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Office of the Vice-President, Academic
TO: Members of Senate ?
FROM: John H. Wa
SCEMP Recommendation re
Admission GPA for Associate Degree
In 1991, Senate approved a policy whereby students who had completed the requirements for
an Associate Degree from a BC College or University College and who had an admission GPA
of 2.00 or more would be granted admission to SFU. It was expected that a small number of
students would follow this route. Unexpectedly, by 2002 30% of the transfer students were
being admitted to SFU via this program with a significant difference in the GPAs for these
Regular transfer students ?
average admission GPA 3.19
Associate Degree transfer students average admission GPA 2.64
In March, 2003, Senate approved a change to this policy so that the admission GPA of
Associate Degree holders would be increased to 0.25 CPA points less than that required for
S ?
regular transfer students. The slight differential was supported and approved because the set
of courses required by Associate Degree programs supply a more complete grounding across the
undergraduate curriculum. In addition, when comparisons of the two groups are undertaken
and one controls for admission CPA, the Associate Degree students perform better than regular
transfer students.
This policy change was to be implemented for 2004-3.
In response to College concerns about the abruptness of the change to Associate Degree holders'
admission grade point average, discussions were held with Douglas College and BCCAT to
consider possible transition strategies. Arising from these discussions and consideration of
modeling data from Analytical Studies, SCEMP made the following procedural decision:
"That the Senate policy approved in March 2003 (to admit Associate Degree holders
at 0.25 CPA points less than that required for regular transfer students) be
implemented in two stages: a fixed admission CPA of 2.50 commencing in 2004-3
and a floating admission CPA of 0.25 below the cutoff for regular transfer students
commencing in 2005-3."
However, there is still the issue of advance notice about the CPA for admission, and
after consideration, SCEMP forwards the following motion for Senate approval:
"That the admission CPA for Associate Degree holders be fixed at least one year in
advance, and the information communicated to the Colleges."
September 4.

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