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From: Alison Watt, Secretary
Senate Nominating Committee
Date: ?
June 2, 2008
Subject: Senate Committee Elections
Elections will be conducted on-line following the Senate meeting on Monday, June 2, 2008 for those positions
noted below. All other positions have been elected by acclamation.
Calendar Committee
One Student replacing Amy Fox for a one year term. ?
Natalie Bocking
Amanda van Baarsen
emmittee to Review University Admissions (CRUA)
One Faculty member replacing Geoff Madoc-Jones, for a two year term.
Geoff Madoc-Jones - Elected by Acclamation
Two Graduate students (1 Regular, 1 Alternate) replacing Camilla Sears and Heather Latimer for a two year term.
Regular: ?
David Potter - Elected by Acclamation
One Undergraduate (alternate) student replacing Kamal Abduiwahab for a one year term
Earl Von Tapia - - Elected by Acclamation
Diverse Qualifications Adjudication Committee (DOAC)
Two Undergraduate students replacing Sarah Brebner and Benjamin Lee for a one year term.
Benjamin Lee - Elected by Acclamation
Ravi Patel - Elected by Acclamation
One Convocation Senator (Community member) replacing Alison Watt for a two year term.
Jim McArthur - Elected by Acclamation
Electoral Standing Committee
Three Senators, one of whom must be a Student Senator, to replace Amanda van Baarsen, Paul Percival and Jon
Driver for two year terms.
Mike Letoumeau - Elected by Acclamation
Paul Percival - Elected by Acclamation
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International Student Exchange Committee (ISEC)
One Faculty member from the Faculties of Applied Sciences (to fill an existing vacancy), Education and Science
replacing Iris Geva-May and John Bechhoefer, for two year term.
Applied Sciences ?
Farid Golnaragh - Elected by Acclamation
Education ?
Roumi Ilieva - Elected by Acclamation
Science ?
John Bechhoefer - Elected by Acclamation
One Student replacing James Rankin and one student Alternate (new) for a one year term.
Earl Von Tapia - Elected by Acclamation
Research Ethics Board (REB)
Two members of the University Community replacing Benjamin Lee and Felix Breden for three year terms.
Kim Bartholomew
Benjamin Lee
Earl Von Tapia
One member from outside the University Community - preferably an M.D. - replacing Laurence J
Turner, M.D.
for a three year term.
Laurence Turner, MD - Elected by Acclamation
One Student member replacing Alex Hemingway, and one Student Alternate (new) for a two year term.
Aman Bains
Sean Robertson
Thomas Unsoeld
Bhuvinder Vaid
Senate Appeals Board (SAB)
Two Faculty members (1 Regular, 1 Alternate) replacing Peter Liljedahl and Richard Yates, for two year terms.
Peter Liljedahl
Richard Yates
Two Graduate students (1 Regular, 1 Alternate) replacing Jennifer Scott and Heather Latimer for two year terms.
Jennifer Scott - Elected by Acclamation
Two Undergraduate students (1 Regular, I Alternate) replacing Karen Tse and Waseem Javed to May 31, 2009
Natalie Bocking
Ali Godson
Senate Committee on Academic Integrity in Student Learning and Evaluation (SCAISLE)
Committee Chair, replacing Robert Gordon for the period 1 June - January 2009
Robert Gordon - Elected by Acclamation
One Faculty member replacing Peter Tingling for the period 1 June -January 2009
Peter Tingling - Elected by Acclamation
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Two Undergraduate (1 Regular and 1 Alternate) and One Graduate (Alternate) replacing Derrick Harder, Karen Tse
Sd Brett McCollum for the period 1 June —January 2009
U/G Regular Joseph Paling - Elected by Acclamation
U/G Alt
Grad. Alt
Eli Gibson - Elected by Acclamation
Senate Committee on Agenda and Rules (SCAR)
Two Faculty Senators replacing Dan Weeks and Stella Atkins for two year terms.
Maureen Fizzell - Elected by Acclamation
Ron Wakkary - Elected by Acclamation
One Student Senator (Alternate) replacing Derrick Harder for a two year term.
Kevin Harding - Elected by Acclamation
Senate Committee on Continuing Studies (SCCS)
Four Faculty Senators replacing Robert Gordon, Paul Li, Peter Williams and Martin Laba for two year terms.
