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To: ?
From: ?
J. M. Munro, Chair
Senate Committee on Academic Planning
Subject: ?
Faculty of Science -
Establishment of the Department Molecular Biology
and Biochemistry
(SCAP Reference: SCAP 99-27)
Date: ?
September 14, 1999
Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Academic Planning gives rise to
the following motion:
0 ?
"that Senate approve and recommend approval to the Board
of Governors as set forth in S.99 -
the establishment of the
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry effective April

SCAP 99-27
To: ?
Alison Watt, Secretary
From: C.H.W. Jones, Dean,
Faculty of Science
Subject: Formation of a New Department -
Date: August 11, 1999
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
At its meeting of March 23, the Faculty of Science approved the proposal for the
formation of a Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry as outlined in the
attached paper.
Please include this item on the agenda of the next meeting of SOAP for
consideration and approval.
C.H.W. Jones
C. ?
A.T. Beckenbach

for the formation
of a new Department
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
We propose to consolidate the Undergraduate Program in Biochemistry with the
Graduate Program in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, to create a single
administrative unit, the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.
We provide a brief history of the Biochemistry Program at Simon Fraser
University, and of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (IMBB), as well as
an overview of the current status of the undergraduate and graduate programs. An
assessment of the potential budgetary implications and benefits of the proposed
administrative changes is also included.
It should be emphasized that no new programs are proposed. Our proposal is
for an administrative reorganization that will lead to increased efficiency in the operation
of these programs and will result in clearer distinctions between our new Department
and the Departments
Chemistry and Biological Sciences. No new faculty or
administrative expenditure will be required to implement this proposal.
Brief History of the Biochemistry Program and the IMBB
The biochemistry program at SFU and establishment of the IMBB
The Biochemistry B.Sc. program was established as an interdepartmental
initiative involving faculty from Chemistry and Biological Sciences. In 1984 an external
review committee assessed the program and concluded that it had many gaps. The
committee recommended that the program be upgraded to provide a contemporary
educational experience for its undergraduate and graduate students—one which would
provide an appropriate breadth and depth of quality course work in cellular and
molecular biology, as well as biochemistry. It proposed the formation of an Institute
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry to foster research and graduate training, and to
provide a sufficient number
faculty and breadth
expertise for the Biochemistry
program. The committee identified a core
of six
faculty members in Chemistry and
Biosciences having appropriate expertise and research interests to be founding
the IMBB and recommended that a comparable number
new faculty be
hired by the IMBB. While not explicitly stated in its report, the committee anticipated
that the IMBB would evolve into a
independent department after the new faculty
had arrived and the revamped B.Sc. and graduate programs had been implemented.
This proposal thus represents the culmination
a process that began 15 years ago.
The IMBB was formally established in 1987 with the six charter members. Using
an allocation
base budget funds from the Funds for Excellence in Education
program, the IMBB initiated a faculty recruitment program which hired six new faculty,

