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Senate Committee on University Priorities
TO: Senate ?
Chair, SCUP
Vice Presi
Proposal for
and Social
Science (SCUP 07-55)
At its September 26, 2007 meeting SCUP reviewed and approved the proposal from the
Arts and Social Sciences for a Cognitive Science Minor Program.
That Senate approve and recommend to the Board
Governors, the
Cognitive Science Minor Program in the Faculty
Arts and Social Sciences.
D. Mellow

SCUP 07-55
I ?
To: ?
Senate Committee On University Priorities
Bit[ Krane. Chair
Senate Committee on
RE ?
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - Cognitive Science Minor Program
September U. 2007
Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies at its
meeting of September 11, 2007 gives rise to the following recommendation:
"that SCUP approve and recommend to Senate the Cognitive
Science Minor Program."
The relevant documentation for review by SCUP is attached.

FASSc 0i-07
Cognitive Science Program
TO: Peggy Lacasse
Diane Gibson
Dr. Fred PopowichDirector
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Cognitive Science Program
-Curriculum Committee....................
Cognitive Science Minor
DATE: July 6, 2007
On Wednesday Dec 6, 2006, the Cognitive Science Steering Committee recommended
the attached proposal for a Minor in Cognitive Science. Attached is the current draft, as
a follow up to the Notice of Intent that was approved by SCUP last fall.
Based on feedback received from the Cognitive Science Steering Committee, we have
further reduced the lower level requirements for the minor from 30-35 credit hours,
contained in the original notice of intent, to 21-31 credit hours. This further addressed
the FASS program development sub-committee's concern about the extra workload
involved to complete the minor.
The attached draft proposal was distributed to Computing Science, Linguistics,
Philosophy, and Psychology in January 2007, and then to the Faculty of Arts and Social
Sciences on June
who then provided us with feedback related to some proposed
changes in their own curricula, which we have incorporated into the proposal.
Would you please place this proposal on the agenda of the next meeting of the Faculty
of Arts and Social Sciences Curriculum Committee, in addition to the calendar changes
which we submitted yesterday.
Dr. Fred P6powich, Director
Cognitive Science Program
Cognitive Science Minor (July 6, 2007)

Full Program Proposal
Executive Summary
The Minor in Cognitive Science is designed to complement the current Major in
Cognitive Science that is offered in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Students
have expressed an interest in a minor for over
decade, and we now have the
resources required to offer this program at SFU Burnaby with the recent hiring of a full
time faculty member in Cognitive Science.
SFU has a strong history of interdisciplinary research, and the interest in Cognitive
Science is increasing, as reflected by the awarding of the Tier 1 Canadian Research
Chair in Cognitive Science to Dr. Jeff Pelletier, and the recent hiring of Dr. Mark Blair as
a tenure track faculty member in Cognitive Science. The proposed program will
strengthen the existing Cognitive Science program by explicitly including in the program,
students who are majoring in other disciplines who might not otherwise get involved in
the program.
As with the Major, the core Cognitive Science courses required by the Minor are all
offered by the Cognitive Science Program, with additional courses drawn from
Computing Science, Linguistics, Philosophy and Psychology. Unlike the Major, the
Minor only requires 5 upper division courses.
The key objectives of the Minor are to provide a student with the same core Cognitive
Science material that they would have if they were to obtain a Major in Cognitive
Science, plus provide an investigation of two of the related disciplines (as opposed to
the more detailed investigation of three related fields that they would obtain were they to
take the Major). Students with a Minor in Cognitive Science would be in a good position
to apply to graduate programs in Cognitive Science.
The Minor will be attractive to students that are currently majoring in one of Computing
Science, Linguistics, Philosophy or Psychology, who want to have a broader education
in related disciplines. It would also be possible for students in other disciplines to
complete the Minor in a timely fashion, and it would provide these students with a wider
selection of employment or research opportunities after graduation.
Our goal is to have the full proposal approved and in place by January 2008, to allow
students who are completing their studies in April 2008 to apply for this credential.
Cognitive Science Minor (July 6, 2007)