Brad Bart - Elected by Acclamation
Martin Laba - Elected by Acclamation
Dolores van der Wey - Elected by Acclamation
One Student Senator replacing Alex Hemingway for a two year term.
ne Student (Alternate) replacing Gillian Judson for a two year term.
One Senator replacing Stella Atkins to May 31, 2009
One Convocation Senator replacing Don Smith to May 31, 2009
Senate Committee on Enrolment Management and Planning (SCEMP)
Two Faculty Senators replacing Sam Black and Maureen Fizzell, for two year terms.
Brad Bart
Greg Dow
Maureen Fizzell
Undergraduate Student Senator, replacing Kevin Harding for a one year term.
Kevin Harding - Elected by Acclamation
1 Graduate Student replacing Brett McCollum for a one year term.
Graham Lyons - Elected by Acclamation
Senate Committee on International Activities (SCM)
Two Faculty Senators replacing Dan Weeks and Natalee Popadiuk for two year terms.
Natalee Popadiuk - Elected by Acclamation
Steve Thompson - Elected by Acclamation
One Senator replacing Ramo Gencay for a two year term.
Ramo Gencay - Elected by Acclamation
One Student Alternate (new) for a two year term.
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Senate Committee on Disciplinary Appeals (SCODA)
Three Faculty members (1 Regular, 2 Alternate) replacing Kevin Stewart, Geoffrey Poitras, and Rob Woodbury for
two year terms.
Geoffrey Poitras - - Elected by Acclamation
Brad Bart
Alternate ?
Luis Goddyn
Alternate ?
Jodi Viljoen
Five Students (3 Regular, 2 Alternates) replacing Carroll Boydell, Murtaza Dhanani, Joe Paling, Karen Tse and Amy
Fox for one year terms.
Aman Bains
Natalie Bocking
Kathy McKay
Ravi Pate!
Thomas Unsoeld
Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (SC US)
Two Undergraduate Students replacing Amanda van Baarsen and Kevin Harding and one Undergraduate Student
Alternate (new) for one year terms.
Haida Arsenault-Antolick
Aman Bains
Kevin Harding
Joseph Paling
Senate Committee on University Honours (SC UI-f)
One Faculty Senator from the Faculties of Health Sciences and Science, replacing Kitty Corbett and Tony Williams
for three year terms.
Health Sciences ?
Michael Hayes - Elected by Acclamation
Science ?
Tony Williams - Elected by Acclamation
Two Convocation Senators replacing Cohn Percival and Don Smith for three year terms.
Jim McArthur
Cohn Percival
D'Arcy Warner
Senate Committee on University Priorities (SCUP)
One Faculty Senator from the Faculties of Applied Sciences, Arts and Social Sciences, and Business Administration
replacing Joe Peters, Dan Weeks and June Francis, for two year term, and one Faculty Senator from Health Sciences
replacing Lorraine Halinka Malcoe to May 31, 2009
Applied Sciences
Joe Peters - Elected by Acclamation
Arts and Social Sciences
Tracy Brennand - Elected by Acclamation
Business Administration
June Francis - Elected by Acclamation
Health Sciences ?
Craig Janes - Elected by Acclamation
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Four Student Senators (3 Regular and 1 Alternate) replacing Amanda van Baarsen, Derrick Harder, Adam Lein and
Brebner for one year terms.
Haida Arsenault-Antolick
Aman Bains
Natalie Bocking
Kevin Harding
Joseph Paling
Ravi Patel
Amanda van Baarsen
Earl Von Tapia
One Convocation Senator replacing D'Arcy Warner for a two year term.
Michael Letourneau
D'Arcy Warner
Senate Committee on University Teaching and Learning (SCUM
One Faculty member from the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, and Science replacing Nicky Didicher and Chris
Kennedy for three year terms.
Arts and Social Sciences
Paul Matthew St. Pierre - Elected by Acclamation
Science ?
Chris Kennedy - Elected by Acclamation
ne Undergraduate student replacing Kevin Harding for a one year term.
Haida Arsenault-Antolick
Benjamin Lee
One Graduate student replacing Joe Qranfal for a one year term.
Eli Gibson - Elected by Acclamation
Senate Graduate Awards Adjudication Committee (SGAAC)
One Convocation Senator replacing James McArthur for a two year term.