including a Director. With the departure of one founding member, and addition of three
new members from SFU departments, the IMBB now has
members. In addition, the
IMBB has 13 associate and one affiliate members. As it was not feasible for the
existing departments to provide laboratory and office space for a group of this size, a
proposal for construction of a new building was submitted and approved. The South
Sciences Building (SSB)was completed in 1993. The 14 full members of the IMBB
now occupy contiguous laboratory and office space in the new building. The IMBB has
an administrative office in the SSB, separate from the administrative offices of the
Departments of Chemistry and Biological Sciences. It provides all of the clerical
services required for its members and their graduate students, post-docs and research
associates (approximately 100 people) and for the undergraduate biochemistry program
and the graduate degree programs in molecular biology and biochemistry.
The MBB Graduate program
In 1994, the IMBB proposed the establishment of M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs in
molecular biology and biochemistry, including a set of MBB graduate courses and
degree requirements. The program was initiated in 1995 as separate programs in the
Departments of Chemistry and Biological Sciences. Administrative authority was
transferred to the IMBB in September of 1998, unifying the two programs into a single
MBB Graduate Program. This step eliminated the unnecessary duplication of effort that
had resulted from dividing the program between the two departments and the IMBB. A
majority of the students enrolled in the separate programs transferred to the new unified
MBB Graduate Program. Our program now includes 32 students, 16 enrolled in the
M.Sc. and 16 in the Ph.D. programs. An MBB Graduate Program Committee, selected
by members of the IMBB, oversees the program and reports to the Director of the
IMBB. The Director reports to the Dean of Graduate Studies on matters pertaining to
the graduate program. The MBB Graduate Program is described in Appendix 1.
The Biochemistiy B.Sc. Program
For many years, the responsibility for financial and academic administration of
the Biochemistry undergraduate degree program resided with the Department of
Chemistry. In 1995, that authority was transferred to the IMBB, and in 1996 budgetary
responsibility for the biochemistry faculty was also transferred. Since the original
mandate of the IMBB was as an interdepartmental graduate teaching/research institute,
these new responsibilities represented a significant expansion of that mandate. As a
result, it was deemed necessary to create an independent Biochemistry Program to
oversee the undergraduate teaching of biochemistry, and to serve as the "home
department" for biochemistry faculty. This Program was established in September of
1997. All full members of the IMBB were offered an option of primary appointment in
the new Program, or secondary appointment while retaining primary appointment in
their home Department, or Associate status while retaining sole appointment in the
home Department. In principle, faculty could choose their sole appointment in the
Biochemistry Program, but for historical reasons, and since the Program was
established largely as an undergraduate teaching program, no faculty considered this

option. The Director of the IMBB was appointed as the first Director of the Biochemistry
Program. ?
Historically, the biochemistry undergraduate program has focused on physical
biochemistry. In 1998, a proposal to introduce flexibility at the third and fourth year
levels was approved, providing two streams: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The
Biochemistiy Stream is
very similar to the existing Major program in biochemistry; the
Molecular Biology Stream
allows emphasis in molecular and cellular biology and
genetics. This expansion of the biochemistry undergraduate program will be reflected
in the 1999-2000 Calendar, and will take effect in September of 1999. The
Biochemistry Program, as presently approved, appears in Appendix 2.
The IMBB as a research institute
The IMBB was originally established as a graduate teaching and research
institute. All full members currently hold NSERC and/or MRC Research Grants. Most
of the senior members of the IMBB have served on one or more NSERC or MRC grant
selection panels: Baillie (NSERC GSC 33; MRC); Beckenbach (NSERC GSC 18;
NSERC MFA); Brandhorst (NSERC GSC 32—Chair in 95/96); Cornell (MRC); Honda
(NSERC GSC 33); Price (MRC); Smith (NSERC Genetics and Cell Biology). In 1994/95
the IMBB had members on three different NSERC Grant Selection Committees
simultaneously (Beckenbach, Brandhorst and Honda). The IMBB has a well
established national and international research reputation.
Current status of the Biochemistry Program and IMBB
At present, we have two separate entities: the
Biochemistry Program,
administers the undergraduate teaching program in biochemistry and molecular biology,
and the
which has authority over the graduate program in molecular biology and
biochemistry. The faculty overlap between these programs is almost complete: of the
14 full members of the IMBB, 13 have either primary or secondary appointments in the
Biochemistry Program. In addition, two of the 13 IMBB associate members have
secondary appointments in the Biochemistry Program. All faculty holding primary
appointments in the Biochemistry Program are full members of the IMBB.
Both the IMBB and Biochemistry Program have Directors, selected in separate
nomination and election or ratification processes. To date, the same faculty member
has served as Director of both, but there is no requirement that the Biochemistry
Program and IMBB have the same Director. The Director of the Biochemistry Program
and the Director of the IMBB report to the Dean of Science in relation to personnel,
budgetary and administrative matters.
The Biochemistry Program and the IMBB share a single suite of administrative
offices, and staff. The Biochemistry Program has its own Departmental Tenure
Committee (DTC), elected by and from its members, as well as an undergraduate
(Biochemistry) Curriculum Committee (BCC). The Biochemistry DTC assesses contract

