2. SCUSO4-21
      1. Student Services
      2. Memorandum

To: ?
From: ?
Roger Blackman, Chair
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
General Admission Requirements
(SCUS Reference 04-21)
Date: ?
September 16, 2004
Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies at its meeting of
September 14, 2004 gives rise to the following motion:
"That Senate approve the addition of Instrumental Music 12 and Choral Music 12 in
the Fine and Performing Arts group (List 3) of courses accepted for admission,
effective Fall 2005."

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Student Services
To: SCUS ?
From: Diane Whiteley, Director
of Admissions & Records!
Donna Moore, Associate
Director, Admissions
Subject: Instrumental Music 12 and Choral Music 12 Date: September 2, 2004
Suggested Motion
Include Instrumental Music 12 and Choral Music 12 in the Fine and Performing Arts
group for admission.
In the past SCUS had not approved Band 12, Choral 12 and String 12 for admission to
SFU as they were considered performance courses. These courses closed on August 31,
• ?
2004 and will be replaced with Instrumental Music 12 and Choral Music 12.
We received a request from Mr. David Greve, Department Head of Visual and
Performing Arts, Moscrop Secondary School, that the new courses be included in the
Fine and Performing Arts group for admission (enclosed). Mr. Greve was part of the
Ministry of Education team that wrote the new courses.
We forwarded the request to the School of Contemporary Arts and asked them to review
the new courses then give their opinion on whether they thought it would be appropriate
to include them in the Fine and Performing Arts group for admission. After they
evaluated the courses they recommended that the courses be included,

November 28, 2003
Mr. Nick Heath
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC
Dear Mr. Heath
A number of years ago, Simon Fraser University announced that they were going to begin accepting certain
Fine and Performing Arts courses in determining admission to the university. You can imagine how
pleased many teachers were of this policy decision as it helps to support and validate these courses within a
comprehensive secondary school curriculum. I am writing this letter to request that some additional
courses be considered for inclusion as List 3 courses in the admission process.
I have been teaching secondary music in Burnaby School District for the last fourteen years and have
recently been part of the Ministry of Education team that wrote the new Music 11/12 Integrated Resource
Package. This new IR.P is going to be fully implemented this coming September in all BC secondary
School music programs. I believe that the new curriculum is comparable in its expectations for student
achievement as are the other fine and performing arts courses currently approved as List 3 Courses for
admission. I have included a copy of the new IRP for your consideration and hope that this review can take
place at the earliest possible time. The new courses I request that you review for inclusion on the list are
Instrumental Music 12 and Choral Music 12. ?
In this time of rapid change within the education system, it has been a considerable task to defend the place
of the arts in our schools. The decision to include fine and performing arts courses as admission credits is
hugely significant to students who value the arts as part of a comprehensive liberal education.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any questions or would like to speak with me
in person, I can be reached at your convenience.
David Greve
Department Head of Visual and Performing Arts
Moscrop Secondary School
Home: (604)687-2505
Email: dgrevetelus.net

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