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TO: ?
Alison Watt, Secretary, Senate Nominating Committee
August 30, 2006
Approval of Doctors and Lawyers for the Research Ethics Board
Monday, September 18, 2006
Under the terms of the recently revised R 20.01 - Senate will approve a list of individuals with
medical degrees and/or law degrees qualified to serve on the Research Ethics Board. During the
transition to this new policy, Senate should anticipate receiving several recommendations of this
nature until a complete list of individuals with medical degrees and/or law degrees has been
At this time, the following list of names of SFU faculty members who have medical degrees is
being forwarded for approval by Senate:
Dr. Elliott Goldner
Dr. David MacLean
Dr. Tim Takaro
Dr. Charlotte Waddell
That Senate approve the list of names for the Research Ethics Board consisting of Dr. E.
Goldner, Dr. D. MacLean, Dr. T. Takaro, and Dr. C. Waddell.

Policies and Procedures
University Research Ethics Review (R20.01)
Date: October
Number: R 20.01
Proposed Revision Date: July 31, 2006
Revision No.: B
EXTRACT - SECTION 3.1 to 3.7
3. Research Ethics Board (REB)
The REB is a committee of Senate. It is responsible for the timely review of all research
protocols or projects covered by this Policy to ensure that they meet acceptable ethical standards.
3.2 The REB has the authority to approve a protocol or project, approve a protocol or project
subject to modifications, or reject a protocol or project. In the latter two cases, detailed written
reasons will be provided to assist researchers in the preparation of revised applications for ethics
3.3 The REB has the responsibility to monitor on-going research and to terminate any project that
does not conform to ethical standards.
3.4 The REB is responsible for responding to inquiries from external agencies with responsibility to
monitor ethics review procedures at universities.
The REB is responsible for ensuring that the research community at Simon Fraser University is
aware of the principles and practices of ethical conduct of research and for publicizing issues that
will lead to changes in its current review process.
3.6 The REB provides an annual report of its activities in the previous year to Senate at its
September meeting.
3.7 There are at least twelve voting members of the REB plus the Director of the Office of
Research Ethics who will be ex officio non-voting and will serve as Secretary. Membership
qualifications shall comply with the specifications of Article 1.3 of the TCPS. The specific
membership and the terms of members will be as follows:
seven faculty members elected by faculty, with one from each of the Faculties of Applied
Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Science, and Health Sciences and two from
the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences;
b. at least two members to be elected by Senate, from the university community at large
(these may include faculty and staff);
c. one student member to be elected by Senate;
d. two members elected by Senate, from the community outside of the university;
e. every two years, Senate will approve a list of individuals with medical degrees and/or law
degrees qualified to serve on the REB;
f. in the event that a), b), or d) above does not produce a REB that includes a person with a
law degree familiar with the law related to ethics review, the Chair of the REB will select
the next available person from the approved list to serve on the Committee as required;
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in the event that a), b), or d) above does not produce a REB that includes a person with a
medical degree, the Chair of the REB will select the next available person from the
approved list to serve on the Committee as required;
h. the term of office for voting members of the REB will be three years except for the student
member who shall be elected for a two year term. No more than two consecutive terms will
be allowed;
L in the event that a member of the REB is unable to attend a meeting, the Chair of the REB
has the authority to appoint a temporary replacement to act in place of the regular member
until the regular member returns or until an election can be held.
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