1. S.05-110
      1. Senate Committee on University Priorities ?
      2. Memorandum
      1. Proposal for a change in name
      2. the "FRBC Endowed Chair in Terrain Analysis and Forest Geoscience"
      3. the "FRBC Chair in Resource Geoscience and Geotechnics"

Senate Committee on University Priorities ?
TO: Senate ?
John Waterho e
Chair, SCUP
Vice Preside •. 'Academic
RE: Proposal for name and program
changes to the Forest Renewal BC
Endowed Chair in Terrain Analysis
and Forest Geoscience (SCUP 05-055)
At its October 5, 2005 meeting SCUP reviewed and approved the proposal from the
Vice-President, Research recommending changes to the FRBC Endowed Chair in
Terrain Analysis and Forest Geoscience. The changes are to the title of the Endowed
Chair and the program's focus, specifically on resource geoscience.
There are no changes to the management or disbursement of the endowment income,
nor any changes to the Terms of Reference.
That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the change of the title
of the "FRBC Endowed Chair in Terrain Analysis and Forest Geoscience" to the "FRBC
Chair in Resource Geoscience and Geotechnics" and the changes to the proposed
research program, reflecting a new emphasis on resource geoscience.
c: M. Pinto
M. Plishcke
D. Stead
S. Dench

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March 7th 2005
Proposal for a change in name
the "FRBC Endowed Chair in Terrain Analysis and Forest Geoscience"
the "FRBC Chair in Resource Geoscience and Geotechnics"
The current SFU Forest Renewal BC Endowed Chair, Dr. Doug Stead, took up this
position in September 2000. The last four years have seen significant growth in both
teaching and graduate research in forestry geoscience in the Department of Earth Science.
The focus of the Chair has reflected the expertise of Dr Stead and others in the
Department and has emphasized both forestry geotechnics and geoscience.
A prime mandate of the FRBC Chair was to set up both undergraduate and graduate
programs in Forest Geoscience. Within two years of appointment these mandates were
achieved. A Certificate of Forest Geoscience is now offered at SFU. As part of this
certificate, four new undergraduate courses were developed and have been offered by the
Chair (with the assistance of Dr. Brent Ward). Dr. Stead has developed and taught two
new classes in soil and rock engineering, and Forestry Geotechnics, a specific
requirement of the conditions of appointment. Two further industry-oriented field/visiting
courses in Forest Harvesting Technology and Terrain Stability Assessment were also
developed and offered.
A vibrant graduate research program has been established involving up to 7 graduate
M.Sc. and 1 Ph.D.), 1 post doctoral fellow and several undergraduate research
assistants (1 NSERC funded). Three M.Sc. students will have completed their studies by
Spring 2005. Research has been undertaken in collaboration with the Ministry of Forests
and the private forest sector. The Chair has been involved in national Earth Science
advisory policy as President of the Canadian Geoscience Council and also as a member
of the Geological Survey of Canada Advisory Board and the Ministers' National
Advisory Board for Earth Sciences. Dr. Stead has served as the Department of Earth
Sciences Graduate Program Chair and as Department Chair (each for one year).
In 2002, dissolution of Forest Renewal of British Columbia led to the negotiation of a
• ?
new Endowment Replacement Agreement contract between Simon Fraser University and
the Ministry of Advanced Education. . Since the time of the demise of Forest Renewal BC

however, there has been a marked downturn in employment prospects for graduating
geoscience students within the forest geoscience sector. Undergraduate students still
enthusiastically enroll in the soil and rock engineering class, but are less inclined to study
forestry-specific classes. In recognition of this, and with the agreement of the FRBC
Advisory Panel, Dr. Stead renamed the "Forestry Geotechnics" course to "Resource
Geotechnics". Earth science students who have taken the new classes in soil and rock
engineering and geotechnics have become highly sought after by industry with several
students obtaining employment in international consultancies and geotecimical
instrumentation companies.
In addition to a declining interest in the Certificate of Forest Geoscience since the demise
of FRBC, there has been a marked reduction in funding suitable for the support of
graduate-based forestry geoscience research. Dr. Stead continues to undertake forestry-
related research in collaboration with the Ministry of Forests and industry but in light of
budgetary constraints (both internal and external) it is becoming increasingly necessary to
diversify the activities of the SFU FRBC Endowed Chair.
An argument has already been made to both the Earth Sciences Department (during a
recent external review) and to the Endowed Chair Advisory Panel to diversify the chair to
encompass the broader mandate of Resource Geoscience. Such a move would maximize
the benefits of the endowed chair to the province and to the university. This move would
align with new initiatives in the Earth Sciences within Canada and BC. It would also
align more closely not only with the expertise and experience of the incumbent Chair but
also with recently hired new professors in the Earth Science department.. -
It is proposed that the SFU FRBC Chair be relabeled from the Chair in "Terrain Analysis
and Forest Geoscience" to Chair in "Resource Geoscience and Geotechnics." A new
emphasis on resource geoscience within the SFU Department of Earth Sciences would be
strengthened by this development. The Chair's Professional Engineering status and
expertise would also be recognized by the inclusion of "Geotechnics" in the chair title.
This change would emphasize activities related to sustainable resource development and
offer resource geoscience/geotechnics expertise within the following sectors:
> Mining
Hydro-electric power
> Groundwater/Surface Water
> Urban development
Given the developing importance of several of these sectors within both BC and Canada
this development is seen as a crucial and forward looking strategy - if the endowed chair