. ?
renewal, tenure and merit for all faculty holding primary appointments in the Program
and provides comments to the home Departments for all members holding secondary
appointments. The BCC has authority over the biochemistry undergraduate curriculum.
The Biochemistry Program also has the authority to recruit and hire faculty. The IMBB
has a Graduate Studies Committee, elected by and from its members.
In summary, the Biochemistry Program and IMBB are, at present, completely
complementary. They now have combined operating budgets, but could, in principle,
have separate Directors. The committees required to administer the two programs are
derived from overlapping, but not quite identical pools, and are elected by almost, but
not quite, identical electorate. We regard the present situation as temporary, and
extremely cumbersome. Together these two programs fulfill every requirement of a full
department: complete undergraduate and graduate degree programs; operating
budgets and administrative offices and office staff separate from any existing
department; a complete set of committees, including tenure, undergraduate and
graduate curriculum committees; the authority to recruit and fill faculty positions; and
director(s) who report directly to the Dean of Science.
Since the teaching programs, administrative structures and facilities are already
in place, the only steps required for implementation of this proposal are the
. ?
establishment of founding faculty appointments and election of the first Chair of the
DMBB. We propose that all faculty currently holding primary or secondary
appointments in the Biochemistry Program, and any other full members of the IMBB, be
offered the option of,
sole appointment in the DMBB; (2) primary appointment in the
DMBB with a secondary appointment in another Department; (3) primary appointment
in another Department with a secondary appointment in the DMBB; or (4) no
appointment in the DMBB, but with the option of Associate status in DMBB. It is
assumed that faculty choosing sole or primary appointment in the DMBB will have their
primary teaching and service roles in the new Department. Faculty choosing secondary
appointment in the DMBB should expect to regularly participate in teaching and service
in the DMBB programs.
Faculty presently holding appointments in the Biochemistry Program or
membership in the IMBB are listed in Appendix 3. We do not anticipate that this
procedure will lead to major shifts in appointments of faculty and expect the charter
faculty complement of sole or primary appointments to be 12 - 14 faculty.
Faculty with primary appointments in other Departments whose research
interests extend to areas of molecular biology and biochemistry may supervise
graduate students in the DMBB Graduate Program if they hold a secondary
The Chair of the DMBB shall be appointed by the standard procedure for the
election of Department Chairs.

Relationship of DMBB to existing Departments
Department of Chemistry
The separation of the Biochemistry Program from the Department of Chemistry
is virtually complete. Aside from shared responsibilities arising from faculty holding joint
appointments in Chemistry and Biochemistry, administrative, budgetary and academic
decisions in the Biochemistry Program reside entirely within the Program. There are no
shared teaching responsibilities for either undergraduate or graduate courses.
There are, however, significant research collaborations between members of the
Department of Chemistry and the IMBB. These collaborations should not only be
maintained, but strengthened when the status of the Biochemistry Program/IMBB is
finally resolved.
Department of Biological Sciences
The relationship between the Department of Biological Sciences and the
Biochemistry Program is complex. In addition to the joint appointments held by many
faculty, there are shared teaching responsibilities and disciplines of mutual interest.
Teaching responsibilities are currently shared between BioSciences and the
Biochemistry Program in BICH 221 (Cellular Biology and Biochemistry), BICH 222
(Molecular Biology and Biochemistry), BISC 202 (Genetics), BISC 302 (Genetic
Analysis), BISC 331 (Molecular Biology), BISC 333 (Developmental Biology), BISC 402
(Molecular Genetics), BISC 431 (Molecular Biotechnology) and BISC 453 (Advanced
Developmental Biology). These courses are commonly taught by faculty holding joint
appointments between the Biochemistry Program and BioSciences. Responsibility for
teaching these courses is handled efficiently through the cooperation of our
undergraduate curriculum committees. Any changes in these arrangements will have to
be by mutual consent of the two Departments.
We anticipate that the close relations that currently exist between the
Department of Biological Sciences and the Biochemistry Program/IMBB can, and
should, continue indefinitely after our new Department is established.
Departments of Physics and Mathematics/Statistics
Biochemical and molecular systems offer a level of complexity that is at once
approachable and challenging to physicists and mathematicians. This fact has not
been lost on either Department. One member of the Physics Department holds a
primary appointment in the Biochemistry Program (Jenifer Thewalt) and both
Departments have recently recruited faculty whose interests broadly overlap those of
the DMBB. We believe it very likely that extensive interdisciplinary ties will develop
between those departments and the DMBB.

