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To: ?
From: ?
D. Gagan, Chair
Senate Committee on Academic Planning
Faculty of Science -
Centre for Environmental Biology
(SCAP Reference: SCAP 98-59).
November 5, 1998
Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Academic Planning gives rise to
the following motion:
that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors
as set forth in S.98 - 96, the proposed Centre for Environmental
Biology within the Department of Biological Sciences."

. ?
To: Alison Watt, Secretary
From: C.H.W. Jones, Dean
Faculty of Science
Subject: Centre for Environmental Biology
Date: October 19, 1998
At its meeting of October 13, 1998, the Faculty of Science approved the
proposal for the creation of a Centre of Environmental Biology within the Department
of Biological Sciences.
This Centre will replace the Centre for Pest Management and will oversee the
Masters in Pest Management and Masters in Environmental Toxicology programs.
Please include this item on the agenda of the next meeting of SCAP for
consideration and approval.
C.H.W. Jones
C. ?
N. Haunerland, Chair, Biological Sciences

TO: Cohn Jones, Dean
Michael J. Smith, Chair
Faculty of Science
Dept. of Biological Science
RE: Centre for Environm. Bid. ?
August 4, 1998
Enclosed is a proposal for the creation of a Centre of Environmental Biology
within the Department of Biological Sciences. This Centre would be an administrative
replacement of the Centre for Pest Management and would have the charge
overseeing the M.P.M. and M.E.T. graduate programs.
This proposal was developed over approximately a two and half year period by
Zamir Punja, the Director of the CPM. He should be commended for his vision and
industry in developing this proposal. The proposal went through many revisions and
was discussed at length by boththe pest managers and environmental toxicologists in
this Department. Ultimately it was sent to our Graduate Studies Committee and
Strategic Planning Committee and the final version was brought to the Department for
approval and endorsement on July 28, 1998. The motion to accept the amended
proposal was passed by a large majority of the Faculty at the Departmental meeting.
The essential elements of the proposal are:
The Centre of Environmental Biology will replace the Centre for Pest
Management with a mandate expanded to include administration of both the MPM and
MET degree programs.
This is essentially an administrative restructuring within the Department of
Biological Sciences to address the management of the two applied programs and to
enhance environmental biological studies in the Department.
3) The position
the Director
the CPM will be replaced by a position
designated as Director
the CEB. Thus no new stipended positions are required.
The only budgetary requirements are the release
the MET Sessional lecture funds
held in the Dean of Science office for initiation of MET program.
We recommend that the replacement of the CPM with the CEB occur no later
than 1 September 1999 if not sooner.
I recommend that an interim Director of CPM be appointed during the
transition period. My candidate for this would be Dr. Zamir Punja.
A director of CEB should be appointed and ratified as soon as possible.
Director of the CEB would be responsible to Chair
Department as
Administrative Officer and provide Annual Reports of the CEB activities to Dean and
The CEB should undergo an external Program review by the fourth year after
its activation, that is after 3 complete years.

In conclusion, I think that this is an exciting proposal that has every measure
of potential success. it brings together our two applied Master's programs under an
umbrella structure that will enhance their content, it will foster in interdisciplinary
development, and will provide a future basis for an expanded area of fundamental
research in the Department of Biological Sciences.
Michael J. Smith, rofessor & Chair

This proposal outlines the rationale and need for the development of a Centre
for Environmental Biology (CEB) within the Department of Biological Sciences, to
address issues relating to pest management and environmental toxicology in the 21
century. The goals of the CEB will be to enhance teaching and research in areas
related to ecological and sustainable management of pests, advance the
understanding and management of terrestrial and aquatic environments, and improve
productivity of agricultural, forest and aquatic environments exposed to stresses and/or
toxic factors. The CEB shall encourage the development and utility of contemporary
approaches to research and teaching in the above areas, as well as foster and
promote additional linkages with areas such as resource management and
environmental sciences. The CEB shall further promote its mandate nationally and
internationally and shall develop its research expertise to be in a position to address
relevant pest and environmental issues on a global scale. In the process, the CEB
shall retain its strong ties with the fundamental sciences, strengthen its two unique
professional degree programs, and provide opportunities to undergraduate and
graduate students to enhance their education.