Jim McArthur - Elected by Acclamation
One Graduate student replacing Jasmine Crane and one Graduate student Alternate (new) for a one year term.
Kathy McKay - Elected by Acclamation
Alternate: ?
David Potter - Elected by Acclamation
Senate Graduate Studies Committee (SGSC)
Three graduate students (1 Regular, 2 Alternate) for one year term.
S ?
Ursula Arndt
Eli Gibson
Graham Lyons
of 7

Senate Library Committee /Library Penalties Appeals Committee (SLC/LPACI
Two Faculty Senators replacing Peter Williams and Peter Dickinson for a one year term.
Glenn Chapman - Elected by Acclamation
Daniel Leznoff— Elected by Acclamation
Two Sudent Alternates (One Undergraduate, One Graduate) replacing Jason Chan and Jennifer Scott for two year
JJ McCullough - Elected by Acclamation
Graham Lyons - Elected by Acclamation
Senate Nominating Committee (SNC)
One Faculty Senator from the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Education and Health Sciences replacing Peter
Dickinson, Natalee Popadiuk and Kitty Corbett, for two year terms.
Arts and Social Sciences
Greg Dow - Elected by Acclamation
Natalee Popadiuk - Elected by Acclamation
Health Sciences ?
Michel Joifres - - Elected by Acclamation
One Student Senator replacing Kevin Harding for one year term.
Kevin Harding - Elected by Acclamation
One Graduate Student replacing Michael Letourneau for one year term.
Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships. Awards and Bursaries (SPCSAB)
One Faculty Senator to Chair SPCSAB replacing Steve Easton for a three year term.
Steve Easton - Elected by Acclamation
One Faculty member replacing Iris Geva-May for a two year term.
Michael Everton - - Elected by Acclamation
One Faculty member replacing Peter Dickinson for a one-year term.
Malgorzata Dubiel - Elected by Acclamation
One Undergraduate Student replacing Waseem Javed and one Undergraduate Student Alternate (new) for one year
terms (dual position - SUAAC)
Haida Arsenault-Antolick
Joseph Paling
Ravi Patel
One Graduate Student replacing Brett McCollum and one Graduate Student Alternate (new) for one year terms
(dual position - SGAAC)
Regular ?
Clea Moray - Elected by Acclamation
Alternate ?
Graham Lyons - Elected by Acclamation
Senate Under
g raduate Awards Adjudication Committee
One Convocation Senator replacing James McArthur for a two year term.
Jim McArthur - Elected by Acclamation
One Undergraduate student replacing Kamal Abdulwahab and one Undergraduate student Alternate (new) for one
year terms.
Earl Von Tapia - Elected by Acclamation
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Vice-Chair of Senate
teve Easton's term as Vice-Chair will end on 31 May 2008. He has served one term as Vice-Chair arid is eligible to
serve a second term.
Steve Easton - Elected by Acclamation
As approved by Senate at its meeting on May 12, 2008, balloting for Senate Committee elections will be done on-
line. Candidate statements received prior to Senate distribution are attached. These statements as well as any
additional statements received prior to the start of balloting will be put on-line and will be available through a link at
http://students.sfu. ca/
elections/ during the balloting period. Following the June 2" meeting, a web survey ballot
will be released with an email announcement to
Senators. Voting will be permitted for 48 hours, and election
results will be released within three days of the end of voting.
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Statements of Candidates - Senate Committee Elections - June 2008
These statements, and others received prior to on-line balloting, will be available through a link at
http : //students.sfu. ca/elections
Arndt, Ursula
I have been a PhD student in the Archaeology Department since Fall 2005, working under the
supervision of Dr Dongya Yang. After completing my Masters degree in Mainz, Germany in
2003, I worked as a researcher at the Zoo and Wildlife Research Institute in Berlin. My research
focuses on Molecular Archaeology and the interdisciplinary relationship between Archaeology
and Conservation Genetics. I have been actively involved in graduate student issues since starting
at SFU. I was highly involved in the formation of the new Graduate Student Society, and I have
served on its Executive Committee since September, most of that time as its Chair.
