1. S.13-98

University Drive, Burnaby, BC
Canada Y5A 1S6
Tlvl.: 778.782.3925
FAX: 778.782.5876
June 19,2013
Jon Driver, Vice-President, Academic and
Provost, and Chair, SCUP
Faculty of Science: Full Program Proposal for a Joint Honours in Chemistry and Molecular
Biology and Biochemistry in the Departments of Chemistry and Molecular Biology and
Biochemistry (SCUP 13-30)
At itsJune 19, 2013 meeting, SCUP reviewed and approved the Full Program Proposal for aJoint
Honours in Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry in the departments
of Chemistry and
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry within the Faculty
of Science, effective Spring 2014.
That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors the Full Program Proposal for aJoint
Honours in Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry in the departments of Chemistry and
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry within the Faculty of Science, effective Spring 2014.
D. Leznoff
I. Northwood

SCUP 13-30
University Drive,
TEL: 778.782.4636
Burnaby, BC
FAX: 778.782.5876
Canada V5A1S6
Senate Committee on University
Gordon Myers, Chair
Senate Committee on Undergraduate
Faculty of Science (SCUS 13-25a]
June 7, 2013
Action undertaken by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies at its meeting of
June 6, 2013, gives rise to the following recommendations:
That SCUP approve and recommend to Senate the Full Program Proposal for the
Joint Honours in Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry in the
departments of Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry within the
Faculty of Science.
The relevant documentation for review by SCUP is attached

Joint Honours in Chemistry,
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Simon Fraser University
Executive Summary
A Joint Honours in Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry has been
developed and is proposed jointly by the two Departments in the Faculty of
The intent of this proposal is to bring together the expertise from these three
areas and to foster interdisciplinary training of highly motivated students in all
three subjects, something not currently available in a comprehensive manner to
SFU students; a significant research component is also included. Given the
substantial importance of biotechnology, pharmaceutical and health sectors to
the economy of B.C., this Joint Honours program will be attractive to students
since it will prepare them to participate at the leading edge of these sectors; it will
also form an excellent foundation for entry to professional health-related degrees
and training.
No analogous program is currently offered at other B.C.
Based upon existing courses, this program can be mounted immediately with no
requirement for new resources.
Simon Fraser University has committed to expand its programming in new and
emerging areas. The Joint Honours in Chemistry, Molecular Biology and
Biochemistry is one such area, and will provide advanced interdisciplinary
training in the fields of chemical, biotechnology, pharmaceutical and health
sectors, all areas of importance to B.C. and Canadian society. The subject areas
have always been strongly complementary and this Joint Honours will capitalize
on strengths in both departments to educate students to answer biological
questions using the tools of physical science, gain research experience, and will
provide a credential that accurately reflects their broad experience and training at
the interface of these disciplines.
Credential to be awarded:
Joint Honours, Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, B.Sc.
April 2013

SFU, Burnaby Campus
Faculty/Department/School offering the new program:
Chemistry Department and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Department,
Faculty of Science
Anticipated program start date:
Summer 2014
Description of proposed program:
a) Aims, goals, and/or objectives
The intent of this proposal is to bring together the expertise from Chemistry and
Molecular Biology and
Biochemistry to capitalize on strengths in
departments to foster interdisciplinary
training of highly motivated students in the
in all three disciplines, something not currently available in a comprehensive
manner to SFU students.
In particular, this Honours Program provides the
students with substantial hands-on research experience in research laboratories
in both departments. This program can be run with no requirements for new
b) Anticipated contribution to mandate and strategic plan of the institution
The concept of the program is that it meets the needs of
highly motivated
students interested in immersion in Chemistry, Molecular Biology and
Biochemistry. Graduates of the program will be trained to supply the needs of an
increasingly important sector at the intersection of physical and
life sciences,
thereby relating to the increased development of interdisciplinary/cross-
disciplinary experience and training. According to the BC Labour Market Outlook
2010-2020,1 "the occupation group expected to experience the strongest growth
in demand in the province is Health Occupations", followed closely by "Natural
and Applied Sciences and Related Occupations". This Program
will help to fill
this key skills need in B.C.
More generally, research in this area seeks answers to biological questions using
the tools of physical science and has the potential to transform many areas of
human endeavour. A NRC (US) report2 indicates that "further research at this
intersection not only will advance our understanding of the fundamental
questions of science, but will also significantly impact public health, technology
and stewardship of the environment for the benefit of society." Such conclusions
are relevant not just for the US but for Canada as well, and this Joint Honours will
prepare SFU students to participate at the leading edge of this sector, with the
added benefit of completing substantial research courses in both the CHEM and
MBB Departments.
1 BC Labour Market Outlook 2010-2020, Government of B.C.
April 2013

