1. The J.S. Woodsworth Chair in the Humanities ?
      2. Terms of Reference ?
      3. July 8, 2004
      4. Appendix 1
      5. J.S. Woodsworth Endowment ?
      6. Terms of Reference

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Senate Committee on University Priorities
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J.S. Woodsworth Chair in the
July 26,
Department of Humanities
Terms of Reference
At its July 21, 2004 meeting SCUP reviewed and approved the terms of reference for
the J.S. Woodsworth Chair in the Department of Humanities, which is now forwarded to
Senate for approval.
That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the terms of reference
for the J.S. Woodsworth Chair in the Department of Humanities.
C: J. Pierce
S. Duguid
G. Nicholls

SCUP O4-026
The J.S. Woodsworth Chair in the Humanities
Terms of Reference
July 8, 2004
The J.S. Woodsworth Chair in the Department of Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Social
Sciences, is funded in part by the J.S. Woodsworth Endowment (see Appendix 1). The
Woodsworth Chair is a specially funded University Chair as governed by Policy A 10.06.
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The individual who occupies the Chair will be a
whose scholarship reflects the
spirit and goals of the legacy of James Shaver Woodsworth. As a
ofarliament, a
clergyman and social reformer, Woodsworth's activist approach to issues of social justice has
had an effect on many public benefits, including pensions, unemployment insurance, and
Medicare. His legacy has had a strong influence on Canadian political traditions based on equity,
social obligation, and civic responsibility.
The Woodsworth Chair is expected to carry out teaching, research and other scholarly activities
in the Humanities and to fulfill the expectations of her/his academic rank as well as the
additional expectations of a University Chair. The research, teaching and community activities of
• the holder of the Woodsworth Chair should contribute to the perpetuation of his legacy. The
holder of the Woodsworth chair will be expected to combine teaching and research with active
engagement with issues that concern the wider community—local, national and international.
Such activities will therefore involve 'bridge building' between the Humanities and other
disciplines at SFU, as well as outreach to other disciplines and the wider community.
Holders of the Woodsworth Chair will be scholars whose activities will further the concepts of
the humanities as a broad cross-disciplinary field and who would be thoughtful and original in
their approach to the modern humanities as understood through the Woodsworth legacy.
Appointment and Duties:
A search committee composed of three members of the Department of Humanities and
three members of the Institute for the Humanities Steering Committee (including the
Department Chair and the Institute Director) will conduct the search for a Chair and make
recommendations for appointment to the Department of Humanities Appointments
committee. At least one member of this committee shall be a member of the Institute for
the Humanities Steering Committee but not a member of the Humanities Department.
Relevant Policy: A10.06. Appointment and renewal to the Woodsworth Chair shall
require a recommendation from the relevant TPC (A 10.06 (sections 3.2, 3.6, 3.8)).
The term of this appointment shall be for a minimum period of five years and a maximum
period of ten years and may be renewed.

Appointment to the Woodsworth Chair shall require a recommendation from the Dean,
who will recommend a candidate subject to the nomination, appointment, and renewal
procedures of Policy A 10.06 (Section 3: Appointment). Note: the six letters of reference
must be external to the University.
The holder of the Woodsworth Chair will normally teach 75% of the standard teaching
load in the Department of Humanities.
The Woodsworth Chair will automatically become a member of the steering committee of
the Institute for the Humanities.
The holder of the Woodsworth Chair will work with the Director of the Institute for the
Humanities and other faculty in the department and in the University to further public
understanding of the Chair's mandate

Appendix 1
J.S. Woodsworth Endowment
Terms of Reference
The purpose of the J.S. Woodsworth Endowment is to provide for a full-time teaching position in
the Department of Humanities, entitled "The J.S. Woodsworth Chair in the Humanities," and, as
funds are available, provide for other positions and projects in order to recognize the contribution
of J.S. Woodsworth to Canada.
The administrator of the Endowment is the Vice-President, Academic or his/her
designate. The capital of the Endowment will be held in perpetuity with a portion of the
annual earned income reinvested in the Endowment to protect its value over time. A
portion of the annual earned income (see Endowment Management Policy GP 20) will be
used each year to support the activities of the J.S. Woodsworth Chair in the Humanities
and other appointments or activities.
The Endowment enables from time to time the appointment of one or more persons to
. positions in the Department of Humanities, designated as the Woodsworth Chair (a
tenured position) and/or as a Woodsworth Resident Scholar (a visiting position) or in
some other form such as a post-doctoral fellowship or research position. Holders of the
Chair and Resident Scholars are considered to be members of the Department of Human-
ities and negotiate all teaching and research commitments with the Chair of the
3) The disposition of the J.S. Woodsworth Endowment funds, in ways consistent with the
Woodsworth legacy, and the oversight of scholarly and/or community activities supported
by the Endowment, is the responsibility of the Woodsworth Advisory Committee, a joint
committee of the Institute for the Humanities and the Department of Humanities.
Membership of this five-person Committee consists of the Director of the Institute, the
Chair of the Department, one representative drawn from the Institute Steering Committee
and one drawn from the Department, and one person who is both a member of the
Department and of the Institute Steering Committee. The latter individual is proposed by
the Institute and ratified by the Department. The term of a committee member is normally
two years and the committee elects its chair annually.
The activities undertaken by holders of appointments linked to the Woodsworth
Endowment, other than teaching and research responsibilities, are coordinated through
the Woodsworth Advisory Committee, which provides administrative and organizational
support for them, as well as providing financial appraisal and approval, including regular
. ?
financial reports to the Institute Steering Committee, the Department of Humanities, and
the Dean of Arts. In keeping with established practice, The Chairholder is an automatic

member of the Institute for the Humanities Steering Committee. In keeping with
established practice, the Woodsworth Endowment will provide funds to the Institute in
return for administrative support.

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