1. Memorandum
    1. Senate Committee on University Priorities
      1. Office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
    2. • ? Institute for Critical Studies in Gender and Health
      1. Simon Fraser University
      2. Statement of Purpose
      3. Oender and Health Researcher List

TO: Senate
John Waterhou
Chair, SCUP
Vice Preside
Institute for Critical Studies
January 20,
( O5
In Gender and Health (ICSGH)
Attached is the proposal for the establishment of the Institute for Critical Studies in
Gender and Health (ICSGH) submitted for consideration by Dr. John Pierce, Dean of
Arts and Social Sciences. This will be a Schedule A Centre reporting to the Dean of
Arts in accordance with Policy R 40.01.
The Senate Committee on University Priorities reviewed the proposal at its December
1, 2004 meeting. With minor edits which have now been incorporated into the
document, the proposal was unanimously approved. Once approved by Senate, the
proposal will be submitted to the Board of Governors.
That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the establishment
of the Institute for Critical Studies In Gender and Health (ICSGH).
c. C. Patton, Dept. of Women's Studies/Sociology & Anthropology
Department of Political Science.
VP Research
J. Pierce, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Senate Committee on University Priorities


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TO: Glynn Nicholls, Secretary ?
FROM: B. Mario Pinto
Senate Committee on University
Vice-President, Research
Planning (SCUP)
RE: Institute for Critical Studies in ?
DATE: November 5, 2004
Gender and Health
Attached is a proposal from Dr. John Pierce, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, for the establishment of the Institute for Critical Studies in Gender and
Health as a Schedule A Centre.
The Governing Committee for Centres and Institutes recommends that the
Centre be granted approval by SCUP. Once approved by SCUP, the proposal is to be
forwarded to Senate, followed by submission to the Board of Governors.
Governing Committee:
Dr. John H. Waterhouse
/ Vice-President, Academic and Provost
Dr. B. Mario Pinto
Vice-President, Research
C: ?
Dr. John Pierce, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
• ?
Dr. C. Patton, Dept. of Women's Studies/ Sociology & Anthropology
Dr. 0. Hankivsky, Department of Political Science

Office of the Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
To: ?
John Waterhouse ?
John T. Pierce
VP Academic
Dean of FASS
Subject: Institute for Critical Studies ?
Date: ?
September 24, 2004
In Gender and Health
John, I am writing in support of the creation of the Institute for Critical Studies in
Gender and Health.
SFU already has considerable research interests and expertise in this area. What
the Institute will accomplish is to focus this expertise in an interdisciplinary
context to further our understanding of the complex interrelationship of gender
and health. The creation of the Institute will further strengthen SFU's growing
reputation in health studies. Moreover, it should serve as an excellent vehicle to
secure funding from CIHR and the Michael Smith Foundation.
I strongly support this initiative.
Cc: C. Patton, Dept. of Women's Studies/ Sociology & Anthropology
0. Hankivsky, Dept. of Political Science

It $1 ?
j) ?
Tel: 604-291-4414
Fax: 604-291-3033
September 23, 2004
Dr. John Pierce, Dean of Arts
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC, Canada
V5A 1S6
Dear Dr. Pierce:
Please find enclosed an application to establish the Institute for Critical Studies in Gender and
Health (ICSGH) at Simon Fraser University.
The goal and research foci of ICSGH would contribute to SFU's Strategic Research Plan in the
areas of i) Health, Genomics and Physiological Sciences and ii) History, Culture, Social
Relations and Behaviour. The Institute would also complement the new Faculty of Health
Sciences, and the Institute for Health Research and Education, whose defining feature is the
integration of social and natural science research with population outcomes, societal application,
and policy analysis. It would also contribute to the development of the Faculty of Arts and Social
Sciences which has identified the area of Health and Public Policy as an emerging area of
research. There is also the potential to create research linkages with Institutes and Centres at SFU
including the Centre for Public Policy Research, Mental Health, Law and Policy Institute, Centre
for Global Political Economy, Feminist Institute for Studies on Law and Society, and The
FREDA Centre for Research on Violence against Women and Children.
In the province of British Columbia, the Institute is poised to become a key player in the Michael
Smith Foundation's Networking Program, which has identified women's health among others as
priorities for development in the province. The goal of the program is to provide resources to
facilitate the development of robust, inclusive, productive networks that are competitive for
national funding. Drs. Patton and Hankivsky are members of the task force which includes
representatives from UBC, UNBC, UVIC and BC Women's and Children's Hospital. The task
force is developing a formal proposal for a Women's Health Network to the Michael Smith
Foundation for Health Research in September 2004 in which the Institute proposes to take a
leadership role.