• ?
Financial considerations
This proposal can be implemented with little or no net cost to the University. The
Biochemistry Program/IMBB already have sufficient administrative office space and
facilities for our immediate needs. We employ an Administrative Assistant and 1.5
secretarial staff. We provide a full range of office and clerical services to our members,
including word processing, preparation of course materials, course evaluations, postal
and courier services, and telephones. The Biochemistry Program has a full time
laboratory instructor and one teaching technician. The IMBB has a part time technical
position to oversee and maintain shared equipment, including an imaging facility, with
confocal and other microscope facilities. Although we will compete with other
Departments in the Faculty of Science to maintain and expand our facilities and
services, no additional resources are necessary to form our new Department.
The Biochemistry Program/IMBB already have operating and teaching assistant
budgets. No new courses are proposed, nor are new faculty required, to implement this
proposal. The cost of any increase in enrollment in the Biochemistry program should
be managed through reallocation within the Faculty of Science, consistent with the
teaching and research activity of the members of the DMBB. We expect that any
reallocation will take into account the number of students enrolled in our courses, the
cost of mounting the courses, and the size of our B.Sc. and graduate programs,
together with the overall resources available to the Department at that time. Any
reallocation would follow the normal criteria for reallocation of resources among
Departments in the Faculty.
Since no new courses are planned, the resources of the library will continue to
be adequate. The Biochemistry Program/IMBB currently have representation on the
Faculty of Science Library Committee and the authority to advise the library on the
acquisition and cancellation of holdings. Those responsibilities will be transferred to the
Employment opportunities for DMBB graduands
Students choose to enroll in biochemistry and molecular biology primarily for the
employment opportunities it affords. Many of these students participate in Coop and
there are many opportunities for employment in this field. A substantial proportion of
our graduates go on to graduate or medical school. Students graduating with graduate
degrees in the MBB program have nearly all found appropriate employment. The
biotechnology, biomedical and pharmaceutical industries have been expanding at an
astonishing rate, with no end in sight. The addition of a Department dedicated to the
fields of molecular biology and biochemistry will place this Faculty, and our students, at
the forefront of these developments.

Future prospects for the DMBB
The IMBB and Biochemistry Program have made extraordinary progress since
the 1984 external review. Not only have we carried out an extensive recruitment and
hiring process, but our programs were the primary impetus for the construction of the
South Sciences Building, and we are its principal occupants. The undergraduate
degree program has been expanded to include molecular biology; the graduate
program has been implemented and we now have administrative authority over those
programs. When we assumed control of the undergraduate biochemistry teaching
program in
it accounted for about 90 FTE. That number has now increased to
over 130. The Biochemistry Program graduated 33 students in 97/98, and has
consistently been the third largest program in the Faculty of Science in numbers of
Majors, Honors and graduands.