is to function to the maximum benefit of the university and province. Such a move would
> Increased resource-related geoscience education opportunities at the undergraduate
and graduate level. (Serious consideration would be given to reorienting the
Certificate in Forestry Geoscience toward a Certificate in Resource Geoscience. This
could provide streams relevant to the various resource sectors).
> Increased external research funding opportunities for the incumbent endowed chair
and other faculty.
> Increased flexibility to allow the incumbent chair to direct research toward critical
resource sectors of the day.
As the current chair reaches the end of the final year of the original five year contract the
successes during this period have been marked, particularly in light of external
developments which have seen reductions in both employment, educational and research
opportunities in forestry geoscience. The FRBC Chair has developed a unique earth
science-physical geography-geotechnical student approach to natural hazards. This
originally was solely forestry-related but has diversified to relate to more wide reaching
geohazard environments. International and national research collaboration in this area has
been widespread. Advanced numerical modelling courses have been offered to industry
and SFU has been recognized as an international leader in the application of state-of-the-
art geomechanical modelling of landslides. Strong research ties are being developed with
• several departments at UBC including mining engineering and earth sciences. Industry
participation in teaching has increased significantly in the geo-engineering sphere. The
Certificate of Forestry Geoscience has been received with interest. When presented at the
GSA in Seattle in 2003 it was seen as an excellent initiative. This initiative should be
extended to take of advantage of a wider group of resource oriented students. SFU has
become a provincial centre of excellence in terrain geoscience and forestry geotechnics
through the expertise of Drs Stead, Clague, Ward and Allen in addition to physical
geography colleagues. A multi-disciplinary approach to resource and environmental
teaching and research extending across the earth science, geography and resource and
environmental management departments has led to both national and international
recognition. The Department of Earth Sciences has recruited three new faculty with direct
relevance to these areas since the appointment of the FRBC Chair. An increased supply
of much-needed highly trained personnel in the fields of environmental geoscience,
forestry geoscience and resource geotechnics has been accomplished. As the demand
varies in theses disciplines faculty at SFU remain able to provide high level education to
the varied aspects of the environmental and resource geoscience. Research results from
the Forestry Geotechnics and Engineering Geology research group have been presented
at a wide variety of fora; from APEBG BC DEGIFS sessions to national and international
conferences. Publication venues have ranged from international journals and conferences
to ASPECT. The awareness of the FRBC Chair activities have been publicized in several
venues including a major one page national Globe and Mail article on careers in
geoscience and through senior administrative duties in national (Ottawa-based) bodies.
The FRBC chair has been an invited attendee at landslide workshops both nationally and
internationally (through NATO). He has participated in advanced landslide modelling

courses offered to industry in collaboration with UBC and has also been on the
organizing committee of several national and international conferences.
The FRBC Chair has todate received support from both the FRBC Advisory Panel and
the Department of Earth Science to reposition the chair in the general area of resource
geoscience/geotechnics. It is suggested that the prime mandate of the Chair would be to
ensure sustainable development of land and resources in BC and Canada. This would be
achieved through combined roles in education and research relevant to the economic and
environmentally safe exploitation of Canada's resources. The Chair would continue to
strive to maintain Canada's reputation as a nation which uses innovative technologies in
the responsible exploitation of its resources. It is argued that the reorientation of the SFU
FRBC Endowed Chair to recognize all natural resource sectors would not only maximize
the provinces investment in the Chair but would also be clear evidence of a genuine
desire for sustainable resource development. These goals would be accomplished
> The offering of high level courses in resource geoscience and geotechincs at the
undergraduate and graduate levels.
The establishment of a Certificate in Resource Geoscience
Masters and Doctoral Research in Resource Geoscience and Geotechnics.
The initiation of a Provincial Centre of Excellence for Resource Geoscience and
Geotechnics. This would include relevant departments at SFU, UBC and other BC
universities. This centre would not only provide academic leadership in resource
issues but could liaise with government to address the resource/environmental issues
of tomorrow. Issues such as sustainability are common to all resource sectors and
would benefit from interchange of ideas.
Conference and workshops related to resource geoscience/geotechnics research.
It should be strongly emphasized that the Chair will continue to strongly support the
forestry geoscience/geotechnics sector. The Chair would however also endeavor to
diversify activities to provide expertise in research and training to other BC resource

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