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Senate Committee on Agenda & Rules
December 22, 1992
SUBJECT: Notice of Motion
Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Agenda & Rules gives rise to the
following notice of motion:
"the Rules of Senate, Section II Officers, A. Chair be changed
from: Chair: The Chair of Senate is empowered and expected to take
actions he/she deems necessary to ensure the orderly
advancement of the legitimate business of the Senate. In case the
President is unable to chair a meeting of Senate, the Academic
Vice-President will take the chair.
to: Chair: The Chair of Senate is empowered and expected to take the
actions he/she deems necessary to ensure the orderly
advancement of the legitimate business of the Senate. The Vice-
Chair shall be elected annually by and from the members of
Senate, and shall sit as a member of the Senate Committee on
Agenda and Rules. In no case shall a Vice-Chair serve more than
two consecutive terms."
This item will be placed on the agenda for discussion at the February 8th, 1993
meeting of Senate.

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