The proposed Minor in Cognitive Science will provide an interdisciplinary program of
study giving students the foundations of Cognitive Science, together with a significant
amount of advanced work in this field.
Cognitive Science draws upon research in the related disciplines of Computing Science,
Linguistics, Philosophy and Psychology to address issues related to human cognition.
While students have been able to Major in Cognitive Science for over two decades at
SFU, the Minor is intended for students who do not wish to Major in Cognitive Science,
but who want recognition for successful completion of foundational Cognitive Science
courses, and selected advanced Cognitive Science topics. Students having a Minor in
Cognitive Science could also use this credential as the basis of an application for
graduate studies in Cognitive Science, together with a Major in a Cognitive Science
related discipline.
The core Cognitive Science material is provided in the courses COGS 100, COGS 200,
COGS 300 and COGS 310. The course descriptions (in Appendix A) outline the
contributions of each of these courses. These are the same courses as required by the
Major, so a student completing the Minor will cover the same core material as a Major -
a key objective of the proposed Minor.
The key objectives of the Minor are to provide a student with the same core Cognitive
Science material that they would have if they were to obtain a Major in Cognitive
an investigation
of three
two of
the related
that they
would obtain
(as opposed
were they
take the Major). Students with a Minor in Cognitive Science would be in a good position
to apply to graduate programs in Cognitive Science.
The expected class size for COGS 100, which is currently offered twice a year is 80
students. Since it is a designated breadth course at Simon Fraser University, it is taken
by a wide range of students, most of whom are not doing a degree in cognitive science.
Expected class sizes for the other courses, which will each be offered once a year, will
be 20-30 students.
Below are the courses and curriculum requirements associated with the Minor. All of the
courses either already exist, or have been approved for inclusion in the 2007-2008
Lower Division Requirements
(21 - 31 credit hours)
COGS 100-3 Exploring the Mind
COGS 200-3 Foundations in Cognitive Science
A student must fulfill the requirements listed below for two of the four disciplines. When
provided a choice between different 200 level courses, a student should consider which
course can be used as a pre-requisite for a subsequent 300 level course.
Cognitive Science Minor (July 6, 2007)

Computing Science
Students must complete one of
CMPT 125-3 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming II
CMPT 126-3 Introduction to Computing Science and Programming
and all of
MACM 101-3 Discrete Mathematics I
CMPT 225-3 Data Structures and Programming
LING 220-3 Introduction to Linguistics
and one of
LING 221-3 Introduction to Phonology
LING 222-3 Introduction to Syntax
PHIL 100W-3 Knowledge and Reality
PHIL 201-3 Epistemology
PHIL 210-3 Natural Deductive Logic
PSYC100-3 Introduction to Psychology I
PSYC 102-3 Introduction to Psychology II
PSYC 201-4 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
PSYC 221-3 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 280-3 Introduction to Biological Psychology
Upper Division Requirements
(15-16 credit hours)
COGS 3003 Selected Topics in Cognitive Science
COGS 310-3 Consciousness
A student must cpmplete 3 courses from the following selection of courses, including at
least one course in each of the two disciplines selected previously at the lower division
Computing Science
CMPT 310-3 Artificial Intelligence Survey
CMPT 411-3 Knowledge Representation
CMPT 412-3 Computational Vision
CMPT 413-3 Computational Linguistics
CMPT 414-3 Model-based Computer Vision
Cognitive Science Minor (July 6, 2007)

CMPT 417-3 Intelligent Systems
CMPT 418-3 Computational Cognitive Architecture
CMPT 419-3 Special Topics in Artificial Intelligence
Note: 400 level courses require consent of instructor.
LING 321-3 Phonology
LING 322-3 Syntax
LING 324-3 Semantics
LING 330-3 Phonetics
LING 350-3 First Language Acquisition
PHIL 302-3 Topics in Epistemology and Metaphysics
PHIL 314-3 Topics in Logic I
PHIL 341-3 Philosophy of Science
PHIL 343-3 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL 344-3 Philosophy of Language I
PSYC 303-3 Perception
PSYC 325-4 Memory and Mind
PSYC 330-3 Attention
PSYC 335-3 Sensation I
PSYC 382-3 Cognitive Neuroscience
PSYC 383-3 Psychopharmacology
PSYC 385-3 Evolutionary Psychology
Cognitive Science Minor (July 3, 2007)

