1. S.05-79
      1. Senate Committee on University Priorities ?
  2. Memorandum .
      1. Office of the
    1. Simon Fraser University Centre for International Studies (CIS)
      1. I. Purpose
      2. II. Governance
      3. III. Composition of the Steering Committee on International Studies
  4. IV. Other Matters ? 0

Senate Committee on University Priorities

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John Waterh
Chair, SCUP
Vice Preside , , cademic
April 22, 200
TO: Senate
Dissolution of the Research
Institute for Southeastern Europe
and creation of the Centre for International
At its April 21, 2004 meeting SCUP reviewed the recommendations from the Governing
Committee for Centres and Institutes that the Research Institute for Southeastern
Europe be dissolved and replaced with the a newly created Centre for International
Studies. SCUP approved the creation of the Centre for International Studies and the
dissolution of the Research Institute for Southeastern Europe and recommended the
following motions:
"That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the dissolution of the
Research Institute for Southeastern Europe, effective immediately."
"That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the approval of the
Centre for International Studies, effective immediately."
c: B. Clayman
J. Pierce
L. Cohen
A. Gerolymatos
This document has been unfortunately delayed as a result of some revisions
suggested by SCUP in May 2004.
A. Watt
26 May, 2005

SCUP O4-018
9 ?
TO: Secretary
Senate Committee on University
Planning (SCUP)
FROM: Bruce P. Clayman
Vice-President, Research
RE: Research Institute for Southeastern DATE: April 7, 2004
Attached is a proposal from Dr. John Pierce, Dean of Arts, for the establishment
of a Centre for International Studies as a Schedule A Centre. It is also the
recommendation of the Dean that the Research Institute for Southeastern Europe be
dissolved and replaced with the newly created Centre for International Studies (CIS).
The Governing Committee for Centres and Institutes recommends that the
Research Institute for Southeastern Europe be dissolved.
The Governing Committee for Centres and Institutes recommends that the
Centre for International Studies be granted approval by SCUP. Once approved by
SCUP, the proposal is to be forwarded to Senate, followed by submission to the Board
of Governors.
f. John H. Waterhouse
ice-President, Academic and Provost
I ?
Dr. Bruce P. Clayman
Vice-President, Research
C: ?
J .
A. Gerolymatos, Director, Research Instiute for Southeastern Europe
L. Cohen, Chair, Steering Committee, Centre for International Studies

Office of the
Dean, Faculty of Arts
To: ?
John Waterhouse ?
From: ?
John T. Pierce
VP Academic ?
Dean of Arts
Proposal for a Centre for
Date: ?
January 7, 2004
International Studies
John, please find attached a proposal for the creation of a Centre for
International Studies. This new entity will take the place of the Research
Institute for Southeastern Europe by broadening its mandate, membership and
primary purpose.
The Institute is intended to build upon and futher strengthen the current
expertise in international/ strategic relations within the University. As such it
will serve as an important bookend to the Faculty of Arts initiative to create an
undergraduate (and ultimately graduate) program in International Studies. I
believe the metamorphosis of RISE to CIS is therefore a natural outgrowth of the
University's Internationalization initiative. It has my unqualified support.
Cc: B. Clayman, Vice President, Research
A. Gerolymatos, Director, Research Institute for Southeastern Europe
L. Cohen, Chair, Steering Committee, Centre for International Studies

Hellenic Studies
Telephone: (604) 291-5597
Fax: (604)291-4929

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To: ?
John Pierce
From: Andre Gerolymatos
Date: December 18, 2003
Subject: ?
The members of RISE have voted unanimously to expand the scope of the institute from
southeastern Europe to deal with problems of international relations within the context of
international studies. We believe that this expansion of our interests represents a natural
progression of our academic research and the increasing linkage between regional politics
with international events.
The international community has undergone radical changes in the past five years and it
is impossible to consider any region without placing it in an international context. Our
members have been involved in a variety of projects in the last couple of years and have
come to realize, as a result of this work as well as the dramatic changes that have taken
place, that the new "world order" means that the future of countries, regions and
continents is now so interlinked that it requires more collaborative research. Effectively,
the activities of RISE have already broadened in response to these realities. In addition,
there are other faculty who wish to take part in RISE, but their specialization and interests
place them beyond the boundaries of Southeaster Europe.
Accordingly, we are requesting that the constitution of RISE be amended accordingly.
Fundamentally, the goals of RISE remain the same, except that our geographic focus has
widened. Below are the ter s of reference of the Institute.
Andre Gerolymatos

