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Senate Committee on University Priorities
FROM: John WaterJ
SCUP Chair
Vice Preside
RE: Research Chairs Proposal
17 May 2001
The Senate Committee on University Priorities received proposals from the Faculty
of Applied Sciences for the establishment of three Specially Funded Chairs in
accordance with Academic Policy A 10.06.
After deliberation, the Senate Committee on University Priorities unanimously
approved all three Chair proposals subject to clarification in the Terms of Reference
for each Chair to indicate that the appointments would carry the responsibilities of
tenure-track faculty appointments.
The Dean of Applied Sciences, Ron Marteniuk, has amended the Terms of
• ?
Reference to the satisfaction of the Senate Committee on University Priorities and
the Terms of Reference for the three Chairs are hereby being recommended to
Senate for approval.
That Senate approves the Terms of Reference for the Sierra Wireless Chair in
Wireless Communication as outlined in the attached documentation.
That Senate approves the Terms of Reference for the PMC-Sierra Senior
Chair in Wireless Communication as outlined in the attached
That Senate approves the Terms of Reference for the Nortel Networks
NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Semiconductor Devices as outlined in
the attached documentation.
R. Marteniuk

May 11, 2001
TO: ?
Senate Committee on University Priorities
Ron Marteniuk, Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences
RE: ?
Research Chair Proposals
Please find attached, the terms of reference for three research chair positions from the Faculty of
Applied Sciences. These terms of reference, as well as the initiatives to eventually appoint
individuals to these positions, have my full support. According to University Policy A10.06 these
terms of reference must be approved by Senate. Accordingly, I wish to submit these terms of
reference to SCUP for approval in regard to sending them to Senate.
Ron Marteniuk, Dean
Faculty of Applied Sciences
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Sierra Wireless Chair in Wireless Communication
Terms of Reference
The Sierra Wireless Chair in Wireless Communication will be established at Simon Fraser
University in 2001 through a generous five year commitment of $60,000 per year by Sierra
Wireless, and an additional $50,000 per year commitment from the B.C. Advanced Systems
Institute (ASI) through their ASI Research Fellowship Program. The Sierra Wireless/ASI
Wireless Communication Fund supports the activities of the
Sierra Wireless Chair in
Wireless Communication.
Sierra Wireless is a Vancouver based technology company, specializing in providing wireless
data communications hardware and software products. An international leader in wireless
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data modems and enabling software, Sierra Wireless is committed to strengthening the
relationship between industry and the universities through support of faculty and students.
The BC Advanced Systems Institute's (ASI) mission is to ensure that advanced systems
technologies are developed, commercialized and used to aid in the growth of BC's economy.
The Institute defines advanced systems technologies as information systems,
telecommunications, microelectronics and robotics. The mission is achieved by providing
solutions to industry's current and future technical needs by facilitating interactions between
industry and post-secondary education institutions. The Provincial Research Fellowship
Program is aimed at helping to attract new researchers to the high-technology programs at
BC universities.
Purpose of the Funding
The purpose of the Sierra Wireless and B.C. ASI funding and the
Sierra Wireless Chair in
Wireless Communication
is to hire a tenure-track person, thus promoting excellence in
research and teaching in the area of wireless communication in the Faculty of Applied Sciences,
School of Engineering Science. This appointment carries the responsibilities of a tenure-track

Fund Administration
The Sierra Wireless/ASI Wireless Communication Fund will be held by Simon Fraser
University. The administrator of the Fund will be the Vice President - Academic, or his/her
The capital of the Fund will be used each year to support the activities of the Sierra Wireless
Chair in Wireless Communication, including teaching, research and community outreach. In
the fourth year of this chair, we request that Sierra Wireless consider extending the funding
for a further five years based on the success of the program.
Sierra Wireless Chair in Wireless Communication
Simon Fraser University seeks to appoint a tenure track faculty member to the
Wireless Chair in Wireless Communication.
This appointment will be funded by the Sierra
Wireless/ASI Wireless Communication Fund. The appointment will be for a period of five (5)
years appointed in accordance with University policy.