Learning Methodologies
The same learning methodologies used for the Major in Cognitive Science will be used
for the Minor in Cognitive Science. All COGS classes are lecture based, and there are
currently no plans to develop COGS distance education courses. Note, however, that
some of the non-COGS courses taken as part of the Minor have labs and/or tutorials,
and others can be taken via distance education:
The resources required to implement the program are already present in the Cognitive
Science Program. The Program has one full time faculty member (Dr. Mark Blair), the
Canadian Research Chair Tier One in Cognitive Science (Dr. Jeff Pelletier), one
additional faculty member who was jointly appointed with linguistics (Dr. Nancy
Hedberg), the Director (Dr. Fred Popowich), and an administrative assistant (Shamina
Senaratne). No special equipment or space is required for the Minor, other than the
office space associated with the Cognitive Science Office. CVs for the above mentioned
faculty members are provided in Appendix B.
Program Consultations and Evaluations
This draft proposal has been assembled with input from members of the Cognitive
Science Steering Committee, who have home departments from Computing Science,
Education, Interactive Arts and Technology, Kinesiology, Linguistics, Philosophy, and
Psychology. In January 2007, a draft of the full proposal was distributed to Computing
Science, Linguistics, Philosophy and Psychology. The minor changes from these four
departments, reflecting upcoming changes to their own program changes, were then
incorporated into draft document, to result in the current document.
The proposal has been provided to the following external groups for comment:
Cognitive Systems Program, UBC
Cognitive Science, Carleton University
Comments received appear in Appendix C, along with comments from related programs
at Simon Fraser University.
On-going review of the Minor program will be achieved in the same manner as the
Major, through the participation of the interdisciplinary steering committee for Cognitive
Science which includes members from all the related SFU disciplines. All Cognitive
Science courses will have student evaluations. A member of the Cognitive Science
student association will continue to provide feedback to the Cognitive Science steering
committee on matters related to the curriculum. We will also expand our Cognitive
Science Alumni program to get feedback from students once they have graduated.
Cognitive Science Minor (July 6, 2007) ?

All GPA requirements associated with the Minor will be the same as those required for
the current Major in Cognitive Science.
Students majoring in one of the Cognitive Science related disciplines should be able to
complete the additional course requirements associated with the Minor within the same
time frame that would normally be required for completion of their degree.
If approved, the proposed Minor will be the first credential of its sort in British Columbia.
McGill and UNB to the best of our knowledge are the only other Canadian universities
having a Minor in Cognitive Science.
Cognitive Science currently has over 30 Majors. We anticipate the number of Minors in
the program to eventually match the number of Majors. We feel this goal is achievable
based on our interactions with students at various recruiting events, and based on our
disëussions with students in the SFU Cognitive Science student society.
Every year, there have been e-mails from current SFU students as well as prospective
students enquiring about a minor in cognitive science. As reflected in the minutes of
past meetings of the COGS student society, there has been student interest in a minor
for several years. Back in the late 1990s, there were initial discussions in the Cognitive
Science steering committee about the creation of a Minor, but at the time, the program
did not have the infrastructure necessary to promote such a proposal. Now that the
program has support staff, it is in a position to offer such a program.
With respect to the labour market demand, a student with a Minor in Cognitive Science
would have a substantial number of courses in each of Computing Science, Linguistics,
Philosophy and Psychology, and thus could be a candidate for employment in positions
requiring experience in any one of these areas.
No additional budget is required for offering the Minor in Cognitive Science.
Cognitive Science Minor (July 6, 2007)

