1. S.04-7
      1. Memorandum


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Continuing Studies
From: Cohn
December 1
To: ?
Re: ?
Report - Non-Credit Certificate for the
Object Technology Program
Please find attached an updated copy of our Report on the Non-Credit Certificate for the Object
Technology Program. This Report is in compliance with the April 12, 1999 Senate motion that a
report on the academic and financial aspects of the program be provided to Senate in three years.
The report has been reviewed by the Senate Committee on Continuing Studies at a meeting of
November 4, 2003 at which time the Committee approved the forwarding of the updated report
to Senate for informational purposes.
If additional information is required, I would be pleased to submit it.
otp_senate_sub_ 120103

Report to:
Senate Committee on Continuing Studies
From: ?
Amanda Woodham, Program Director
Applied Sciences Programs - Object Technology Program
Judy Denham, Program Director
Applied Science Programs
Subject: ?
Object Technology Program - status update
Date: ?
October 22, 2003
The Object Technology Program began in the Fall of 1998 and on April
1999 was approved
by the Senate Committee on Academic Planning as a Non-Credit Certificate Program. The
motion included a report be made back to the committee on academic and financial aspects,
which now follows.
The Program has just completed its 9" intake's formal training and is into its internship
placement. The Program is also recruiting candidates for its
intake. Statistical information is
available for 9 cohorts and is attached.
The general format and intent of the Program has not changed in the past five years. The course
content has, however, evolved to meet changes in technology, and these changes have been made
in consultation with both our industry advisors and instructors.
Internship placement has fluctuated, however the last cohort placed (cohort #8) reached a 91%
placement, up from the previous cohort of 81%. The tuition fee was increased in 2001, and
remains at $19,500.
The most notable change, statistically, has been the declining registration, with OTP 8 running
with 13 participants and OTP 9 with 14 participants. 13 participants is now the break-even
financial point for this program. To meet the decline in registrations a few changes have been
In cohort OTP 8, for the first time, available seating in the program was offered, on a module-by-
module basis, to internal SFU IT personnel. This change did two things: it increased revenue and
provided relevant technical training at a lower than industry pricing to SFU personnel. This
practice continued for OTP 9 and will also be available for OTP 10. Also, beginning with OTP
9, registration on a module-by-module basis is now being offered to alumni of the Applied
Sciences Programs technical short courses, and its Management Skills in Advanced Technology
Beginning with OTP 10, this program will be offered once annually, with anticipation that the
class will run at a higher registration level and be more cost effective, at the same time continuing
to offer this valuable technical training to individuals trying to seek employment in the Object
Technology area.
In summary, it is our intention to continue offering this non-credit Certificate Program in Object
Technology as part of our technical training schedule in Applied Sciences Programs.

Object Technology Program
Report to Senate
Cohorts 1-9
October 2003
Object Technology Program cohort
January 17, 2000— June 30, 2000
Application fee: $60.00
Tuition fee: $17,500.00
30 participants
30/30=100% internship placements
OTP-1 modules
Object Oriented Primer
Data Base Analysis & Design
Visual Basic
Internet Application Development &
Career Strategies
Object Oriented Analysis & Design
Java Programming
Distributed Computing
Project / Assignments Days
OTP-2 modules
Object Oriented Primer
Career Strategies
Data base Analysis & Design
Project Management
Visual Basic
Software Quality Assurance & Testing
Object Oriented Analysis & Design
Java Programming
Distributed Computing
Servlets and JSP workshop
OTP Project
OTP-3 modules
Mathematical Computing Science I
Introductory Object Oriented Programming
using VC++
Internet Application Development and
Analysis of Data Structure, Algorithms and
Algebraic Structures of Objects
Intermediate Object Oriented Programming
using VC++
Database Analysis and Design
Visual Basic (Data base design and
implementation using VB)
Introduction to Java
Web Database Development in Java
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Theory of Distributed Computing
Java Enterprise Computing
Advanced VC++ in Distributed Computing
Project Management
Quality and Assurance
Object Technology E-commerce Project
Object Technology Program cohort
November 2, 1998-April 30, 1999
Application fee: $60.00
Tuition fee: $17,500.00
28 participants
27/28 = 96% internship placements
Object Technology Program cohort
May 3, 1999-October 22, 1999
Application fee: $60.00
Tuition fee: $17,500.00
27 participants
I participant w/d medical reason
25/26 = 96% internship placements

