    Kevin Harding, Senator
    Academic Amnesty -4 February 2009
    December 10, 2008
    The Simon Fraser Student Society, the Graduate Student Society, the Simon Fraser
    University Faculty Association, the Teaching Support Staff Union, CUPE 3338, and other
    campus community groups are organising a rally on 4 February 2009 to draw attention to
    the impacts on SFU, and to call on the provincial government to address the situation. The
    provincial government's budget is expected on 17 February 2009. A rally will be held in
    the Convocation Mall at 12:30pm, and all members of the university community are
    encouraged to attend to voice their support.
    As all Senators are no doubt aware, funding is a serious issue facing the university.
    Budget shortfalls due to underfunding impact the quality of education at SFU. All
    members of the university community are concerned about the impacts of continued
    financial pressures on the university.
    Recent provincial government funding changes have put even more pressures on the
    university's budget. A $6.3 million reduction in expected funding has left the university
    • ?
    community working hard to find new ways to reduce costs and find efficiencies.
    Unfortunately, it appears that reductions in faculty and staff, with related impacts on
    teaching and learning, are unavoidable.
    Consequently, the community groups involved request that Senate requests a day of
    academic amnesty to allow students and instructors to participate in the rally.
    Additionally, the community groups request that all reasonable accommodations be made
    to enable any member of the university community to participate.
    "Senate requests that faculty and instructors make every effort to accommodate
    students who wish to participate in the February
    rally and not penalize these
    students academically."

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