Nationally and internationally, the Centre also intends to work collaboratively with academics
from other universities and research organizations with whom SFU faculty currently have
established relations and to establish new relations with Centres that are engaged in
complementary research: (e.g. Research Centre for Gender and Health- Australia)
Enclosed you will find a copy of our Constitution which includes a statement of ICSGH's
purpose, relevant background information, provision for the appointment of a Director, a
statement that recognizes the Institution's obligation to conduct its activities in accordance with
University policies, and a statement of its internal governing procedure.
We have proposed a start date of November 1, 2004 and look forward to your response to this
Chair, A6atI.Pf
men' s Studies,Sociology/Anthropology)

Institute for Critical Studies in Gender and Health
Simon Fraser University
Statement of Purpose
The goal of the proposed Institute for Critical Studies in Gender and Health (ICSGH) is to
conduct interdisciplinary research and scholarship on all aspects of gender-related health and
health care.
Building on the strength of researchers whose work is directly situated or relevant to the area of
gender and health (see Appendix A), the ICSGH will focus on the following streams of research:
Innovative Research Methodologies
Policy, Politics, and Research
Health and Technology
• International Health and Globalization
• Health Inequalities
• Sexuality and Health
The Institute will anchor a vibrant interdisciplinary community of scholars, researchers and
students, and facilitates collegial exchange through seminars devoted to directed readings,
. ?
lectures, and annual conferences. Annual conferences will bring together local, national and
international scholars from a number of disciplines and areas of research to consider conceptual
and practical issues related to the Institute's research mandate. The proposed exchanges will
provide space for discussion and debate, the potential for the development of intellectual
networks and collaborative partnerships, and opportunities for producing new and original
Contribution to SFU Community and Beyond
The goal and research foci of ICSGH would contribute to SFU's Strategic Research Plan in the
areas of i) Health, Genomics and Physiological Sciences and ii) History, Culture, Social
Relations and Behaviour. The Institute would also complement the new Faculty of Health
Sciences, and the Institute for Health Research and Education, whose defining feature is the
integration of social and natural science research with population outcomes, societal application,
and policy analysis. It would also contribute to the development of the Faculty of Arts and Social
Sciences which has identified the area of Health and Public Policy as an emerging area of
research. There is also the potential to create research linkages with Institutes and Centres at SFU
including the Centre for Public Policy Research, Mental Health, Law and Policy Institute, Centre
for Global Political Economy, Feminist Institute for Studies on Law and Society, and The
FREDA Centre for Research on Violence against Women and Children.
In the province of British Columbia, the Institute is poised to become a key player in the Michael
Smith Foundation's Networking Program, which has identified women's health among others as
. ?
priorities for development in the province. The goal of the program is to provide resources to
facilitate the development of robust, inclusive, productive networks that are competitive for

national funding. Drs. Patton and Hankivsky are members of the task force which includes
representatives from UBC, UNBC, UVIC and BC Women's and Children's Hospital. The task
force is developing a formal proposal for a Women's Health Network to the Michael Smith
Foundation for Health Research in September 2004 in which the Institute proposes to take a
leadership role.
Nationally and internationally, the Centre also intends to work collaboratively with academics
from other universities and research organizations with whom SFU faculty currently have
established relations and to establish new relations with Centres that are engaged in
complementary research: (e.g. Research Centre for Gender and Health- Australia)
The Institute shall be governed in accordance with University policies including R
40.01, CENTRES AND INSTITUTES. If this document and University policy differ
on any issue, University policy shall prevail.
The Institute will be within the administrative purview of fall the Dean of Arts,
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
The Governance of the Institute will be in the purview of the Institute's Steering
The policies guiding the affairs of the Institute will be made by a majority of vote. ?
The Steering Committee shall select, by a majority vote, a Director who will be
appointed for a 2-year team. The Committee shall also select a Treasurer and
Other Matters
The use of the name of the Institute, the administration of the Institute's funds,
and the employment of staff shall be the responsibility of the Director and the
Executive Committee in keeping with relevant University policies.
Contract and grants will be administered in keeping with the applicable
policies and procedures of SFU. An annual report shall be prepared by the
Director and approved by the Executive Committee.
The University will be recognized in all publications emanating from the Institute.