Appendix 1
Graduate Program?
1998-1999 Calendar Entry
8166 South Science Building, (604) 291-5630 Tel, (604) 291-5583 Fax, http://darwin.mbb.sfIt.ca
A.T. Beckenbach BSc (Florida Presbyterian), MSc (Flor), PhD (Calif)
Faculty and Areas of Research
D.L. Baillie - developmental genetics, genomics
A.T. Beckenbach - population genetics, molecular evolution
T.J. Borgford - protein structure and function
B.P. Brandhorst - developmental biology and gene regulation
R.B. Cornell - membrane bound enzymes
R.J. Cushley - high field nuclear magnetic resonance
N. Harden - developmental genetics, signal transduction
B.M. Honda - molecular biology and gene regulation
J.V. Price - developmental genetics; cellular signalling
W.R. Richards - protein biochemistry; photosynthesis
J.K. Scott - immunochemistry, immunology
D. Sen - nucleic acid biochemistry, chromosome structure
M.J. Smith - molecular evolution and development
J.L. Thewalt - membrane biophysics; nuclear magnetic resonance
Associate Members
A.J. Bennet, Chemistry
F. Breden, Biological Sciences
A.H. Burr, Biological Sciences
B.J. Crespi, Biological Sciences
L.D. Druehi, Biological Sciences
N.H. Haunerland, Biological Sciences
B. Ka.fer, Biological Sciences
A. Kermode, Biological Sciences
M.M. Moore, Biological Sciences
B.M. Pinto, Chemistry
A. Plant, Biological Sciences
G.F. Tibbits, Kinesiology
A. Tracey, Chemistry
This graduate program is administered through the biochemistry program by a steering committee
consisting of members of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (IMBB). Members of the

have appointments in the Biochemistry Program, and/or Departments of Biological Sciences,
Chemistry and Physics. In addition, the
has associate members who may also serve as senior
supervisors for students in the MBB graduate program.
Information about the Molecular Biology and Biochemistry program, and the research activities of its
faculty, can be obtained from the MBB graduate secretary, Institute of Molecular Biology and
Biochemistry, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby,
V5A 1S6. Telephone
(604) 291-5630
For admission requirements, refer to the
Graduate General Regulations.
Applicants should normally
have completed some advanced course work in biology or biochemistry.
Degree Requirements
All students will be assigned a graduate supervisory committee which has the authority to specify an
appropriate program of course work meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements stated below.
All students are expected to attend the
research seminar series and to participate regularly in a
journal club.
MSc Program
Course Work
The minimum requirements consist of 12 credit hours of graduate course credits including MBB 801 and
A major part of the MSc program will be devoted to original research. A thesis describing the work must
be submitted and defended in accordance with
Graduate General Regulations.
PhD Program
Course Work
For students entering the program with a BSc or equivalent, a minimum of 20 credit hours of credit is
required,. at least 15 of which must be at the graduate level, including MBB 801, 802 and 806. PhD
students must normally enroll in MBB 806 at the earliest opportunity following four semesters of
registration in the program. With the approval of their supervisory committee, students in the MSc
program may apply to the MBB graduate program committee for transfer to the PhD program.
For students entering the program with an MSc degree, eight credit hours of credit is required, at least six
of which must be at the graduate level, including MBB 802 and 806. The latter course must be taken at
the first opportunity following two semesters of registration in the program.
Research ?

The major portion of the PhD program will be devoted to original research. An original thesis, which
contributes to new knowledge, must be presented and defended at the end of the degree program, in
accordance with the
Graduate General Regulations.
In addition, all NOB PhD candidates must present a
public seminar on their research.
Courses Offered by Other Departments
The following relevant courses are offered by other departments: CHEM
752, 754
and 811.
Graduate Course Work at Other Universities
Upon the recommendation of the supervisory committee, and with the approval of the graduate program
committee, up to six credits of course work taken elsewhere not resulting in a degree may be applied
toward degree requirements, but not exceeding more than half of the credits required in addition to MBB
801, 802 and 806.
Graduate Courses
MBB 801-2 Student Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry I
Discussion of recent literature through student seminars and written reports. Cannot be taken for credit in
addition to CHEM 801
Student Seminar in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry II
Discussion of recent literature through student seminars and written reports. Prerequisite: MBB 801 or an
MSc degree. Cannot be taken for credit in addition to CHEM 802.
MBB 806-3 Ph.D. Graduate Research Seminar
Oral presentation and defense of a written Ph.D. research proposal. Students will be examined on their
progress and grasp of knowledge relevant to the proposed research and their capacity to complete the
proposed thesis research. Open only to students in the molecular biology and biochemistry graduate
program. Cannot be taken for credit in addition to CHEM 806.
MBB 811-1, MEB 812-2, MBB 813-3 Techniques in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Consideration of methods applied to research in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology; genetics;
and biochemistry. Can be repeated with permission of the instructor.
MBB 821-3 Nucleic Acids
An examination of recent literature for revelations about the structure and function of DNA and RNA.
MBB 822-3 Biological Membranes
A review of recent literature on the structure, dynamics, function, and biosynthesis of membrane lipids
and proteins.
MBB 823-3 Protein Structure and Function
Transition state theory; specificity in enzyme catalyzed reactions; use of recombinant DNA techniques to
describe and modify enzyme catalysis, catalytic activities through monoclonal antibody techniques.