As the world human population increases and global expansion encroaches
upon previously undisturbed and ecologically sensitive areas, major constraints to
food and fibre production, negative impacts on environmental stability, and huge
burdens on natural resources are a growing reality. These pressures on the earth's
ecosystems have led to radical shifts in agricultural, fisheries and forestry practices,
driven by an increased demand by consumers for food and fibre. Presently, there is
enhanced consumer awareness and concern over pest problems, pesticide and drug
residues in food, contaminants in groundwater and coastal seawater, lakes and
streams, and global climatic changes. These environmental perturbations and the
associated decline in natural habitats, such as forests and oceans, have directly or
indirectly resulted from human activities.
The disruptions to the stability of natural ecological and environmental systems
have raised scientific, economic, political, social and environmental awareness of
society at large. Protection of ecosystems has consequently become a high priority for
scientific, regulatory and environmental groups in Canada and throughout the world.
As we approach the next century, there is an urgent need to address these issues. The
development of a Centre for Environmental Biology will be a major step forward to
focus efforts on enhancing pragmatic research and teaching in the area of
environmental biology. There already exists a core group of faculty that are committed
to such an endeavour within the Department of Biological Sciences.
The mandate of the proposed CEB will be to promote research and teaching,
and enhance expertise in the areas of pest management and environmental
toxicology. The inclusion of the CEB within the Department of Biological Sciences
enables the essential fundamental sciences (ecology, physiology and genetics) upon
which the Centre is based to be retained. Scientific research and broadly-based
education in these areas are vital to development of necessary expertise to address
issues in environmental biology as we approach the 21 century.

The understanding of increasing pest and environmental problems will require
a combination of scientific research methods and skills as well as an awareness of the
economic, political and social constraints that can influence how decisions can be
implemented. The CEB will enhance outreach to industry, government and scientific
organizations, foster development of additional linkages with disciplines such as
resource management, atmospheric sciences, and economics, and improve
collaborations with other emerging centres worldwide, to become an international
centre of excellence. This mandate also reflects the University's mission of supporting
professional and applied programs and the interest of industrial and governmental
agencies in graduates with skills and a research focus that enables them to address
immediate environmental needs.
The disciplines of pest management and environmental toxicology within the
Department of Biological Sciences are unique to the Faculty of Science and the
University. There is no university in Canada, and few if any in North America, with this
combination of expertise and the necessary excellence in the basic sciences that we
presently have at Simon Fraser University. Thus, the creation of the CEB will continue
to provide a unique opportunity for the University, but on an enhanced and
interdisciplinary scale.
The CEB shall provide the infrastructure within which teaching and research in
the areas of pest management and environmental toxicology shall be
The CEB shall evolve into an infrastructure within which interactions among
broad research disciplines will be promoted. This will facilitate increased
collaboration, improved networking, and a strengthened vision for the future.
The CEB shall design its professional degree programs to respond to
contemporary needs, and enhance cross-disciplinary teaching and course
offerings for these programs as well as for MSc and PhD degree programs.

• d) The CEB shall provide a mechanism through which an increased awareness of
important issues in environmental biology is promoted, both nationally and
internationally, and through which an increased recognition of the role of the
CEB is achieved.
The Centre for Environmental Biology shall have the following
To conduct interdisciplinary research that will advance the understanding of
biological relationships, management
pests, and impact
stresses and toxicants on terrestrial and aquatic organisms and ecosystems, and
to promote applications of knowledge and technologies that will improve the
efficacy of pest management strategies and tactics, and lessen or eliminate
adverse environmental impact;
To offer contemporary teaching programs leading to Master of Pest Management
(MPM) and Master of Environmental Toxicology (MET) degrees. The two
professional degree programs will provide students with opportunities to conduct
research and use their knowledge and skills to solve problems in pest
management and environmental toxicology;
To contribute to the Department of Biological Sciences and the University as a
whole by teaching, research, and participating in other academic services; and
To serve society at the local, national and international levels, as individuals and
collectively as a Centre, by providing insight, interpretation and advice on issues
relating to the biology of pests, and on the impact and management of
environmental issues.

