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As a,,,erded
J.M. Munro, Chair
Senate Committee on Academic Planning
December 15, 1992
Department of Communication -
Enrolment Limitations
SCUS Reference: SCUS 92-45
SCAP Reference: SCAP 92-50
Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies and the Senate
Committee on Academic Planning gives rise to the following motion:
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board of
• ?
Governors, as set forth in S.93- 2 ?
the revised procedures for
limitation of enrolment in the Department of Communication"

From: Ron Heath
Registrar and Secretary of Senate
Enrolment Limitations -
Date: December 15, 1992
Communication - Rationale
Senate has already granted approval to the Department of Communication to limit
enrolment in the programs offered by the Department; This has had the effect of
lowering enrolments in the Department by approximately 8%, but-under the procedure
approved, there is insufficent flexibility to allow the Department to adjust its admissions,
both in terms of numbers admitted and minimum CPA required in a timely manner. The
current practice has the total number of majors to be accommodated and the anticipated
minimum GPA set over a year in advance of application. Unfortunately actual
applications, available spaces and teaching (faculty and teaching assistants) resources can
only be estimated at that time with the consequence that students may not receive
appropriate information on minimum requirements for admission, and the Department
may not be able to exercise properly the management of available spaces.
SCUS and SCAP have approved, and now recommend to Senate, that the procedure for
limiting enrolment to majors in the Department of Communication be changed to
correspond with the procedures which Senate has approved for other departments and
schools (Computing Science, Criminology, Economics, Business Administration). Under
this procedure, the Department will establish a yearly quota in consultation with the
Dean, based on the projected available course spaces and department resources. The
Department will then establish and publish a minimum CGPA/admission GPA, taking
into account the overall quota and the number of potential applicants to the majors.
SCUS and SCAP have also approved the recommendation that the minimum continuance
ga4ua n-standards be increased to 2.25. This also parallels the practice in
departments that have elevated admissions requirements.
This procedure has proved effective in other departments that have had to limit
enrolments to their majors, and in addition, brings consistency to the manner in which
enrolment limitations are established and administered across the University.

"Enrollment Limitations"
[entirely new section]
The Department of Communication limits admission to the upper division of its major,
minor and honors programs and to related joint programs. Space in upper division
Communication courses is reserved for students who have been formally accepted into
such a program; only such students will be able to obtain the upper division courses
necessary to complete the program. Exceptions to this rule may be made by Instructors
in consultation with the Chair of the Department.
With the approval of the Office of the Dean of Applied Sciences, the Department will
establish a yearly quota -- the number of students that can be accommodated in the
major/honors, joint-majors or minors. This quota will be established on the basis of
projected available course space and school resources.
The Department will admit a limited number of students into its programs each semester,
consistent with thej)verall yearly quota, on the basis of minimum CPGA announced two
semesters in advance of the Fall semester each year. This announcement will appear in
the annual "Student Guide" to be published at the beginning of the calendar year. The
Department will determine this annual minimum requirement for "entry" on the basis of
the number of places available. Every applicant for a major, minor, or joint-major
program whose CPGA is greater than or equal to the annually announced requirement
will be admitted; under normal circumstances, no admission to a program will be granted
to any applicant who has a CPGA which is less than the admission CGPA set by the
These requirements apply equally to a transfer or second degree student.
To remain in good standing in a program in Communication, a student will be expected
to maintain the minimum CGPA of 2.25.
"Graduation Requirements"
Once approved for a specialization in Communication, a student will be required to
maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.25 to maintain good standing in the program (that is, to
retain eligibility to continue in the program)
[the rest of the calendar entry for "Graduation Requirements" is unchanged]
file: calendar.cq

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