I am interested in serving on the Graduate Studies Committee to learn and develop a better
understanding for graduate program issues at the University level. I feel that my experience
serving on GIC, and the GSS, will make me a valuable member of the Graduate Studies
Committee. Moreover, being part of this Committee would enhance my understanding of
University processes, a valuable tool for my future career in academia. I understand the
responsibilities of serving on the Graduate Studies Committee and I look forward to participating
in this committee.
Bains, Aman
• ?
My name is Aman Bains, and I am finishing up my second year
at Simon Fraser University. I am
a Communications student, with an interest in Public Relations and Media, and am concurrently
working towards my certificate of Liberal Arts. I am incredibly passionate and active within the
campus community, and am recognized by my peers as an strong advocate for students. I have
gotten more involved this past year, especially since the recent funding cuts that were imposed
two weeks before the budget was supposed to be implemented. Alongside students from the
University. of British Columbia, and the University of Victoria, myself; and two other students
from SFU formed the Coalition Against Funding Cuts. CAFC has petitioned heavily at all three
campuses, continues to work towards increasing awareness of the extent of the funding cuts, and
demands that the funding be restored. SCUP: As an individual already interested with the battles
that the University is fighting, I want to be able to have the opportunity to give a voice to
students. I feel that I am a strong, and capable individual for this job. The Senate Committee on
University Priorities is one that I am very interested in, and want to be able to be part of during
the upcoming year. REB: I am interested in this specific committee because I believe that as a
highly respected academic institution, we have to work hard towards ensuring that the projects
and research protocols are handled ethically. Although never having sat on this committee before,
I believe that the protocols and projects will be of interest to me as I do hope to continue on after
my Undergrad and pursue projects of my own. SCUS: The Senate Committee on
Undergraduate Studies is one that is appealing to me due to the fact that I am very involved with
the Undergraduate population at SFU, and will remain one for the next two years. I feel that I
would bring a lot to the table, and as a student from Surrey offer afresh perspective.
After talking to past Senators who had sat on the Senate Committee for Disciplinary Appeals, I
was very intrigued. I took some time to look through the reports found on the Senate website,
and was appalled at the sorts of academic dishonesty that was found. Academic dishonesty should
Candidate Statements 20 May 08
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not be tolerated at any time, especially at a University. I believe strongly in honesty and integrity
and feel fit for a position on this committee.
Bartholomew, Kim
Professor, Department of Psychology
BA (Honours), SFU, 1984; PhD, Stanford University, 1989; joined SFU's.
Department of Psychology, 1990
Service. I
have been an active member of my department and the broader SFU community.
Notably, I have served as Chair of the Psychology Department's Graduate Studies Committee
(1994-1996, 1998-2001), Acting Chair of the Psychology Department (2001-2002), and a
member of the Faculty College (Arts) (2004-2005). I have served on various committees in
professional organizations, on grant review panels, and on journal editorial boards.
general area of expertise is adult intimate relationships.
current research focuses
on the societal and relational contexts in which partner abuse develops. I have employed a range
of methods in my research, including random community surveys, laboratory studies, and
qualitative research interviews.
am seeking appointment to the Research Ethics Board (REB). As an
active researcher and a supervisor of undergraduate and graduate student researchers, I appreciate
the importance of a smoothly functioning ethics review process. As an instructor of graduate
research methods, I have facilitated discussions about research ethics within my own discipline. I
am committed to protecting the interests of research participants and supporting the research
I am
an undergraduate
student and I am working towards a Bachelor of Arts degree and my
major is Political Science with a minor in Women's Studies. During my two years at Simon
Fraser University, I've been active in many areas of the university. I have just entered by second
year as a representative of the Students' Union, I've been an executive of several campus clubs
and I've been a Residence Orientation Leader. I have a grasp of the issues that face SFU students
and the SFU community.
As a senator, I hope to represent the needs and perspectives of students fairly and
consistently. I am passionate about student life and the quality of education students receive as
well as the integrity and reputation of the university to the rest of the country and the world.
The lack of provincial funding that Simon Fraser University has been receiving over the last.
few years is a serious problem that will continue to be addressed this year. I will work to protect
the quality of education and research that is produced at SFU.
