - policies and procedures - recommendations
forwarded to Senate. (May, 1978)
Third stage of development in the Fine Arts including Major in
Dance, Major in Theatre, and Minor in Visual Arts - proposals
forwarded to Senate.
(March, 1978)

The role and place of statistics and research design courses
in the University - considered by both the Senate Committee
on Academic Planning and the Senate Committee on Undergraduate
Studies. General guidelines proposed. No formal proposal
submitted to Senate. (November, 1977)
Honours Program in Linguistics - proposal forwarded to
Senate.. (November, 1977)
Change in status of Computing Science from a program to a
Department - recommendations forwarded to Senate. (November, 1977)
Double Minor Degree for the B.A. and B.Sc. degree - insufficient
support to warrant further action. (November, 1977)
Multiple undergraduate degrees - proposal approved in-
principle by SCAP. Detailed procedures to be forwarded
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to SCUS for consideration. (November 1977).
Report of the Planning Committee on Interior Programming -
recommendations forwarded to Senate. (September, 1977)
Survey Science Program proposal - recommendations forwarded
to Senate. (February, 1977)
Community Education Program in Health and Fitness Studies -
recommendations forwarded to Senate. (May, 1977).
In the Annual Report of the Senate Committee on University Budget
dated December 4, 1979, that Committee expressed three inter-related
concerns involving the University's "planning process." First,
there appears to be almost no institutional planning of any kind
taking place. Second, even if all members of the University community

had some appreciation of the directions in which the University was
headed, there is as yet no integration of our academic planning
with our fiscal and capital planning. Third, the role and
functions to be performed by various committees of the
University are not clearly defined. These include the Senate
Undergraduate Studies Committee, the Senate Graduate Studies
Committee, the Senate Committee on University Budget, the
Senate Committee on Academic Planning; as well as Senate,
the Board of Governors and the Universities Council.
The Senate Committee on Academic Planning shares the three
concerns expressed by its sister committee. From the perspective
of members of the Senate Committee on Academic Planning, SCAP has
been far too long a re-active body rather than an initiating body.
Early in 1979, the President asked the Senate Committee on Academic
Planning to address the need for a more rational and effective
planning process. The Committee strongly encouraged action in
this area and felt that the first priority to be addressed should
be that involving an assessment of Simon Fraser today and an
indication of possible future directions. To that end, a subcommittee
of SCAP has been established and is working on the development of
such a paper which will, upon approval by SCAP, be forwarded to
Senate for its consideration. It is our expectation that the
other two major planning issues identified by the Senate Committee
on the University Budget in its Annual Report will be subsequently

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