1. Simon Fraser University
  3. Annual Report for 2003/04
  4. Senate Library Committee Membership, 2003/04
      1. Senate Library Committee Annual Report 2003-04 ?
  5. Library Penalties Appeal Committee Report 2003/2004
      1. Senate Library Committee Annual Report 2003-04 ?

For Information
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Simon Fraser University

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Annual Report for 2003/04
Senate Library Committee Meetings
The Senate Library Committee met 3 times during the 2003/04 fiscal year. Meeting highlights
. Reviewed and confirmed the meeting structure of two meetings per semester as needed.
• Reviewed and approved the Library External Review Schedule, Terms of Reference and
• Reviewed and supported the proposed changes to the SFU Library Loan policy which
increases online renewals to two and allows for unlimited renewals in person. The
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change is to take effect July 1, 2004.
• Reviewed and supported increasing the fee for regular external borrowers to $100 for the
year or
per semester. The change is to take effect May 1, 2004.
• Recommended that serials usage data collection be collected in fall of 2003 and spring of
2004 and added to previous samples. The data is available from the Library's website.

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Senate Library Committee Membership, 2003/04
Ex-Officio Members
Bruce Clayman, Chair, Vice-President, Research
John Waterhouse, Vice-President, Academic
Janice Bearg, Dean of Continuing Studies designate
Jon Driver, Dean of Graduate Studies
Lynn Copeland, University Librarian
Todd Mundle, Associate University Librarian (non-voting)
Elected Members
Jennifer Chang (Faculty Member - Business Administration)
Gordon Coleman (Librarian)
Luis Duran (Library Staff)
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Nancy Earle (Graduate Student Alternate)
Carole Gerson (Faculty Member - Arts)
Senate Library Committee Annual Report 2003-04
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Norbert Haunerland (Senator at Large)
Pat Howard (Faculty Member- Applied Sciences)
Reza Pourvali (Undergraduate Student Alternate)
Lynne Quarmby (Faculty Member - Science)
Sara Rozell (Senator at Large)
Camilla Sears (Graduate Student)
Trevor Tombe (Undergraduate Student)
Jan van Aalst (Faculty Member - Education)

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Library Penalties Appeal Committee Report 2003/2004
The Library Penalties Appeal Committee met once during the 2003/2004 fiscal year to consider
patron fine appeals.
At the November 6, 2003 meeting, the Committee members present included the following:
Norbert Haunerland, Senator, Chair
Sara Rozell, Senator
Camilla Sears, Graduate Student Representative
Trevor Tombe, Undergraduate Student Representative
Also in attendance: Nancy Earle, Alternate Graduate Student Representative
Laurine Harrison, Ombudsperson
Thyra Mulder, Public Service Group Leader
Gisele Pomerleau, Head, Loans Division
Sherrie Sutcliffe, Supervisor, Loans Division
Five appeal cases were heard and all cases resulted in patrons being found responsible for all use
made of their library card.
Senate Library Committee Annual Report 2003-04
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