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• ?
From: ?
M. Munro, Chair
Senate Committee on Academic Planning
Subject: ?
Faculty of Arts -
Curriculum revisions
(SCUS Reference: SCUS 99-21)
(SCAP Reference: SCAP 99-43
December 10, 1999
Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies and the
Senate Committee on Academic Planning gives rise to the following motion:
"that Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors
as set forth in S.00 - 5
the following:
Proposed Certificate in Hellenic Studies
For Information:
Acting under delegated authority of Senate, SCUS approved revisions as set forth in
S.00 - 5
as follows:
Community Economic Development Centre
Change of requirements for PBD Program
Change of requirements for Certificate Program
Any Senator wishing to consult the full report of curriculum revisions within the
Faculty of Arts should contact Bobbie Grant, Senate Assistant at 291-3168 or e-
mail bgrant@sfu.ca
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Hellenic Studies is by definition an interdisciplinary field that has developed in the last
decade. Generally Hellenic Studies is based on the study of Greek antiquity, Graeco-
Roman civilization, the Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman period in Southeast Europe and
Asia Minor and the modern Greek world. This spectrum of disciplines includes:
language, literature, history, music, religion, archaeology, politics, philosophy, art,
culture and civilization.
However, in North America Hellenic Studies is either offered within a department of
Classics or in the form of interdisciplinary programs specializing in language (usually
modern Greek), history or comparative literature. The challenge facing institutions that
offer Hellenic Studies is to provide a pattern of courses that prepares the student to
understand the fundamental elements of this new field, and channels that student in the
specialization that can be accomplished within the resources of the institution.
The strength of Hellenic Studies at Simon Fraser University is based on history and
language. Few institutions offer the opportunity for students to take a comprehensive
study of Greek history complemented by a selection of courses in literature, philosophy
and political science.
The Hellenic Studies Certificate at Simon Fraser University offers the student two
avenues of study, one for those interested in acquiring a general knowledge, and another
for those with an interest in graduate studies in history. In order to benefit from the
interdisciplinary approach to this program, both types of student will complete a core of
courses including history (ancient and modern) aspects of literature, political science and
studies in antiquity.
The intention of the certificate is to provide the student with a basic understanding of the
Hellenic world from ancient times to the present. Students will be exposed to several
disciplines affording them the opportunity to establish an intellectual appreciation of both
ancient and modern Hellenism.

The certificate, which requires a minimum of 24 hours of credit, is offered to both students with
a general interest in Hellenic studies and students interested in pursuing graduate studies in
Greek history. Students planning to pursue graduate studies in Greek history are advised to take
two language courses.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure completion of prerequisites for upper division courses.
Three of the following (9 credits):
HUM 102-3 Classical Mythology
HUM 201-3 Great Texts in Humanities I
HIST 216-3 The Ancient World
HUM 151-3 Ancient Greek I
Ancient Greek II
HEL(LANG) 110-3 Modern Greek I
HEL(LANG) 160-3 Modern Greek II
Four of the following (15 or 16 credits):
HUM 302-4 The Golden Age of Greece
HIST 308-4 The Byzantine Empire
PHIL 350-3 Ancient Philosophy
HIST 390-4 Early Modern Greece
luST 421-4 Modern Greece, 1864-1925
IHIST 422-4 Greece, 1935-1944: Occupation and Resistance
A student who successfully completes all four language courses (HUM 151, HUM 152, LANG
110, and LANG 160) need take only 3 courses from the Upper Division list.
Students may take Special topics courses in place of the courses listed above with the approval of
the Advisor.

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