2. Office of the Registrar ?
      3. Memorandum

To: ?
From: ?
Roger Blackman, Chair
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
Subject: ?
Adult Graduation Diploma (BCAGD
(SCUS Reference 04-13)
Date: ?
July 19, 2004
Action undertaken at the July 13, 2004 meeting of the Senate Committee on
Undergraduate Studies gives rise to the following motion:
"That Senate approve extension of the policy on admission of students who
had graduated with the BC Adult Graduation Diploma for three years, with a
review in Fall 2007, as set forth in S. 04-61 ."

SCUSO4— 13
Office of the Registrar
To: ?
Subject: Review of Performance of
BC Adult Graduation Diploma
From: Diane Whiteley Director
of Admissions & Records!
Donna Moore, Associate
Director of Admissions
Date: June 15, 2004( ?
Senate approved a policy on admission of students who had graduated with the BC Adult
Graduation Diploma (BCAGD) on a pilot basis on April 3, 2000. In the timeframe
approved for the pilot, SCUS must now provide a report on this policy to Senate.
Admissions was to be asked for input in terms of the impact and consequences resulting
from this policy.
Profile and performance of BCAGD Students
• ?
Since the pilot began in 2000, a total of 21 BCAGD students have applied for admission.
• ?
Five of the twenty one have attended SFU. The remaining students did not submit all
their documents, cancelled their application, were denied admission or were admitted but
did not register.
The performance of the five BCAGD students who have attended is as follows.
SFU Units
BCAGD Students Attended From Attended To GPA
Student #1 ?
2002 Fall
Student #2 ?
2002 Spring
Student #3
2002 Spring
Student #4 ?
2003 Spring
Student #5 ?
2003 Spring
2003 Spring
2003 Spring
2004 Summer
2004 Spring
2004 Summer
Since the numbers are too small to draw any conclusion, the recommendation is to extend
the policy for three more years from June 2004 to August 2007, with a review in Fall