Cohorts 1 - 9
Object Technology Program
epon to Senate
Object Technology Program cohort
July 10, 2000-December 22, 2000
Application fee: $60.00
Tuition fee: $17,500.00
27 participants
2 participants failed courses, not eligible
for internship
24/25=96% internship placements made
Object Technology Program cohort
January 15, 2001 - June 28, 2001
Application fee: $60.00
Tuition fee: $17,500.00
30 participants
I participant failed courses
1 participant
medical reason
24/28=86% internship placements made
Object Technology Program cohort
July 16, 2001 - January 4, 2002
Application fee: $60.00
Tuition fee: $19,500.00
20 participants
1 participant failed course - replacement
grade received
14/20=70% internship placements made
OTP-4 modules
Introductory Object Oriented Programming
using VC++
Mathematical Computing Science I
Internet Application Development and
Intermediate Object Oriented Programming
using VC++
Mathematical Computing Science II
Database Analysis and Design
Visual Basic (Data base design and
implementation using VB)
Java Programming
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Theory of Distributed Computing/Internet
Server Side Java Programming
Advanced VC++
Project Management
Object Technology E-commerce Project
OTP-5 modules
Introductory Object Oriented Programming
using C++
Mathematical Computing Science I
Client-Side Web Design and Implementation
using HTML
Client-Side Web Design and Implementation
using JavaScript
Mathematical Computing Science II
Intermediate Object Oriented Programming
using C++
Database Analysis and Design
Visual Basic
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
Advanced C++
Introduction to Java Programming
Client-Side Java Programming using Swing
Java Programming using Servlets JDBC
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Quality and Assurance
Project Management
Object Technology E-commerce Project
OTP-6 modules
Introductory Object Technology
Mathematical Computing Science I
Client-Side Web Design and Implementation
using HTML & Java Script
Mathematical Computing Science II
Introduction to Programming in C++
Database Analysis and Design
Visual Basic using COW and XML
Introduction to Java Programming

Object Technology Program
Statistics ?
Cohorts 1 - 9
- ?
October 2003
Report to Senate
OTP-6 modules
- -
Client-Side Java Programming using Swing
Server-Side Java Programming using
Serviets & JDBC
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Quality Assurance
Object Technology e-commerce project
Project Management
Object Technology Program cohort
OTP-7 modules
(OTP-7) ?
Introduction to Object Technology
January 14, 2002 - June 26, 2002
Mathematical Computing Science
Application fee: $60.00
Client-Side Web Design and Implementation
Tuition fee: $19,500.00
using HTML & Java Scrip
17 full participants; I course only
Programming in C++
participant ?
Database Analysis and Design
1 participant failed courses -
Visual Basic using COW, XML and Quality
replacement grades received
13/16=81% internship placements made
Introduction to Java Programming
Client-Side Java Programming using Swing
Server-Side Java Programming using
Servlets & JDBC
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Project Management
Object Technology E-commerce Project
Object Technology Program cohort
OTP-8 modules
(OTP-8) ?
Introduction to Object Technology
September 9, 2002 - February 28, 2003
Client-Side Web Design and Implementation
Application fee: $60.00
using HTML & Java Script
Tuition fee: $19,500.00
Introduction to Java Programming
11 full participants; 2 course only
Project Management
participants ?
Database Analysis and Design
10/11= 91% internship placements made
Mathematical Computing Science
Enterprise Development using C-Sharp, Net
and XML
Quality Assurance
Client-Side Java Programming using Swing
Server-Side Java Programming using
Servlets & JDBC
Programming in C++
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Object Technology final practical project
Object Technology Program cohort
OTP-9 modules
(OTP-9) ?
Introduction to Object Technology
March 10— August 22, 2003
Client-Side Web Design and Implementation
Application fee: $60.00
using HTML & Java Script
Tuition fee: $19,500.00
Introduction to Java Programming
• ?
14 participants ?
Project Management
n/a% internship placements made -
Database Analysis and Design
currently placing
Mathematical Computing Science
Enterprise Development using C-Sharp, Net
and XML

Object Technology Program
Cohorts 1 - 9
OTP-9 modules
Quality Assurance
Client-Side Java Programming using Swing
Server-Side Java Programming using
Serviets & JDBC
Programming in C++
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Object Technology final practical project
Cold Fusion, Dream Weaver, Fireworks &
Cr ystal
Reports 1-day workshops

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