MBB 824-3 Physical Biochemistry
The physical properties of biomacromolecules; modern physical methods applied to biomolecules;
properties and analysis of membrane systems.
MBB 825-3 Bioenergetics
Consideration of important processes for biological energy transduction. Structure/function relationships
of membrane components and other interacting macromolecular systems. Cannot be taken for credit in
addition to CHEM 825.
MBB 826-3 Molecular Immunology
An overview of cellular and humoral immunology with emphasis on the molecular basis of immune
recognition and response.
MBB 827-3 Mechanisms in Enzyme Catalysis
The study of enzyme mechanisms by a variety of techniques including spectroscopic, kinetic,
radioisotopic exchange, site-directed mutagenesis.
MIBB 828-3 Spectroscopic Methods in Biochemistry
Application of spectroscopic methods including multidimensional NMR, fluorescence, circular dichroism,
and FTIR for determination of biomacromolecular structure. Includes elements of protein conformation.
Cannot be taken for credit in addition to CHEM 828.
MBB 829-3 Special Topics in Biochemistry
Consideration of recent literature concerning selected contemporary research topics. Can be taken more
than once with permission of the instructor.
MBB 831-3 Molecular Evolution of Eukaryote Genomes
Examination of the dynamics of change in eukaryotic nuclear, mitochondrial, and chioroplast genome
structure and organization.
MBB 832-3 Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution
Examination of the basic methods applicable to analyses of molecular phylogeny and evolution.
NOB 833-3 Developmental Genetics
Selected topics on the developmental genetics of drosophila.
MBB 834-3 Topics in Developmental Biology
Selected topics including pattern formation, morphogenetic determinants, inductive interactions, and
differential gene expression in embryos.
MBB 835-3 Genomic Analysis
Consideration of topics related to the structure and function of the genome with emphasis on genome
mapping and sequencing projects, and computational methods for genomic sequence analysis.
MBB 836-3 Gene Expression
A consideration of the mechanisms and regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
MBB 837-3 Molecular Genetics of Signal Transduction

Consideration of mechanisms of signal transduction using molecular genetic approaches with emphasis
on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cannot be taken in addition to BISC 861.
Special Topics in Molecular Biology
Consideration of recent literature concerning selected contemporary research topics. Can be taken more
than once with permission of the instructor.
Directed Readings in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.
Programs of directed reading and critical discussions offered by staff members to individual students
according to their needs. Study programs must be approved by the molecular biology and biochemistry
program committee.
Directed Readings in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.
Programs of directed reading and critical discussions offered by staff members to individual students
according to their needs. Study programs must be approved by the molecular biology and biochemistry
program committee.
Directed Readings in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.
Programs of directed reading and critical discussions offered by staff members to individual students
according to their needs. Study programs must be approved by the molecular biology and biochemistry
program committee.
M.Sc. Thesis
Ph.D. Thesis

