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For Information ?
APRIL 1996
Dr. Joseph Segal was re-elected by acclamation to the position of Chancellor of Simon
Fraser University for term of office from June 1996 to June 1999.
Convocation Senators
Election of four members by and from Convocation to Senate for terms of office from
June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1999.
Candidates: S. Beattie, K. Chan, V. Dunsterville, A. Emmott,
I. McAskill, J. Toor, S. Wade, N. Wickstrom, P. Wong
Elected: ?
Suzan Beattie, Valerie Dunstervile, Norman Wickstrom,
Alan Emmott
Faculty to Board of Governors
Election of two full-time faculty members by and from faculty members jointly to the
• ?
Board of Governors for terms of office from June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1999.
Candidates: R. Brown, P. Coleman, J. D'Auria, D. DeVoretz,
M. Fellman, K. Heinrich
Elected: ?
Robert Brown ?
Faculty of Arts
Katherine Heinrich ?
Faculty of Science
Students to Board of Governors
Election of two students to the Board of Governors for terms of office from June 1, 1996
to May 31, 1997.
Candidates: ?
K. Amason, K. Giffen, T. Morrison, K. Whitbread
Elected: ?
Kenneth Giffen ?
Faculty of Education
Katherine Whitbread ?
Faculty of Arts
Employee to Board of Governors
Election of one full-time employee (who is not a faculty member) to the Board of
Governors for term of office from June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1999.
Candidates: B. Anderman, J. Blackall, B. Leighton, A. Martinovic, ?
C. Patton, S. Redey, D. Say, K. Thornton
Elected: ?
Ken Thornton
Administrative Systems

i) ?
Joint Faculty to Senate
Election of five full-time faculty members (or designated electoral equivalent) (one of
whom must be from the Faculty of Education) to Senate for terms of office from June 1,.
1996 to May 31, 1999.
Elected by acclamation (as a result of first call):
Len Berggren ?
Faculty of Science
William Cleveland ?
Faculty of Arts
Elected by acclamation (as a result of 2nd call):
Lannie Kanevsky ?
Faculty of Education
Candidates (2nd Call):
Akins, L. Erickson, R. Gordon, G. Gutman, R. Harris,
A. Lachlan, M. Saif, M. Wortis
Elected: ?
Kathleen Akins ?
Faculty of Arts
Michael Wortis ?
Faculty of Science
ii) ?
Faculty of A
pp lied Sciences
Election of one full-time faculty member (or designated electoral equivalent) to Senate
for term of office from June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1999.
Re-elected by acclamation:
Brian Lewis ?
School of Communication
iii) ?
Facult y
of Arts
Election of one full-time faculty member (or designated electoral equivalent) to Senate
for term of office from June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1999.
Re-elected by acclamation:
John Pierce ?
Department of Geography
iv) ?
Faculty of Business Administration
Election of one full-time faculty member (or designated electoral equivalent) to Senate
for term of office from June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1999.
Re-elected by acclamation:
Gary Mauser ?
Business Administration
V) ?
Faculty of Education
Election of one full-time faculty member (or designated electoral equivalent) to Senate
for term of office from June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1999.
Elected by acclamation:
Wolff-Michael Roth
vi) ?
Faculty of Science
Election of one full-time faculty member (or designated electoral equivalent) to Senate
for term of office, from June 1, 1996 to May 31, 1999.
Re-elected by acclamation:
Paul Percival ?
Department of Chemistry

vii) ?
Students to Senate
Election of twelve students to Senate for terms of office from June 1, 1996 to May 31,
1997. At least one student is to be elected from each Faculty, and there shall be at least
one graduate and one undergraduate student among the total number of students elected.
Elected by acclamation (1st Call):
Kristjan Amason
Peter Cellik
Kenneth Giffen
Kevin Hewitt
Frank Karabotsos
Mark Ukrainetz
Katherine Whitbread
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Arts
Candidates (2nd Call):
A. Aujia, D. Boote, R. Ciconte, V. Finberg, B. Gilley,
D. Green, J. Hansen, V. Haraidsen, A. Kozminuk,
T. Morrison, H. Nip
Elected: ?
Angela Aujia ?
Faculty of Arts
Joey Hansen ?
Faculty of Arts
Angela Kozminuk ?
Faculty of Arts
Tim Morrison ?
Faculty of Arts
Hing Wun (Harry) Nip ?
Faculty of Science
Student to Board of Governors
Election of one student to the Board of Governors for term of office from date of election to
May 31, 1996.
Candidates: K. Giffen, K. Whitbread
Elected: ?
Katherine Whitbread ?
Faculty of Arts
Students to Senate
Election of four students (one of whom must be from the Faculty of Education) for term of
office from date of election to May 31, 1996.
Elected by acclamation (1st Call):
G. Michael Bowen ?
Faculty of Education
Kenneth Giffen ?
Faculty of Education
Kevin Hewitt ?
Faculty of Science
Candidates (2nd Call): D. Boote, D. Gallagher, B. Gilley, D. Green
Elected: ?
David Boote
Faculty of Education
Faculty to Senate
Election of one full-time faculty member by and from faculty members jointly to Senate for
term of office from date of election to May 31, 1996.
S ?
Elected by acclamation:
Randy Sitter ?
Faculty of Science

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