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To: ?
Senate ?
M. Munro, Chair
Senate Committee on
Academic Planning
Subject: Curriculum Changes -
Date: December 14, 1992
School of Computing Science
References: SCUS 92-48, SCAP 92-49
Action undertaken by the Senate
Committee on Undergraduate Studies and the Senate
Committee on Academic Planning gives rise to the following motion:
Motion: "that Senate approve and
recommend approval to the Board of Governors as
set forth in S. 93-3 the elimination of the Digital Systems Design Honors
Program and changes to the Computing Honors Program".

Simon Fraser University
To: Faculty of Applied Science
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
From: Robert D. Cameron
Director of Undergraduate Pro-
Computing Science
CMPT Curriculum Changes
Date: November 27, 1992
Computing Science is proposing to drop its Digital Systems Design Program and make
some changes to the requirements for Honors in Computing Science. The motions shown
below have been approved by the School.
Elimination of the Digital Systems Design Honors Program
Motion: that the Digital Systems Design Honors Program be eliminated.
This program is suffering from very low enrolments and is too expensive for us to maintain.
At present, there are only 5 declared students in the program. There are 5 lower-level
students who have declared an interest in the program, but 4 of them have a GPA well below
the required 3.00 (from 2.24 to 2.7) and one has just started at SFU in 92-3. Because it
requires that we offer several low enrolment courses more frequently than we might otherwise,
the program is also quite expensive in terms of instructional resources.
The deletion of the program will be advertised widely to students. We will of course honor
our commitment to currently declared DSDP students, to ensure that they will be able to
complete the program.
Changes to the CMPT Honors Program
Motion: that the calendar description for the Upper Division Requirements for Honors in
Computing Science be changed as follows.
For a BA or BSc degree with honors in Computing Science, students must fulfill
the corresponding requirements for a BA or BSc major in Computing Science,
with the following modifications and additions.
Breadth Requirement
One course each in the six areas of Table Lis required. These courses must
include CMPT 300-3 (Operating Systems I), CMPT 307-3 (Data Structures and
Algorithms) and CMPT 354-3 (File and Database Structures).
Depth Requirement
Seven additional courses from Table I must be completed. These courses must
include CMPT 405-3 (Design and Analysis of Algorithms) and at least one other
course in the Theoretical Computing Science concentration. At least four of the
courses must be numbered CMPT 400 or above.

Credit Hour
courses must be completed to bring the total
upper division credit hours in CMPT/MACM to at least 50.
In addition, a minimum of 60 semester hours of upper division credit and an
overall total of 132 semester hours of credit are required for the degree, together
with a graduation grade point average of at least 3.00 as described in the General
Information Section.
This would bring the calendar requirements for an honors program in CMPT more in line
with the corresponding requirements for a major in CMPT. At present, there are a number
of discrepancies between the major and honors programs. The most annoying of these is
that a BSc CMPT major degree requires 9 credit hours of Liberal Arts electives, but there
is no corresponding requirement for a BSc CMPT honors degree. There is also a holdover
from the BSc requirements of many years ago: a requirement for a 15 hour concentration
in a science discipline outside of CMPT. It may be that this concentration requirement is
discouraging students who would be otherwise eligible from taking the honors route. A third
discrepancy is that the recent changes to the breadth and depth requirements for a major
did not see corresponding changes to the honors program.

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