Everton, Michael
I would like to stand as a faculty member on the Senate Policy Committee of Awards,
Scholarships and Bursaries.
reason is largely educational—and by that I mean my own
education. Since arriving at SFU in 2005, I have had a number of conversations with students
about the availability of and controls over funding at the university. Because I was educated in the
United States and came to SFU from another job there, and because funding is handled quite
differently here than there, I feel I am embarrassingly in the dark about how it is coordinated here
at SFU I would like to learn.
Candidate Statements 20 May 08
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Furthermore, I have yet to serve on a university committee, and it's time I began to contribute to
the university outside of departmental committees and my regular teaching duties. This
committee seems like an excellent place to start.
Thank you,
Gibson, Eli
In 2006, I completed my B.A.Sc. in Engineering Science at SFU, and am currently pursuing an
M.A.Sc. under Dr. Faisal Beg and completing premedical requirements. My time at SFU has
included holding executive positions in both undergraduate and graduate departmental student
unions, and participating in various committees in the SFSS. I have a keen interest in academic
structure at SFU, due to my time at SFU and my intended career as a professor. I have been a
member of the ENSC undergraduate curriculum committee and the FAS Graduate Committee. I
believe in establishing policy that creates appropriate incentives, and minimizes inefficiencies, and
would like bring my perspective to several Senate committees.
As a current student and future professor, the work of SCUTL holds particular interest.
Improving the feedback and incentives for teachers at all levels can make a noticeable difference
to learning outcomes. I am most interested in the ongoing work on course and teacher
evaluations. The work of SCAISLE is also very important to me. Policy for academic integrity is a
delicate balancing act, but one that SFU needs to increase their focus on. During my time at SFU,
I have seen more academic dishonesty that I had expected, and I can see opportunities for
eliminating or mitigating some of these through university policy. I am also interested in the work
of the SGSC because of my experience with analogous committees at the faculty and
departmental levels. I see an opportunity to push for more student input into identifying
interfaculty overlap, and promoting interfàculty interaction.
Harding, Kevin
Fellow Senators,
My name is Kevin Harding and I am a student senator. I have served on Senate for a year and am
happy to return. I stand nominated for SNC, SCUP, SCUS, and SCEMP. I believe that I can be
an effective member of these committees and I would ask for your support. I believe that SCUP,
SCUS, and SCEMP will be among the most important Senate committees to deal with the
challenges the University will be facing in the coming year. With concern over enrolments and
budgets, the University must evaluate the academic options it provides and ensure that it meets.
the expectations of students, faculty, and the wider community. We must ensure that academic
programs are healthy and that students are able to achieve their goals. SCUP, SCUS, and SCEMP
are committees that can provide a framework of academic programs, support, and enrolment
management to attract - and importantly, retain - students, and I hope that I will be able to use
my experience to work on these committees.
Thank you,
Candidate Statements
20 May
08 ?
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I have been
professor with the Faculty of Education since September 2007. I came to
SFU as a graduate international student in 1992. Following completion of my MA and PhD
degrees, I worked as a limited term lecturer and coordinated and taught in the MEd International
program in TESL with the Faculty of Education and continue my involvement with the program.
My personal knowledge of the life of an international student has convinced me of the powerful
and rich impact of international experiences on personal growth, cross-cultural understanding, and
the forging of international friendships. I also have a research interest into the experiences of
international students who go back to their home countries to teach English.
I believe that the work of ISEC is very important in enhancing university students opportunities
to experience the positive effects of international exchanges and to become truly educated
individuals capable of thinking of the world with empathy and understanding. I would appreciate
the opportunity to work on ISEC and believe that have expertise that would be useful to the
work of the committee.
Lee, Benjamin
A Leader with Priorities
Leadership is certainly not comfortable inaction - I believe strong leadership is
continuously developed when alternating between the roles of follower as well as leader. These
learning experiences are of equal value, and it is service, commitment and initiative that
characterizes who I am. As a fourth year Criminology and Health Sciences student, I am a co-op
student and in the process of completing my Certificate in Liberal Arts. At the community level, I
sharpened facilitating and teaching skills through my involvement with S.U.C.C.E.S.S., marking
this summer 10 years of volunteering with the non-profit organization. In 2006, I earned The
Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award; last June, The Honourable Iona Campagnolo presented me
with The Duke of Edinburgh's Leaders Recognition Badge.