2"Research at the Intersection of the Physical and Life Sciences", National Research Council
(US) Committee on Research at the Intersection of the Physical and Life Sciences, Washington
(DC): National Academies Press (US): 2010.
c) Target audience
The proposed curriculum will graduate Science majors with backgrounds in
Chemistry, Molecular
Biology and Biochemistry. By combining these areas of
these students will fill an emerging niche that is often occupied by
people with post-graduate degrees in a specialized discipline.
interested in working primarily in the areas of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals
as laboratory workers or as management liaisons, or in government (e.g.
Health, Agriculture) would gain a significant competitive advantage with this
unique degree. Training in the critical area of genetic engineering would also be
enhanced with this proposed program.
In addition
graduates of this Honours program will be very well prepared for
advanced degrees in these areas. The substantial research component that is
included in this Honours degree (vs. the proposed Joint Majors program) in
particular prepares students for either working in the field or moving to post
graduate degrees.
d) Content and summary of requirements for graduation
Content Lower Division (LD) Requirements
Lower Division Requirements: 65-66 Units
Breakdown: 31 CHEM, 6 MBB and 28-29 other. Note that the "other" includes
11 units of BISC courses. MBB does not offer 100 level courses.
Upper Division (UD) Requirements
Chemistry UD Requirements: 24 - 27 required units (including the research
course CHEM 481-5). MBB UD Requirements: 24 - 27 required units (including
the research course MBB 491-5), (the three unit difference depends on whether
students take CHEM 360 or MBB 323)
Total Minimum Requirements including Electives
Subtotal: 65-66 Lower Division, 60 Upper Division, 125-126 units
LD or UD Electives: Students will supplement the specified courses to satisfy
WQB graduation requirements
Total: Minimum 132 credits overall
Minimum GPA of 3.0 to be awarded an Honours degree
University Breadth Requirement:
The B-Sci requirement is included in the required coursework, as per the WQB
policy regarding Joint Majors/Honours. The 12 B-SocSci and B-Hum units will be
required to complete the total breadth requirements and fulfilled with elective
April 2013

University Writing Intensive Requirement:
Both the lower and upper-division requirements will be included in the required
Co-Operative Education
Optional. Administered through the Science co-op coordinators. Many students in
these fields obtain relevant summer jobs outside of the Co-op program.
e) Delivery Methods
Since the program is based upon existing courses, the standard delivery
methods already in place on campus - Lecture/Lab/Tutorial - will be used.
f) Linkages between learning outcomes and curriculum design
The learning outcomes are to train students for proficiency in the areas of
Chemistry, Molecular Biology
and Biochemistry for placement in the rapidly
expanding biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, and/or related
government agencies. A work experience/work place term is NOT required for
degree completion, however a research course component is an integral part of
this Joint Honours program.
g) Distinctive characteristics
The partnership of Chemistry and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (MBB) in a
Joint Honours degree is an obvious expression of the linkages between the three
disciplines and will help bring students (and faculty) in the two Departments
closer together. The proposed new Joint Honours will benefit students (and
faculty) who have otherwise been pursuing their interests through major/minor
These interests are better accommodated by this focused program
which delivers the content centered at the interface of these three areas, as well
as encouraging research interactions between the two Departments via
undergraduate research experience.
h) Anticipated completion time
Four to five years.
Enrolment plan for the length of the program
This degree program may be attractive to high-school students who have a
strong interest in both chemistry and the life sciences.
Admitted Science
students can declare this Joint Honours degree at any time. Students in other
programs at SFU or via transfer from other post-secondary institutions may opt to
pursue this program following consultation with Chemistry and/or MBB advisors.
The Chemistry department will have primary administrative oversight of the
We have informally surveyed current SFU Science students regarding their
interest in this Joint Major and Honours program. From this exercise, it
is clear that there is significant interest on both sides for such a program. We
April 2013