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PMC-Sierra Senior Chair in Wireless Communication
Terms of Reference
The PMC-Sierra Senior Chair in Wireless Communication will be established at Simon Fraser
University in 2001 through a generous five year commitment of $125,000 per year by PMC-
Sierra, and an additional $50,000 per year commitment from the B.C. Advanced Systems
Institute (ASI) through their ASI Research Fellowship Program. The PMC-Sierra/ASI Wireless
Communication Fund supports the activities of the
PMC-Sierra Senior Chair in Wireless
PMC-Sierra is a Burnaby based technology company, specializing in providing
Internetworking semiconductor system solutions for high speed transmission and networking.
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systems that enable the restructuring of the global telecommunications and data
communications infrastructure.
The BC Advanced Systems Institute's (ASI) mission is to ensure that advanced systems
technologies are developed, commercialized and used to aid in the growth of BC's economy.
The Institute defines advanced systems technologies as information systems,
telecommunications, microelectronics and robotics. The mission is achieved by providing
solutions to industry's current and future technical needs by facilitating interactions between
industry and post-secondary education institutions. The Provincial Research Fellowship
Program is aimed at helping to attract new researchers to the high-technology programs at
BC universities.
Purpose of the Funding
The purpose of the PMC-Sierra and B.C. ASI funding and the
PMC-Sierra Senior Chair in
Wireless Communication is
to promote excellence in research and teaching at the link level in
wireless communication through the hiring of a tenure-track faculty member in the Faculty of
Applied Sciences, School of Engineering Science. This appointment carries the responsibilities
of a tenure-track appointment.
Fund Administration
The PMC-Sierra/ASI Wireless Communication Fund will be held by Simon Fraser University.
The administrator of the Fund will be the Vice President - Academic, or his/her designate.

The capital of the Fund will be used each year to support the activities of the PMC-Sierra
Senior Chair in Wireless Communication, including teaching, research and community
outreach. In the fourth year of this chair, we request that PMC-Sierra consider extending the
funding for a further five years based on the success of the program.
PMC-Sierra Senior Chair in Wireless Communication
Simon Fraser University seeks to appoint a tenure track faculty member to the
Senior Chair in Wireless Communication.
This position will be funded by the PMC-Sierra/ASI
Wireless Communication Fund. The appointment
be for a period of five (5) years
appointed in accordance with University policy.
5- ?

Nortel Networks NSERC Industrial Research Chair
in Semiconductor Devices
Terms of Reference
The Nortel Networks NSERC Industrial Research Chair (IRC) in Semiconductor Devices will
be established at Simon Fraser University in 2001 through a generous five year commitment
of $150,000 per year by Nortel Networks. This contribution will be matched through the
NSERC IRC Program. The Nortel Networks NSERC IRC fund supports the activities of the
Nortel NSERC IRC in Semiconductor Devices.
Pur p ose of the Funding
The purpose of the N5rtel Networks NSERC IRC funding and
the Nortel Networks NSERC
IRC in Semiconductor Devices
is to create an enhanced research thrust in the area of
semiconducor devices through the NSERC IRC model. This will include the hiring of a tenure-
track faculty person and the broadening of the research potential for this area.
Fund Administration
The Nortel Networks NSERC IRC in Semiconductor Devices Fund will be held by Simon
Fraser University. The administrator of the Fund will be the Vice President - Academic, or
his/her designate.
The capital of the Fund will be used each year to support the activities of the Nortel Networks
NSERC IRC in Semiconductor Devices, including teaching, research and community outreach.
In the fourth year of this chair, we request that Nortel Networks consider extending the
funding for a further five years based on the success of the program.
Nortel Networks NSERC IRC in Semiconductor Devices
Simon Fraser University plans to appoint Dr. Columbo Bolognesi as
the Nortel Networks
NSERC IRC in Semiconductor Devices
who will hold an appointment funded by the Nortel
Networks NSERC IRC in Semiconductor Devices Fund. This is an appointment for a period of
five (5) years.

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