Since September, I wanted to increase my involvement within the SFU community. I
participated in SFU's Certificate in Innovative Leadership program, I was elected to Senate. In
March I was re-elected as student senator representing the Faculty of Health Sciences, followed
by appointments to the Diverse Qualifications Adjudication Committee, Research Ethics Board
and Senate Committee on International Activities.
More than ever, my second term begins with the reminder that I didn't come to SFU so I
could justify credentials after my name; I came here to participate in an experience and I intend to
continue the goodwill and cheer which I have been so fortunate to come across and with a bit of
luck - transfer what I think is an infinite variety of experiences into reality for many more
members of the SFU community.
Letourneau, Michael
In 2006-07, I served on Senate for the past year as a Ph.D. student. I have now been elected for a
three-year term as a Convocation senator (having obtained my M.Sc. from SFU in 2004), In the
past, I have served on the Senate Graduate Studies Committee (SGSC) and the Senate
Nominating Committee (SNC). While on SGSC, I worked with the Committee to enhance the
quality of new graduate program offerings and to improve regulations affecting graduate students.
Candidate Statements 20 May 08 ?
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In addition to my work with SGSC and Senate, I served as a department- and university-level
graduate student representative on many occasions, and I worked extensively on the founding of
the Graduate Student Society and the resultant changes to the Simon Fraser Student Society.
My interest in the Senate Committee on University Priorities (SCUP) comes from my
experiences working with matters that relate to interests of both the student body, and the
University, as a whole. I am well aware of the current challenges faced by the University in terms
of recruitment, retention, education, funding, and research development, and my knowledge of
these matters will be useful to the Committee as it brings forward issues for Senate's consideration.
My interest in the Electoral Standing Committee (ESC) relates to the experience I can bring to it
from my significant experience in both policy matters and the administration and oversight of
elections at SFU.
McArthur, Jim
I was originally elected to Senate as a Convocation member in May of 1999 and have continued
in that capacity to the present. Initially I served on University Honors, Intake Management and
the President's Advisory committee. Since then I have worked on the Continuing Studies
Committee, the Undergraduate Academic Awards and the Graduate Awards Committees for
several years. The committee work has an insightful understanding of SFU. I hope to increase
this understanding in the near future; therefore I put my name forward for the following
committees: Diverse Qualifications; University Honors; Graduate Academic Awards;
Undergraduate Academic Awards.
As a sixth-year student and longtime user and fan of the SFU Bennett library, I feel I am a natural
choice to sit on the Senate's two library-related committees. From virtually the moment I first set
foot on Burnaby Mountain, the library has been my second home on campus, and there are few
aspects of the institution I have not made use of, at one time or another, during my many years of
study. Likewise, as a longtime hanger-on of the Simon Fraser Student Society, I feel I am
sufficiently familiar with how boards and committees work to be a useful and mature member of
this important decision-making form.
Though I am very interested in helping make decisions relating to the overall governance of the
library, the promise of sitting on the appeals committee is of particular interest as well. I have
actually dealt first-hand with the Library Penalties Appeals Committee on more than one occasion
myself; so I am fairly familiar with its internal operations and procedures. As a student who has
suffered numerous fines in a number of different contexts, I similarly consider myself a person
who will be sympathetic and understanding towards students who seek this committee's
mediation, but also firm and decisive when need be.
I've never been involved in Senate business until this year, but I feel my participation is long
overdue. As someone who has spent countless hours in the Bennett library, exploiting all of this
wonderful building's numerous educational resources, I think it is only fair that in this, my final
year at SFU, I make some small effort to give back.
Candidate Statements 20 May 08
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I am a PhD
in the History Department. Currently, I am serving as the Treasurer for
the Graduate Student Society. I came to this role after representing the Graduate History Caucus
in both the SFSS Forum and the GSS Council. I have also worked, as a board member in a
number of community groups in both Victoria and Campbell River.
I have an interest in the role of the citizen in civil society and would like to serve on the SCODA
committee in order to facilitate interactions between students and the larger SFU community.
I am very interested in serving on the SGAAC senate committee as a means to both enhance my
role in student government and to promote discussions regarding student concerns in the larger
SFU community.