estimate the initial enrolment to be about 10 students but there is a large
potential to increase once it has become established.
The surveyed interest of existing students indicates that this Joint Program will
be a specific program offering that can target a new student audience resulting in
increased enrolment into SFU programs.
j) Policies
on student evaluation (degree requirements)
As per general regulations of the University and the Faculty of Science.
k) Policies on faculty appointment (minimum qualifications)
All continuing faculty have a Ph.D. or equivalent.
I) Policies on program assessment
All academic units at SFU are subject to external review every seven years.
m) Level of support and recognition from other post-secondary institutions
(including plans for admission and transfer within BC) and relevant
regulatory or professional bodies
As per SFU's transfer credit procedures, students may transfer from BC colleges
or universities to enroll into this program.
n) Evidence of student interest and labour market demand
We have informally surveyed current SFU Science students regarding their
potential interest in this Joint Major or Honours program. From this exercise, it is
clear that there is significant interest for such a program. Incorporating the
principles of the physical sciences to understand the operation of living sysiems
is one of the next frontiers in Science, particularly with applications to society.
The earlier referenced 2010 NRC report urges academic institutions to
accelerate this cross-disciplinary education There should be an enormous
demand in many areas such as pharmaceutical development, other aspects of
medicinal chemistry, environmental technology and genetic engineering for a
graduate with a degree combining the physical and life sciences, as outlined in
general in the aforementioned BC Labour Market Outlook 2010-2020 report.
o) Summary of resources (faculty members, space, and equipment)
required and available to implement the program
No additional resources are required. The program can be accommodated with
present courses and faculty.
p) Brief description of any program and associated resources that will be
reduced or eliminated when the new program is introduced
q) List of faculty members teaching/supervising, what percentage of their
teaching will be devoted to the program, and their areas of specialization
April 2013

All faculty in both departments will contribute to this program as part of their
normal teaching load. All courses required for this Joint Honours are already
offered on a regular basis by the two Departments.
r) For a program where the intention is to charge a premium fee, a budget
developed in collaboration with the dean of the faculty.
This is not a premium fee program.
Related programs at SFU and other British Columbia post-secondary
There is no analogous program at SFU. The closest related program would be a
Double Major in CHEM/MBB or a Major/Minor combination, neither of which
would provide the extensive research component that is inherent to the Joint
Honours. The Major/Minor has also quite a different balance. This proposed
Joint Honours focuses on the key courses that a student anticipating entering the
labour force after graduation would need to be "fluent" in the areas of Chemistry,
Bio-chemistry and Molecular Biology, and incorporates a substantial research
component above and beyond the analogous proposed Joint Major program.
At UBC, there is no analogous program. As at SFU, UBC has separate
"Chemistry" and "Biochemistry and Molecular Biology" Departments, however the
focus of the latter is very biochemical. The closest that could be achieved would
Chemistry/Biology, both of which have an extremely low flexibility and are much
more "biochemistry" or "biology" focused than the more interdisciplinary offering
of this proposed Joint Honours, which includes a substantial Molecular Biology
One more extremely important difference is that the proposed
research component for this proposed Joint Honours program is much more
substantial and interdisciplinary (with research courses in both MBB and CHEM
areas included) than for UBC'sCombined Honours programs.
At Univ. Victoria, there are separate "Chemistry" and "Biochemistry and
Microbiology" Depts. There is no Honours program that encompasses both
Departments, and the Combined Majors in "Chemistry/Biochemistry" and
"Chemistry/Microbiology" both have a much larger focus on microbiology than
this proposed Joint Honours and, critically, no research component.
Name, title, phone number and e-mail address ofthe institutional contact person
in case more information is required.
Daniel Leznoff, Professor and Chair of Undergraduate Studies Committee,
Department of Chemistry, 778-782-4887, dleznoff@sfu.ca.
Ingrid Northwood,
Senior Lecturer and Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Department of
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, 778-782-3536, inorthwo@sfu.ca.
April 2013

Proposed Calendar Description - Faculty of Science
This Bachelor of Science (BSc) honours program is offered jointly bytheDepartment of
Chemistry and Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Entry requires
permission of both Departments.
Lower Division Requirements
Students complete thesame lower division requirements asthose specified forthe major
Upper Division Requirements
(at least 51 units)
Students complete the same upper division requirements as those specified for the major
program and
CHEM 481-5 Undergraduate Research
MBB 491-5 Undergraduate Research
At least 3 additional units ofupper-division CHEM and 3 additional units of
upper-division MBB
In addition to the above, students complete
courses chosen to fulfill the WQB requirements
upper division courses from any faculty to total at least 60 upper division units
electives at any division from any faculty to provide 132 units as required for the
April 2013

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