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Office of the Registrar
Alison Watt, Secretary, SCAR
Semester Schedule and Calendar Committee suggestion
Date: ?
22 September, 1998
At Senate on 14 September 1998 some members of Senate raised concerns about the
determination of the schedule of the Academic Calendar of Events for the fall
semester 1998.
Senate established rules regarding semester scheduling in 1992 in a report on
Statutory Holiday Observance. Senate approved the following motion:
"that in those semesters where there are three Monday holidays, or in
any semester that begins on a Tuesday, the semester will end on the
Monday of week 14. However, in order to accommodate the
minimum requirements for the examination schedule (10 days for
exams, 4 days for submission of grades, 2 days to complete semester-end
evaluations and mailing of grades), it would sometimes be necessary to
have only one day between the end of classes on the Monday and the
start of exams."
In 1998/99 the lateness of Labour Day (7th September) resulted in insufficient
numbers of days for the Registrar to be able to accommodate, before Christmas Day,
all the requirements specified by Senate. This resulted in the exams schedule
starting on December
rather than December 9.
It was suggested that Senate should consider a University Calendar Committee in
order that Senators could provide input on these matters. An alternative would be
for this task to be added to the terms of reference of an existing Senate committee.
It was agreed that this matter would come to SCAR for consideration. However, the
Registrar was absent and SCAR determined that it would carry over further
discussion on this item to the next meeting of SCAR at which time Mr. Heath could
be present for discussion on various suitable options. Results of the SCAR
discussions on 20 October will be conveyed to the Senate meeting on 2 November,
W.R. Heath

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