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For Information
T0 R. Heath
FROM: K. Heinrich, Chair
Senate Committee on
University Budget
RE: Annual Report
DATE: December 14, 1993
The Annual Report of the Senate Committee on University Budget for 1993 is
attached, as requested.
WJW :cr

. ?
NOVEMBER 18. 1993
The Senate Committee on University Budget (SCUB) is a standing Committee of the
Senate of Simon Fraser University and is designated as a confidential Committee
advisory to the President.
The membership, as determined by Senate at its meeting of December 1st, 1980,
consists of those members of Senate elected by and from Senate to the Senate
Committee on Academic Planning.
The Chair is elected by and from the voting members of the Committee. The present
Chair is K. Heinrich, Faculty Senator. The other members as of November 4, 1992
are: Facult y
Senators: L. Boland, J. DAuria, J. Driver, and P. Winne; Lay Members
of Senate; I. MeAskill, V. Nielsen; Student Senators; J. Bacani, S. Wade, K Hoeffich.
Other members who have served this past year but are no longer on SCUB include R.
Blackman, former Chair of SCUB. M. Covell, M. Bowman. A. Wotherspoon, D.
Fickling, and T. Morrison. The Director of Analytical Studies, W. Wattamaniuk,
serves as (non-voting) Secretary. The Vice-President of Financial Services, R. Ward,
also attends meetings as a non-voting resource person on a regular basis. Other Vice-
Presidents and the President attend atthe invitation of the Committee.
The proceedings of the Committee, information received by it from the administration,
and the specifics of the advice given by the Committee are confidential. Only the
activity reports that the Committee makes to Senate are not subject to this rule of
This report covers the period from November 05, 1992 to December 08, 1993. Within
this period, SCUB was chaired by R. Blackman until his resignation from SCUB in
August. K Heinrich was elected Chair of SCUB in October, 1993. SCUB has met in
Committee a total of 10 times since the last report submitted to Senate in November,
At each meeting, SCUB was briefed by R. Ward regarding the budget situation at
SF0, on expectations for provincial funding, and on overall allocations within the
University once revenues and budget were established. SCUB also received for
information from the Office of Financial Services the following reports:
-Financial Statements for 1992/93
-Operating Budget Summaries for BOG for 1993/94
-Capital Budget Application for 1993/94
-Operating Budget Application for 1993/94
. ?
-Operating Budget 1993/94.. .Paper on Principles and Process
-University Financing in British Columbia: An Equity Study of Provincial
Operating Grants.. .by J. Stephan Dupré
-The Meekison Report on Resource Allocation and Management

-The Meekison Report: Status of Recommendations
-Trends in Institutional Support Costs: An Administrative Cost Study of B. C.
Universities prepared by Peat Marwick Thorne
-Tuition Fee Proposals for BOG
-Copies of correspondence between our Ministry and SFU BOG regarding the
1993/94 Operating Grant to SFU.
Other materials received by SCUB included:
-Five-Year Capital Plan.. 1994/95 to 1998/99
-Report of the Senate Committee on International Students
-Memorandum from Acting President R. Brown on Budget Modeling
Following on the recommendations of the Meekison Report in 1992 regarding SCUB's
role within the context of Section 36(e) of the University Act, in which Senate is
authorized "to establish a standing committee to meet with the president and assist
him with the preparation of the university budget", former President Saywell
requested that the Chair of SCUB serve as a member of the President's Advisory
committee on Priorities and Budgeting (PACOPAB). This is intended to ensure that
the President continues to receive timely, informed and independent budgetary advice
from a group of elected senators. The Chair of SCUB has attended 16 meetings of
PACOPAB throughout the period covered by this report.
SCUB has provided written advice and recommendations to the President on the
following items in the past year: ?
-The Meekison Report on Resource Allocation and Management
-Financial Aid and Awards Budget
-Student Fee Increases for 1993/94
-Balancing the 1993/94 Budget
-Report of the Senate Committee on International Students
(recommendations sent to Chair of SCAP)
-Microcomputer Store Closure
Meetings with President and Vice-Presidents
-December, 1992........with J. Osborne, Associate Vice-President Academic, to
discuss Computing Services, Fin. Aid, Academic Space, Equipment,
-March, 1993........with R. Brown, Acting President, to discuss SCtJB's advice on
the 1993/94 Budget.
-November, 1993.. ..With President J. 0. Stubbs, to discuss SCUB's role in
-December, 1993 ... With J. Munro, Vice-President Academic, to discuss
academic priorities, planning, and budgets.

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