30 Admission and Readmission - British Columbia and Yukon Applicants
Minimum Admission
The minimum admission average will
on the number of applications received, and on
spaces available.
Additional Information for BC Secondary
School Applicants
The University accepts applications from students
attending independent schools adhering to the BC
secondary school curriculum. Applicants must have
written any secondary school examinations
administered by the provincial Ministry of Education in
courses used towards graduation. Examination
results will be evaluated in the same manner as if the
applicant were attending a public secondary school.
Advanced Placement or international
Baccalaureate Exams
BC secondary school students taking these programs
should see "Advanced Placement Program and
International Baccalaureate" on page 35.
BC Adult Graduation Diploma
This credential is available to adults who take courses
to complete graduation through a secondary school,
adult education centre or a community college.
Applicants who have completed the diploma and who
are at least 19 years of age may be admitted if they
have completed:
• four courses (16 credits) at grade 11 or advanced
level to include English, mathematics, social studies
or First Nations 12, an experimental or laboratory
• four courses (16 credits) at the grade 12 or
provincial level to include English and three
additional subjects selected from: biology,
mathematics, chemistry, English literature,
languages, statistics, geography, history, physics
All four grade 12 or provincial level subjects must be
graded: a minimum average of C+ or 67% is required,
based on the Ministry of Education grading scale.
Entry requirements to business administration,
computing science, engineering science. kinesiology,
Tech one and the Faculty of Science parallel those for
BC secondary school graduates.
BC Calculus Examination Certificate
All prospective SFU. University of BC. University of
Northern BC and University of Victoria students who
have completed, or who are registered in, a
secondary school calculus course are eligible to write
a calculus challenge exam. Students who pass this
exam will receive an SFUUBC-UNBC
UVic Calculus
Challenge Examination Certificate that permits them
to obtain calculus transfer credit at one of these
universities. Secondary school students can write the
exam, which must be done prior to entering one of the
four participating BC universities. Only one attempt to
write this exam is permitted. The exam's resulting
grade will be converted into the individual university's
equivalent grade. These equivalencies are noted on
the certificate.
Ca/cu/us Course Credit
A student who has passed the calculus challenge
exam and is registered at Simon Fraser University
may be awarded transfer credit: MATH 151 (3).
Students already eligible for transfer credit because of
high AP or IS scores will keep this eligibility
regardless of their examination score and can waive
the examination score and/or credit.
Examination L ocallons Schedule
Each year a university will host the calculus challenge
examination. Exams are held twice a year. The April
exam is held at participating high schools, or at the
host university. The August exam lakes place only at
the host university.
Application to Wn?e the Exam
Application to take the exam must be made to the
mathematics department the university that is hosting
the examination in that year.
Exam,nalon Informat)on
The exam is three hours in duration. For further
enquiries about writing the calculus examination and
the Calculus Examination Certificate, contact: Math
Challenge 151, Department of Mathematics, 8888
University Drive, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby,
BC, V5A 1 S6; 604.291.3332 Tel; 60&291 .4947 Fax;
or e-mail fabriciu@sfu.ca
Upgrading BC Grade 12 Grades
Applicants who wish to improve their grades in BC
grade 12 courses may do so in accordance with
Ministry of Education policies, except that the final
grade in a provincially-examinable course may not be
increased by taking an equivalent college course. For
example, an applicant who has achieved a mark of
66% in principles of mathematics 12 may not count in
her/his admission average a subsequent, higher
grade (say'S' or 73%) in an ABE provincial level
mathematics course taken through a college.
Admission from BC and Yukon
Community and University
BC community college students may apply for general
admission (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
requirements) or for direct entry to a number of
• Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of (General
Admission); all departments and schools (see "Arts
and Social Sciences, Faculty Of" on page 30)
or for direct entry
the following programs:
• Business Administration, Faculty of (see "Business
Administration, Faculty of" on page 30)
• Communication. School of (Faculty of Applied
Sciences) (see "Communication, School of" on
page 30)
• Computing Science. School of (Faculty of Applied
Sciences) (see "Computing Science, School of" on
page 30)
• Engineering Science, School of (Faculty of Applied
Sciences) (see "Engineering Science, School or on
page 30)
• Kinesiotogy, School of (Faculty of Applied Sciences)
(see "Kinesiology, School of" on page 30)
• Science. Faculty of; all departments and schools
(see "Science, Faculty of" on page 31)
Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of
Students must complete at least one full year (30
credit hours) of transferable work with a minimum
average of 2.00 or 60%. Up to 60 credit hours of
transfer credit will be awarded for acceptable passed
Applicants who met the University's admission
requirements after completing grade 12 may be
admitted on the basis of those requirements, provided
that they have attempted fewer than 30 semester
hours of transfer credit. However, they will not be
admitted if they present three or more transferable
courses equal to nine or more credit hours with an
average of less than 2.0 or 60%.
Business Administration, Faculty of
Students planning to enter the BSA degree program
must meet the same requirement as those given for
the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, except that
the equivalents of the following courses must be
passed with a C grade or higher:
BUEC 232.3
BUS 237 .
3, BUS 251-3. BUS 272.3
ECON 103
. 3. ECON 105-3
MATH 157-3 (Or MATH 151-3 or MATH 154-3)
and two of ENGL 101-3; 102-3,103-3,104-3,105-3,
199-3, PHIL 001-3, 100-3, 120-3.
Admission is highly competitive. Most transfer
students enter the University's Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences before they are approved into the
Faculty of Business Administration (see "Business
Administration, Faculty of" on page 30).
Communication, School of
Admission requirements are the same as those for
the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (see above).
Computing Science, School of
Students applying for the computing science program
may be admitted directly based on excellent college
grades, or may be offered general University
admission with the opportunity to apply for later
admission based on Simon Fraser University grades.
Admission is highly competitive.
For direct entry from college, students must complete
at least 30 credit hours of transferable credit including
seven courses that receive the following transfer
• PHIL 100 or 120 or three credits in English
two of MACM 101, 201 MATH 151, 152 and 232
two ofCMPT101, 150. 201,250 and 275
• three credits in biological sciences, chemistry, earth
sciences, kinesiotogy or physics
• three credits in anthropology, archaeology.
communication, Canadian studies, criminology,
economics, history, political science, psychology,
sociology or women's studies
Admission will be based on a grade point average
calculated on the best seven courses satisfying these
requirements. No course may be included in the
average if it is considered a duplicate of any course
previously taken.
Engineering Science, School of
Students planning to enter the BASc degree program
must complete at least 30 credit hours in transferable
science or engineering courses.
Admission is highly competitive. Students must apply
directly to the School of Engineering Science as well
as to the University.
Information Technology/Interactive Arts
Interested BC community college students should
contact 604.268.7500 for further information,
Kinesiology, School of
Students planning to enter the BSc (Kinesiology)
degree program must complete at least 30 semester
hours of transferable credit.
Admission is competitive. A total of approximately 120
students are approved into the kinesiology major
program per year. Most students who wish to be
kinesiology majors are typically admitted to the
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, or to the Faculty
of Science first, and then they apply to kinesiology
after achieving a criterion grade point average in a
specified set of courses. Please see "Internal
Transfer" on page 128 for details.
However, a small number of students may be
admitted directly to the kinesiology major program
based on excellent grades in courses which transfer
to Simon Fraser University as:
BISC 101-4
MBB 221.3
CHEM 121-4, 122 . 2. 281-4
KIN 142.3
MATH 151
3. (or 154-3), 152-3 (or 155-3)
PHYS 101 .
3, (or 120-3),102-3, (or 121-3), 130

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