The CEB shall meet its Mission Statement by:
Administering and providing
mprehensive Master of Pest Management and
Master of Environmental Toxicology curricula and providing a stimulating
research and learning environment for students in these degree programs as
well as in the Master of Science and PhD programs;
Offering relevant graduate courses that serve the needs of both the Centre for
Environmental Biology and the Department of Biological Sciences; and
Fostering a collegial and academically productive environment and maintaining
selected support services for faculty and their students.
In achieving these goals, the CEB will be guided by the following principles:
A recognition of diverse approaches to research and teaching;
A commitment to excellence in teaching, research and service;
A recognition that research and teaching in the CEB can ensure continued world
food and fibre supplies, and achieve a viable balance between human needs
and the environment;
A recognition that advances in the development and application of effective pest
management and environmentally sustainable practices are based on results
from basic and applied research programs, coupled with field experience; and
A commitment to the highest scientific, professional and social ethics.

- ?
The Centre for Pest Management (CPM), initiated in 1967 with a complement of
eight faculty members, has grown to national and international stature in the
intervening 30 years. A prominent feature of the CPM was the development of the
Master of Pest Management (MPM) degree program, first offered in 1973, and from
which over 185 students have graduated in the subsequent 25 years. A broadly-
based education in pest management theory and practice was a major factor
contributing to the success of this professional degree program. In addition, the
resources available with regard to faculty complement and supporting infrastructure,
were consistent with the needs and goals of the program.
In recent years, the discipline of pest management has seen the development
and utility of contemporary research tools and approaches to study pest populations
and understand their biology. These include, for example, the development of
sophisticated computer-assisted systems to monitor pest populations, the
development of ecologically-based semiochemical lures to manipulate pest behavior,
the utility of molecular techniques to study population diversity and to monitor
geographic distribution, an increased acceptance of the importance of basic
biochemical, ecological, and physiological processes to study organismal and
population biology, and the creation of pest-resistant plants through recombinant DNA
Coupled with this explosive growth in new technologies over the past 5-10
years has come an awareness of the importance of environmental health and
sustainability and the impact (positive and negative) of agricultural, urban, aquatic and
forestry-related activities on environmental stability. The balancing of public,
economic, and political sentiments requires that education on relevant issues include
broadly-based scientific disciplines.

Associated with this growth in public awareness, the discipline of environmental
toxicology has dramatically increased in profile within SFU over the past 5-10 years.
This has resulted in the development of a minor in ENTOX, a PBD program in ENTOX
and an approved Master of Environmental Toxicology (MET) program, as well as
increased enrolments in related undergraduate and graduate courses. Research in
this area has also grown dramatically and it addresses the adverse impact of
environmental pollutants and toxicants on aquatic and terrestrial organisms and
ecosystems. The emphasis on principles, methods, and approaches to understand
and alleviate these negatively impacting activities on aauatic
environments parallels closely those used to study and manage pest populations. On
many fronts, the environmental toxicology and pest management programs share not
only a common vision but also a common scientific foundation and approach.
A gradual change in faculty complement has occurred within the disciplines of
pest management and environmental toxicology within the Department over the last 5-
10 years. To accommodate these new and diverse strengths, research and teaching
programs should evolve to capture new opportunities and ideas, to consolidate their
strengths and create a shared vision with equal partnership. It is envisioned that the
CEB will be a contemporary and interdisciplinary Centre that addresses the research
and teaching needs of the 21
century in the areas of environmental biology. This will
be achieved through progressive interactions between the MPM and MET programs,
and with the support of the Department of Biological Sciences, the Faculty of Science,
and the University as a whole, as well as external agencies and organizations. Once
approved, the CEB shall replace the existing Centre for Pest Management.

J ?
The benefits associated with the creation of the CEB in the Department and the
Faculty 0
f Science as a whole are as follows:
Bridge the disciplines of pest management and environmental toxicology to
address issues, advise on policies, and foster high-quality research into the 21
Develop a Centre that is cost-effective, broad enough in scope to accommodate
growth and attrition, and yet diverse enough to respond to needs and
Enhance cross-disciplinary teaching and provide bridging courses for the
professional degree programs
0 ?
Provide enhanced opportunities for collaborative research among various
disciplines represented in the Centre
Provide one administrative infrastructure to accommodate the two professional
degree programs (MPM and MET).
Increase the profile of the Centre and the Department by promoting linkages
with national and international institutions
The Faculty
The CEB shall be open to all faculty members who have active, demonstrable
biological research programs and who have a continuing commitment to teaching
and/or supervising graduate student research, in areas that are compatible with the
Mission Statement of the CEB.