Present Undergraduate Program?
1999-2000 Calendar Entry
Biochemistry Program
Students who have already declared majors or honors in the Biochemistry Program may follow the program
requirements in effect when they were accepted into the program, or the program requirements as set Out
below, whichever is to their advantage.
Major Program
(120 semester hours)
All students must complete the lower and upper division cores plus additional courses as specified in either
the Molecular Biology or Biochemistry Stream as indicated below.
Lower Division Core
semester hours)
BICH 221-3 Cell Biology and Biochemistry
BICH 222-3 Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
BISC 101-4 General Biology
BISC 102-4 General Biology
BISC 202-3 Genetics
CHEM 121-4 General Chemistry and Laboratory I
CHEM 122-2 General Chemistry H
CHEM 126-2 General Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 215-4 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 281-4 Organic Chemistry and Laboratory I
CHEM 282-2 Organic Chemistry
CHEM 286-2 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
one of
CMPT 101-4 Introduction to Computer Programming
CMPT 102-3 Introduction to Scientific Computer Programming
CMPT 110-3 Event-Driven Programming in Visual Basic
one of
MATH 151-3 Calculus I
Calculus I for the Biological Sciences*
one of
MATH 152-3 Calculus II
Calculus II for the Biological Sciences*
one of
PHYS 120-3 Modem Physics and Mechanics
PHYS 101-3 General Physics I
one of
PHYS 121-3 Optics, Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 102-3 General Physics II

• ?
Recommended Course
MATH 251-3 Calculus III
*Note: Course alternatives marked with an asterisk are possible only for students who have transferred to
Biochemistry from another program. Students who have declared (or intend to declare) a major or honors
program in Biochemistry should not register for these alternative courses.
Upper Division Core
(22-23 semester hours)
BICH 311-2 Analytical Biochemistry Laboratory
BICH 312-2 Metabolism Laboratory
BICH 321-3 Intermediary Metabolism
BICH 322-3 Molecular Physiology
BISC 331-3 Molecular Biology
CI{EM 360-3 Chemical Kinetics and Thermodynamics
one of
BISC 431-4 Molecular Biotechnology
Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
one of
MATH 310-3 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
STAT 302-3 Analysis of Experimental and Observational Data
• ?
Upper Division Streams
In addition to the lower and upper division cores, students must complete all
of the requirements in one of
the two streams listed below:
Molecular Biology Stream
(15-18 semester hours)
two courses from
BICH 403-3 Physical Biochemistry
BICH 412-4 Enzymology
BICH 421-3 Nucleic Acids
BICH 422-3 Biornembranes
BICH 423-3 Protein Structure and Function
BICH 426-3 Immunology
plus one course'from
BISC 302-3 Genetic Analysis
BISC 303-3 Microbiology
BISC 405-3 Cell Physiology
plus one course from
BISC 333-3 Developmental Biology
BISC 402-3 Molecular Genetics
BICH 435-3 Genomic Analysis
plus one course from
. ?
BISC 305-3 Animal Physiology
BISC 400-3 Evolution

Advanced Developmental Biology
BISC 439-3 Industrial Microbiology
BICH 491-5 Undergraduate Research
or with permission of the undergraduate advisor
another 400-level BICH course
BISC 471-3 Special Topics in Biology
BISC 472-3 Special Topics in Biology
BISC 473-3 Special Topics in Biology
Biochemistry Stream
(15-17 semester hours)
BICH 403-3 Physical Biochemistry
BICH 412-4 Enzymology
BICH 413-2 Physical Biochemistry Laboratory
plus two courses from
BICH 420-3 Selected Topics in Contemporary Biochemistry
BICH 421-3 Nucleic Acids
BICH 422-3 Biomembranes
BICH 423-3 Protein Structure and Function
BICH 426-3 Immunology
Undergraduate Research
CHEM 333-3 Inorganic Chemistry of Biological Processes
In addition to the above requirements, students majoring in Biochemistry must complete 26-31 semester
hours of electives, with enough upper division credits to bring the total of the latter to 44 semester hours.
Students must have a total of 12 semester hours taken in subjects outside the Faculty of Science (excluding
EDUC 401 to 407), including a minimum of 6 hours from the Faculty of Arts. Further BSc general degree
regulations are given in the Faculty of Science section.
Although many variations are possible, a student entering with BC High School Chemistry 12, Mathematics
12 and Physics 12 (or equivalents) might take the following typical program.
Levels 1 and 2
BISC 101-4 & 102-4
CHEM 121-4, 122-2 & 2814
MATH 151-3 & 152-3
PHYS 120-3 & 121-3
Levels 3 and 4
BICH 221-3 & 222-3
BISC 202-3
CHEM 126-2, 282-2, 286-2 & 215-4
CMPT 101-4, 102-3, or 110-3
6 hours of electives
and 6
BICH311-2, 312-2, 321-3 & 322-3
BISC 331-3 & 431-4 or 457-3
Total 30 semester hours
Total 28-29 semester

