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University Secretariat
To: ?
From: ?
Alison Watt, Director, University Secretariat
Subject Revised Policy: GP 25 Response to Violence and Threatening Behaviour
Date: ?
18 February, 2003
SCAR has determined that this policy should be forwarded to Senate for information at
its meeting on March 3, 2003. This policy revision has been reviewed and approved by
the Finance and Administration Committee of the Board of Governors and will go to the
full Board of Governors for approval in April, 2003.
P. Hibbitts
3186 Strand Hall Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.
Phone 604 291-3495 Fax: 604 2914860
July 2002
Policy: ?
The University is committed to ensuring that all members of the campus
community can work and/or study without threat to personal safety. This Policy
outlines how the University responds to emergency and non-emergency situations
caused by threats to personal safety, and to violence directed at any member of
the campus community. The University's response to such situations will be co-
ordinated by the Director of Campus Security (or delegate) who will liaise with
the appropriate internal and external agencies, inform the relevant University
officials and convene a Case Management Team, when necessary.
This Policy applies to violent and/or threatening conduct that is directed at or
committed by a member of the campus community or a visitor to campus, and
that occurs on University property or by means of the University's computing or
telecommunication resources, or that takes place at a University-related event that
is held off-campus.
"Violence" means any act or attempted act of physical force that either causes or
is intended to cause physical injury to any person, or damage, destruction or loss
of property.
"Threatening Behaviour" includes any statement or conduct that may cause a
reasonable person to believe that his/her personal safety is at risk or that property
is at risk of damage, destruction or loss.
Emergency Situations
In an emergency situation involving violence and/or threatening behaviour, the first priority
is the safety of
individuals who are at risk.
Personal safety takes precedence over property.
Wherever possible, individuals at risk should get to a safe location, warning others who are
in the vicinity.
1.2 Call
9-911 (Police and Other Emergency Services) AND
4500 (Campus Security, Burnaby Campus)
5252 (Harbour Centre) or
587-7760 (Surrey Campus - Surrey Mall Security)
Request assistance, giving the location and as many other details of the situation as possible.
2.1 The
Director of Campus Security,
is responsible for managing the University's response to
an emergency situation and for liaising with the municipal police force. He/she must ensure
that a trained delegate is always available to respond in the case of an emergency.
2.2 Acting on behalf of the President, the Director of Campus Security may initiate measures that
may lawfully be taken to deal with the emergency, including, but not limited to:
As required by the Workers' Compensation Board, the University has a Prevention of Violence
in the Workplace program for its employees. Contact Occupational Health and Safety for details.
At the Harbour Centre and Surrey campuses, a permanent delegate shall be appointed.
excluding all or specified persons from all or any part of campus;
closing all or any part of campus, or all or any part of a building;
ordering the cessation or curtailment of any University activity.
2.3 The Director of Campus Security may recommend to the President that a member of the
campus community should be suspended pending an investigation. Where the President
exercises his statutory authority to summarily suspend a student or an employee, the
suspension will be considered non-disciplinary and for employees, will be a paid suspension.
The decision to impose a summary suspension will be communicated in a letter which sets
out the process to be followed and the associated timelines. Notice of a suspension will be
made available on a need-to-know basis.
2.4 Once the emergency has abated, the Director of Campus Security shall
convene a meeting of a Case Management Team, where appropriate, and ensure
follow-up on any recommendations of the Case Management Team;
provide a full briefing to the President and Vice Presidents and
maintain records of the emergency situation.
2.5 The Director of Campus Security shall develop and keep current personal safety emergency
response plans, investigation protocols and blueprints for Case Management Teams. He/she
will organize an orientation program for members of the Case Management Team.
Case Management Team
is composed of individuals selected to be on call for this
purpose and who take part in an annual orientation session.
3.2 ?
The Case Management Team is comprised of the following individuals:
(a) The Director of Campus Security, or delegate
A representative from Human Resources and/or
The Dean of Students, or delegate and/or
A representative from the Vice President, Academic's Office
The Associate Vice President, Policy, Equity and Legal, or delegate
(0 The Director of Media and Public Relations, or delegate
(g) A member of the Joint University Safety Committee.
3.3 ?
The Case Management Team may be augmented in specific cases with individuals such
a representative(s) of the Harbour Centre or Surrey campuses
a Department Chair
an Administrative Director
a member of Counselling services
an expert in critical stress debriefing
a representative of an employee group involved in the incident
a representative of the municipal police force.
The Case Management Team is responsible for ensuring the following actions are taken,
as necessary:
(a) Further investigation of the incident;
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(b) Formulation of a recommendation to the President for further action directed at the
perpetrator of the violent or threatening behaviour. If this entails disciplinary
measures, they shall be handled in accordance with the appropriate policies or
collective agreements;
Victim support;
Recommendations for preventative actions
Preparation of a final report to the President.
B. Non-Emergency Situations
Members of the campus community who receive threats by mail, telephone/fax or e-mail , or
who come into contact with an individual whose behaviour has the potential to culminate in
violence or threats but which does not currently constitute an emergency situation should
contact the Director of Campus Security at the earliest opportunity. He or she has the
responsibility for implementing the University's response to the situation, which may include
any or all of the strategies set out above for dealing with emergency situations.
Questions of interpretation or application of this policy shall be referred to the President
whose decision shall be final.