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Senate relative to the election of students to the Senate and the Board of Governors were
approved. During the discussion, question was raised as to whether the suggested
revisions might serve to define "fulitime" status at the University for other purposes,
and the Chair agreed with the suggestion that, if the motions were approved by Senate,
advice would be sought from the University solicitor. I subsequently raised these
concerns with the University solicitor, and the response has been reviewed with the
Chair of the Standin g Committee on Elections. Senator Swartz.
The University Act specifies that a student must be "fulitime" in order to be eligible to
hold office on either Senate or The Board of Governors. We are advised that the
statement regarding eligibility for the purposes of nominating, voting and standing for
election within the Rules of Senate should limit the application of that eligibility to those
The solicitor also was requested to review the changes as approved by the Senate to
ensure that language and format were appropriate and consistent with the existing
Rules. He prepared a revised draft version of Section IV (F) which he suggested was
consistent with the intention of the Committee and the document as approved by Senate.
I have reviewed this draft revision with Senator Swartz, and we are satisfied that the
changes suggested are purely editorial in nature. On a related matter, Senators will
recall that changes were approved to Section IV (G) relating to the eligibility of Program
Coordinators and Faculty Associates in the Faculty of Education. These changes were
required only because the Rules referenced sections of a particular Academic Policy (AC
20), and that Policy had been changed. It was the advice of the solicitor that, when
referring in standing documents like the Rules of Senate to specific policies of the
University, it may be sufficient and more flexible to simply refer to the policy by its
reference number without referring to the specific section, date or particular revision,
thus avoiding the necessity and uncertainty which arises in the event that the policy is
revised. For example, at the meeting of January 11, 1988, the following change was
IV(G)(2)(h) It shall not include Faculty Associates in the Faculty of Education appointed
under Academic Policy 20, Section A [May 27, 1986, rev.F].
The suggestion would have the effect of revising the statement to:
IV(G)(2)(h) It shall not include Faculty Associates in the Faculty of Education appointed
under Academic Policy 20.
isOn the understanding that these are editorial changes that do not alter the intent or fact
of the approved, amended Rules, I would concur with the suggestion of the solicitor that
these editorial changes be made to the Rules of Senate.

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