CHEM 360-3
MATH 310-3 or STAT 302-3
9 hours of electives
Levels 7 and 8
Requirements of one of the streams (15-18 hours)
11-16 hours of electives
Total 31-32 semester
Total 29-31 semester hours
Honors Program
(132 semester hours)
In addition to the requirements shown above for the major program, students taking honors in Biochemistry
must complete one of the following Individual Study Semester Options:
either BICH 493-15 Individual Study Semester (Option B)
or BICH 49
Undergraduate Research plus BICH 492-10 Individual Study Semester (Option A)*
*This may be accomplished by breaking the individual study semester project into two consecutive
semesters (cf. criteria for approval of individual study semesters on p._ of the Calendar). If BICH 491-5
has already been taken to satisfy the major program requirements, then the student must complete one other
course selected from the appropriate list in either the Molecular Biology or Biochemistry Stream in addition
to BICH 492-10 in order to satisfy the honors requirements. Students must have a total of 12 semester hours
taken in subjects outside the Faculty of Science (including 6 hours in the Faculty of Arts but excluding
EDUC 401 to 407); and sufficient upper division courses to bring the total number of upper division credits
• ?
to at least 60 semester hours. Further BSc Honors requirements are given in the Faculty of Science section.
Minor Program
(56-60 semester hours minimum)
Lower Division Requirements
(42 semester hours minimum)
BICH 221-3 Cell Biology and Biochemistry
BICH 222-3 Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
BISC 101-4 General Biology
BISC 102-4 General Biology
CHEM 1214 General Chemistry and Laboratory I
CHEM 122-2 General Chemistry II
CHEM 126-2 General Chemistry Laboratory H
CHEM 2814 Organic Chemistry and Laboratory I
CHEM 282-2 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 286-2 Organic Chemistry Laboratory H
one of
MATH 151-3 Calculus I
MATH 154-3 Calculus I for the Biological Sciences
one of
MATH 152-3 Calculus II
Calculus II for the Biological Sciences
one of

PHYS 120-3 Modem Physics and Mechanics
PHYS 101-3 General Physics I
one of
PHYS 121-3 Optics, Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 102-3 General Physics II
Upper Division Courses
(14-18 semester hours)
Students must complete five upper division courses (plus any lower division prerequisites) with a minimum
of 14 semester hours selected from:
Any upper division BICH course (excluding BICH 492-10 and 493-15)
BISC 331-3 Molecular Biology
one of
BISC 431-4 Molecular Biotechnology
7-3 Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Appendix 3
Potential Pool of Faculty for the DMBB
Current Appointments
Faculty Member
Secondary ?
IMBB Status
Baillie, D.L.
Beckenbach, A.T
Assoc. Professor
Borgford, T.J.
Assoc. Professor
Brandhorst, B. P.
Cornell, R.B.
Cushley, R.J.
Davidson, W.
Harden, N.
Asst. Professor
Honda, B.M.
Assoc. Professor
Price, J.V.
Assoc. Professor
Richards, W.R.
Scott, J.K.
Assoc. Professor
Sen, D.
Assoc. Professor
Smith, M.J.
Thewalt, J.L.
Asst. Professor
Bennet, A.J.
Assoc. Professor
Breden, F.
Assoc. Professor
Burr, A.H.
Assoc. Professor
Crespi, B.J.
Assoc. Professor
Druehl, L.D.
1-launerland, N.H.
Assoc. Professor
Kafer, E.
Adjunct Prof.
Kermode, A.R.
Assoc. Professor
Moore, M.M.
Assoc. Professor
Pinto, B.M.
Plant, A.L.
Asst. Professor
Tibbits, G.F.
Tracey, A.S.
Adjunct Prof.
* Approved for Secondary Appointment in the Biochemistry Program.

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