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For Information
Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules
Annual Report 1 June 2006 - 31 May 2007
As specified by the Rules of Senate approved in September 2006, the Senate
Committee on Agenda and Rules is pleased to submit its annual report to
Michael Stevenson, President and Chair of Senate
Betty Schellenberg, Faculty Senator, Vice-Chair
John Waterhouse, Vice-President, Academic, Ex-officio member
Stephen Easton, Faculty Senator
Michael Hayes, Faculty Senator
Derrick Harder, Student Senator
Paul Percival, Faculty Senator
Alison Watt, Director, University Secretariat, Secretary of SCAR.
SCAR meets 13 days before each scheduled meeting of Senate, and held
meetings on:
27 June, 5 September, 3 and 24 October, 21 November, 19 December
23 January, 20 February, 20 March, 1 and 29 May
Matters considered
Almost all items considered by SCAR are forwarded to Senate for
information or approval and are not repeated here.
Some items are considered by SCAR and SCAR determines that there is no
need for them to be forwarded to Senate. The following are those items that
were not forwarded to Senate;
a) SCAR approved the addition of a representative from the Faculty of
Health Sciences on the Award of Excellence in Teaching Committee (5
September 2006).

SCAR approved the removal of the ad hoc Committee to Review and
Develop Life-Long Learning from the Senate website as the committee is
defunct (5 September, 2006).
SCAR detennined that the Ergonomics Policy (GP 13) did not need to go
to Senate (3 October, 2006).
Following discussion at Senate about a possible change to the time of
Senate and the need for a survey of the university community about this
matter, SCAR reviewed draft surveys and suggested additional changes (24
October, 2006). This matter is still to be completed.
SCAR determined that the Investment Governance Policy Revision
(1310.09) did not need to go to Senate (20 February, 2007).
SCAR determined that the Signing Authorization Policy (B 10.11) did not
need to go to Senate (20 February, 2007).
The policies listed in c) e) and f) above have subsequently been approved by
the Board of Governors.
Michael Stevenson, President
Chair of Senate and the Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules
7 June, 2007

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