• ?
Appendix A. Course Descriptions/Outlines
COGS 100 Course Outline
COGS 100-3: Introduction to Cognitive Science
An introduction to Exploring the Mind. Cognitive Science is an interdisciplinary field that has
arisen from the convergence on a common set of questions by philosophy, computer science,
artificial intelligence, linguistics, psychology, and neuroscience. Cognitive scientists view the
human mind as a complex system that receives, stores, retrieves, transforms, and transmits
information. Each discipline makes its own distinctive contribution to the goal of formulating a
computational theory of the human mind. Previously, each discipline sought to understand the
mind from its own perspective, benefiting little from progress in other fields because of different
methods employed. With the advent of Cognitive Science, however, common interests and
theoretical ideas have overcome methodological differences, and interdisciplinary interaction has
become the hallmark of this field.
This course examines how the mind carries out functions such as memory, language, and vision.
The major themes common to the understanding of the cognitive science of memory, language
and vision including nature and nurture, categories and representations, concept formation and
categorization, problem solving, computations, and different types of mental representations will
be discussed together with the role of language in mental activity. Training in cognitive science
prepares students admirably well for many of the careers that are major growth fields of the
twenty-first century, including: computer science and communication, information processing
and data retrieval, human-computer interaction and computational linguistics, psychology,
psycholinguistics, and cognitive linguistics.
PREREQUISITE: None. Open to all students. Students with credit for COGS 200 may not take
COGS 100 for further credit.
Mindware: Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Science.
Andy Clark. Oxford University Press, 2000 ISBN:
Students will be expected to keep up with all course readings and to participate in class
Grades are earned through assignments
quizzes (25%), a midterm exam (20%), and a
comprehensive final
Cognitive Science Minor (July 6, 2007)

COGS 200 Course Outline
COGS 200-3: Foundations in Cognitive Science
This course is an in-depth introduction to the major empirical methods and theoretical
frameworks for exploring the mind. It introduces students to some of the major results
in cognitive science and fleshes out several of the foundational debates that have fueled
investigations in the past fifty years. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the course
illustrates how a convergence of ideas from psychology, philosophy, linguistics, and
computer science has led to deep explanations of the topics listed below, as well as
clarified some research questions that are being actively investigated today.
Mind as a computer, cognitive processes as algorithms, computational models of the
mind, nature of language and communication, nature of beliefs, mental representations,
human vision, concept learning, categorization, rationalism/ empiricism, role of
experience/ prior knowledge in learning, consciousness, level of analysis (neural
substrate or higher level mental knowledge), formal versus non-formal theories of
mind, processing of statistical/ structural information, mental knowledge from
substantive stored information or mathematical abstractions (=rules)
PREREQUISITE: COGS 100. Students who have taken COGS 200 before 1998 may
take this course for further credit.
Jay Friedenberg and Gordon Silverman. 2005.
Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the
study of Mind.
Published by Sage, ISBN 1-4129-2568-1.
Also: supplementary readings may be required in a custom courseware.
Students will be expected to keep up with all course readings and to participate in class
discussions. Grades are earned through assignments (257o), quizzes (257o), a midterm
and a comprehensive final (307o).
Cognitive Science Minor (July 6, 2007) ?

COGS 300 Calendar Description
COGS 300-3 Selected Topics in Cognitive Science
An interdisciplinary exploration of recent work on some special topic in cognitive science
(such as vision, reasoning, connectionism, etc.) Prerequisite: lower division cognitive
science course requirements.
Cognitive Science Minor (July 6, 2007)

COGS 310 Course Outline
COGS 310-3: Consciousness ?
Consciousness is often called "the last great
mystery of science". Even the very
definition of consciousness is hotly debated. This course will review cognitive
scientists' attempts to understand the qualities, boundaries, purposes and origins
of human consciousness. Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience, and Computing
will provide the data for this dramatic struggle between intuition and fact on this
journey of scientific and self discovery. The aim of the course is to give students a
thorough grounding in the current state of the scientific understanding of
consciousness, and a chance to exercise their reading, writing, debating, and
critical thinking skills.
PREREQUISITE: COGS 100 and COGS 200 (or permission of instructor)
Consciousness: An Introduction,
Susan Blackmore
Oxford University Press, USA ISBN 019515343X
Students will be expected to keep up with all course readings and to participate
in class discussions. Grades are earned through participation(107o), short
assignments (257o), quizzes
and a research paper (407o).
Cognitive Science Minor (July 6, 2007)

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