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Simon Fraser University?
Office of the Registrar
From: ?
Alison Watt, Secretary, Senate Nominating Committee
Date: ?
June 19, 2002
Subject: ?
Elections at Senate Meeting - Monday, July 8, 2002
The following vacancies on the undernoted Senate committees are outstanding and are
brought forward to the July meeting of Senate. Elections, if required, will be conducted by
ballot at the Senate meeting of July 8, 2002.
Under Senate regulations, any Senator who wishes to submit nominations
may do so by notifying the Secretary of Senate in writing (email watt@sfu.ca
of such nominations. Nominations must be received by the Secretary
later than Friday, July 5, 2002.
Nominations received after that time cannot be accepted. Senators making nominations
must ensure in advance that the nominee is willing to stand for election.
Senate Committee on Universit
Priorities (SCUP)
One Faculty Senator (Business Administration)
for term of office to May 31, 2004.
Senate Library Committee (SLC) and Library Penalties Appeal Committee (LPAC) - Dual
One Graduate Student (Alternate)
for term of office to May 31, 2004.
Senate Nominating Committee (SNC)
One Senator (at-large)
for term of office to May 31, 2003.
Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries (SPCSAB) and Senate
Undergraduate Awards Adjudication Committee - Dual Position
One Undergraduate Student (at-large)
for term of office to May 31, 2003.
Reza Pourvali
Senate Graduate Awards Adjudication Committee (SGAAC)
One Lay Senator
for term of office to May 31, 2004.
Committee to Review Universit
Admissions (CRUA)
One Faculty Alternate (at-large)
for term of office to May 31, 2003.
Electoral Standing Committee (ESC)
One Senator
(at-large) for term of office to May 31, 2004.
Senate Committee on International Activities (SCIA)
One Undergraduate Student Senator
for term of office to May 31, 2004.

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