Associate Members
Faculty members from Biological Sciences and other Departments with a
secondary role in teaching in the areas of pest management and environmental
toxicology, as well as researchers and professionals from outside the University, can
be made Associate members of CEB. The CEB shall also include those Emeritus and
Adjunct Professors currently appointed in the Department of Biological Science who
share the goals of CEB.
Contributions to teaching
The CEB faculty shall contribute to teaching in the Master's degrees in Pest
Management (MPM) and/or Environmental Toxicology (MET), as well as toward MSc
and PhD degrees. All CEB members shall also contribute to teaching in the core
Biological Sciences curriculum. There will be concerted emphasis to provide bridging
courses among the various degree programs. Student applications for the
professional programs shall be evaluated by the CEB Admissions Committee, with
recommendations made to the Departmental Graduate Studies Committee for final
Each faculty member in the CEB should be willing to teach one or contribute
significantly to one or more CEB-designated graduate-level courses relating to pest
management or environmental toxicology every 2 years, and/or provide direct
supervision to graduate students. These courses may consist of either 600-level or
800-level offerings, and should be relevant to the training of students in the areas of
pest management and environmental toxicology. Courses will be offered to students
in both professional programs, as well as those in MSc and PhD programs, subject to
recommendation by the Biological Sciences Course Planning Group and approval of
the Chair of the Department. Faculty members who have not contributed to teaching
and/or supervision of graduate students over the previous 24 months shall be re-
evaluated for eligibility as a CEB member.

- ?
0 ?
Contributions to research and national and international activities
It is anticipated that faculty members within CEB shall pursue and acquire
research grants, contracts, or sponsors to support their individual research programs
in the areas of pest management and environmental toxicology. These programs
include both basic and applied research. Collaborative, interdisciplinary, and
international research initiatives shall be encouraged by the Centre. Such initiatives
will be supported by the CEB to the extent they are compatible with the research and
teaching objectives of the program. External funding to support these initiatives shall
be actively pursued.
Expenditures for CEB
The expenditures for the CEB shall be predicated on the anticipated separate
costs of running each professional program, which are administered through the
• ?
Department of Biological Sciences. The CEB shall be assisted by a Secretary to the
Director and one Coordinator.

The Director
The function of the Director of CEB will be as follows:
- ?
To ensure that the administrative needs of the Centre are appropriately
addressed and are consistent with the goals and needs of the faculty and the
Enhance and promote the CEB through research and teaching in the area of
pest management and environmental toxicology, and by so doing, create an
environment that is conducive to collaboration and research within the
Department of Biological Sciences;
- ?
Ensure that the professional degrees are contemporary, well-structured
programs that provide broadly-based education and experience to students;
- ?
Increase the national and international outreach of the Centre, and secure
external funding to enhance the CEB;.
Encourage and
two professional
the evolution
and interdisciplinary
within the CEB.
development of
The MPM and MET programs will each elect a Coordinator, one of whom shall
be the Director of the CEB. The Director shall be a tenured/tenure-track faculty
member in the Department of Biological Science, at any rank, who is approved by a
majority of the CEB members. This position shall normally rotate between faculty in
the MPM and MET programs.
The CEB shall foster and enhance research and teaching in areas that include,
but are not limited to, the following:

• Ecologically-based principles and methods for sustainable crop and forest
• Studies on the impact of environmental stresses on growth and physiology
of plants and aquatic organisms
• Use of plants and fungi for bioremediation of soils
• Application of molecular principles and methods to detect pests and monitor
• Elucidating the biochemical and physiological bases for pesticide resistance
• Developing biological principles and strategies for pest management,
particularly insects, weeds, and pathogens
• Assessing the impact of environmental pollutants on aquatic environments
and on the biodiversity of their fauna and flora
• Promoting appropriate uses of biotechnology in pest management and
environmental ecology
• Studying ecological bases for pest behaviour and control strategies
• Use of semiochemicals for monitoring and changing pest behaviour
• Application of molecular principles and techniques to study population
diversity in plants and fungi
• Elucidating the cellular and molecular mechanisms of insecticide and
environmental toxicant action
• Understanding the molecular basis of pest and plant responses to the
• Studying the physiological responses of aquatic organisms to toxicants
• Principles and strategies for control of diseases on plants and aquatic

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