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For Information
Simon Fraser University
Annual Report for FY 1995/96
Library Acquisitions Funding:
Budget Category ?
1995/96 1994/95
1993/94 1992/93
2.432.700 2.078.000
3,378,700 2,928,700
Monographs Base
Serials Base
Subtotal Base
Contingency Funding
Lohn Grant for
3.150.000 ?
4,387,700 3,987,700
100.000 ?
4,487,700 4,077,700 3,468,700 3,085,700
During 1995/96, the Library again received funding sufficient to avoid any
serial cancellations and to maintain normal monograph expenditures. This was
made possible through a combination of an increase in base funding and a one-
time only funding allocation. The monographs accessions rate, at 32,526
volumes, continued the pattern of annual increase experienced since 1984/85,
and was exceeded only by the previous year when the Library was able to
acquire and process an extraordinary number of purchased and donated books.
Continued funding from the Lohn Endowment enabled the Library to increase
access to electronic databases. Expenditure patterns among the faculties
remained relatively constant and the only incremental changes to allocations for
individual disciplines resulted from course assessments for new courses and
programs. It was a year characterized by maintenance rather than growth. The
Senate Library Committee is pleased that the Library has survived the year
without any cuts to the acquisitions budget.

Senate Library Committee: Annual Report FY 1995/96
Senate Library Committee Membership, 1995/96
Ex-Officio Members:
B. Clayman, Chair, Vice-President, Research and Dean of Graduate Studies
D. Gagan, Vice-President, Academic
J. Cowan (Designate for J. Blaney, Vice-President, Harbour Centre and
Continuing Studies)
T. Dobb, University Librarian
P. Baldwin, Associate Librarian (non-voting)
Elected Members:
R. Cameron (Applied Sciences)
M. Howlett (Senator at Large)
R. Jahn (Student Senator)
G. Mauser (Business Administration)
G. Poirier (Arts)
D. Sen (Science)
M. L. Stewart (Senator at Large)
D. Sumara (Education)
Senate Library Committee Meetings During FY 1995/96
The Senate Library Committee met three times during fiscal year 1995/96
and did the following things:
• Reviewed changes to the Library Loans policy which were necessitated
by the implementation of the Library's new computer system.
• Reviewed the proposed SFU Book Robot Project.
• Reviewed the Library Student Survey and the Materials Availability Survey
(1995). The Library is emphasizing the mounting of Library use courses
for specific class topics. Library materials availability increased from 50 %
to 62 % (considered a respectable number) thanks to the changes in the
Library Loans policy.
• Reviewed the Library acquisitions budget for 1994/95. Considered the
relationship between book and journal purchases in the acquisitions
• Reviewed the Library's proposal for charging a fee for document delivery.
As a result the Library agreed to a moratorium during fiscal year 1996/97,
until more data can be gathered.

Senate Library Committee: Annual Report FY 1995/96
Library Penalties Appeal Committee Report 1995/96
The Library Penalties Appeal Committee met once during 1995/96 fiscal
year to consider patron fine appeals. At the September 21, 1995 meeting, the
Committee members present included the following:
Ralph Jahn, Student Senator, Chairperson
Peter Cellik, Undergraduate Student Representative
Kenneth Chan, Student Senator
Guy Poirier, French
Dennis Sumara, Education
Also in attendance:
Laurine Harrison, Ombudsperson
Gisele Pomerleau, Head, Loans Division
Hazel Gale, Public Service Group Leader
Nine appeal cases were heard as follows:
Category of Borrower ?
Type of Fine ?
Amount of ? Decision
1. Undergraduate
recall fines &
Postponement to next meeting due to
court order restriction
#2. Alumni
1 lost book and processing
Appeal denied - book not found after
extensive searches & borrower held
responsible for all use made of the
#3. Undergraduate
1 recall fine, 1 three-week
Appeal denied - book not found after
overdue, 2 lost book and
extensive searches & borrower held
processing charges
responsible for all use made of the
#4. Undergraduate
16 overdue tines of varying
Appeal denied & tine reduced to
$81.00 - borrower held responsible for
all use made of card (lent card to
Graduate Student
end of semester overdue
Appeal denied - borrower held
fines and
responsible for returning materials by
the due date
# 6. Undergraduate
1 recall,
end of semester
Appeal denied - borrower held
overdue and 7 three week
responsible for returning materials by
overdue fines and 10
the due date
processing charges
continued on next page

Senate Library Committee: Annual Report FY 1995/96
Library Penalties Appeal Committee Report 1995/96
Nine Appeal Cases (continued):
Category of Borrower ?
Type of Fine
Amount ?
of Fine
#7. Graduate Student
22 recall & 1 three week
$1,551.22 Appeal denied & fine reduced to
overdue fines, 1 lost book & ?
$595.62. Twenty-two books had been
34 processing charges
recalled. Also reduction formula used
by the Committee for patrons who
were fined during the transition period
of new policy in Spring 1994
Undergraduate ?
1 reserve overdue fine and
$36.00 ?
Appeal denied - borrower held
processing charge
responsible for returning materials by
due date
Extra Mural
10 processing charges, ?
$450.00 ?
Appeal denied - borrower held
6 end-of semester and 4
responsible for returning materials by
three-week overdue fines
the due date
The Committee discussed the issue of postponing appellants cases to the
next meeting when special circumstances warranted it. In order to deal with the
appeal at the next meeting, they decided that patrons should be informed that
someone could attend the first scheduled meeting in their place or they could
submit further written documents to support their appeal. If the appellant still
wished their appeal to be deferred to the next meeting, the documents pertaining
to their appeal would be still reviewed by the Committee in case more
information was required from the appellant. The Committee agreed that they
would only delay the appeal one time as the patron's borrowing privileges are
temporarily reinstated while the case is being considered.
The Committee endeavours to meet twice a year in the Fall and Spring
semester, however, a quorum could not be reached in the Spring. As a result, 6
cases have been delayed to the Fall 1996 semester.
Slc'96 (Reports

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