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To: ?
Senate ?
From: P. Haje
Subject: Notices of Motion
Date: November 20, 1991
As indicated at the Senate meeting of October
1991, the undernoted Notices of
Motion were received from Senator Haje to be included in the agenda for the next
meeting of Senate.
Motion 1: "that Senate approve that the Belzberg Library, Simon Fraser University at
Harbour Centre, be open until midnight each day"
Motion 2 "that Senate recommend to the Board of Governors that a public hearing
be held on the proposal to construct a recreational facility on the Burnaby
Mountain campus"
Motion 3: "that Senate approve courses in the Swahili language"
Motion 4: "that Senate approve a review of multiple choice exams and their
implications to post-secondary students, and if it is found that they are
doing more harm to the future careers of the students, recommend that
they be removed from the University curriculum".
(Another Notice of Motion, recommending that the W.A.C. Bennett Library be open
twenty-four hours daily for the three week period leading up to mid-term and final
exams, has been withdrawn.)

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