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from the
Vice-President, Academic Office
Sümon Fraser Uirtüversy
To: Dr. W.G. Saywell, President
From: J.W. George Ivany
Chair, Task Force on University Size
Date: April 21, 1988
Your budget model for the 1988-89 fiscal year projected a need for a reduction of the fall
1988 admissions to 3000 new students. As you know, Senate has already approved the use of
Grade Point Averages to effect such a reduction. In order to effect this decision the Task Force
recommends the following procedures:
Appropriate people, (new applicants, school and college personnel),
should be notified as soon as possible of the consequences of this
decision on admission procedures.
For the purposes of the registration process these procedures will have to be
implemented starting on about April 15th, 1988. Information should be sent out as soon
as possible.
The proposed cuts should be applied to the different new student
categories in such a manner that the current, evolving proportions within
the total mix of the student population shall be maintained.
While some might argue that restrictions in opportunity should be applied differentially to
effect changes in Simon Fraser's student population, we would maintain that that decision
is part of the larger debate which will follow the final report of the Task Force. For the
moment, we wish only to efficiently control the fall intake rather than to join the larger
debate prematurely. By adopting this principle we are maintaining our historic role as an
"accessible" institution, being restricted only by a lack of resources which shall impact all
categories of students equitably, excepting for recommendation 3, following.
That the conditions for readmission of failed students be more
stringently applied.
The underlying notion here is that restrictions should not deny new, qualified applicants a
place which would otherwise be filled by students who, .having had a chance at Simon
Fraser, are unable to demonstrate catch-up or remedial progress subsequent to the time
of their involuntary withdrawal.
J.W. George Ivany
cc. A. Heath

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