Paling, Joe
Statement of Interest - SCAISLE, SCUP, SCUS, SPCSA.B
I am a fourth year undergraduate pursuing my final year of study at SFU with an honours
in history (Concentration in British history) and a minor in political science. I have been enrolled
at SFU since September 2005, and have been very active in the student community. I currently
serve as president of the SFSS, and in this capacity, I am approached on a daily basis by countless
students bringing forth all sorts of concerns directly related to the academic and financial
governance of the University as well as other important concerns about student life. With the
current positions that I hold, and as a representative for all students at SFU, I believe that my
involvement dictates that I will always be keeping my finger on the pulse of SFU, in order to best
represent my constituents.
I am interested in serving on SCAISLE because I believe that academic integrity is an
important concern for students on a day-to-day basis. Students have expressed their concern about
academic privacy and the protection of their work against copyright protection software. I am
interested in sitting on SCUP, because I believe that my experience as a student representative
would make me a strong asset for this committee. As far as economic matters go, in light of the
recent funding cuts it is clear that the university can no longer count on Provincial Funding for
support. In order for the long-term financial and academic health of SFU to be maintained, the
university must continue to
enrollment targets (probably by at least 5%) and seek private
donors. This is why I believe that
are the most important priorities for the
university in the coming year. This must go hand-in-hand with building the necessary
community and connections to our three campuses in order to encourage the donations of future
alumni. I wish to be on
(and in turn automatically on
so I can be part of the
discussion regarding the best way to expand bursaries and awards so more low-income students
are better served. One thing I would like to look at is whether we can expand the bursary
allowances for students who are not only eligible for government funding from their home
jurisdictions, but to expand the requirements so students who seek private loans could also be
covered. Lastly, I believe that my aforementioned experience as an undergraduate student at this
University and Langara College gives me unique insight into quality of education to make me an
ideal candidate for SCUS.
Candidate Statements20 May 08
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Pate!, Ravi
My name is Ravi Pate!, and I am working towards a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Political
Science with a minor in Criminology. Over the past two years, I have been involved in several
clubs and course unions at Simon Fraser University, including cultural, political and social clubs. I
have also volunteered with the Students' Union and acted in a leadership role during Orientation.
I have explored much of what SFU offers and feel very connected to the community.
Through my involvement, I have come to understand the issues that face students at Simon Fraser
University and the SFU community as a whole. My goal as a Senate representative is to work
with faculty and administrators to help overcome the obstacles that may keep SFU from being
one of the best universities in Canada and the world. SFU, like many post-secondary institutions
across the province, will continue to be faced with hard decisions about how to deal with the cuts
to per-student funding over the .past three years in addition to the most recent 2.6% cut by the
provincial government. I will work to mitigate the damage caused by these funding cuts by
ensuring that there are adequate numbers of teaching assistants and support staff, and that both
faculty and students have access to funding for research. I realize that the decisions that we make
have the potential to affect the entire university community and therefore we must work together
to ensure the academic integrity of SFU is maintained. Hard work and diligence is needed to
obtain success and reach the goals that have been set out upon, and I am up to the challenge.
Scott, Jennifer
• ?
Candidate Statement: Senate Appeals Board
I am currently the Graduate Student Representative on the Senate Appeals Board (SAB)
committee. I have held this position since May, 2006. I truly enjoy my work on this committee
and would be delighted to have the opportunity to continue to participate on the SAB for
another term. I feel that my years of experience on this committee alongside my previous years of
volunteer work with new Canadian immigrants as well as my current volunteer work with the
Teaching Support and Staff Union helps to inform my ability to evaluate student appeals and
effectively participate on the SAB. I am currently enrolled in a PhD program in the Department
of English, and am scheduled to complete my PhD in late 2010, which would coincide with the
end of my second term of work on the Board. Thank you for your support and consideration of
my application.
St. Pierre, Paul
Associate Professor of English Paul Matthew St. Pierre specializes in postcolonial literatures,
critical theory, and performance studies at Simon Fraser University, where he has taught since
1987. He is author of
A Portrait of
the Artist as Australian: L'Oeuvre bizarre de Barry Humphries
Song and Sketch Transcripts of British Music Hall Performers Elsie and Doris Waters (2003).
His current books are
Music Hall Mimesis in British and American Film, 1895-1960
Dickinson UP, forthcoming 2009) and
Semiotics and Biosemiotics in the Early Fiction ofJanet Frame.