Simon Fraser University Centre for International Studies (CIS)
The name of this university unit is the "Centre for International Studies" (CIS).
I. Purpose
In the first decade of the third millennium, the old chestnut that "all politics is local" has
lost a good deal of its credence. Increasingly, "all politics is global." Most of the major
issues facing citizens and communities around the world are not only very similar, they are
also closely linked problems, and require solutions that are generally beyond the scope of
any one state or society. Problems such as terrorism and other security crises, the
environment, human migration and refugees, drug control, health crises, economic
development, and crime do not have state frontiers. All such challenging issues are, in fact,
"problems without passports."
Simon Fraser University's Centre for International Studies will provide a setting for
students, faculty, and members of the community to explore the global issues that are found
in today's increasingly complex, inter-dependent and rapidly changing world. Through a
comprehensive, rigorous, and focused program of studies, research efforts, and dialogue the
Centre will examine the most pressing international issues confronting the members of the
global community. The Centre's programs will explore the character and causation of
various global problems, examine how such issues have been manifest in diverse regional
and cultural settings, and evaluate the alternative policies that have been offered to manage
or resolve existing global challenges.
While focused on the important task of analyzing and responding to challenges of the
current global situation, the Centre will offer practical training for the solution of major
problems within and across societies, as well as developing toleration and understanding
among diverse cultures.
Thus, in addition to providing a solid academic basis for the analysis of international
affairs, the Centre for International Studies will offer exposure to a global network that
links students, citizens, policy makers, members of non-governmental organizations, and
academic specialists.
Simon Fraser University is particularly fortunate to have faculty members in many fields
who can offer the broad range of expertise regarding the historical and contemporary
evolution of international affairs. Such specialists, pursuing their areas of study from
different perspectives, can provide the basic and advanced underpinning for an informed
consideration of world problems in a turbulent global environment. SFU's Centre for
International Studies will draw upon resources across the university, bringing experts from
disparate disciplines into fruitful collaboration in order to address major issues. Cooperation
with partner institutions and associates throughout the world will also assist the Centre in
addressing issues and dilemmas that characterize the present international landscape. In the
furtherance of its goals, the Centre will take a variety of initiatives, including research
projects, conferences, workshops, teaching programs, publications, community information
programs, faculty exchanges, and other forms of information sharing.

II. Governance
The Centre for International Studies will be a Schedule A centre within the
administrative purview of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Governance of the Centre will be in the purview of the Centre's Steering Committee
on International Studies constituted by the Dean of Arts and Social Sciences.
The policies guiding the affairs of the Centre will be made by a majority vote.
The Steering Committee shall select, by a majority vote, a Director who will be
appointed for a four-year term. The Steering Committee shall also select a Deputy
Director, Treasurer, and Secretary.
New members in the Steering Committee will be elected by a majority vote of the
Committee, subject to the approval of the Dean of Arts and Social Sciences.
The Centre will also form an International Advisory Committee (IAC). The IAC
members are non-voting members of the Centre. Distinguished personalities from
the international community will be invited by the Steering Committee to join the
S ?
International Advisory Committee to contribute their expertise and advice in support
of CIS activities. The members of the International Advisory Committee may
include individuals and representatives of non-university institutions.
III. Composition of the Steering Committee on International Studies
Lenard Cohen, Department of Political Science
Andre Gerolymatos, Department of History
Paul Warwick, Department of Political Science
Alexander Moens, Department of Political Science
Nadine Roth, Department of History
Janet Matsumura, Department of History
Stephen Easton, Department of Economics
Jennifer Hyndman, Department of Geography
Jan Walls, David Lam Centre for International Communication
Earl Drake, China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and
Nello Angerilli, SFU International
Tom Perry, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Michael Howard, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Paul McFetridge, Department of Linguistics
Simon Verdun-Jones, Department of Criminology

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IV. Other Matters
The use of the name of the Centre, the administration of the Centre's funds, and the
employment of staff shall be the responsibility of the Director and the Steering
Committee in keeping with relevant University policies.
Contracts and grants will be administered in keeping with the applicable policies
and procedures of Simon Fraser University. An annual report shall be prepared by
the Director and approved by the Steering Committee.
The University will be recognized in all publications emanating from the Centre.
Updated May 26, 2005

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