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To: ?
From: ?
Sarah Dench
Secretary, SCUS
Date: ?
September 6, 2000
ft i ^A ME
Subject: ?
Motion on Duplications
Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies at a meeting held
June 27, 2000 gives rise to the following motion:
"that Senate approve that courses taken at Simon Fraser University for which a
student has already received transfer credit from another institution will count
within the current limit of five duplications."
In high demand faculties students attempt various strategies to raise their gpa to gain
admission to a program. Students will use their current limit of five duplications,
duplicating courses for which they have earned a C- or higher in an attempt to raise their
gpa to the current admission level.
When students transfer in from another institution an additional strategy may be
employed. Currently, a student can take a course at SFU for which the student has
already received transfer credit at another institution. If the student completes the course
at SFU with a passing grade, the transferred-in course remains on the academic transcript
as a duplicate, with a zero credit value. In other words, the SFU grade counts in the SFU
gpa even if it is lower than the transferred-in grade. As well, currently limits on course
duplication do not apply to duplicate transfer courses. Students could repeat all of their
transferred-in courses and still have their five duplication limit intact. The SFU gpa of
such students is not truly comparable to students who have only taken courses at SFU and
who had to live within the five duplication limit.

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