He has been Secretary-Treasurer of the Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language
Studies and currently serves in the Delegate Assembly of the Modem Language Association. He is
also a visual artist; his mixed-media installation
Black Bird Swinging in the Dead
S ?
awarded "Best in Show" in 2002 at the Simon Fraser Gallery. He was recipient of the SFU
Excellence in Teaching Award.
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Tapia, Earl Von
My name is Earl Von Tapia, and I am an undergraduate Philosophy major with a minor in
Political Science. Throughout my five + years attending SFU, I have played many roles within
the university community. This past Spring I was elected as the Member Services Officer of the
Simon Fraser Student Society. Last fall I was hired as a Community Advisor at SFU's residences.
For a year I was news editor of The Peak, and afterwards was briefly on their Board of Directors.
I was president of the Philosophy Student Union for two years. In addition, I have held countless
volunteer positions with clubs and departmental student unions.
My current positions as MSO and CA, as well as my past experiences, have put me in
touch with a large and varied sector of the student population, ranging from undergrads and grads,
international students, and mature students, among others. This unique vantage point will be of
great help in doing the work on committees I have applied for, such as the Senate Committee on
University Priorities. In addition, for things such as the Research Ethics Board, I am excited at the
prospect of finding practical use for the philosophical training that I have undertaken all of these
Finally, as I am at the tail end of my academic career and only need a few classes until I
am eligible to graduate, I will have the time and energy to properly prepare for and attend
meetings for the committees I have signed up for.
Thank you for your consideration.
Vaid, Bhuvinder
SFU Faculty of Education
My name is Bhuvinder Singh Vaid, and I have been the Education Faculty Student
Senator since September 2006. During this period, I have served the Faculty of Education on
senate subcommittees such as the Senate Graduate Studies Committee and the Senate Committee
on University Honours. I am now asking you to elect me as the student (graduate) rep to the
Research Ethics Board as well as the University Honours committee.
My experience to serve the university community and Senate on these two sub-committees is
as follows:
my attendance to Senate and its sub-committees has been near perfect, and I expect to be
able to make all meetings into the future;
I have been an active member of the graduate student caucuses in the past years, and
hence well versed in the issues of importance to students;
my public service to the university community was recently recognized with my awarding
of the Arthur and Ancie Fouks Graduate Entrance Award in Public Service for the fall
2008 semester when I will be commencing my PhD in Philosophy of Education;
Though the research I have undertaken in both my MA and PhD would be deemed 'low' to
'minimal' risk, I have nonetheless undertaken a study of the Tn-Council Policy statement on
Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans, and know that I will be able to represent the
interests of students on the Research Ethics Board and its ongoing deliberations. In regard to the
University Honours committee, I know that my strong background in the history of SFU (my
current research has focused upon this history), will help guide me as we deliberate the merits of
each potential candidate for a honourary degree from SFU.
I thank you for your consideration.
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I am currently an Assistant Professor of Psychology in the areas of Law-Forensic Psychology and
Clinical Psychology. I joined the psychology dept. at Simon Fraser University in 2004, after
teaching at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for two years. I have interests in serving as an
alternate faculty member on SCODA because like many faculty members, I have encountered
challenging situations regarding academic dishonesty, and have grappled with how to best
respond. Also, participation in SCODA ties strongly to my professional and research interests,
which focus on the application of ethical and legal principles. Specifically, my research examines
adolescent offending, individuals understanding of their legal rights and competencies, and policies
to enable fair legal proceedings. In my current and past university service work, I have acquired
experience which would be useful in this position, such as acting as an Ethics Examiner for
Clinical Psychology Program.
Warner, D'Arcy
Statement —Election to SCUP (Convocation Senator)
I have served on SCUP for three years and would like to continue my involvement with this
committee. I believe that my professional life and university experience bring a perspective that
will continue to be useful to this committee. Such experiences include the following:
> Strategic planning, organizational development and succession planning.
• ?
> Several years of senior management in Human Resources including training and development
and the leadership of employee groups.
> Member of EMBA Alumni Endowment Fund Committee.
> Past President, Alumni Executive Board. and MBA Alumni Association.
> Recipient of Outstanding Alumni Award, 2002 - Service to the University.
I would appreciate your support in electing me to the Convocation Senator position on SCUP.
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