A pp endix A.
Oender and Health Researcher List
Ellen Balka -
Professor, Communications, (technology and health).
Marilyn Bowman -
Professor, Psychology, (human experience of disease, disability, trauma and chronic
illness; behavioural responses to illness and treatment in individuals and families)
Dorothy Chunn -
Professor, Criminology, (feminist sociology of crime, madness and social welfare,
feminism and medico-moral regulation, feminism, law and social change, media representations of
David Cox -
Associate Professor, Psychology, (behavioural psychology and medicine, forensic
psychology, health psychology, psychological assessment, risk-taking, sports psychology)
Susan Crawford -
Adjunct Professor, Gerontology and Kinesiology, (women's health, diets, aging).
Dara Cuihane -
Associate Professor, Anthropology, (critical anthropology; anthropology of/and law and
health; contemporary ethnography; visual anthropology).
Sandra Cusack -
Research Fellow, Gerontology Research Centre, (older adult education, mental fitness).
OarinDossa -
Associate Professor, Anthropology, (anthropology of diaspora and migration, gender and
Jane Friesen -
Associate Professor, Economics, (Canadian labour market programs and laws on wages,
employment, and hours of work).
Marjorie Griffin Cohen -
Professor, Political Science, (public policy, women, and labour).
Gloria Guttman -
Director, Gerontology Research Centre, (seniors' housing, long-term care, health
promotion, dementia care and environmental design).
Olena Hankivsky -
Associate Professor, Political Science and Adjunct Professor, Women's
Studies, (gender and health policy; social policy, especially violence against women).
Stephen Hart -
Professor, Psychology, (forensic psychology, mentally disordered offenders, personality,
psychological assessment, psychopathology)
Michael Hayes -
Associate Professor, Geography, Associate Director,
(health inequalities and
gradients, health policy, social psychological, economic and cultural determinants of health)
Grace larocci -
Assistant Professor, Psychology, (behavioural responses to illness and treatment in
•dividuals and families, determinants of health, community health, health and health care)
Margaret Jackson -
Professor, Criminology, (criminal justice policy analysis; aboriginal issues in
criminal justice; the elderly and the female offender; psychiatric decision-making).

Meredith Kimball -
Professor Emerita, Women's Studies and Psychology (Aging, social gerontology,
gender issues, women and aging)
Dany Lacombe -
Associate Professor, Criminology and Sociology and Anthropology. (Feminist theory,
sexual deviance, social policy, planning and social prevention, social theory)
Rohinee Lal -
Community Liaison Coordinator, Institute for Health Research and Education, (medical
anthropology, gender and health, aging,reproductive health, transdisciplinary research, community-based
participatory health research).
Marilyn MacDonald -
Professor, Women's Studies, (feminist critiques of science; feminist perspectives
on science and environmental education; eco-feminism; scientific accounts of creativity).
Sandra MacLean -
Assistant Professor, Political Science, (international political economy and
comparative development).
Arlene McLaren -
Associate Professor, Sociology, (gender; education; families; social policy; feminist
Barbara Mitchell -
Associate Professor, Sociology, Anthropology and the Gerontology Programs,
(families and aging, intergenerational relations, social policy issues, health promotion).
Marlene Moretti -
Professor, Psychology, (developmental psychopathology including conduct disorder,
depression and gender issues, self-representation and psychopathology, treatment issues).
Norm O'Rourke -
Assistant Professor, Gerontology Research Centre, (mental health and aging, clinical
geropsychology, family care giving, evolution psychology, psychometrics)
Cindy Patton -
Associate Professor and Canadian Research Chair, Sociology/Anthropology, (health,
HI V/AIDS, methodology & methods training, social study of medicine, community based research).
Stacy Pigg -
Associate Professor, Anthropology, (medicine, science and transnational processes; AIDS;
Jane Pulkingham -
Associate Professor and Chair of the Department, Sociology, (social policy, gender
and inequality; feminism and political economy; family law).
Colleen Reid -
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Institute for Health Research and Education (gender and
health inequalities, poverty, physical activity).
Simon Verdun-Jones -
Professor, School of Criminology, (values and ethical theory applied in health
care, new technologies, individual rights related to health technologies and treatments, social studies of
medical knowledge and technologies)
Susan Wendell -
Professor Emerita, Women's Studies, (feminist social and political theory;
feminist ethics; feminist epistemology; women and disability). ?

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